

Data structures 1_23


  • simple, never grows and don’t fragment the memory
  • the elements lie continuously in the memory, make traversal very cache friendly
  • is good when: have limited memory or if dynamic memory is impossible, and we know how many elements we want to strore

weakness: fixed size

  • if increase the size, we need create a new and copy the origin
  • also insert or delete
  • in C++, it will access elements out of bounds

Linked Lists

  • common in game programming
  • fast to add or remove elements, since no copying of other elements is required
  • drawbacks
    • require more memory(pointers)
    • not stored consecutively, worse cache consistency
  • single linked or double linked
  • double linked lists require more memory, but faster if traverse the list backwards


  • need elements are always sorted, priority queue is good
  • update the high priority, and lower the priority if can’t update in a single frame
  • priority queues are useful for pathfinding

Scriping 1_42

  • game engine and game specific code is often written in a compiled language, C++. C#, Java
  • compiling and building can take much time
  • game designers can write some high level code for the game, be addressed using scripting

Scriping Languages

  • more simple to use than fully-featured, compiled languages
  • interpreted at runtime and therefore does not require any compilation
  • Therefore the behavior of for example a character can be changed without having to recompile the whole game
  • can often update existing scripts or write new scripts
  • players can mod(ify) the game after release(无敌?)
  • most important reason: the time between when we make a code change and when the results are
    seen in the game
  • fast and easy to update scripts and see the effects
  • depend on how the scripting engine works, sometimes need modify and reload while playing

Drawbacks of scripting languages

  • Performance
    • usually not compiled
    • interpreted at runtime in the scripting engine
    • lower performance than in compiled, game specific code
  • Tool support
    • complied language(非脚本语言) supported by development tools(Eclipse…)
    • the tools are simple
  • *Error handling
    • since interpreted at runtime, no compiler tell you about errors in the code
    • tools(开发工具) are not as rigid(精确的) as a compiler
    • limited support for exception handling
    • most are dynamically typed(variables don’t have type), difficult to track down bugs
  • *Communicating with the game engine
    • must do if want to be useful
    • extensive interface to the compiled game code
    • if action not in interface, can’t do it

Game system overview 2_3



module: a group of classes that handle a specific task in the game.

Architecture types 2_5

Ad-Hoc Architecture

no organization

classes are simply added when they are needed without looking at the big picture

classes are not separated in different subsystems, tight coupling

Modular Architecture

subsystems are identified and separated into modules or libraries

modules communicate with more or less coupled ways:

tightest coupling is use direct calls; lowest coupling is use interface

drawback: dependencies between modules are not controlled, over time modules tend to be more and more dependent on each other, leading to a very tightly coupled system

Direct Acyclic Graph(DAG) Architecture

dependencies between modules are controlled, avoid getting a tightly coupled system

want to be wide and shallow

Layered Architecture

organizes modules into separate layers, and a module is only allowed to access modules in the layer directly below.

are useful in cases where we have a number of serial operations to perform

Initialization and shutdown steps 2_17

initialization purpose: load all resources needed for a part of the game

shutdown purpose: unload all resources used in a part of the game to free up memory

  • to minimize dependency problems, we can unload in reverse order

  • make sure the steps are quickly

  • good idea: Resources Acquisition Is Initialization(RAII)

    When we create a game object, it is itself responsible for loading all resources (textures, collision boxes, …) it needs

    When we destroy a game object, it is responsible for shutting down the resources it is using

Fast Shutdown

dedicate a large block of memory to the game world, just wipe whole the whole memory block which is an extremely fast operation

Main game loop 2_25

a running game is driven by a game loop that performs a series of tasks to keep the game world updated and alive

  • gather player input
  • run AI
  • run physics simulation
  • update game entities
  • render graphics

each iteration of this game loop is called a frame

tasks take long time will cause lag, we should break it down into many frames, or use multithreading


The game world is a simulation of a real (or fictive), living world.

->things happen in the world even without player input!

