Qt Quick 3D架构

Qt Quick 3D Architecture

Qt Quick 3D架构

Qt Quick 3D extends Qt Quick to support the rendering of 3D content. It adds extensive functionality, including several new public QML imports, as well as a new internal scene graph and renderer. This document describes the architecture of Qt Quick 3D from the public API to the details of how the rendering pipeline works.

Qt Quick 3D扩展了Qt Quicks以支持3D内容的渲染。它添加了广泛的功能,包括几个新的公共QML导入,以及一个新的内部场景图和渲染器。本文档描述了Qt Quick 3D的体系结构,从公共API到渲染管道如何工作的细节。

Module Overview


Qt Quick 3D consists of several modules and plugins that expose the additional 3D APIs as well as utilities for conditioning and importing existing 3D assets.

Qt Quick 3D由几个模块和插件组成,这些模块和插件公开了额外的3D API以及用于调节和导入现有3D资产的实用程序。

QML Imports


  • QtQuick3D - The main import which contains all the core components of Qt Quick 3D
  • QtQuick3D-主要导入,包含Qt Quick3D的所有核心组件
  • QtQuick3D.Effects - A library of built-in post processing effect components
  • QtQuick3D.Effects-内置后处理效果组件库
  • QtQuick3D.AssetUtils - A library for importing 3D assets at runtime
  • QtQuick3D.AssetUtils-用于在运行时导入三维资源的库
  • QtQuick3D.Helpers - A library of additional components which can be used to help design 3D and debug 3D scenes.
  • QtQuick3D.Helpers-一个附加组件库,可用于帮助设计3D和调试3D场景。

C++ Libraries


  • QtQuick3D - The only public C++ module. Contains the definitions of all types exposed to the QtQuick3D QML import as well as a few C++ APIs
  • QtQuick3D-唯一的公共C++模块。包含QtQuick3D QML导入中公开的所有类型的定义,以及一些C++API
    • QQuick3DGeometry - Subclass to create procedural mesh data
    • QQuick3DGeometry-创建程序网格数据的子类
    • QQuick3DTextureData - Subclass to create procedural texture data
    • QQuick3DTextureData-创建程序纹理数据的子类
    • QQuick3D::idealSurfaceFormat - used to get the ideal surface format
    • QQuick3D::idealSurfaceFormat-用于获得理想曲面格式
  • QtQuick3DAssetImport - An internal and private library to aid in importing assets and convert assets to QML.
  • QtQuick3DAssetImport-一个内部和私有库,用于帮助导入资产并将资产转换为QML。
  • QtQuick3DRuntimeRender - An internal and private library that contains the spatial scene graph nodes and renderer.
  • QtQuick3DRuntimeRender-一个内部和私有库,包含空间场景图节点和渲染器。
  • QtQuick3DUtils - An internal and private library used as a common utility library by all of the other C++ modules.
  • QtQuick3DUtils-一个内部和私有库,用作所有其他C++模块的公共实用程序库。

AssetImporters Plugins


The asset import tooling is implemented using a plugin based architecture. The plugins shipped with Qt Quick 3D extend the functionality of the asset importer library and tool, Balsam.

​资产导入工具使用基于插件的架构实现。Qt Quick 3D附带的插件扩展了资产导入器库和工具Balsam的功能。

  • Assimp - This plugin uses the 3rd party library libAssimp to convert 3D assets in 3D interchange formats to Qt Quick 3D QML components.
  • Assimp-该插件使用第三方库libAssimp将3D交换格式的3D资产转换为Qt Quick 3D QML组件。

How does Qt Quick 3D fit into the Qt Graphics Stack

Qt Quick 3D如何适应Qt图形堆栈

The above diagram illustrates how Qt Quick 3D fits into the larger Qt graphics stack. Qt Quick 3D works as an extension to the 2D Qt Quick API, and when using 3D scene items in conjunction with View3D the scene will be rendered via the Qt Rendering Hardware Interface (RHI). The RHI will translate API calls into the correct native rendering hardware API calls for a given platform. The diagram above shows the options available for each platform. If no native backend is explicitly defined, then Qt Quick will default to a sensible native backend for rendering for each platform.

