ASE 2023 Paper

1 CertPri: Certifiable Prioritization for Deep Neural Networks via Movement Cost in Feature Space. (CertPri:通过特征空间中的移动成本对深度神经网络进行可认证的优先级排序。)

2 Nuances are the Key: Unlocking ChatGPT to Find Failure-Inducing Tests with Differential Prompting. (细微差别是关键:利用差异提示解锁ChatGPT以找到诱发故障的测试。)

3 Robin: A Novel Method to Produce Robust Interpreters for Deep Learning-Based Code Classifiers. (Robin:一种用于生成基于深度学习的代码分类器的强健解释器的新方法。)

4 The Devil is in the Tails: How Long-Tailed Code Distributions Impact Large Language Models. (魔鬼藏在尾巴里:长尾代码分布如何影响大型语言模型。)

5 DeepScaler: Holistic Autoscaling for Microservices Based on Spatiotemporal GNN with Adaptive Graph Learning. (DeepScaler:基于时空GNN和自适应图学习的微服务的整体自动缩放。)

6 Twin Graph-Based Anomaly Detection via Attentive Multi-Modal Learning for Microservice System. (基于双图的微服务系统的异常检测,通过专注的多模态学习实现。)

7 Dynamic Graph Neural Networks-Based Alert Link Prediction for Online Service Systems. (基于动态图神经网络的在线服务系统警报链接预测。)

8 Vicious Cycles in Distributed Software Systems. (分布式软件系统中的恶性循环。)

9 Fixing Privilege Escalations in Cloud Access Control with MaxSAT and Graph Neural Networks. (利用MaxSAT和图神经网络修复云访问控制中的权限提升。)

10 Maat: Performance Metric Anomaly Anticipation for Cloud Services with Conditional Diffusion. (Maat:带条件扩散的云服务性能指标异常预测。)

11 Are They All Good? Studying Practitioners' Expectations on the Readability of Log Messages. (它们都好吗?研究从业者对日志消息可读性的期望。)

12 LogOnline: A Semi-Supervised Log-Based Anomaly Detector Aided with Online Learning Mechanism. (LogOnline:一种半监督的基于日志的异常检测器,辅助在线学习机制。)

13 Repeated Builds During Code Review: An Empirical Study of the OpenStack Community. (代码审查期间的重复构建:对OpenStack社区的实证研究。)

14 An Empirical Study of Malicious Code In PyPI Ecosystem. (PyPI生态系统中恶意代码的实证研究。)

15 Understanding and Remediating Open-Source License Incompatibilities in the PyPI Ecosystem. (理解和纠正PyPI生态系统中的开源许可不兼容性。)

16 Mitigating Persistence of Open-Source Vulnerabilities in Maven Ecosystem. (缓解Maven生态系统中开源漏洞的持久性。)

17 Fork Entropy: Assessing the Diversity of Open Source Software Projects' Forks. (分叉熵:评估开源软件项目分支的多样性。)

18 EALink: An Efficient and Accurate Pre-Trained Framework for Issue-Commit Link Recovery. (EALink:一种高效准确的预训练框架,用于问题-提交链接的恢复。)

19 ATOM: Automated Black-Box Testing of Multi-Label Image Classification Systems. (ATOM:多标签图像分类系统的自动黑盒测试。)

20 Generative Model-Based Testing on Decision-Making Policies. (基于生成模型的决策策略测试。)

21 ESRO: Experience Assisted Service Reliability against Outages. (ESRO:体验辅助的服务可靠性对抗停机。)

22 Prism: Revealing Hidden Functional Clusters from Massive Instances in Cloud Systems. (Prism:从云系统中的大规模实例中揭示隐藏的功能集群。)

23 An Energy-Aware Approach to Design Self-Adaptive AI-based Applications on the Edge. (一种能源感知的方法,用于在边缘设计自适应AI应用。)

24 SmartCoCo: Checking Comment-Code Inconsistency in Smart Contracts via Constraint Propagation and Binding. (SmartCoCo:通过约束传播和绑定检查智能合约中的注释代码不一致性。)

