
自从 Ian Goodfellow 在 14 年发表了 论文 Generative Adversarial Nets 以来,生成式对抗网络 GAN 广受关注,加上学界大牛 Yann Lecun 在 Quora 答题时曾说,他最激动的深度学习进展是生成式对抗网络,使得 GAN 成为近年来在机器学习领域的新宠,可以说,研究机器学习的人,不懂 GAN,简直都不好意思出门。

下面我们来简单介绍一下生成式对抗网络,主要介绍三篇论文:1)Generative Adversarial Networks;2)Conditional Generative Adversarial Nets;3)Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks。

首先来看下第一篇论文,了解一下 GAN 的过程和原理:

GAN 启发自博弈论中的二人零和博弈(two-player game),GAN 模型中的两位博弈方分别由生成式模型(generative model)和判别式模型(discriminative model)充当。生成模型 G 捕捉样本数据的分布,用服从某一分布(均匀分布,高斯分布等)的噪声 z 生成一个类似真实训练数据的样本,追求效果是越像真实样本越好;判别模型 D 是一个二分类器,估计一个样本来自于训练数据(而非生成数据)的概率,如果样本来自于真实的训练数据,D 输出大概率,否则,D 输出小概率。可以做如下类比:生成网络 G 好比假币制造团伙,专门制造假币,判别网络 D 好比警察,专门检测使用的货币是真币还是假币,G 的目标是想方设法生成和真币一样的货币,使得 D 判别不出来,D 的目标是想方设法检测出来 G 生成的假币。如图所示:

在训练的过程中固定一方,更新另一方的网络权重,交替迭代,在这个过程中,双方都极力优化自己的网络,从而形成竞争对抗,直到双方达到一个动态的平衡(纳什均衡),此时生成模型 G 恢复了训练数据的分布(造出了和真实数据一模一样的样本),判别模型再也判别不出来结果,准确率为 50%,约等于乱猜。


当固定生成网络 G 的时候,对于判别网络 D 的优化,可以这样理解:输入来自于真实数据,D 优化网络结构使自己输出 1,输入来自于生成数据,D 优化网络结构使自己输出 0;当固定判别网络 D 的时候,G 优化自己的网络使自己输出尽可能和真实数据一样的样本,并且使得生成的样本经过 D 的判别之后,D 输出高概率。

第一篇文章,在 MNIST 手写数据集上生成的结果如下图:




第二篇文章想法很简单,就是给 GAN 加上条件,让生成的样本符合我们的预期,这个条件可以是类别标签(例如 MNIST 手写数据集的类别标签),也可以是其他的多模态信息(例如对图像的描述语言)等。用公式表示就是:

式子中的 y 是所加的条件,结构图如下:


图中所加的条件 y 是类别标签。


第三篇文章,简称(DCGAN),在实际中是代码使用率最高的一篇文章,本系列文的代码也是这篇文章代码的初级版本,它优化了网络结构,加入了 conv,batch_norm 等层,使得网络更容易训练,网络结构如下:



下面我们就来用 TensorFlow 搭建 GAN(严格说来是 DCGAN,如无特别说明,本系列文章所说的 GAN 均指 DCGAN),如前面所说,GAN 分为有约束条件的 GAN,和不加约束条件的GAN,我们先来搭建一个简单的 MNIST 数据集上加约束条件的 GAN。

首先下载数据:在  /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/ 下建立文件夹 data/mnist,从 http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ 网站上下载 mnist 数据集 train-images-idx3-ubyte.gztrain-labels-idx1-ubyte.gzt10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gzt10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz 到 mnist 文件夹下得到四个 .gz 文件。

数据下载好之后,在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/ 下新建文件 read_data.py 读取数据,输入如下代码:

import os
import numpy as np

def read_data():

    # 数据目录
    data_dir = '/home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/data/mnist'
    # 打开训练数据    
    fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir,'train-images-idx3-ubyte'))
    # 转化成 numpy 数组
    loaded = np.fromfile(file=fd,dtype=np.uint8)
    # 根据 mnist 官网描述的数据格式,图像像素从 16 字节开始
    trX = loaded[16:].reshape((60000,28,28,1)).astype(np.float)

    # 训练 label
    fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir,'train-labels-idx1-ubyte'))
    loaded = np.fromfile(file=fd,dtype=np.uint8)
    trY = loaded[8:].reshape((60000)).astype(np.float)

    # 测试数据
    fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir,'t10k-images-idx3-ubyte'))
    loaded = np.fromfile(file=fd,dtype=np.uint8)
    teX = loaded[16:].reshape((10000,28,28,1)).astype(np.float)