​上图说明了Qt Quick 3D如何适应更大的Qt图形堆栈。Qt Quick 3D是2D Qt QuickAPI的扩展,当将3D场景项与View3D结合使用时,将通过Qt渲染硬件接口(RHI)渲染场景。RHI将API调用转换为给定平台的正确本地渲染硬件API调用。上图显示了每个平台的可用选项。如果没有显式定义本机后端,那么Qt Quick将默认为每个平台提供一个合理的本机后端。

The integration between the Qt Quick 3D components of the stack and the Qt Quick stack are described below in the next sections.

堆栈的Qt Quick 3D组件和Qt Quicks堆栈之间的集成将在下面的章节中描述。

3D in 2D Integration


Displaying 3D content in 2D is the primary purpose of the Qt Quick 3D API. The primary interface for integrating 3D content into 2D is the View3D component.

​以2D显示3D内容是Qt Quick 3D API的主要目的。将3D内容集成到2D的主要界面是View3D组件。

The View3D component works like any other QQuickItem derived class with content and implements the virtual function QQuickItem::updatePaintNode. Qt Quick calls updatePaintNode for all "dirty" items in the Qt Quick scenegraph during the synchronization phase. This includes the 3D items managed by a View3D, which also undergo their synchronization phase as a result of the updatePaintNode call.

​View3D组件的工作方式与任何其他QQuickItem派生类的工作方式相同,它包含内容,并实现了虚拟函数QQuickItem::updatePaintNode。Qt Quick在同步阶段调用Qt QuickScenegraph中所有“脏”项的updatePaintNode。这包括由View3D管理的3D项目,它们也会由于updatePaintNode调用而经历同步阶段。

The updatePaintNode method of View3D performs the following actions:


  • Set up a renderer and render target if one doesn't exist already
  • 设置渲染器和渲染目标(如果不存在)
  • Synchronize items in the 3D scene via SceneManager
  • 通过SceneManager同步3D场景中的项目
  • Update any "dynamic" textures that were rendered by Qt Quick (2D in 3D Texture path below)
  • ​更新由Qt Quick渲染的任何“动态”纹理(以下3D纹理路径中的2D)

The rendering of the 3D scene, however, does not occur in the View3D updatePaintNode method. Instead updatePaintNode returns a QSGNode subclass containing the renderer for Qt Quick 3D, which will render the 3D scene during the preprocess phase of the Qt Quick render process.

​但是,在View3D updatePaintNode方法中不会出现3D场景的渲染。相反,updatePaintNode返回一个包含Qt Quick 3D渲染器的QSGNode子类,它将在Qt Quick渲染过程的预处理阶段渲染3D场景。

The plumbing for how Qt Quick 3D will render depends on which View3D::renderMode is used:

​Qt Quick 3D的渲染方式取决于使用的View3D::renderMode:


The default mode for View3D is Offscreen. When using offscreen mode View3D becomes a texture provider by creating an offscreen surface and rendering to it. This surface can be mapped as a texture in Qt Quick and rendered with a QSGSimpleTextureNode.

​View3D的默认模式是Offscreen。使用Offscreen模式时,View3D通过创建屏幕外曲面并对其进行渲染而成为纹理提供程序。该曲面可以在Qt Quick中映射为纹理,并使用QSGSImpleteTextureNode进行渲染。

This pattern is very close to how QSGLayerNodes work already in Qt Quick.



When using the Underlay mode the 3D scene is directly rendered to the QQuickWindow containing the View3D. Rendering occurs as a result of the signal QQuickWindow::beforeRenderPassRecording() which means that everything else in Qt Quick will be rendered on top of the 3D content.

​使用Underlay模式时,3D场景直接渲染到包含View3D的QQuickWindow。呈现是信号QQuickWindow::beforeRenderPassRecording()的结果,这意味着Qt Quick中的所有其他内容都将呈现在3D内容之上。


When using the Overlay mode the 3D scene is directly rendered to the QQuickWindow containing the View3D. Rendering occurs as a result of the signal QQuickWindow::afterRenderPassRecording() which means that the 3D content will be rendered on top of all other Qt Quick content.

