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转载 TelCoVis: 基于城市电信数据的人群共现行为的可视探索

TelcoVis: Visual Exploration of Co-occurrence in Urban Human Mobility Based on Telco Data本文是2015年VIS中SciVis的文章,并被TVCG收录简介本文利用广州的的电信数据(telco data)对人口流动(human mobility)中的共现现象 (co-occurrence)进行可视

2016-08-11 16:28:23 1067

原创 [文章摘要] A Geovisual Analytic Approach to Understanding Geo-Social Relationships in the International

文章:A Geovisual Analytic Approach to Understanding Geo-Social Relationships in the International Trade Network作者:Luo W, Yin P, Di Q, et al.来源:PloS one 9.2 (2014)本文展示了GeoSocialApp,将网络分析和空间分析进行

2016-08-05 19:09:53 761

原创 [文章摘要] CourtVision: New Visual and Spatial Analytics for the NBA

文章:CourtVision: New Visual and Spatial Analytics for the NBA作者:Goldsberry, Kirk来源:2012 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference本文展示了CourtVision,利用空间分析和可视分析技术来分析NBA球员和球队的各项数据。长期研究包括:1,可视

2016-08-01 09:31:23 606

原创 [文章摘要] 社会科学和公共政策的空间化和GIS的应用

文章:社会科学和公共政策的空间化和GIS的应用作者:王法辉来源:地理学报, 2011, 66(8).本文举例演示GIS在人文学与社会科学(如经济学、历史文化、社会学特别是犯罪学、公共卫生与规划) 的广泛应用,旨在说明GIS在人文学与社会科学(特别是相关的空间问题)的应用价值经济学在社会科学中的地位,相当于数学在自然科学中的地位案例1:城市经济学,城市

2016-07-29 18:13:57 783

原创 [文章摘要] Stories in GeoTime

文章:Stories in GeoTime作者:Eccles R, Kapler T, Harper R, et al.来源:Information Visualization, 2008, 7(1): 3-17.本文展示了一个名为GeoTime Stories的系统,该系统可以可视化时空事件,并利用故事叙述的方式来帮助更好的理解发生的事件。系统抽象了事件,在更高的层次上来

2016-07-20 07:48:03 667

原创 [文章摘要]Constructing knowledge from multivariate spatiotemporal data: integrating geographical visuali

文章:Constructing knowledge from multivariate spatiotemporal data: integrating geographical visualization with knowledge discovery in database methods作者:MacEachren A M, Wachowicz M, Edsall R, et al.

2016-02-02 16:01:11 495

原创 [文章摘要]The parallel coordinate plot in action: design and use for geographic visualization

文章:The parallel coordinate plot in action: design and use for geographic visualization作者:Edsall, Robert M.来源:Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 43.4 (2003): 605-619.本文将平行坐标PCP用于地学可视化

2016-02-01 16:34:50 751

原创 Multidimensional scaling(MDS)简介

Multidimensional scaling(MDS)Metric MDS是一种降维方法,在低维空间中,仍然能够保持对象间相对距离的方法。下图是美国城市之间的距离,表示为一个对称矩阵,即已知城市之间的距离d为将这些城市表示在二维平面上,下式的x,y表示城市的坐标,其中的距离表示在二维平面上的距离,两个距离之差的平方和最小可以反映出降维后仍能保持对

2016-01-20 21:35:25 2027

原创 [文章摘要]Activity identification and primary location modelling based on smart card payment data for pu

文章:Activity identification and primary location modelling based on smart card payment data for public transport作者:Chakirov, Artem, and Alexander Erath.来源:13th International Conference on Travel Be

2016-01-20 16:37:40 655

原创 [文章摘要]Studying commuting behaviours using collaborative visual analytics

文章:[文章摘要]Studying commuting behaviours using collaborative visual analytics作者:Beecham R, Wood J, Bowerman A.来源:Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2014, 47: 5-15.本文利用伦敦的公共自行车租用数据来分析通勤模

2016-01-19 15:29:32 448

原创 [文章摘要]Semantic Enrichment and Analysis of Movement Data:Probably it is just Starting!