    # 测试 label
    fd = open(os.path.join(data_dir,'t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte'))
    loaded = np.fromfile(file=fd,dtype=np.uint8)
    teY = loaded[8:].reshape((10000)).astype(np.float)

    trY = np.asarray(trY)
    teY = np.asarray(teY)
    # 由于生成网络由服从某一分布的噪声生成图片,不需要测试集,
    # 所以把训练和测试两部分数据合并
    X = np.concatenate((trX, teX), axis=0)
    y = np.concatenate((trY, teY), axis=0)
    # 打乱排序
    seed = 547
    # 这里,y_vec 表示对网络所加的约束条件,这个条件是类别标签,
    # 可以看到,y_vec 实际就是对 y 的独热编码,关于什么是独热编码,
    # 请参考 http://www.cnblogs.com/Charles-Wan/p/6207039.html
    y_vec = np.zeros((len(y), 10), dtype=np.float)
    for i, label in enumerate(y):
        y_vec[i,y[i]] = 1.0
    return X/255., y_vec

这里顺便说明一下,由于 MNIST 数据总体占得内存不大(可以看下载的文件,最大的一个 45M 左右,)所以这样读取数据是允许的,一般情况下,数据特别庞大的时候,建议把数据转化成 tfrecords,用 TensorFlow 标准的数据读取格式,这样能带来比较高的效率。


然后,定义一些基本的操作层,例如卷积,池化,全连接等层,在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/ 新建文件 ops.py,输入如下代码:

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.layers.python.layers import batch_norm as batch_norm

# 常数偏置
def bias(name, shape, bias_start = 0.0, trainable = True):
    dtype = tf.float32
    var = tf.get_variable(name, shape, tf.float32, trainable = trainable, 
                          initializer = tf.constant_initializer(
                                                  bias_start, dtype = dtype))
    return var

# 随机权重
def weight(name, shape, stddev = 0.02, trainable = True):
    dtype = tf.float32
    var = tf.get_variable(name, shape, tf.float32, trainable = trainable, 
                          initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(
                                              stddev = stddev, dtype = dtype))
    return var

# 全连接层
def fully_connected(value, output_shape, name = 'fully_connected', with_w = False):
    shape = value.get_shape().as_list()
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        weights = weight('weights', [shape[1], output_shape], 0.02)
        biases = bias('biases', [output_shape], 0.0)
    if with_w:
        return tf.matmul(value, weights) + biases, weights, biases
        return tf.matmul(value, weights) + biases

# Leaky-ReLu 层
def lrelu(x, leak=0.2, name = 'lrelu'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        return tf.maximum(x, leak*x, name = name)
# ReLu 层
def relu(value, name = 'relu'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        return tf.nn.relu(value)
# 解卷积层
def deconv2d(value, output_shape, k_h = 5, k_w = 5, strides =[1, 2, 2, 1], 
             name = 'deconv2d', with_w = False):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        weights = weight('weights', 
                         [k_h, k_w, output_shape[-1], value.get_shape()[-1]])
        deconv = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(value, weights, 
                                        output_shape, strides = strides)
        biases = bias('biases', [output_shape[-1]])
        deconv = tf.reshape(tf.nn.bias_add(deconv, biases), deconv.get_shape())
        if with_w:
            return deconv, weights, biases
            return deconv
# 卷积层            
def conv2d(value, output_dim, k_h = 5, k_w = 5, 
            strides =[1, 2, 2, 1], name = 'conv2d'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        weights = weight('weights', 
                         [k_h, k_w, value.get_shape()[-1], output_dim])
        conv = tf.nn.conv2d(value, weights, strides = strides, padding = 'SAME')
        biases = bias('biases', [output_dim])
        conv = tf.reshape(tf.nn.bias_add(conv, biases), conv.get_shape())
        return conv