​使用叠加模式时,3D场景直接渲染到包含View3D的QQuickWindow。呈现是信号QQuickWindow::afterRenderPassRecording()的结果,这意味着3D内容将呈现在所有其他Qt Quick内容之上。


The Inline render mode uses QSGRenderNode, which enables direct rendering to Qt Quick's render target without using an offscreen surface. It does this by injecting the render commands inline during the 2D rendering of the Qt Quick Scene.

​内联渲染模式使用QSGRenderNode,它支持直接渲染到Qt Quick的渲染目标,而不使用屏幕外曲面。它通过在Qt Quick场景的2D渲染期间内联注入渲染命令来实现。

This mode can be problematic because it uses the same depth buffer as the Qt Quick renderer, and z values mean completely different things in Qt Quick vs Qt Quick 3D.

这种模式可能会有问题,因为它使用与Qt Quick渲染器相同的深度缓冲区,而z值在Qt Quicks和Qt Quick3D中的含义完全不同。

2D in 3D Integration


When rendering a 3D scene, there are many scenarios where there is a need to embed 2D elements into 3D. There are two different ways to integrate 2D content inside of 3D scenes, each of which has its own path to get to the screen.


Direct Path


The direct path is used to render 2D Qt Quick content as if it existed as an flat item in the 3D scene. For example, consider the following scene definition:

直接路径用于渲染2D Qt Quick内容,就像它作为平面项存在于3D场景中一样。例如,考虑以下场景定义:

Node {
    Text {
        text: "Hello world!"

What happens here is: when a child component is set on a spatial node of type QQuickItem, it is first wrapped by a QQuick3DItem2D, which is just a container that adds 3D coordinates to a 2D item. This sets the base 3D transformation for how all further 2D children are rendered so that they appear correctly in the 3D scene.


When the time comes to render the scene, these 2D items' QSGNodes are passed to the Qt Quick Renderer to generate the appropriate render commands. Because the commands are done inline and take the current 3D transformation into consideration, they are rendered exactly the same as in the 2D renderer, but show up as if they were rendered in 3D.

当渲染场景时,这些2D项的QSGNodes将传递给Qt Quick渲染器,以生成适当的渲染命令。由于这些命令是内联执行的,并且考虑了当前的3D变换,因此它们的渲染与2D渲染器中的渲染完全相同,但显示时就像在3D中渲染一样。

The drawback of this approach is that no lighting information of the 3D scene can be used to shade the 2D content, because the Qt Quick 2D renderer has no concept of lighting.

这种方法的缺点是,3D场景的照明信息不能用于对2D内容进行着色,因为Qt Quick 2D渲染器没有照明的概念。

Texture Path


The texture path uses a 2D Qt Quick scene to create dynamic texture content. Consider the following Texture definition:

纹理路径使用2D Qt Quick场景创建动态纹理内容。考虑以下纹理定义:

Texture {
    sourceItem: Item {
        width: 256
        height: 256
        Text {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            text: "Hello World!"

This approach works in the same way that Layer items work in Qt Quick, in that everything is rendered to an offscreen surface the size of the top-level Item, and that offscreen surface is then usable as a texture that can be reused elsewhere.

这种方法的工作方式与Qt Quick中的层项目工作方式相同,因为所有内容都渲染到与顶层项目大小相同的屏幕外表面,然后屏幕外表面可用作纹理,可以在其他地方重复使用。

This Texture can then be used by materials in the scene to render Qt Quick content on items.

然后,场景中的材质可以使用该纹理在项目上渲染Qt Quick内容。

Scene Synchronization


Scene Manager


The scene manager in Qt Quick 3D is responsible for keeping track of spatial items in a 3D scene, and for making sure that items are updating their corresponding scene graph nodes during the synchronize phase. In Qt Quick, this role is performed by QQuickWindow for the 2D case. The scene manager is the primary interface between the frontend nodes and the backend scene graph objects.

​Qt Quick 3D中的场景管理器负责跟踪3D场景中的空间项目,并确保项目在同步阶段更新其相应的场景图节点。在Qt Quick中,此角色由QQuickWindow在2D情况下执行。场景管理器是前端节点和后端场景图对象之间的主要接口。

Each View3D item will have at least one Scene Manager, as one is created and associated with the built-in scene root on construction. When spatial nodes are added as children of the View3D, they are registered with the View3D's scene manager. When using an imported scene, a second SceneManager is created (or referenced if one exists already) to manage the nodes that are not direct children of the View3D. This is needed because, unlike the View3D, an imported scene doesn't exist on a QQuickWindow until it is referenced. The additional SceneManager makes sure that assets belonging to the imported scene are created at least once per QQuickWindow they are referenced in.