25 A Needle is an Outlier in a Haystack: Hunting Malicious PyPI Packages with Code Clustering. (在一堆稻草中,一根针是异常值:利用代码聚类来搜索恶意PyPI软件包。)

26 Merge-Replay: Efficient IFDS-Based Taint Analysis by Consolidating Equivalent Value Flows. (Merge-Replay:通过合并等价值流实现高效的基于IFDS的污点分析。)

27 Learning to Locate and Describe Vulnerabilities. (学习定位和描述漏洞。)

28 When Less is Enough: Positive and Unlabeled Learning Model for Vulnerability Detection. (当量不足时:漏洞检测的正负样本学习模型。)

29 SCPatcher: Mining Crowd Security Discussions to Enrich Secure Coding Practices. (SCPatcher:挖掘群体安全讨论以丰富安全编码实践。)

30 Causality-Aided Trade-Off Analysis for Machine Learning Fairness. (因果关系辅助的机器学习公平性权衡分析。)

31 Cell2Doc: ML Pipeline for Generating Documentation in Computational Notebooks. (Cell2Doc:生成计算笔记本文档的ML管道。)

32 An Empirical Study of Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Methods for Pre-Trained Code Models. (参数高效微调预训练代码模型的实证研究。)

33 CAT-LM Training Language Models on Aligned Code And Tests. (CAT-LM:在对齐的代码和测试上训练语言模型。)

34 Domain Adaptive Code Completion via Language Models and Decoupled Domain Databases. (通过语言模型和解耦的领域数据库进行域自适应代码完成。)

35 CodeGen4Libs: A Two-Stage Approach for Library-Oriented Code Generation. (CodeGen4Libs:面向库的代码生成的两阶段方法。)

36 Adaptive REST API Testing with Reinforcement Learning. (利用强化学习进行自适应的REST API测试。)

37 Increasing the Responsiveness of Web Applications by Introducing Lazy Loading. (通过引入延迟加载来提高Web应用的响应速度。)

38 Let's Chat to Find the APIs: Connecting Human, LLM and Knowledge Graph through AI Chain. (让我们聊天来找到API:通过AI链连接人类、LLM和知识图谱。)

39 Software Entity Recognition with Noise-Robust Learning. (噪声鲁棒学习的软件实体识别。)

40 AutoLog: A Log Sequence Synthesis Framework for Anomaly Detection. (AutoLog:用于异常检测的日志序列合成框架。)

41 ASTER: Automatic Speech Recognition System Accessibility Testing for Stutterers. (ASTER:面向口吃者的自动语音识别系统可访问性测试。)

42 The Plastic Surgery Hypothesis in the Era of Large Language Models. (大型语言模型时代的整形手术假设。)

43 Gamma: Revisiting Template-Based Automated Program Repair Via Mask Prediction. (Gamma:通过掩码预测重新审视基于模板的自动化程序修复。)

44 Contextuality of Code Representation Learning. (代码表示学习的上下文性。)

45 On-the-fly Improving Performance of Deep Code Models via Input Denoising. (通过输入去噪实时改进深度代码模型的性能。)

46 Using Deep Learning to Automatically Improve Code Readability. (利用深度学习自动提高代码可读性。)

47 Towards Automatically Addressing Self-Admitted Technical Debt: How Far Are We? (朝着自动解决自承认的技术债务的方向前进:我们已经走了多远?)

48 An Integrated Program Analysis Framework for Graduate Courses in Programming Languages and Software Engineering. (编程语言和软件工程研究生课程的集成程序分析框架。)

49 Precise Data-Driven Approximation for Program Analysis via Fuzzing. (通过模糊测试进行程序分析的精确数据驱动逼近。)

50 Two Birds with One Stone: Multi-Derivation for Fast Context-Free Language Reachability Analysis. (一石二鸟:用于快速无上下文语言可达性分析的多派生方法。)