The simulation task includes a lot of subtasks:

  • run AI code so entities decide what to di
  • run scripts that update states or trigger events
  • run physics simulation to make sure game objects move correctly in the game world

the simulation is time consuming.

only run simulation for the part of the game that is visible for the player

another optimization is to keep the entities that needs updating in a priority queue

the simulation engine starts updating the entity with the highest priority, and continues until the frame time runs out.

an entity that was updated gets a lower priority and is moved back in the queue

the entities that were not updated, will be updated in the future frames

consider avoid starvation: that an entity has so low priority that it is never updated


two separate phases:

collision detection

check if it is colliding with another entity

the more complex an object is, the more expensive the collision check is

to speed up, use simplified collision

collision response

when detected, need calculate how it affects each of the entities involved

follow the laws of physics and is affected by

  • the speed and direction of movement
  • gravity
  • friction of the ground(地面摩擦)
  • material the entities are made of

If involved entities are destructible, we must also handle damage.

Rendering 6_1

rendering a three-dimensional scene onto a flat two-dimensional screen

performed by the graphics hardware

Graphics Fundamentals: Buffers

Frame Buffer and Back Buffer

the frame buffer is the location where what is shown on the actual screen is stored

  • in many computer applications the GUI contents are drawn directly on the frame buffer
  • but in 3D games is not feasible, user can see the frame being constructed

->Instead we construct the frame on a nonvisible area called the back buffer

  • when the frame construction is finished, the back buffer is copied to the frame buffer

when compressing an image of high resolution to a lower resolution,visible distortion artifacts(aliasing) occur.

->use antialiasing techniques to minimize these artifacts

Depth Buffer

a second invisible buffer called the depth buffer(or Z-buffer, since the z-axis often represents the depth in a 3D scene)

for each pixel that is written to the back buffer, a depth value for that pixel is written to the depth buffer

The values in the depth buffer indicate how far away pixels are, and when attempting to render a new object at the same position the depth of the new object is compared with the depth stored in the depth buffer.

A major benefit with this approach is that we don’t have to render objects in a specific order based on depth.

Stencil Buffer

this buffer is often interleaved with the depth buffer: 24 of 32 bits are used for the depth buffer and the remainong 8 for the stencil buffer

the meaning is not as clearly defined, just the “really useful” buffer

common application:

  • windows: value 1 inside the window, 0 otherwise
  • rendering objects with reflections like a mirror

Graphics Fundamentals: Coordinate Spaces 6_17

World and Object space

the game world is located in the world space, and uses the global coordinate system

game objects are often defined in their own object space, using a local coordinate system

  • before rendering an object, its location and rotation must be transformed to the world space
  • other wise the renderer does not know where an object is relative to other objects

Camera Space

the camera has a space in front, called a frustum

objects are only visible if they are fully or partially inside the frustum

when the camera move or rotate, the frustum also moves and a new part of the scene will be visible

Camera Frustum

The frustum is a volume defined by six planes:


Graphics Fundamentals: Textures and Materials 6_26

总结 Meshes & Materials

a mesh is a collection of triangles forming an object

each triangle also have a material which is used to render the triangle

a material is a description of how to render the triangle:

  • which texture to use, and texture coordinates
  • which shader to use


is mapped onto a mesh

a textures is a surface that holds data called texels(texture pixel)

a texels holds a color(RGB) and often an alpha transparency channel

Textures are 2D arrays representing a picture that is mapped onto an object. 3D arrays, Cube map…

The texture is used by a shader to calculate how the object looks like in the current lighting conditions

Texture mapping


it determine the shape (vertex shader) and color (pixel shader) of a mesh.

this is necessary since meshes are deformed(due to perspective) when placed on the screen, and we also have different lighting in a scene


a material is a destription of how to render a triangle

usually consists of associated textures, reflectivity…, and which shader(s) to use


An object can have multiple meshes, which allows it to represent objects with multiple materials.

The atomic operation of the hardware is to draw a set of triangles with a single material.

