
1.ALNS 算法核心思想

Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) 算法是一种元启发式算法,用于解决组合优化问题。ALNS 算法结合了离散优化中的邻域搜索和元启发式算法的特点,能够有效地应对各种复杂的优化问题。

ALNS 算法的核心思想自适应大领域搜索的核心思想是:破坏解、修复解、动态调整权重并选择(自适应)。通过设计多组破坏算子和修复算子,扩大解空间搜索范围,对当前解进行改进,表现好的破坏和修复方法相应地得到高分,权重也越高。在每次迭代中,根据以往表现对各个破坏和修复算子进行选择和权重调整,使用高效的组合方法,提高算法寻优能力,从而找到最优解。


破坏算子在ALNS中用于破坏当前解,并生成新的候选解。常见的破坏算子包括随机移除、最差移除、相似移除等。针对destroy算子,首先需要确定的是destroy的比例,例如下面将介绍的34个城市的TSP问题,如果destroy比例为10%,则需要删除3个城市;然后还要确定删除哪3个,这就有 C(34,3)= 5984种情况






式中,Wd为算子权重,Sd为算子分数,Ud为算子的使用次数,ρ为权重更新系数(控制权重变化的速度)。其实就是:算子新权重 = 算子旧权重 × (1 - 系数) + 系数 × (累加分数 ÷ 累加次数),将算子权重与以往表现挂钩。














以下是python实现的代码。 其中,destroy算子有3个:随机筛选N个城市、删除距离最大的N个城市和随机删除连续的N个城市;repair算子有2个:随机插入和贪心插入,不过考虑到随机插入的效果大概率比较差,所以代码中实际只使用了贪心插入。


    def dis_cal(path, dist_mat):
        distance = 0
        for i in range(len(path) - 1):
            distance += dist_mat[path[i]][path[i + 1]]
        distance += dist_mat[path[-1]][path[0]]
        return distance

    # 随机删除N个城市
    def random_destroy(x, destroy_city_cnt):
        new_x = copy.deepcopy(x)
        removed_cities = []

        # 随机选择N个城市,并删除
        removed_index = random.sample(range(0, len(x)), destroy_city_cnt)
        for i in removed_index:
        return removed_cities

    # 删除距离最大的N个城市
    def max_n_destroy(x, destroy_city_cnt):
        new_x = copy.deepcopy(x)
        removed_cities = []

        # 计算顺序距离并排序
        dis = []
        for i in range(len(new_x) - 1):
            dis.append(dist_mat[new_x[i]][new_x[i + 1]])
        sorted_index = np.argsort(np.array(dis))

        # 删除最大的N个城市
        for i in range(destroy_city_cnt):
            removed_cities.append(new_x[sorted_index[-1 - i]])
            x.remove(new_x[sorted_index[-1 - i]])

        return removed_cities

    # 随机删除连续的N个城市
    def continue_n_destroy(x, destroy_city_cnt):

        new_x = copy.deepcopy(x)
        removed_cities = []

        # 随机选择N个城市,并删除
        removed_index = random.sample(range(0, len(x) - destroy_city_cnt), 1)[0]
        for i in range(removed_index + destroy_city_cnt, removed_index, -1):
        return removed_cities

    # destroy操作
    def destroy(self, flag, x, destroy_city_cnt):
        # 三个destroy算子,第一个是随机删除N个城市,第二个是删除距离最大的N个城市,第三个是随机删除连续的N个城市
        removed_cities = []
        if flag == 0:
            # 随机删除N个城市
            removed_cities = self.random_destroy(x, destroy_city_cnt)
        elif flag == 1:
            # 删除距离最大的N个城市
            removed_cities = self.max_n_destroy(x, destroy_city_cnt)
        elif flag == 2:
            # 随机删除连续的N个城市
            removed_cities = self.continue_n_destroy(x, destroy_city_cnt)

        return removed_cities

    # 随机插入
    def random_insert(x, removed_cities):
        insert_index = random.sample(range(0, len(x)), len(removed_cities))
        for i in range(len(insert_index)):
            x.insert(insert_index[i], removed_cities[i])

    # 贪心插入
    def greedy_insert(self, x, removed_cities):
        dis = float('inf')
        insert_index = -1

        for i in range(len(removed_cities)):
            # 寻找插入后的最小总距离
            for j in range(len(x) + 1):
                new_x = copy.deepcopy(x)
                new_x.insert(j, removed_cities[i])
                if self.dis_cal(new_x, dist_mat) < dis:
                    dis = self.dis_cal(new_x, dist_mat)
                    insert_index = j

            # 最小位置处插入
            x.insert(insert_index, removed_cities[i])
            dis = float('inf')

    # repair操作
    def repair(self, flag, x, removed_cities):
        # 两个repair算子,第一个是随机插入,第二个贪心插入
        if flag == 0:
            self.random_insert(x, removed_cities)
        elif flag == 1:
            self.greedy_insert(x, removed_cities)

    # 选择destroy算子
    def select_and_destroy(self, destroy_w, x, destroy_city_cnt):
        # 轮盘赌逻辑选择算子
        prob = destroy_w / np.array(destroy_w).sum()
        seq = [i for i in range(len(destroy_w))]
        destroy_operator = np.random.choice(seq, size=1, p=prob)[0]