51 Contrastive Learning for API Aspect Analysis. (API方面分析的对比学习。)

52 PTDETECTOR: An Automated JavaScript Front-end Library Detector. (PTDETECTOR:一种自动化的JavaScript前端库检测器。)

53 Revealing Performance Issues in Server-Side WebAssembly Runtimes Via Differential Testing. (通过差异测试揭示服务器端WebAssembly运行时的性能问题。)

54 Demystifying Template-Based Invariant Generation for Bit-Vector Programs. (揭秘基于模板的位向量程序不变式生成。)

55 EndWatch: A Practical Method for Detecting Non-Termination in Real-World Software. (EndWatch:检测现实世界软件中非终止的实用方法。)

56 Symbolic Fixpoint Algorithms for Logical LTL Games. (逻辑LTL游戏的符号不动点算法。)

57 Delving into Commit-Issue Correlation to Enhance Commit Message Generation Models. (深入研究提交与问题之间的相关性,以增强提交消息生成模型。)

58 From Commit Message Generation to History-Aware Commit Message Completion. (从提交消息生成到基于历史的提交消息完成。)

59 Automatic Generation and Reuse of Precise Library Summaries for Object-Sensitive Pointer Analysis. (针对对象敏感指针分析自动生成和重用精确库摘要。)

60 Generating Variable Explanations via Zero-shot Prompt Learning. (通过零样本提示学习生成变量解释。)

61 What Makes Good In-Context Demonstrations for Code Intelligence Tasks with LLMs? (对LLM的代码智能任务进行上下文演示的特点是什么?)

62 HexT5: Unified Pre-Training for Stripped Binary Code Information Inference. (HexT5:用于剥离的二进制代码信息推断的统一预训练。)

63 LiSum: Open Source Software License Summarization with Multi-Task Learning. (LiSum:利用多任务学习进行开源软件许可证摘要。)

64 Personalized First Issue Recommender for Newcomers in Open Source Projects. (针对开源项目新手的个性化首次问题推荐系统。)

65 Understanding and Enhancing Issue Prioritization in GitHub. (理解并增强GitHub中的问题优先级排序。)

66 Who is the Real Hero? Measuring Developer Contribution via Multi-Dimensional Data Integration. (谁才是真正的英雄?通过多维数据集成衡量开发者贡献。)

67 To Share, or Not to Share: Exploring Test-Case Reusability in Fork Ecosystems. (分享还是不分享:探索分叉生态系统中的测试用例可重用性。)

68 Code Difference Guided Adversarial Example Generation for Deep Code Models. (基于代码差异引导的深度代码模型对抗示例生成。)

69 iASTMapper: An Iterative Similarity-Based Abstract Syntax Tree Mapping Algorithm. (iASTMapper:一种基于迭代相似性的抽象语法树映射算法。)

70 ZC3: Zero-Shot Cross-Language Code Clone Detection. (ZC3:零样本跨语言代码克隆检测。)

71 Persisting and Reusing Results of Static Program Analyses on a Large Scale. (大规模静态程序分析结果的持久化和重用。)

72 Optimizing Continuous Development by Detecting and Preventing Unnecessary Content Generation. (通过检测和防止不必要的内容生成来优化持续开发。)