# 把约束条件串联到 feature map
def conv_cond_concat(value, cond, name = 'concat'):
    # 把张量的维度形状转化成 Python 的 list
    value_shapes = value.get_shape().as_list()
    cond_shapes = cond.get_shape().as_list()
    # 在第三个维度上(feature map 维度上)把条件和输入串联起来,
    # 条件会被预先设为四维张量的形式,假设输入为 [64, 32, 32, 32] 维的张量,
    # 条件为 [64, 32, 32, 10] 维的张量,那么输出就是一个 [64, 32, 32, 42] 维张量
    with tf.variable_scope(name):        
        return tf.concat(3, [value, 
                             cond * tf.ones(value_shapes[0:3] + cond_shapes[3:])])
# Batch Normalization 层        
def batch_norm_layer(value, is_train = True, name = 'batch_norm'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:
        if is_train:        
            return batch_norm(value, decay = 0.9, epsilon = 1e-5, scale = True, 
                              is_training = is_train, 
                              updates_collections = None, scope = scope)
            return batch_norm(value, decay = 0.9, epsilon = 1e-5, scale = True, 
                              is_training = is_train, reuse = True, 
                              updates_collections = None, scope = scope)

mma,否则 gamma 不使用,is_train 也是布尔变量,为真值代表训练过程,否则代表测试过程(在 BN 层中,训练过程和测试过程是不同的,具体请参考论文:https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167)。关于 batch_norm 的其他的参数,请看参考文献2。

在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/ 下新建文件 utils.py,输入如下代码:

import scipy.misc
import numpy as np

# 保存图片函数
def save_images(images, size, path):
    Save the samples images
    The best size number is
            int(max(sqrt(image.shape[0]),sqrt(image.shape[1]))) + 1
        The batch_size is 64, then the size is recommended [8, 8]
        The batch_size is 32, then the size is recommended [6, 6]

    # 图片归一化,主要用于生成器输出是 tanh 形式的归一化
    img = (images + 1.0) / 2.0
    h, w = img.shape[1], img.shape[2]

    # 产生一个大画布,用来保存生成的 batch_size 个图像
    merge_img = np.zeros((h * size[0], w * size[1], 3))

    # 循环使得画布特定地方值为某一幅图像的值
    for idx, image in enumerate(images):
        i = idx % size[1]
        j = idx // size[1]
        merge_img[j*h:j*h+h, i*w:i*w+w, :] = image
    # 保存画布
    return scipy.misc.imsave(path, merge_img)



在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/ 下新建文件 model.py,定义生成器,判别器和训练过程中的采样网络,在 model.py 输入如下代码

import tensorflow as tf
from ops import *


# 定义生成器
def generator(z, y, train = True):
    # y 是一个 [BATCH_SIZE, 10] 维的向量,把 y 转成四维张量
    yb = tf.reshape(y, [BATCH_SIZE, 1, 1, 10], name = 'yb')
    # 把 y 作为约束条件和 z 拼接起来
    z = tf.concat(1, [z, y], name = 'z_concat_y')
    # 经过一个全连接,BN 和激活层 ReLu
    h1 = tf.nn.relu(batch_norm_layer(fully_connected(z, 1024, 'g_fully_connected1'), 
                                     is_train = train, name = 'g_bn1'))
    # 把约束条件和上一层拼接起来
    h1 = tf.concat(1, [h1, y], name = 'active1_concat_y')
    h2 = tf.nn.relu(batch_norm_layer(fully_connected(h1, 128 * 49, 'g_fully_connected2'), 
                                     is_train = train, name = 'g_bn2'))
    h2 = tf.reshape(h2, [64, 7, 7, 128], name = 'h2_reshape')
    # 把约束条件和上一层拼接起来
    h2 = conv_cond_concat(h2, yb, name = 'active2_concat_y')

    h3 = tf.nn.relu(batch_norm_layer(deconv2d(h2, [64,14,14,128], 
                                              name = 'g_deconv2d3'), 
                                              is_train = train, name = 'g_bn3'))
    h3 = conv_cond_concat(h3, yb, name = 'active3_concat_y')
    # 经过一个 sigmoid 函数把值归一化为 0~1 之间,
    h4 = tf.nn.sigmoid(deconv2d(h3, [64, 28, 28, 1], 
                                name = 'g_deconv2d4'), name = 'generate_image')
    return h4

# 定义判别器    
def discriminator(image, y, reuse = False):
    # 因为真实数据和生成数据都要经过判别器,所以需要指定 reuse 是否可用
    if reuse:

    # 同生成器一样,判别器也需要把约束条件串联进来
    yb = tf.reshape(y, [BATCH_SIZE, 1, 1, 10], name = 'yb')
    x = conv_cond_concat(image, yb, name = 'image_concat_y')
    # 卷积,激活,串联条件。
    h1 = lrelu(conv2d(x, 11, name = 'd_conv2d1'), name = 'lrelu1')
    h1 = conv_cond_concat(h1, yb, name = 'h1_concat_yb')
    h2 = lrelu(batch_norm_layer(conv2d(h1, 74, name = 'd_conv2d2'), 
                                name = 'd_bn2'), name = 'lrelu2')
    h2 = tf.reshape(h2, [BATCH_SIZE, -1], name = 'reshape_lrelu2_to_2d')
    h2 = tf.concat(1, [h2, y], name = 'lrelu2_concat_y')