Graphics Fundamentals: more about Textures 6_56

Texture formats

  • No alpha required: DXT1
  • Low precision alpha is enough: DXT3
  • High precision alpha is required: DXT5

Mipmap chains

It is a sequence of the same picture, but each is half the size in each dimension as the previous one.

shrinking an image to a smaller size can lead to aliasing artifacts which makes the texture look bad.

Mipmapping is a very effective approach for reducing aliasing artifacts.

Texture Filtering

When mapping a square texture onto a non-square mesh surface, or when rotating or shrinking a texture artifacts can appear.

point sampling

we simply use the texel color at the coordinate we have calculated.

bilinear filtering

It uses the nearest four texels to construct the color for a pixel.

trilinear filtering

an extension of bilinear filtering

This is done by doing bilinear filtering on two mipmap entries and then interpolate between the two results.

It does two bilinear filtering operations plus an interpolation

anisotropic filtering

It uses the mipmap version in the least filtered direction (horizontally), and uses a filter to reduce aliasing when reducing the size vertically.

Graphics Fundamentals: Lighting 6_85

the position and direction of a light source determines which surfaces it is shining on

the material or the surface determines how the light is reflected

we typically have:

  • bright directional lights: processed in high detail
  • ambient light: a small constant lighting is added to surfaces, simulating background lighting
    • It is based on the assumption that there is always some light bouncing around in random directions in a scene illuminating every surface.
    • This models how lighting can be scattered or reflected many times producing a uniform effect.

Animation 7_2

Bone-based animation

In a bone-based system, we have bones arranged in a tree hierarchy.

Each bone hangs from a single parent bone, and each bone may have multiple child bones.

Two bones are connected with a joint.

  • forward Kinematics

    We can determine the position of the last bone depending on the translation and orientation of the previous bones.

  • Inverse Kinematics

    Now the position of the end bone is fixed, and the bones higher up in the hierarchy is moved to keep it there

Animations 7_13

Storage, Keyframes

store an animation by certain keyframes, and interpolate between them


Interpolation between translation and scale is simple.

For rotation this is however not as simple

Rotation 7_23

Rotation means how the bone is rotated in the joint relative to its parent bone.

Euler Angles

x, y, z控制



there is no efficient interpolation method that always produce
good results.


  • 3x3 Rotation Matrix
  • Quaternions

Gimbal lock

To save space, we store character animations in keyframes and interpolate between the orientations of two frames.

Storing every possible orientation between two frames would take up too much memory.

*3x3 Rotation Matrix


Quaternions does not suffer from the polar problem of Euler angles and requires less memory than 3x3 rotation matrices.

A quaternion is a vector composed of the four components x, y, z and w.

The (x, y, z) values are chosen so that the length of the vector defines the sine value of half the rotation angle.

The w value defines the cosine value of half the rotation angle.

Both rotations have the same half-angle sine values, but different half-angle cosine values.

Interpolating between two quaternions is fast and gives reasonably good results.


  • Don’t suffer from the Gimbal lock problem.
  • Require less memory than 3x3 rotation matrices.
  • Are easy to interpolate.

Complex Motions 7_48

Cubic Bezier curve

to interpolate between two keyframes F1 and F2, we also need to define two control points T1 and T2

memory consuming

however can make memory optimizations


Motion Extraction 7_77


Linear Motion Extraction

  • take the root bone position at the last animation frame
  • subtract by the root bone position at the first animation frame
  • now we know the travel distance for the animation
  • linearly interpolate when playing the animation


it does not capture rotational movement

Composite Motion Extraction

instead of interpolating between the last and first frame, we interpolate between each keyframe in the animation

Variable Delta Extraction

deal with non-linear interpolation between keyframes

we need to sample the animation each frame, and calculate the translational change of the root bone between the current and previous frame(delta).

the delta is then used to move the instance

the instance then always follows the root bone

Game Agents 8_10

non-player characters(NPCs)

game AI=game agents

agent: an autonomous entity that can sense its environment and act intelligently upon it

Game agents usually follow a three step sense-think-act cycle


know about the current state of the game world

the AI has perfect information about the game world

usually be given similar limitations as humans have

One such (human) limitation is vision. In a realistic setting agents cannot see everything.


