Slow count(*) 绕开源代码解决 通过外部解决

因此, 可以使用多条记录来缓解行锁冲突的问题, 如下 : 
# 创建测试表, a, 假设要经常count(*) from a.
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> psql
psql (9.2.4)
Type"help"for help.
postgres=# drop table a;
postgres=# create table a(id serial4 primary key, info text, crt_time timestamp(0) default now());
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "a_id_seq" for serial column ""
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "a_pkey" for table "a"
# 创建记录a表记录数的表
postgres=# create table cnt_a(id int primary key, cnt int);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "cnt_a_pkey" for table "cnt_a"
# 为了缓解行锁冲突, 这里使用了1001条记录来存储count(*) from a的值.
# 在计算count(*) a时, 使用sum(cnt) from cnt_a就可以了. 因此只需要扫描1001行.
# 后面会看到当a表的记录数越多, 性能提升约明显.
postgres=# insert into cnt_a select generate_series(0,1000),0;
INSERT 0 1001
# 创建插入触发器函数
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.tg_insert_a()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
  m_id int;
  rm numeric;
  select max(id),random()into m_id,rm from cnt_a;
  update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1where id=(rm*m_id)::int;
# 创建删除触发器函数
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.tg_delete_a()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
  m_id int;
  rm numeric;
  select max(id),random()into m_id,rm from cnt_a;
  update cnt_a set cnt=cnt-1where id=(rm*m_id)::int;
# 创建truncate触发器函数
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.tg_truncate_a()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
  update cnt_a set cnt=0wherenot cnt=0;
# 创建触发器
create trigger tg1 after insert on a for each row execute procedure tg_insert_a();
create trigger tg2 after delete on a for each row execute procedure tg_delete_a();
create trigger tg3 after truncate on a for each statement execute procedure tg_truncate_a();
# 创建pgbench 使用的插入脚本
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> cat insert.sql 
insert into a (info) values ('test');
# pgbench做插入测试
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./insert.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:1831418
tps=30514.831839(including connections establishing)
tps =30522.057886(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.522411        insert into a (info) values ('test');
# 测试完后通过count(*) 和sum(cnt)比对数据是否一致
postgres=# select count(*) from a;
(1 row)
Time: 285.491 ms
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from cnt_a ;
(1 row)
Time: 0.689 ms
# 性能提升非常明显.
# 创建pgbench用于删除a表记录的测试脚本
vi delete.sql
\setrandom id 11000000
deletefrom a where id=:id;
# 进行测试
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./delete.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:3353233
tps=55865.635772(including connections establishing)
tps =55878.855793(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.002594        \setrandom id 11000000
        0.282123        deletefrom a where id=:id;
# 测试完删除操作后, 比对count(*)和sum(cnt)是否一致
postgres=# select count(*) from a;
(1 row)
Time: 1550.239 ms
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from cnt_a ;
(1 row)
Time: 0.817 ms
当记录数到达千万级别后, 性能以及提升几千倍了.
# 创建同时进行删除和插入操作的测试脚本
vi id.sql
\setrandom id 120000000
deletefrom a where id=:id;
insert into a (info) values ('test');
# 测试
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./id.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:1061090
tps=17680.045577(including connections establishing)
tps =17684.251890(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003181        \setrandom id 120000000
        0.381986        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.516256        insert into a (info) values ('test');
# 测试完后比对count(*)和sum(cnt)的结果是否一致
postgres=# select count(*) from a;
(1 row)
Time: 1648.371 ms
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from cnt_a ;
(1 row)
Time: 1.339 ms
# 最后要测试的是truncate表.
postgres=# truncate a;
Time: 434.581 ms
postgres=# select count(*) from a;
(1 row)
Time: 0.831 ms
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from cnt_a ;
(1 row)