    h3 = lrelu(batch_norm_layer(fully_connected(h2, 1024, name = 'd_fully_connected3'), 
                                name = 'd_bn3'), name = 'lrelu3')
    h3 = tf.concat(1,[h3, y], name = 'lrelu3_concat_y')
    # 全连接层,输出以为 loss 值
    h4 = fully_connected(h3, 1, name = 'd_result_withouts_sigmoid')
    return tf.nn.sigmoid(h4, name = 'discriminator_result_with_sigmoid'), h4
# 定义训练过程中的采样函数    
def sampler(z, y, train = True):
    return generator(z, y, train = train)

可以看到,生成器由 7 × 7  变为 14 × 14 再变为 28 × 28大小,每一层都加入了约束条件 y,完美的诠释了论文所给出的网络,之所以要加入 is_train 参数,是由于 Batch_norm 层中训练和测试的时候的过程是不同的,用这个参数区分训练和测试,生成器的最后一层,用了一个 sigmoid 函数把值归一化到 0~1 之间,如果是不加约束的网络,则用 tanh 函数,所以在 save_images 函数中要用到语句:img = (images + 1.0) / 2.0。

sampler 函数的作用是在训练过程中对生成器生成的图片进行采样,所以这个函数必须指定 reuse 可用,关于 reuse 说明,请看:http://www.cnblogs.com/Charles-Wan/p/6200446.html。


在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/ 下新建文件 train.py,同时新建文件夹 logs 和文件夹 samples,前者用来保存训练过程中的日志和模型,后者用来保存训练过程中采样器的采样图片,在 train.py 中输入如下代码:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import tensorflow as tf
import os

from read_data import *
from utils import *
from ops import *
from model import *
from model import BATCH_SIZE

def train():

    # 设置 global_step ,用来记录训练过程中的 step        
    global_step = tf.Variable(0, name = 'global_step', trainable = False)
    # 训练过程中的日志保存文件
    train_dir = '/home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/logs'

    # 放置三个 placeholder,y 表示约束条件,images 表示送入判别器的图片,
    # z 表示随机噪声
    y= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [BATCH_SIZE, 10], name='y')
    images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [64, 28, 28, 1], name='real_images')
    z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 100], name='z')

    # 由生成器生成图像 G
    G = generator(z, y)
    # 真实图像送入判别器
    D, D_logits  = discriminator(images, y)
    # 采样器采样图像
    samples = sampler(z, y)
    # 生成图像送入判别器
    D_, D_logits_ = discriminator(G, y, reuse = True)
    # 损失计算
    d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(D_logits, tf.ones_like(D)))
    d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(D_logits_, tf.zeros_like(D_)))
    d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake
    g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
        tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(D_logits_, tf.ones_like(D_)))

    # 总结操作
    z_sum = tf.histogram_summary("z", z)
    d_sum = tf.histogram_summary("d", D)
    d__sum = tf.histogram_summary("d_", D_)
    G_sum = tf.image_summary("G", G)

    d_loss_real_sum = tf.scalar_summary("d_loss_real", d_loss_real)
    d_loss_fake_sum = tf.scalar_summary("d_loss_fake", d_loss_fake)
    d_loss_sum = tf.scalar_summary("d_loss", d_loss)                                                
    g_loss_sum = tf.scalar_summary("g_loss", g_loss)
    # 合并各自的总结
    g_sum = tf.merge_summary([z_sum, d__sum, G_sum, d_loss_fake_sum, g_loss_sum])
    d_sum = tf.merge_summary([z_sum, d_sum, d_loss_real_sum, d_loss_sum])

    # 生成器和判别器要更新的变量,用于 tf.train.Optimizer 的 var_list
    t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
    d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in var.name]
    g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in var.name]