73 DCLINK: Bridging Data Constraint Changes and Implementations in FinTech Systems. (DCLINK:连接金融科技系统中的数据约束变化和实现。)

74 Systematically Detecting Packet Validation Vulnerabilities in Embedded Network Stacks. (系统性地检测嵌入式网络堆栈中的数据包验证漏洞。)

75 WADIFF: A Differential Testing Framework for WebAssembly Runtimes. (WADIFF:用于WebAssembly运行时的差异测试框架。)

76 VRGuide: Efficient Testing of Virtual Reality Scenes via Dynamic Cut Coverage. (VRGuide:通过动态切割覆盖率对虚拟现实场景进行高效测试。)

77 Fast and Reliable Program Synthesis via User Interaction. (通过用户交互进行快速可靠的程序合成。)

78 From Misuse to Mastery: Enhancing Code Generation with Knowledge-Driven AI Chaining. (从误用到精通:利用知识驱动的AI链增强代码生成。)

79 Generative Type Inference for Python. (Python的生成类型推断。)

80 Compiler Auto-Tuning via Critical Flag Selection. (通过关键标志选择进行编译器自动调优。)

81 A Comparative Study of Transformer-Based Neural Text Representation Techniques on Bug Triaging. (基于变压器的神经文本表示技术在错误分类中的比较研究。)

82 Neural SZZ Algorithm. (神经SZZ算法。)

83 How to Train Your Neural Bug Detector: Artificial vs Real Bugs. (如何训练您的神经漏洞检测器:人工与真实漏洞的比较。)

84 Detection of Java Basic Thread Misuses Based on Static Event Analysis. (基于静态事件分析的Java基本线程误用检测。)

85 FLUX: Finding Bugs with LLVM IR Based Unit Test Crossovers. (FLUX:利用基于LLVM IR的单元测试交叉检测漏洞。)

86 A Comprehensive Study on Code Clones in Automated Driving Software. (自动驾驶软件中代码克隆的全面研究。)

87 Detecting Smart Home Automation Application Interferences with Domain Knowledge. (利用领域知识检测智能家居自动化应用程序的干扰。)

88 Bridging the Gap Between Academia and Industry in Machine Learning Software Defect Prediction: Thirteen Considerations. (在机器学习软件缺陷预测中弥合学术界和行业之间的差距:十三个考虑因素。)

89 Identify and Update Test Cases When Production Code Changes: A Transformer-Based Approach. (当生产代码更改时识别和更新测试用例:一种基于变压器的方法。)

90 Revisiting and Improving Retrieval-Augmented Deep Assertion Generation. (重新审视并改进检索增强的深度断言生成。)

91 LEAP: Efficient and Automated Test Method for NLP Software. (LEAP:用于NLP软件的高效自动化测试方法。)

92 QuraTest: Integrating Quantum Specific Features in Quantum Program Testing. (QuraTest:将量子特定特征集成到量子程序测试中。)

93 An Empirical Study on Fine-Tuning Large Language Models of Code for Automated Program Repair. (关于自动程序修复的代码大型语言模型微调的实证研究。)

94 Leakpair: Proactive Repairing of Memory Leaks in Single Page Web Applications. (Leakpair:单页Web应用程序中内存泄漏的积极修复。)

95 Automated Fixing of Web UI Tests via Iterative Element Matching. (通过迭代元素匹配自动修复Web UI测试。)

96 OrdinalFix: Fixing Compilation Errors via Shortest-Path CFL Reachability. (OrdinalFix:通过最短路径CFL可达性修复编译错误。)

97 Enhancing Malware Detection for Android Apps: Detecting Fine-Granularity Malicious Components. (增强Android应用的恶意软件检测:检测细粒度恶意组件。)

98 Fine-Grained In-Context Permission Classification for Android Apps Using Control-Flow Graph Embedding. (利用控制流图嵌入进行Android应用的细粒度上下文权限分类。)

99 How Android Apps Break the Data Minimization Principle: An Empirical Study. (Android应用如何违反数据最小化原则:一项实证研究。)

100 Scene-Driven Exploration and GUI Modeling for Android Apps. (基于场景驱动的Android应用探索和GUI建模。)

101 Expediting Neural Network Verification via Network Reduction. (通过网络缩减加速神经网络验证。)

102 HOBAT: Batch Verification for Homogeneous Structural Neural Networks. (HOBAT:针对同质结构神经网络的批量验证。)

103 SMT Solver Validation Empowered by Large Pre-Trained Language Models. (由大型预训练语言模型增强的SMT求解器验证。)

104 Mutation-based Fault Localization of Deep Neural Networks. (基于突变的深度神经网络故障定位。)

105 An Intentional Forgetting-Driven Self-Healing Method for Deep Reinforcement Learning Systems. (一种意图遗忘驱动的深度强化学习系统自愈方法。)