Time: 1.354 ms
# 当并行的超过1001时, 或者以及明显感觉到行锁冲突时, 可以通过实时增加cnt_a表的记录来达到缓解行锁冲突的目的.
# 不需要中断业务, 但是必须注意cnt_a表的id必须连续, 并且cnt的初始值必须为0. 不要出现空档. 否则使用以上触发器函数会出现数据不准确的现象.
例如 : 

pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./id.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres

postgres=# insert into cnt_a (id,cnt) select generate_series(1001,2000),0;
INSERT 0 1000
# 测试完后检查是否准确, 测试新增的cnt_a.id是否有计数.
postgres=# select count(*) from a;
(1 row)
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from cnt_a ;
(1 row)
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from cnt_a where id>1000;
(1 row)
# 如果要避免不准确的现象, 除了cnt_a.id连续, 还可以在触发器函数中添加一个异常捕获.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.tg_insert_a()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
  m_id int;
  rm numeric;
  new_cnt int;
  select max(id),random()into m_id,rm from cnt_a;
  update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt into new_cnt;
  ifnot found or new_cnt isnullthen 
    raise exception '';
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.tg_delete_a()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
  m_id int;
  rm numeric;
  new_cnt int;
  select max(id),random()into m_id,rm from cnt_a;
  update cnt_a set cnt=cnt-1where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt into new_cnt;
  ifnot found or new_cnt isnullthen 
    raise exception '';
# 测试 : 
# 插入cnt=null的非法值, 看看会不会捕获异常, 看看结果是否正确.
postgres=# insert into cnt_a (id,cnt) select 2001,null;
# 测试pgbench
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./id.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
Client 13 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client6 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client8 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client1 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client0 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client2 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client7 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client11 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client4 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client3 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client9 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client12 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client10 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client14 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client15 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client5 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:54704
tps=7617.195278(including connections establishing)
tps =7632.604983(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003084        \setrandom id 120000000
        0.184270        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.366083        insert into a (info) values ('test');
# 结果校验, 加了异常捕获, 所以结果正确.
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from cnt_a;
(1 row)
postgres=# select count(*) from a;
(1 row)
# 插入不连续的id, 看看是否可以捕获异常, 比对结果是否准确
直接跳过1000条, 导致id不连续. random()*max_id将有可能取到无记录的情况. 所以会出现not found, 捕获这个异常
postgres=# insert into cnt_a (id,cnt) select 3001,null;
# 如下pgbench实际每个连接平均只处理了28条, 看看结果是否正确
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./id.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
Client 0 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  
Client3 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client13 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client14 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client7 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client2 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client8 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client4 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client5 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client10 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client6 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  
Client1 aborted in state 1: ERROR:  
Client9 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client11 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client15 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
Client12 aborted in state 2: ERROR:  
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:28
tps=801.167415(including connections establishing)
tps =1372.515380(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.004773        \setrandom id 120000000
        1.731136        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        2.530098        insert into a (info) values ('test');
# 结果正确
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from cnt_a;
(1 row)
postgres=# select count(*) from a;
(1 row)
1. 使用这种方法带来来优化count(*), 如果insert和delete本来就不是系统瓶颈的话, 是值得提倡的.
2. random()函数为volatile属性, 所以同一个事务中多次调用时需要多次运算. rm*max_id势必得到不同的id.
postgres=# select provolatile from pg_proc where proname='random';
(1 row)
  2.1. random()多次运算比一次运算的开销大.
  2.2. 由于每次得到的id不一样, 如果是批量插入的话, 一个事务中将会锁cnt_a表的多行, 这种场景容易产生死锁.
要解决这个问题, 可以尝试使用stable或者immutable随机函数. 那么一个事务中多次调用的话都将得到同一个值, 减少了运算量同时也避免了以上场景中死锁的产生. 实现方法是  使用advisory lock, 如下 : 
# 新增pid和lock_time用来记录会话pid和事务启动时间.
postgres=# alter table cnt_a add column pid int;
Time: 18.649 ms
postgres=# alter table cnt_a add column lock_time timestamp;
Time: 1.018 ms
postgres=# \d cnt_a
                  Table "public.cnt_a"
  Column   |            Type             |   Modifiers   
 id        | integer                     | not null
 cnt       | integer                     | 
 pid       | integer                     | 
 lock_time | timestamp without time zone | 
    "cnt_a_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
# 创建插入触发器函数
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.tg_insert_a()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
  m_id int;
  a_lock boolean;
  rm numeric;
  max_id int;
  new_cnt int;
  -- now()为stable,同一事务结果一致.
  select id into m_id from cnt_a where pid=pg_backend_pid()and lock_time=now() limit 1;
  if found then 
    update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1where id=m_id returning cnt into new_cnt;
    if new_cnt isnullthen 
      raise exception 'cnt_a.cnt is null, please init with zero.';
    --1由于read committed,并发时可能同时抢锁1条记录.造成不必要的等待.
    --1select id into m_id from cnt_a where locked=false limit 1for update;  
    --2select id into m_id from cnt_a where locked=false order by random() limit 1for update;  
    --3select id into m_id from cnt_a where locked=false limit 1for update nowait;  
    for a_lock,m_id inselect pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(id),id from cnt_a loop 
      if a_lock then
update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1,pid=pg_backend_pid(),lock_time=now()where id=m_id returning cnt into new_cnt;
        if new_cnt isnullthen 
          raise exception 'cnt_a.cnt is null, please init with zero.';
    end loop;
    select max(id),random()into max_id,rm from cnt_a;
    update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1,pid=pg_backend_pid(),lock_time=now()where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt into new_cnt;
    ifnot found or new_cnt isnullthen 
      raise exception ', cnt_a.cnt:%.',(rm*m_id)::int, new_cnt;
# 创建删除触发器函数
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.tg_delete_a()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
  m_id int;
  a_lock boolean;
  rm numeric;
  max_id int;
  new_cnt int;
  -- now()为stable,同一事务结果一致.