While the scene manager is an internal API, it is important to know that the scene manager is responsible for calling updateSpatialNode on all objects that have been marked dirty by calling the update() method.


Frontend/Backend Synchronization


The objective of synchronization is to make sure that the states set on the frontend (Qt Quick) match what is set on the backend (Qt Quick Spatial Scene Graph Renderer). By default the frontend and backend live in separate threads: the frontend in the Qt Main thread, and the backend in Qt Quick's render thread. The synchronization phase is where the main thread and render thread can safely exchange data. During this phase, the scene manager will call updateSpatialNode for each dirty node in the scene. This will either create a new backend node or update an existing one for use by the renderer.

同步的目的是确保前端(Qt Quick)上设置的状态与后端(Qt Quick空间场景图渲染器)上设置状态匹配。默认情况下,前端和后端位于单独的线程中:前端位于Qt主线程中,后端位于Qt Quick的渲染线程中。同步阶段是主线程和呈现线程可以安全地交换数据的阶段。在此阶段,场景管理器将为场景中的每个脏节点调用updateSpatialNode。这将创建一个新的后端节点,或者更新现有的后端节点以供渲染器使用。

Qt Quick Spatial Scene Graph

Qt Quick空间场景图

Qt Quick 3D is designed to use the same frontend/backend separation pattern as Qt Quick: frontend objects are controlled by the Qt Quick engine, while backend objects contain state data for rendering the scene. Frontend objects inherit from QObject and are exposed to the Qt Quick engine. Items in QML source files map directly to frontend objects.

​Qt Quick 3D旨在使用与Qt Quicks相同的前端/后端分离模式:前端对象由Qt Quick引擎控制,而后端对象包含用于渲染场景的状态数据。前端对象继承自QObject,并暴露于Qt Quick引擎。QML源文件中的项直接映射到前端对象。

As the properties of these frontend objects are updated, one or more backend nodes are created and placed into a scenegraph. Because rendering 3D scenes involves a lot more state than rendering 2D, there is a separate set of specialized scene graph nodes for representing the state of the 3D scene objects. This scene graph is know as the Qt Quick Spatial Scene Graph.

更新这些前端对象的属性时,将创建一个或多个后端节点并将其放置到场景图中。由于渲染3D场景比渲染2D场景涉及更多的状态,因此有一组单独的专用场景图节点用于表示3D场景对象的状态。该场景图被称为Qt Quick空间场景图。

Both the frontend objects and backend nodes can be categorized into two classes. The first are spatial, in the sense that they exist somewhere in the in 3D space. What this means in practice is that each of these types contains a transform matrix. For spatial items the parent child relationship is significant because each child item inherits the transform of its parents.


The other class of items are resources. Resource items do not have a position in 3D space, but rather are just state that is used by other items. There can be a parent-child relationship between these items, but it has no other meaning than ownership.


Unlike the 2D scene graph in Qt Quick, the spatial scene graph exposes resource nodes to the user directly. So for example in Qt Quick, while QSGTexture is public API, there is no QQuickItem that exposes this object directly. Instead the user must either use an Image item, which describes both where the texture comes from as well as how to render it, or write C++ code to operate on the QSGTexture itself. In Qt Quick 3D these resources are exposed directly in the QML API. This is necessary because resources are an important part of the scene state. These resources can be referenced by many objects in the scene: for example, many Materials could use the same Texture. It is also possible to set properties of a Texture at runtime that would directly change how a texture is sampled, for example.

​与Qt Quick中的2D场景图不同,空间场景图直接向用户公开资源节点。例如,在Qt Quick中,虽然QSGTexture是公共API,但没有直接公开此对象的QQuickItem。相反,用户必须使用图像项,描述纹理的来源以及如何渲染,或者编写C++代码来操作QSGTexture本身。在Qt Quick 3D中,这些资源直接在QML API中公开。这是必要的,因为资源是场景状态的重要组成部分。场景中的许多对象可以引用这些资源:例如,许多材质可以使用相同的纹理。例如,还可以在运行时设置纹理的属性,这些属性将直接改变纹理的采样方式。

Spatial Objects


All spatial Objects are subclasses of the Node component, which contains the properties defining the position, rotation, and scale in 3D space.