106 AutoConf: Automated Configuration of Unsupervised Learning Systems Using Metamorphic Testing and Bayesian Optimization. (AutoConf:利用形变测试和贝叶斯优化自动配置无监督学习系统。)

107 An Image is Worth a Thousand Toxic Words: A Metamorphic Testing Framework for Content Moderation Software. (一幅图胜过千言万语:面向内容调节软件的形变测试框架。)

108 CoMSA: A Modeling-Driven Sampling Approach for Configuration Performance Testing. (CoMSA:一种基于建模的配置性能测试采样方法。)

109 Effective Concurrency Testing for Go via Directional Primitive-Constrained Interleaving Exploration. (通过方向性原始约束交错探索实现Go的有效并发测试。)

110 Fuzzing for CPS Mutation Testing. (用于CPS突变测试的模糊测试。)

111 ReuNify: A Step Towards Whole Program Analysis for React Native Android Apps. (ReuNify:面向React Native Android应用的整体程序分析的一步。)

112 Wemint:Tainting Sensitive Data Leaks in WeChat Mini-Programs. (Wemint:在微信小程序中对敏感数据泄露进行污染。)

113 Vision-Based Widget Mapping for Test Migration Across Mobile Platforms: Are We There Yet? (基于视觉的小部件映射,用于跨移动平台的测试迁移:我们已经达到了吗?)

114 Detecting Memory Errors in Python Native Code by Tracking Object Lifecycle with Reference Count. (通过引用计数跟踪对象生命周期,在Python本机代码中检测内存错误。)

115 Eiffel: Inferring Input Ranges of Significant Floating-point Errors via Polynomial Extrapolation. (Eiffel:通过多项式外推推断重要浮点错误的输入范围。)

116 Perfce: Performance Debugging on Databases with Chaos Engineering-Enhanced Causality Analysis. (Perfce:通过混沌工程增强的因果分析在数据库上进行性能调试。)

117 Information Retrieval-Based Fault Localization for Concurrent Programs. (基于信息检索的并发程序故障定位。)

118 The MAP Metric in Information Retrieval Fault Localization. (信息检索故障定位中的MAP指标。)

119 Improving Code Extraction from Coding Screencasts Using a Code-Aware Encoder-Decoder Model. (利用代码感知的编码器-解码器模型改进从编码屏幕录像中提取代码。)

