[EBOOK] Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Jonathan Stark


If you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you already have the tools you need to develop Android applications. This hands-on book shows you how to use these open source web standards to design and build apps that can be adapted for any Android device -- without having to use Java. Buy the print book or ebook or purchase it in iBooks.


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Who Should Read This Book What You Need to Use This Book Conventions Used in This Book Using Code Examples Safari® Books Online How to Contact Us
1. Getting Started
Web App vs. Native App Web Programming Crash Course
2. Basic Styling
Don’t have a website? First Steps Adding the Android CSS Adding the Android Look and Feel Adding Basic Behavior with jQuery What You’ve Learned
3. Advanced Styling
Adding a Touch of Ajax Traffic Cop Simple Bells and Whistles Adding an Icon to the Home Screen What You’ve Learned
4. Animation
With a Little Help from Our Friend Sliding Home Adding the Dates Panel Adding the Date Panel Adding the New Entry Panel Adding the Settings Panel Putting It All Together Customizing jQTouch What You’ve Learned
5. Client-Side Data Storage
Web Storage Web SQL Database What You’ve Learned Web Database Error Code Reference
6. Going Offline
The Basics of the Offline Application Cache Online Whitelist and Fallback Options Creating a Dynamic Manifest File Debugging What You’ve Learned
7. Going Native
Intro to PhoneGap Download the Android SDK Download PhoneGap Setting Up the Environment Create an Android Virtual Device (AVD) Build KiloGap Installing KiloGap in the Emulator Installing KiloGap on your Phone Controlling the Phone with JavaScript What You’ve Learned
8. Submitting Your App To Android Market
Preparing a Release Version of Your App Uploading Your App to the Android Market Distributing Your App Directly Further Reading
A. Detecting Browsers with WURFL
Installation Configuration Testing wurfl-php





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