Resource Objects


Resource objects are subclasses of the Object3D component. Object3D is just a QObject subclass with some special helpers for use with the scene manager. Resource objects do have parent/child associations, but these are mostly useful for resource ownership.


View3D and Render Layers


With regard to the frontend/backend separation, View3D is the separation point from the user perspective because a View3D is what defines what scene content to render. In the Qt Quick Spatial Scene Graph, the root node for a scene that will be rendered is a Layer node. Layer nodes are created by the View3D using a combination of the the View3D's properties and the properties of the SceneEnvironment. When rendering a scene for a View3D, it is this Layer node that is being passed to the renderer to render a scene.

​关于前端/后端分离,View3D是用户视角的分离点,因为View3D定义了要渲染的场景内容。在Qt Quick空间场景图中,要渲染的场景的根节点是层节点。层节点由View3D使用View3D属性和SceneEnvironment属性的组合创建。为View3D渲染场景时,正是该层节点传递到渲染器以渲染场景。

Scene Rendering


Set up Render Target


The first step in the rendering process is to determine and set up the scene render target. Depending on which properties are set in the SceneEnvironment, the actual render target will vary. The first decision is whether content is being rendered directly to a window surface, or to an offscreen texture. By default, View3D will render to an offscreen texture. When using post processing effects, rendering to an offscreen texture is mandatory.


Once a scene render target is determined, then some global states are set.


  • window size - if rendering to a window
  • 窗口大小-如果渲染到窗口
  • viewport - the size of the scene area being rendered
  • 视口-正在渲染的场景区域的大小
  • scissor rect - the subset of a window that the viewport should be clipped to
  • 裁剪矩形-视口应剪切到的窗口子集
  • clear color - what color to clear the render target with, if any.
  • 清除颜色-清除渲染目标的颜色(如果有)。

Prepare for Render


The next stage of rendering is the prepare stage where the renderer does house-keeping to figure out what needs to be rendered for a given frame, and that all necessary resources are available and up to date.


The prepare stage itself has two phases: the high-level preparation of determining what is to be rendered and what resources are needed; and the low-level preparation that uses RHI to actually set up rendering pipelines and buffers, as well as setting up the rendering dependencies of the main scene pass.


High level render preparation


The purpose of this phase is to extract the state of the spatial scene graph into something that can be used to create render commands. The overview here is that the renderer is creating lists of geometry and material combinations to render from the perspective of a single camera with a set of lighting states.


The first thing that is done is to determine the global common state for all content. If the SceneEnvironment defines a lightProbe, then it checks if the environment map associated with that light probe texture is loaded, and if its not, a new environment map is is loaded or generated. The generation of an environment will itself be a set of passes to convolve the source texture into a cube map. This cube map will contain both specular reflection information as well as irradiance, which is used for material shading.


The next thing is that the renderer needs to determine which camera in the scene to use. If an active camera is not explicitly defined by a View3D, the first camera available in the scene is used. If there are no cameras in the scene, then no content is rendered and the renderer bails out.


With a camera determined, it is possible to calculate the projection matrix for this frame. The calculation is done at this point because each renderable needs to know how to be projected. This also means that it is now possible to calculate which renderable items should be rendered. Starting with the list of all renderable items, we remove all items that are not visible because they are either disabled or completely transparent. Then, if frustum culling is enabled on the active camera, each renderable item is checked to see if it is completely outside of the view of the camera's frustum, and if so it is removed from the renderable list.


In addition to the camera projection, the camera direction is also calculated as this is necessary for lighting calculations in the shading code.


If there are light nodes in the scene, these are then gathered into a list the length of the maximum available lights available. If more light nodes exist in the scene than the amount of lights the renderer supports, any additional light nodes over that limit are ignored and don't contribute to the lighting of the scene. It is possible to specify the scope of light nodes, but note that even when setting a scope the lighting state of each light is still sent to every material which has lighting, but for lights not in scope the brightness will be set to 0, so in practice those lights will not contribute to the lighting of those materials.