  select id into m_id from cnt_a where pid=pg_backend_pid()and lock_time=now() limit 1;
  if found then 
    update cnt_a set cnt=cnt-1where id=m_id returning cnt into new_cnt;
    if new_cnt isnullthen 
      raise exception 'cnt_a.cnt is null, please init with zero.';
    --1由于read committed,并发时可能同时抢锁1条记录.造成不必要的等待.
    --1select id into m_id from cnt_a where locked=false limit 1for update;  
    --2select id into m_id from cnt_a where locked=false order by random() limit 1for update;  
    --3select id into m_id from cnt_a where locked=false limit 1for update nowait;  
    for a_lock,m_id inselect pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(id),id from cnt_a loop 
      if a_lock then
update cnt_a set cnt=cnt-1,pid=pg_backend_pid(),lock_time=now()where id=m_id returning cnt into new_cnt;
        if new_cnt isnullthen 
          raise exception 'cnt_a.cnt is null, please init with zero.';
    end loop;
    select max(id),random()into max_id,rm from cnt_a;
    update cnt_a set cnt=cnt-1,pid=pg_backend_pid(),lock_time=now()where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt into new_cnt;
    ifnot found or new_cnt isnullthen 
      raise exception ', cnt_a.cnt:%.',(rm*m_id)::int, new_cnt;
# 以下测试原始场景16个并发以及16条cnt_a记录的单事务多sql的场景, 发生了可以预料到的死锁.
postgres=# truncate a;
postgres=# delete from cnt_a ;
postgres=# insert into cnt_a(id,cnt) select generate_series(0,15),0;
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./id.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
Client 2 aborted in state 8: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10738 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211275; blocked by process 10737.
Process10737 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211280; blocked by process 10738.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 3 aborted in state 8: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10742 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211275; blocked by process 10737.
Process10737 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,11) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10740.
Process10740 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211281; blocked by process 10742.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 12 aborted in state 4: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10732 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211286; blocked by process 10740.
Process10740 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211276; blocked by process 10736.
Process10736 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,12) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10734.
Process10734 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211275; blocked by process 10737.
Process10737 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,11) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10732.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 13 aborted in state 11: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10736 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,12) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10734.
Process10734 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211275; blocked by process 10737.
Process10737 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211286; blocked by process 10740.
Process10740 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211276; blocked by process 10736.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 5 aborted in state 12: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10737 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211286; blocked by process 10740.
Process10740 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211272; blocked by process 10731.
Process10731 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211279; blocked by process 10734.
Process10734 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211275; blocked by process 10737.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 1 aborted in state 10: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10734 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211287; blocked by process 10730.
Process10730 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211286; blocked by process 10740.
Process10740 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211272; blocked by process 10731.
Process10731 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211279; blocked by process 10734.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 7 aborted in state 8: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10743 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211288; blocked by process 10744.
Process10744 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211282; blocked by process 10733.
Process10733 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,22) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10730.
Process10730 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211286; blocked by process 10740.
Process10740 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211284; blocked by process 10743.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 14 aborted in state 12: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10740 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,16) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10735.
Process10735 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211274; blocked by process 10739.
Process10739 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211282; blocked by process 10733.
Process10733 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,22) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10730.
Process10730 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211286; blocked by process 10740.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 11 aborted in state 4: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10745 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,3) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10741.
Process10741 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211278; blocked by process 10735.
Process10735 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211274; blocked by process 10739.
Process10739 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211291; blocked by process 10733.
Process10733 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211290; blocked by process 10730.
Process10730 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,3) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10745.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 0 aborted in state 10: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10730 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,3) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10741.
Process10741 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211278; blocked by process 10735.
Process10735 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211274; blocked by process 10739.
Process10739 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211291; blocked by process 10733.
Process10733 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211290; blocked by process 10730.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 8 aborted in state 10: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10731 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211294; blocked by process 10733.
Process10733 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,76) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10744.
Process10744 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211289; blocked by process 10731.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 4 aborted in state 8: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10733 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211293; blocked by process 10744.
Process10744 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,89) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10735.
Process10735 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211294; blocked by process 10733.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 15 aborted in state 4: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10744 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211296; blocked by process 10735.
Process10735 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211298; blocked by process 10739.
Process10739 waits forExclusiveLock on tuple (0,90) of relation 25592 of database 12044; blocked by process 10744.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 9 aborted in state 10: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10735 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211298; blocked by process 10739.