文章:Semantic Enrichment and Analysis of Movement Data:Probably it is just Starting!作者:Fileto R, Bogorny V, May C, et al.来源:SIGSPATIAL Special, 2015, 7(1): 11-18.本文综述了语义轨迹,并简单介绍了正在进行的工作。

2016-01-18 13:42:51 870

原创 [文章摘要]Semantic Annotation of Mobility Data using Social Media

文章:Semantic Annotation of Mobility Data using Social Media作者:F Wu, Z Li, WC Lee, H Wang, Z Huang.来源:ACM WWW 2015.本文利用LBSN数据来标注轨迹数据,来发现用户旅行的目的,关键问题是得到和用户移动相关的词汇,为此定义了相关函数来描述,利用频率方法、高斯混合模型方法和K

2016-01-18 09:08:34 590

原创 [文章摘要]iVizTRANS: Interactive visual learning for home and work place detection from massive public t

文章:iVizTRANS: Interactive visual learning for home and work place detection from massive public transportation data作者:Yu L, Wu W, Li X, et al.来源:Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 201

2016-01-16 14:45:34 720

原创 [文章摘要]On the semantic annotation of places in location-based social networks

文章:On the semantic annotation of places in location-based social networks作者:M Ye, D Shou, WC Lee, P Yin, K Janowicz.来源:KDD’11本文可以对LBSN中的地点自动标注标签,其本质是标签缺失签到地点的标签预测问题,对每类tag,将其建模为一个tag分类问题,利用已

2016-01-16 09:19:10 586

原创 [文章摘要]Extracting semantics of individual places from movement data by analyzing temporal patterns of

文章:Extracting semantics of individual places from movement data by analyzing temporal patterns of visits作者:Gennady Andrienko, Natalia Andrienko, Georg Fuchs等.来源:Proceedings of The First ACM SIGSPA

2016-01-14 19:38:00 533

原创 [文章摘要]SeMiTri: A Framework for Semantic Annotation of Heterogeneous Trajectories

文章:SeMiTri: A Framework for Semantic Annotation of Heterogeneous Trajectories作者:Yan Z, Chakraborty D, Parent C, et al.来源:Proceedings of the 14th international conference on extending database tech

2016-01-14 13:14:15 705

原创 [文章摘要]Constructing Semantic Interpretation of Routine and Anomalous Mobility Behaviors from Big Data

文章:[文章摘要]Constructing Semantic Interpretation of Routine and Anomalous Mobility Behaviors from Big Data作者:Georg Fuchs, Hendrik Stange, Dirk Hecker, Natalia Andrienko, Gennady Andrienko来源:SIGSPATIA

2016-01-13 16:14:20 631

原创 [文章摘要]Mining the Semantics of Origin-Destination Flows using Taxi Traces

文章:[文章摘要]Mining the Semantics of Origin-Destination Flows using Taxi Traces作者:Wangsheng Zhang, Shijian Li, Gang Pan来源:UbiComp. 2012.本文从出租车OD流中通过聚类挖掘出模式,并分析了语义OD流。step1:将杭州出租车轨迹划分为网格,

2016-01-13 10:01:48 544

原创 [文章摘要]Visual Exploration of Big Spatio-Temporal Urban Data: A Study of New York City Taxi Trips

文章:Visual Exploration of Big Spatio-Temporal Urban Data: A Study of New York City Taxi Trips作者:Nivan Ferreira, Jorge Poco, Huy T. Vo, Juliana Freire, and Cl´audio T. SilvaFig.来源:IEEE TVCG (2013)

2016-01-12 19:14:58 830

原创 Where is also about time A location-distortion model to improve reverse geocoding using behavior-dr

文章:Where is also about time: A location-distortion model to improve reversegeocoding using behavior-driven temporal semantic signatures作者:Grant McKenzie, Krzysztof Janowicz.来源:Computers, Environ