Now with a hopefully shorter list of renderables, each of these items need to be updated to reflect the current state of the scene. For each renderable we check that a suitable material is loaded, and if not a new one is created. A material is a combination of shaders and a rendering pipeline, and it is needed for creating a draw call. In addition the renderer makes sure that any resources needed to render a renderable is loaded, for example geometry and textures set on the Model. Resources that are not loaded already are loaded here.


The renderables list is then sorted into 3 lists.


  • Opaque Items: these are sorted from front to back, or in other words from items that are closest to the camera to items that are furthest from the camera. This is done to take advantage of hardware occlusion culling or early z detection in the fragment shader.
  • 不透明项目:这些项目从前到后排序,换句话说,从最靠近相机的项目到最远离相机的项目。这样做是为了在片段着色器中利用硬件遮挡剔除或早期z检测。
  • 2D Items: these are QtQuick Items that are rendered by the Qt Quick renderer.
  • ​2D项:这些是由Qt Quick渲染器渲染的QtQuick项。
  • Transparent Items: these are sorted from back to front, or in other words from items that are farthest from the camera to items that are nearest to the camera. This is done because transparent items need to be blended with all items that are behind them.
  • 透明项目:这些项目从后面到前面排序,换句话说,从离相机最远的项目到离相机最近的项目。这样做是因为透明项需要与它们后面的所有项混合。

Low Level render preparation


Now that everything that needs to be considered for this frame has been determined, the plumbing and dependencies for the main render pass can be addressed. The first thing that is done in this phase is to render any pre-passes that are required for the main pass.


  • Render DepthPass - Certain features like Screen Space Ambient Occlusion and Shadowing require a depth pre-pass. This pass consists of all opaque items being rendered to a depth texture.
  • 渲染深度过程-某些功能(如屏幕空间环境遮挡和阴影)需要深度预过程。此过程由渲染为深度纹理的所有不透明项组成。
  • Render SSAOPass - The objective of the Screen Space Ambient Occlusion pass is to generate an ambient occlusion texture. This texture is used later by materials to darken certain areas when shading.
  • 渲染SSAO过程-屏幕空间环境遮挡过程的目标是生成环境遮挡纹理。材质稍后将使用此纹理在着色时使某些区域变暗。
  • Render ShadowPasses - Each light in the scene that has shadow enabled, contributes to an additional shadow pass. There are two different shadowing techniques employed by the renderer, so depending on the light types there will be different passes. When rendering shadows from a directional light, the scene is rendered to a 2D occlusion texture from a combination of the directional light's direction and the size of the camera frustum. When rendering shadows from a point or spot light the light's occlusion texture is a cube map representing the occlusion contribution relative to each face direction of the light.
  • 渲染阴影过程-场景中启用阴影的每个灯光都会贡献一个额外的阴影过程。渲染器使用两种不同的阴影技术,因此根据灯光类型,会有不同的过程。从平行光渲染阴影时,场景将从平行光的方向和相机截头体的大小的组合渲染为2D遮挡纹理。渲染点光源或聚光灯的阴影时,灯光的遮挡纹理是立方体贴图,表示相对于灯光的每个面方向的遮挡贡献。
  • Render ScreenTexture - This pass will only occur when using a CustomMaterial that requires a screen texture, which can be used for rendering tecniques such as refraction. This pass works like a depth pass, but instead renders all opaque items to a color texture.
  • ​渲染屏幕纹理-此过程仅在使用需要屏幕纹理的自定义材质时发生,该材质可用于渲染技术,如折射。此过程与深度过程类似,但将所有不透明项渲染为颜色纹理。

After the dependency renders are done, the rest of the passes are prepared but not rendered. This preparation involves taking the state gathered in the high-level prep stage and translating that to graphics primitives like creating/updating uniform buffers values, associating samplers with dependency textures, setup for shader resource bindings, and everything else involved in creating a pipeline state necessary for performing a draw call.