Process10739 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211296; blocked by process 10735.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
Client 6 aborted in state 11: ERROR:  deadlock detected
DETAIL:  Process10741 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211317; blocked by process 10739.
Process10739 waits forShareLock on transaction 433211316; blocked by process 10741.
HINT:  See server log for query details.
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "update cnt_a set cnt=cnt+1 where id=(rm*m_id)::int returning cnt"
PL/pgSQL function tg_insert_a() line 8 at SQL statement
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:23826
tps=397.094633(including connections establishing)
tps =397.187975(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.002638        \setrandom id 120000000
        0.063353        begin;
        0.098917        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.090903        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        1.541656        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.096450        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        1.784244        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.095878        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.899185        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.096219        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.942108        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.441609        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.482926        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.079380        end;
# 以下测试改进函数后的场景16个并发以及16条cnt_a记录的单事务多sql的场景, 避免了死锁, 同上提高了tps.
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./id.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:42402
tps=706.377762(including connections establishing)
tps =706.544148(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.004023        \setrandom id 120000000
        0.128100        begin;
        0.376305        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.149250        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        14.473279       insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.206936        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        1.340881        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.207271        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        1.301736        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.209022        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        1.294269        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        1.342260        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        1.337499        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.250370        end;
postgres=# select count(*) from a;
(1 row)
postgres=# select sum(cnt) from cnt_a ;
(1 row)
# 测试原始场景单事务单sql, 16并发16条cnt_a记录的结果. 比对于改进后的函数tps
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./insert.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:1480488
tps=24668.474181(including connections establishing)
tps =24674.365320(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.646597        insert into a (info) values ('test');
# 测试改进函数后的场景单事务单sql, 16并发16条cnt_a记录的结果. 比对于改进后的函数tps
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./insert.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:736812
tps=12278.457482(including connections establishing)
tps =12281.288634(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        1.300583        insert into a (info) values ('test');
# 测试cnt_a记录足够多的情况下(例如2000条), 测试原始场景单事务单sql, 16并发 : 
postgres=# insert into cnt_a(id,cnt) select generate_series(16,1999),0;
INSERT 0 1984
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./insert.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919 -U postgres -T 60 -c 16 -j 4 postgres
transaction type: Custom query
scaling factor: 1
query mode: prepared
number of clients: 16
number of threads: 4
duration: 60 s
number of transactions actually processed: 1722562
tps = 28705.262293 (including connections establishing)
tps = 28712.163471 (excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.555513        insert into a (info) values ('test');
# 测试cnt_a记录足够多的情况下(例如2000条), 测试改进函数后的场景单事务单sql, 16并发 : 
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./insert.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:482195
tps=8034.913678(including connections establishing)
tps =8036.928653(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        1.988503        insert into a (info) values ('test');
# 测试cnt_a记录足够多的情况下(例如2000条), 测试原始场景单事务多sql, 16并发 : 
# 与上面的测试一样出现了大量的死锁
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./id.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
Client 0 aborted in state 12: ERROR:  deadlock detected
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:123264
tps=2054.315191(including connections establishing)
tps =2054.804565(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.002890        \setrandom id 120000000
        0.055029        begin;
        0.154473        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.092312        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.398831        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.099380        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.374859        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.099221        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.400103        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.099028        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.397862        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.444252        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.460034        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.082733        end;
# 测试cnt_a记录足够多的情况下(例如2000条), 测试改进函数后的场景单事务多sql, 16并发 : 
pg92@digoal-PowerEdge-R610-> pgbench -M prepared -r -n -f ./id.sql -h $PGDATA -p 1919-U postgres -T 60-c 16-j 4 postgres
transaction type:Custom query
scaling factor:1
query mode: prepared
number of clients:16
number of threads:4
duration:60 s
number of transactions actually processed:178495
tps=2974.062219(including connections establishing)
tps =2974.751878(excluding connections establishing)
statement latencies in milliseconds:
        0.003536        \setrandom id 120000000
        0.145519        begin;
        0.432378        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.190400        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        1.394283        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.250328        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.443856        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.234544        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.420465        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.225787        deletefrom a where id=:id;
        0.412413        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.436313        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.437742        insert into a (info) values ('test');
        0.333693        end;
# 综合以上测试,   改进后的函数在单事务中只有单条a表dml操作的场景中没有优势, 在事务中处理需要处理多条a记录的情况下有优势.
# 对于改进函数的二次改进, 见下一篇blog
以前写的几篇优化group by和count(distinct column)的文章, 有兴趣的朋友也可以参考一下  
关于函数的稳定性 : 
随机查询优化 : 
advisory locks, 应用程序锁 : 





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