120 InfeRE: Step-by-Step Regex Generation via Chain of Inference. (InfeRE:通过推理链逐步生成正则表达式。)

121 MELT: Mining Effective Lightweight Transformations from Pull Requests. (MELT:从拉取请求中挖掘有效的轻量级转换。)

122 On the Evaluation of Neural Code Translation: Taxonomy and Benchmark. (关于神经代码翻译的评估:分类和基准。)

123 Pluggable Type Inference for Free. (可插拔的自由类型推断。)

124 MLIRSmith: Random Program Generation for Fuzzing MLIR Compiler Infrastructure. (MLIRSmith:用于模糊MLIR编译器基础设施的随机程序生成。)

125 Thunderkaller: Profiling and Improving the Performance of Syzkaller. (Thunderkaller:对Syzkaller的性能进行分析和改进。)

126 PhyFu: Fuzzing Modern Physics Simulation Engines. (PhyFu:模糊现代物理模拟引擎。)

127 NaturalFuzz: Natural Input Generation for Big Data Analytics. (NaturalFuzz:用于大数据分析的自然输入生成。)

128 A Large-Scale Empirical Study on Semantic Versioning in Golang Ecosystem. (Go生态系统中语义版本控制的大规模实证研究。)

129 Automated Software Entity Matching Between Successive Versions. (连续版本之间的软件实体自动匹配。)

130 Where to Go Now? Finding Alternatives for Declining Packages in the npm Ecosystem. (现在该去哪里?在npm生态系统中寻找替代方案。)

131 ConfTainter: Static Taint Analysis For Configuration Options. (ConfTainter:用于配置选项的静态污点分析。)

132 Merge Conflict Resolution: Classification or Generation? (合并冲突解决:分类还是生成?)

133 DeFiWarder: Protecting DeFi Apps from Token Leaking Vulnerabilities. (DeFiWarder:保护DeFi应用免受令牌泄漏漏洞的影响。)

134 VD-Guard: DMA Guided Fuzzing for Hypervisor Virtual Device. (VD-Guard:用于虚拟化设备的DMA引导模糊测试。)

135 Towards Autonomous Testing Agents via Conversational Large Language Models. (通过对话式大型语言模型实现自主测试代理。)

136 Semantic Data Augmentation for Deep Learning Testing Using Generative AI. (利用生成型人工智能进行深度学习测试的语义数据增强。)

137 Log Parsing: How Far Can ChatGPT Go? (日志解析:ChatGPT能走多远?)

138 Automating Bias Testing of LLMs. (LLM的偏见测试自动化。)

139 MUTEN: Mutant-Based Ensembles for Boosting Gradient-Based Adversarial Attack. (MUTEN:基于突变的集成,用于增强基于梯度的对抗攻击。)

140 Are We Ready to Embrace Generative AI for Software Q&A? (我们准备好接受用于软件问答的生成型人工智能了吗?)

141 Towards a Knowledge Base of Common Sustainability Weaknesses in Green Software Development. (朝着绿色软件开发中常见可持续性弱点的知识库迈进。)

142 Towards Self-Adaptive Machine Learning-Enabled Systems Through QoS-Aware Model Switching. (通过QoS感知模型切换朝着自适应机器学习系统迈进。)

143 Evolve the Model Universe of a System Universe. (演变系统宇宙的模型宇宙。)

144 Modeling Programmer Attention as Scanpath Prediction. (将程序员注意力建模为扫描路径预测。)

145 On Automated Assistants for Software Development: The Role of LLMs. (关于软件开发自动助手的研究:LLMs的作用。)

146 Better Patching Using LLM Prompting, via Self-Consistency. (通过自我一致性使用LLM提示进行更好的补丁修复。)

147 Live Programming for Finite Model Finders. (有限模型查找的实时编程。)

148 Characterizing Flaky Tests in Node.js Applications. (对Node.js应用中的不稳定测试进行特征化。)

149 PSMT: Satisfiability Modulo Theories Meets Probability Distribution. (PSMT:基于概率分布的理论模块可满足性问题。)

150 SAT-Verifiable LTL Satisfiability Checking via Graph Representation Learning. (通过图表示学习进行可验证的LTL可满足性检查。)

151 PURLTL: Mining LTL Specification from Imperfect Traces in Testing. (从测试中的不完美跟踪中挖掘LTL规范。)

152 Enhancing Code Safety in Quantum Intermediate Representation. (增强量子中间表示的代码安全性。)

153 Towards a Formal Framework for Normative Requirements Elicitation. (朝着规范要求引出的正式框架迈进。)

154 Hot Patching Hot Fixes: Reflection and Perspectives. (热补丁热修复:反思与展望。)

155 Symbolic Verification of Fuzzy Logic Models. (模糊逻辑模型的符号验证。)

156 A Majority Invariant Approach to Patch Robustness Certification for Deep Learning Models. (用于深度学习模型的补丁鲁棒性认证的多数不变方法。)

157 Fault Localization for Buggy Deep Learning Framework Conversions in Image Recognition. (图像识别中深度学习框架转换的故障定位。)

158 Towards Safe Automated Refactoring of Imperative Deep Learning Programs to Graph Execution. (朝着将命令式深度学习程序安全自动重构为图执行的方向迈进。)