Scene Rendering


Now that the hard work of preperation is done, the easy part is running the commands that contribute to the main scene's content. That rendering works in this order:


  • Clear Pass - This isn't really a pass, but depending on what backgroundMode is set on SceneEnvironment, different things can happen here. If the background mode is either transparent or color, then the color buffer will be cleared with either transparency or the color specified. If, however, the background mode is set to SkyBox, then a pass will be run that renders the SkyBox from the perspective of the camera, which will also fill the buffer with initial data.
  • ​清除处理-这不是真正的处理,但取决于在SceneEnvironment上设置的背景模式,这里可能会发生不同的情况。如果背景模式为透明或彩色,则颜色缓冲区将以透明或指定的颜色清除。但是,如果背景模式设置为SkyBox,则将运行一个过程,从摄像机的角度渲染SkyBox,这也将用初始数据填充缓冲区。
  • Opaque Pass - Next all opaque items will be drawn. This just involves setting the pipeline state, and running the draw command for each item in the order in the list since they are already sorted at this point.
  • 不透明处理-接下来将绘制所有不透明项目。这只涉及设置管道状态,并为列表中的顺序中的每个项运行绘制命令,因为此时它们已经排序。
  • 2D Pass - If there are any 2D items in the scene, then the Qt Quick renderer is invoked to generate the render commands necessary to render those items.
  • 2D处理-如果场景中有任何2D项目,则调用Qt Quick渲染器以生成渲染这些项目所需的渲染命令。
  • Transparent Pass - Then finally the transparent items in the scene are rendered one by one in the same manner as the opaque items.
  • 透明处理-最后,场景中的透明项以与不透明项相同的方式逐个渲染。

This concludes the rendering of the scene.


Post Processing


If any post processing functionality is enabled, then it can be assumed that the result of the scene renderer was a texture that is an input for the post processing phase. All post processing methods are additional passes that operate on this scene input texture.


All steps of the Post Processing phase are optional, and if none exist, the output of the scene render is what is used by the final render target.



Post Processing Effects


This first post processing step is to execute any user provided post processing effects. These are defined in an ordered list by the SceneEnvironment::effects property. The way this works is that each post processing effect is part of a chain such that the output of the previous effect is the input for the next. The first effect in this chain gets its input directly from the output of the scene renderer step. It is also possible to for effects to access the depth texture output of the scene renderer.


Each effect in this process can consist of multiple sub-passes, which means it is possible to render content into intermediate buffers. The final pass of a multi-pass effect is expected to output a single texture containing the color data to be used by the next steps of the post processing phase.


Temporal and Progressive Antialiasing


The Temporal and Progressive antialiasing steps are optionally enabled by setting properties in the SceneEnvironment. While not strictly a part of the post processing phase, the actual results of Temporal and Progressive antialiasing are realized during the post processing phase.


Temporal Antialiasing is performed when a scene is being actively updated. When enabled, the active camera makes very small adjustments to the camera direction for each frame while drawing the scene. The current frame is then blended with the previously rendered frame to smooth out what was rendered.


Progressive Antialiasing is only performed when a scene is not being updated. When enabled, an update is forced and the current state of the scene is rendered with very small adjustments to the active cameras direction. Up to 8 frames are accumulated and blended together with pre-defined weights. This has the effect of smoothing out a non-animating scene, but comes at a performance cost because several extra frames will be rendered for each update.


Super Sampling Antialiasing (SSAA)


Super Sampling Antialiasing is a brute force way of smoothing out a scene. It works by rendering to a texture that is a multiple of the requested size of the scene, and then afterwards downsampling it to the target size. So for example if 2X SSAA is requested, then the scene would be rendered to a texture that is 2 times the intended size, and then downsampled as part of this phase. This can have a huge impact on performance and resource usage so should be avoided if possible. It's also possible for the View3D size to be too large to use this method, since the texture needed for this method may be larger than what is supported by the rendering hardware.

​超级采样抗锯齿是一种强力平滑场景的方法。它的工作方式是渲染为场景请求大小的倍数的纹理,然后将其下采样为目标大小。因此,例如,如果请求2X SSAA,则场景将被渲染为预期大小的2倍的纹理,然后作为该阶段的一部分进行下采样。这会对性能和资源使用产生巨大影响,因此应尽可能避免。View3D大小可能太大,无法使用此方法,因为此方法所需的纹理可能大于渲染硬件支持的纹理。

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