1. Land cover datasets
1.1 The 30 m annual land cover datasets and its dynamics in China from 1990 to 2021
- The 30 m annual land cover datasets and its dynamics in China from 1990 to 2021:
2. Climate datasets
2.1 High-resolution gridded datasets (and derived products)
2.2 Climate explorer
2.3 CRU-TS v.4.03 climate datasets
- CRU-TS v.4.03 climate datasets:The CRU-TS v.4.03 climate dataset is a monthly-scale meteorological dataset produced by the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. This dataset is based on data from over 4,000 meteorological stations worldwide, and it comprises a global gridded dataset.
3. Vegetation datasets
3.3 Estimating global GPP
3.4 GPP datasets
4. Topography datasets
4.1 SRTM 90m DEM Digital Elevation Database
4.2 Corrected SRTM DEM
5. Forest datasets
5.1 Forest age
5.2 Forest tree height map of China
Forest tree height map of China
Tropical Forest Monitoring:An integrated dataset that includes many datasets related to forest monitoring.
6. Soil datasets
6.1 The Soil Database of China for Land Surface Modeling
7. Disaster datasets
7.1 Global SPEI database
7.2 SPEIbase v.2.6
7.3 SPEI Global Drought Monitor
7.3.1 SPEI CSV. 数据下载说明
首先你需要子啊图上找出你需要的区域,或者你可以在文本框里面输入范围,然后选择:SPEI time series over a region,进行CSV格式数据下载。
8. Vegetation phenology datasets
8.1 Vegetation phenology