159 Scalable Industrial Control System Analysis via XAI-Based Gray-Box Fuzzing. (基于XAI的灰盒模糊测试实现可扩展的工业控制系统分析。)

160 Predicting Compilation Resources for Adaptive Build in an Industrial Setting. (在工业环境中预测自适应构建的编译资源。)
161 Open Source Software Tools for Data Management and Deep Model Training Automation. (用于数据管理和深度模型训练自动化的开源软件工具。)

162 RocketHA: A High Availability Design Paradigm for Distributed Log-Based Storage System. (RocketHA:分布式基于日志的存储系统的高可用性设计范式。)

163 Assessing the Impact of Refactoring Energy-Inefficient Code Patterns on Software Sustainability: An Industry Case Study. (评估重构能效低下代码模式对软件可持续性的影响:一个行业案例研究。)

164 Green AI Quotient: Assessing Greenness of AI-based software and the way forward. (绿色人工智能指数:评估基于人工智能的软件的环保程度及未来发展方向。)

165 Challenges of Accurate and Efficient AutoML. (精确高效的自动机器学习的挑战。)

166 Zero-Config Fuzzing for Microservices. (微服务的零配置模糊测试。)

167 Smart Prompt Advisor: Multi-Objective Prompt Framework for Consistency and Best Practices. (智能提示顾问:一种多目标一致性和最佳实践提示框架。)

168 Improving Design Reviews at Google. (改进谷歌的设计审查流程。)

169 Software Engineering Using Autonomous Agents: Are We There Yet? (使用自主代理进行软件工程:我们已经到达了吗?)

170 Government Mobile Apps: Analysing Citizen Feedback via App Reviews. (政府移动应用程序:通过应用程序评论分析公民反馈。)

171 Coding and Debugging by Separating Secret Code Toward Secure Remote Development. (通过隔离秘密代码进行编码和调试,朝着安全远程开发迈进。)

172 An Industrial Practice for Securing Android Apps in the Banking Domain. (在银行领域保护Android应用的工业实践。)

173 ACWRecommender: A Tool for Validating Actionable Warnings with Weak Supervision. (ACWRecommender:一种使用弱监督验证可操作警告的工具。)

174 An Automated and Flexible Multilingual Bug-Fix Dataset Construction System. (一种自动化、灵活的多语言Bug修复数据集构建系统。)

175 A Closer Look at Different Difficulty Levels Code Generation Abilities of ChatGPT. (更深入地了解ChatGPT不同难度级别的代码生成能力。)

176 PreciseBugCollector: Extensible, Executable and Precise Bug-Fix Collection: Solution for Challenge 8: Automating Precise Data Collection for Code Snippets with Bugs, Fixes, Locations, and Types. (PreciseBugCollector:可扩展、可执行和精确的Bug修复收集系统:挑战8的解决方案:自动化精确的代码片段数据收集,包括漏洞、修复、位置和类型。)

177 Function-Level Vulnerability Detection Through Fusing Multi-Modal Knowledge. (通过融合多模态知识进行函数级漏洞检测。)

178 BugMiner: Automating Precise Bug Dataset Construction by Code Evolution History Mining. (BugMiner:通过代码演变历史挖掘自动化精确的Bug数据集构建。)

179 RPCover: Recovering gRPC Dependency in Multilingual Projects. (RPCover:在多语言项目中恢复gRPC依赖关系。)

180 VALAR: Streamlining Alarm Ranking in Static Analysis with Value-Flow Assisted Active Learning. (VALAR:通过值流辅助主动学习简化静态分析中的警报排名。)

181 REEF: A Framework for Collecting Real-World Vulnerabilities and Fixes. (REEF:用于收集真实世界漏洞和修复的框架。)

182 Potential Solutions to Challenges in C Program Repair: A Practical Perspective. (C程序修复中挑战的潜在解决方案:实践视角。)

183 Minecraft: Automated Mining of Software Bug Fixes with Precise Code Context. (Minecraft:通过精确的代码上下文自动挖掘软件缺陷修复。)

184 Unifying Defect Prediction, Categorization, and Repair by Multi-Task Deep Learning. (通过多任务深度学习统一缺陷预测、分类和修复。)

185 MalWuKong: Towards Fast, Accurate, and Multilingual Detection of Malicious Code Poisoning in OSS Supply Chains. (MalWuKong:朝着在开源软件供应链中快速、准确和多语言检测恶意代码注入的方向发展。)