        # destroy操作
        removed_cities = self.destroy(destroy_operator, x, destroy_city_cnt)

        return removed_cities, destroy_operator

    # 选择repair算子
    def select_and_repair(self, repair_w, x, removed_cities):
        # # 轮盘赌逻辑选择算子
        prob = repair_w / np.array(repair_w).sum()
        seq = [i for i in range(len(repair_w))]
        repair_operator = np.random.choice(seq, size=1, p=prob)[0]

        # repair操作:此处设定repair_operator=1,即只使用贪心策略
        self.repair(1, x, removed_cities)

        return repair_operator




以下是一个使用自适应领域搜索算法求解tsp问题的matlab代码: ``` function [tour, cost] = tsp_adaptive_largescale(x, y) % TSP_ADAPTIVE_LARGESCALE Solve the traveling salesman problem (TSP) using % the adaptive large neighborhood search (ALNS) algorithm. % % Inputs: % x - A vector of x-coordinates for the cities. % y - A vector of y-coordinates for the cities. % % Outputs: % tour - A vector representing the order in which the cities are visited. % cost - The total distance traveled for the given tour. % % Example: % x = [0 1 2 3 4]; % y = [0 1 2 3 4]; % [tour, cost] = tsp_adaptive_largescale(x, y) % % Reference: % Ropke, S. and Pisinger, D. (2006). An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search % Heuristic for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows. % Transportation Science, 40(4):445-472. n = length(x); % number of cities dist = zeros(n); % distance matrix for i = 1:n for j = 1:n dist(i,j) = sqrt((x(i) - x(j))^2 + (y(i) - y(j))^2); end end % Initialize tour with nearest neighbor heuristic unvisited = 1:n; current = unvisited(1); unvisited(1) = []; tour = current; while ~isempty(unvisited) [~, idx] = min(dist(current,unvisited)); current = unvisited(idx); unvisited(idx) = []; tour = [tour current]; end % Initialize cost cost = 0; for i = 1:n-1 cost = cost + dist(tour(i),tour(i+1)); end cost = cost + dist(tour(n),tour(1)); % ALNS parameters max_iter = 1000; % maximum number of iterations max_no_improv = 50; % maximum number of iterations without improvement w = 0.1; % probability of selecting worst move p = 0.1; % probability of selecting random move alpha = 0.99; % cooling parameter T = 100; % initial temperature % Initialize iteration and no improvement counters iter = 0; no_improv = 0; while iter < max_iter && no_improv < max_no_improv % Select a move if rand < w [new_tour, new_cost] = worst_move(tour, dist); elseif rand < w + p new_tour = random_move(tour); new_cost = calculate_cost(new_tour, dist); else [new_tour, new_cost] = best_move(tour, dist); end % Determine whether to accept the move delta_cost = new_cost - cost; if delta_cost < 0 || rand < exp(-delta_cost/T) tour = new_tour; cost = new_cost; no_improv = 0; else no_improv = no_improv + 1; end % Update temperature T = alpha*T; % Increment iteration counter iter = iter + 1; end end function new_tour = random_move(tour) % RANDOM_MOVE Swap two randomly selected cities in the tour. n = length(tour); i = randi(n); j = randi(n); new_tour = tour; new_tour([i j]) = new_tour([j i]); end function [new_tour, new_cost] = best_move(tour, dist) % BEST_MOVE Find the best move by swapping each pair of cities and selecting % the best resulting tour. n = length(tour); new_tour = tour; new_cost = calculate_cost(tour, dist); for i = 1:n-1 for j = i+1:n % Swap cities i and j temp = new_tour(i); new_tour(i) = new_tour(j); new_tour(j) = temp; % Calculate new cost temp_cost = calculate_cost(new_tour, dist); % Update tour and cost if new cost is better if temp_cost < new_cost new_cost = temp_cost; else temp = new_tour(i); new_tour(i) = new_tour(j); new_tour(j) = temp; end end end end function [new_tour, new_cost] = worst_move(tour, dist) % WORST_MOVE Find the worst move by removing a randomly selected subset of % the cities and inserting them back in the tour at the best possible % position. n = length(tour); m = randi(n-1); % number of cities to remove subset = randsample(n,m); % subset of cities to remove subset = sort(subset); new_tour = tour; new_tour(subset) = []; new_cost = calculate_cost(new_tour, dist); for i = 1:n-m for j = 1:n-m if j >= i && j <= i+m continue; % skip cities in subset end % Insert cities in subset at position i temp_tour = [new_tour(1:i-1) subset new_tour(i:end)]; % Calculate new cost temp_cost = calculate_cost(temp_tour, dist); % Update tour and cost if new cost is worse if temp_cost > new_cost new_tour = temp_tour; new_cost = temp_cost; end end end end function cost = calculate_cost(tour, dist) % CALCULATE_COST Calculate the total distance traveled for the given tour. n = length(tour); cost = 0; for i = 1:n-1 cost = cost + dist(tour(i),tour(i+1)); end cost = cost + dist(tour(n),tour(1)); end ``` 请注意,此代码是一个基本的TSP求解器,可能无法处理非常大的问题。对于更大的问题,可能需要使用更高级的算法或并行计算。




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