2016-01-12 09:07:13 617

原创 [文章摘要]Clustering daily patterns of human activities in the city

文章:Clustering daily patterns of human activities in the city作者:Jiang, Shan, Joseph Ferreira, and Marta C. González.来源:Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2012, 25(3): 478-510.本文利用芝加哥城区的居民活动

2016-01-10 21:30:58 777

原创 From movement tracks through events to places: Extracting and characterizing significant places from

文章:From movement tracks through events to places: Extracting and characterizing significant places from mobility data作者:Andrienko G, Andrienko N, Hurter C, et al.来源:Visual Analytics Science and Te

2016-01-10 11:13:30 833 2

原创 [文章摘要]Semantic Enrichment of Movement Behavior with Foursquare–A Visual Analytics Approach

文章:Semantic Enrichment of Movement Behavior with Foursquare–A Visual Analytics Approach作者:Kruger Robert, Dennis Thom, and Thomas Ertl.来源:IEEE TVCG, VOL. 21, NO. 8, AUGUST 2015文章利用社交媒体数据(Four

2016-01-09 11:02:34 1162

原创 [文章摘要]A semantic-enhanced trajectory visual analytics for digital forensic

文章:A semantic-enhanced trajectory visual analytics for digital forensic作者:Liao Z, Li Y, Peng Y, et al.来源:Journal of Visualization,2015文章利用语义轨迹结合信用卡交易数据来发现嫌疑犯(以绑架案为例),使用对象为公安人员,为其迅速锁定嫌犯而提供证

2016-01-08 19:36:46 1061

原创 [文章摘要]Towards Privacy-Preserving Semantic Mobility Analysis

文章:Towards Privacy-Preserving Semantic Mobility Analysis作者:N Andrienko, G Andrienko, G Fuchs会议:EuroVis workshop on visual analytics,2013文章将移动数据从地理空间转换为语义空间后,在语义空间中分析的运动数据,且考虑了隐私保护。下图是人

2016-01-08 17:21:10 960

原创 Scalable and privacy-respectful interactive discovery of place semantics from human mobility traces

人们的出行信息对于政府、交通、规划等部门具有重要意义。传统的交通调查方式通过交通日志来获得,但该方式只能用于小样本,且获取代价高,并容易出错。偶发性移动数据(episodic movement data,例如手机通话数据、带有位置标签的微博数据等,非连续的轨迹)为获取出行信息提供了另一种可能。但这其中有三个挑战:1,以前的工作从个人数据中获取出行信息(利用时态模式temporal patter

2016-01-07 21:10:03 683

转载 MFC Ribbon界面开发

转载自: http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ee851836.aspx

2014-09-07 17:19:23 5871

原创 不是Bug的bug-CUDA程序显卡驱动在2秒以后恢复

最近遇到一个诡异的CUDA程序bug,我的Kernel里面有一个循环,遍历整个数据集。当数据量小的时候,程序没有问题,但当数据量增大的时候,整个屏幕会突然卡住,动不了,然后windows显示我的显卡驱动崩溃并恢复了,当然程序也挂了。    仔细检查程序的逻辑,怎么也找不到问题,在同桌小小哥的提示下,本想查看了CUDA的Sample程序deviceQuery看看内存到底用了多少,无意间发现一个配

2014-06-25 09:53:21 3338 2

原创 稀疏矩阵Compressed Row Storage存储格式

稀疏矩阵(Sparse Matrix)由于有很多0,为了节省空间,一般压缩存储。通常只需要保存非零元素及其位置即可。下面介绍Compressed Row Storage(CRS)格式或者称为 Compressed sparse row(CSR)格式,由名称可见,该格式是把行的信息压缩存储了,只显式保留每行第一个非零元素的位置,具体在例子中可以看到。假设有稀疏矩阵A,我们需要

2014-03-08 18:34:12 13319 1



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