186 CiD4HMOS: A Solution to HarmonyOS Compatibility Issues. (CiD4HMOS:解决HarmonyOS兼容性问题的解决方案。)

187 Bus Factor Explorer. (Bus Factor Explorer。)

188 EXPRESS 2.0: An Intelligent Service Management Framework for AIoT Systems in the Edge. (EXPRESS 2.0:面向边缘AIoT系统的智能服务管理框架。)

189 RJoules: An Energy Measurement Tool for R. (RJoules:用于R的能量测量工具。)

190 ArduinoProg: Towards Automating Arduino Programming. (ArduinoProg:朝着自动化Arduino编程的方向发展。)

191 BUGSC++: A Highly Usable Real World Defect Benchmark for C/C++. (BUGSC++:C/C++高度可用的真实世界缺陷基准测试。)

192 ExpressAPR: Efficient Patch Validation for Java Automated Program Repair Systems. (ExpressAPR:Java自动化程序修复系统的高效补丁验证。)

193 Polyglot Code Smell Detection for Infrastructure as Code with GLITCH. (Polyglot Code Smell Detection:用于基础设施即代码的代码异味检测与GLITCH。)

194 NRAgo: Solving SMT(NRA) Formulas with Gradient-Based Optimization. (NRAgo:使用基于梯度的优化求解SMT(NRA)公式。)

195 CPA-DF: A Tool for Configurable Interval Analysis to Boost Program Verification. (CPA-DF:一种用于可配置间隔分析以提升程序验证的工具。)

196 COMEX: A Tool for Generating Customized Source Code Representations. (COMEX:一种生成定制源代码表示的工具。)

197 TEASER: Simulation-Based CAN Bus Regression Testing for Self-Driving Cars Software. (TEASER:基于仿真的自动驾驶汽车软件的CAN总线回归测试。)

198 Provengo: A Tool Suite for Scenario Driven Model-Based Testing. (Provengo:基于场景的模型驱动测试工具套件。)

199 QuCAT: A Combinatorial Testing Tool for Quantum Software. (QuCAT:用于量子软件的组合测试工具。)

200 ICTDroid: Parameter-Aware Combinatorial Testing for Components of Android Apps. (ICTDroid:Android应用程序组件的参数感知组合测试。)

201 LIV: Loop-Invariant Validation Using Straight-Line Programs. (LIV:使用直线程序进行循环不变量验证。)

202 cegar-pt: A Tool for Abstraction by Program Transformation. (cegar-pt:通过程序转换进行抽象的工具。)

203 DroneReqValidator: Facilitating High Fidelity Simulation Testing for Uncrewed Aerial Systems Developers. (DroneReqValidator:为无人机系统开发者提供高保真度模拟测试的工具。)

204 MUT4SLX: Fast Mutant Generation for Simulink. (MUT4SLX:用于Simulink的快速变异体生成工具。)

205 AutoDebloater: Automated Android App Debloating. (AutoDebloater:自动化Android应用程序瘦身工具。)

206 SpecFuzzer: A Tool for Inferring Class Specifications via Grammar-Based Fuzzing. (SpecFuzzer:一种通过基于语法的模糊测试推断类规范的工具。)

207 Compsuite: A Dataset of Java Library Upgrade Incompatibility Issues. (Compsuite:Java库升级不兼容问题的数据集。)

208 SmartBugs 2.0: An Execution Framework for Weakness Detection in Ethereum Smart Contracts. (SmartBugs 2.0:以太坊智能合约漏洞检测的执行框架。)

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