



OpenCL™ (Open Computing Language) is an open, royalty-free standard for cross-platform, parallel programming of diverse accelerators found in supercomputers, cloud servers, personal computers, mobile devices and embedded platforms. OpenCL greatly improves the speed and responsiveness of a wide spectrum of applications in numerous market categories including professional creative tools, scientific and medical software, vision processing, and neural network training and inferencing.

OpenCL™ (开放计算语言)是一种开放的、免版税的标准,用于超级计算机、云服务器、个人计算机、移动设备和嵌入式平台中各种加速器的跨平台并行编程。OpenCL极大地提高了众多市场类别中广泛应用程序的速度和响应能力,包括专业创意工具、科学和医学软件、视觉处理以及神经网络训练和推理。

OpenCL 3.0 Final is Here!

OpenCL 3.0来了!

The OpenCL 3.0 Finalized Specification was released on September 30th 2020

OpenCL 3.0最终规范于2020年9月30日发布

Read the Blog about the final release of OpenCL 3.0 Provisional Press Release Provisional Launch Presentation

OpenCL 3.0 realigns the OpenCL roadmap to enable developer-requested functionality to be broadly deployed by hardware vendors, and it significantly increases deployment flexibility by empowering conformant OpenCL implementations to focus on functionality relevant to their target markets. OpenCL 3.0 also integrates subgroup functionality into the core specification, ships with a new unified API and OpenCL C 3.0 language specifications and introduces extensions for asynchronous data copies to enable a new class of embedded processors.

OpenCL 3.0重新调整了OpenCL路线图,使硬件供应商能够广泛部署开发人员要求的功能,并通过使符合要求的OpenCL实现能够专注于与其目标市场相关的功能,显著提高了部署灵活性。OpenCL 3.0还将子组功能集成到核心规范中,附带了新的统一API和OpenCL C 3.0语言规范,并引入了异步数据副本的扩展,以实现新的嵌入式处理器类别。

OpenCL 3.0 Materials

OpenCL 3.0材料

Specification SDK OpenCL Guide OpenCL Blogs Issues Discussions Resources Reference Guide

Industry Support for OpenCL


“Many of our customers want a GPU programming language that runs on all devices, and with growing deployment in edge computing and mobile, this need is increasing. OpenCL is the only solution for accessing diverse silicon acceleration and many key software stacks use OpenCL/SPIR-V as a backend. We are very happy that OpenCL 3.0 will drive even wider industry adoption, as it reassures our customers that their past and future investments in OpenCL are justified.”

“我们的许多客户都想要一种在所有设备上运行的GPU编程语言,随着边缘计算和移动设备的部署不断增加,这种需求也在增加。OpenCL是访问各种硅加速的唯一解决方案,许多关键软件堆栈都使用OpenCL/SPIR-V作为后端。我们很高兴OpenCL 3.0将推动更广泛的行业采用,因为它保证了我们的自定义他们过去和未来对OpenCL的投资是合理的。”

Vincent Hindriksen

Founder and CEO of Stream HPC

OpenCL is Widely Deployed and Used

Accelerated Implementations


OpenCL for Low-level Parallel Programing


OpenCL speeds applications by offloading their most computationally intensive code onto accelerator processors - or devices. OpenCL developers use C or C++-based kernel languages to code programs that are passed through a device compiler for parallel execution on accelerator devices.


How OpenCL Relates to Other Khronos Parallel Acceleration Standards


OpenCL provides the industry with the lowest 'close-to-metal' processor-agile execution layer for accelerating applications, libraries and engines, and also providing a code generation target for compilers. Unlike 'GPU-only' APIs, such as Vulkan, OpenCL enables use of a diverse range of accelerators including multi-core CPUs, GPUs, DSPs, FPGAs and dedicated hardware such as inferencing engines.


How OpenCL relates to the family of Khronos acceleration standards

OpenCL Deployment Flexibility


As the industry landscape of platforms and devices grows more complex, tools are evolving the enable OpenCL applications to be deployed onto platforms that do not have available native OpenCL drivers. For example, the open source clspv compiler and clvk API translator enable OpenCL applications to be run over a Vulkan run-time. This gives OpenCL developers significant flexibility on where and how they can deploy their OpenCL applications.

​随着平台和设备的行业格局变得越来越复杂,工具正在发展,使OpenCL应用程序能够部署到没有可用的本地OpenCL驱动程序的平台上。例如,开源clspv编译器和clvk API转换器使OpenCL应用程序能够在Vulkan运行时上运行。这为OpenCL开发人员提供了很大的灵活性,可以在哪里以及如何部署他们的OpenCL应用程序。

Open source software tools enable OpenCL kernels to be executed over multiple target APIs

Open source software tools enable OpenCL kernels to be executed over multiple target APIs


OpenCL Programming Model


An OpenCL application is split into host and device parts with host code written using a general programming language such as C or C++ and compiled by a conventional compiler for execution on a host CPU.


The device compilation phase can be done online, i.e. during execution of an application using special API calls. It can alternatively be compiled before executing the application into the machine binary or special portable intermediate representation defined by Khronos called SPIR-V. There are also domain specific languages and frameworks that can compile to OpenCL either using source-to-source translations or generating binary/SPIR-V, for example Halide.


Traditional vs OpenCL programming paradigm

Traditional vs OpenCL programming paradigm


Application host code is frequently written in C or C++ but bindings for other languages are also available, such as Python. Kernel programs can be written in a dialect of C (OpenCL C) or C++ (C++ for OpenCL) that enables a developer to program computationally intensive parts of their application in a kernel program. All versions of the OpenCL C language are based on C99. The community driven C++ for OpenCL language brings together capabilities of OpenCL and C++17.

应用程序主机代码通常是用C或C++编写的,但也可以使用其他语言的绑定,如Python。内核程序可以用C(OpenCL C)或C++(OpenCL的C++)的方言编写,使开发人员能够在内核程序中对其应用程序的计算密集型部分进行编程。OpenCL C语言的所有版本都基于C99。社区驱动的C++for OpenCL语言汇集了OpenCL和C++17的功能。

C++ for OpenCL Kernel Language


The OpenCL working group has transitioned from the original OpenCL C++ kernel language first defined in OpenCL 2.0 to C++ for OpenCL developed by the open source community to provide improved features and compatibility with OpenCL C. C++ for OpenCL is supported by Clang and its documentation can be found here. It enables developers to use most C++17 features in OpenCL kernels. It is largely backwards compatible with OpenCL C 2.0 enabling it to be used to program accelerators with OpenCL 2.0 or above with conformant drivers that support SPIR-V. Its implementation in Clang can be tracked via the OpenCL Support Page.

​OpenCL工作组已经从最初在OpenCL 2.0中定义的OpenCL C++内核语言过渡到由开源社区开发的用于OpenCL的C++,以提供改进的功能和与OpenCL的兼容性。它使开发人员能够在OpenCL内核中使用大多数C++17功能。它在很大程度上与OpenCL C 2.0向后兼容,使其能够用于使用支持SPIR-V的一致驱动程序对OpenCL 2.0或更高版本的加速器进行编程。它在Clang中的实现可以通过OpenCL支持页面进行跟踪。

Kernel Language Extensions


Some extensions are available to the existing published kernel language standards. The full list of such extensions is documented here . Conformant compilers and drivers may optionally support the extensions and so there is a mechanism to detect their support at the compile time. Developers should be aware that not all extensions may be supported across all devices.


Conformant OpenCL Implementations


Here you can view a list of hardware vendors with openConformant OpenCL Implementations

​在这里,可以查看具有openConformant OpenCL实现的硬件供应商列表





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