Step 3 is unfortunately a very costly operation requiring rays to be cast from the agent towards the other game object, and test the rays for collisions.


using simplified bounding boxes instead of the complex mesh of game objects

it is easier to see moving objects than stationary objects.


noise attract


reaction times

adding some reaction time to agents can enhance the realism.


  1. rule-based system
  2. state machines


remember that this is what the player sees

flee action(逃跑)

Finite-State Machines 8_28

A FSM is one way to implement the behavior of an agent

An FSM consists of states, transitions between states, and conditions for a transition

an agent can only be one state at a time

each state has its own logic

When an agent is in a specific state, the logic for that state is executed.

After executing the state logic, rules are checked for transition to a new state.

  • Moore machine: code is executed within states
  • Mealy machine: code is executed at transitions between states

Pathfinding 8_58


Characters can move from the center of one square to the center of an adjacent square.

Smaller squares give better paths, but pathfinding takes longer time to complete.

Waypoint Graph

Characters can only move on links that connect two waypoints.

Does not cover the whole game world => It is an incomplete representation.

More waypoints give better paths, but pathfinding takes longer time to complete.

Navigation Mesh

The game world is divided into convex polygons.

Characters can move freely within a polygon, and edges can connect a polygon to another polygon.

Covers the whole game world (complete epresentation).

Depth-First Search

complete, not-optimal

New nodes are added first in the open list (LIFO).

Greedy Search(Best-First Search)

an informed search algorithm

pick the most promising node in the open list.

A node is more promising the closer it is to the goal node

We cannot know exactly which node is the closest (the problem would already be solved then), but we can make an educated guess.

to make a guess we use a heuristic function. it gives a numerical value for how promising each node is

the most common heuristic function in pathfinding is Euclidean distance

The open list is sorted on Euclidean distance, lowest
value first.

complete, non-optimal


complete, optimal

The only difference from Greedy Search is that A-star uses a slightly more complex heuristic function:

Object-oriented design in games

Component systems 1_64

  • relies on the composition principle
  • create one base class and attach components, not create separate classes
  • component has some logic or functionality
  • component is simply to be added or replaced to change functionality
  • add or remove don’t need recompilation(can change during running)

Data-Driven Composition

  • game entities are defined in separate data files
  • change without recompile
  • loose coupling

Development processes 1_90

Waterfall model


Numerial Quantities: Matrix 4_15

rows and columns

square matrix

the main diagonal entries

a diagonal matrix

MT, exchanging the rows and columns

a symmetric matrix

an n-dimensional vector V

a column vector

Matrix multiplication

Identity matrix, 和它相乘等于自己

Inverse M − 1 M^{-1} M1和它相乘是单位矩阵

The Dot Product 4_27



v w cosα

  • 点乘为0,垂直orthogonal
  • 大于0,锐角
  • 小于0,钝角

Collision Detection and Response 4_63

Overlap Testing

Optimizing Collision Detection

two ways to optimize collision detection

  • using simplified collision volumes
  • organizing entities in for example grids or BSP trees to reduce the number of entity pairs we need to calculate collisions for

The Five-Step Debugging Process

1 Reproduce the Problem Consistently

create a set of “repro steps” that show how to reproduce the bug every time

  • provide valuable clues
  • a systematic way
  • can be used in regression testing

2 Collect Clues

clues suggest where problem might be

be aware that some clues are false

don’t spend too long- get in and observe

3 Pinpoint the Error

focus your search and pinpoint the error

  • propose a hypothesis
  • use the divide-and-conquer method

4 Repair the Problem

Propose solution. Exact solution depends upon stage of problem

Ideally, want original coder of fix

Consider other similar cases, even if not ye reported

5 Test the Solution

So, test that solution repairs bug

Best by independent tester

set of “repro steps” that show how to reproduce the bug every time

  • provide valuable clues
  • a systematic way
  • can be used in regression testing
  • 6
  • 12
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