    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    # 优化算法采用 Adam
    d_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.0002, beta1 = 0.5) \
                .minimize(d_loss, var_list = d_vars, global_step = global_step)
    g_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.0002, beta1 = 0.5) \
                .minimize(g_loss, var_list = g_vars, global_step = global_step)
    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(0)
    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.2
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=config)

    init = tf.initialize_all_variables()   
    writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(train_dir, sess.graph)
    # 这个自己理解吧
    data_x, data_y = read_data()
    sample_z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(BATCH_SIZE, 100))
#    sample_images = data_x[0: 64]
    sample_labels = data_y[0: 64]
    # 循环 25 个 epoch 训练网络
    for epoch in range(25):
        batch_idxs = 1093
        for idx in range(batch_idxs):        
            batch_images = data_x[idx*64: (idx+1)*64]
            batch_labels = data_y[idx*64: (idx+1)*64]
            batch_z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(BATCH_SIZE, 100))            
            # 更新 D 的参数
            _, summary_str = sess.run([d_optim, d_sum], 
                                      feed_dict = {images: batch_images, 
                                                   z: batch_z, 
                                                   y: batch_labels})
            writer.add_summary(summary_str, idx+1)

            # 更新 G 的参数
            _, summary_str = sess.run([g_optim, g_sum], 
                                      feed_dict = {z: batch_z, 
                                                   y: batch_labels})
            writer.add_summary(summary_str, idx+1)

            # 更新两次 G 的参数确保网络的稳定
            _, summary_str = sess.run([g_optim, g_sum], 
                                      feed_dict = {z: batch_z,
                                                   y: batch_labels})
            writer.add_summary(summary_str, idx+1)
            # 计算训练过程中的损失,打印出来
            errD_fake = d_loss_fake.eval({z: batch_z, y: batch_labels})
            errD_real = d_loss_real.eval({images: batch_images, y: batch_labels})
            errG = g_loss.eval({z: batch_z, y: batch_labels})

            if idx % 20 == 0:
                print("Epoch: [%2d] [%4d/%4d] d_loss: %.8f, g_loss: %.8f" \
                        % (epoch, idx, batch_idxs, errD_fake+errD_real, errG))
            # 训练过程中,用采样器采样,并且保存采样的图片到 
            # /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/samples/
            if idx % 100 == 1:
                sample = sess.run(samples, feed_dict = {z: sample_z, y: sample_labels})
                samples_path = '/home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/samples/'
                save_images(sample, [8, 8], 
                            samples_path + 'test_%d_epoch_%d.png' % (epoch, idx))
                print 'save down'
            # 每过 500 次迭代,保存一次模型
            if idx % 500 == 2:
                checkpoint_path = os.path.join(train_dir, 'DCGAN_model.ckpt')
                saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step = idx+1)

if __name__ == '__main__':

输入完成后点击运行,运行过程中,可以看到,生成的每个图片对应行对应列都是一样的数字,这是因为我们加了条件约束;采样器 sampler 采样的图片被保存在 samples 文件夹下,由模糊到清晰,由刚开始的噪声,慢慢变成手写字符,最后完全区分不出来是生成图片还是真实图片,反正我是区分不出来,you can you up。




 与此同时,要是在训练的时候打开 TensorBoard,可以看到 D 的分布,大致在趋于 0.5 左右的附件徘徊,说明判别器 D 已经趋于判别不出来了,只能随机猜测,正确率大致 0.5。


讲道理,我们的 GAN 到这一步,已经算是完成了,测试的过程,我们已经在训练的时候通过采样完成了,如果嫌不够,非要单独写个测试的文件,也不是不可以:

在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/ 下新建文件 eval.py 和文件夹 eval,eval 文件夹用来保存测试结果图片,在 eval.py 中输入如下代码:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import tensorflow as tf
import os

from read_data import *
from utils import *
from ops import *
from model import *
from model import BATCH_SIZE

def eval():
    # 用于存放测试图片
    test_dir = '/home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/eval/'
    # 从此处加载模型
    checkpoint_dir = '/home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/logs/'
    y= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [BATCH_SIZE, 10], name='y')
    z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 100], name='z')
    G = generator(z, y)    
    data_x, data_y = read_data()
    sample_z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(BATCH_SIZE, 100))
    sample_labels = data_y[120: 184]
    # 读取 ckpt 需要 sess,saver
    print("Reading checkpoints...")
    ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir)
    # saver
    saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables())
    # sess
    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(0)
    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.2
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=config)
    # 从保存的模型中恢复变量
    if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
        ckpt_name = os.path.basename(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)        
        saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, ckpt_name))
    # 用恢复的变量进行生成器的测试
    test_sess = sess.run(G, feed_dict = {z: sample_z, y: sample_labels})
    # 保存测试的生成器图片到特定文件夹
    save_images(test_sess, [8, 8], test_dir + 'test_%d.png' % 500)

if  __name__ == '__main__':


点击运行,在 eval 文件夹下生成test_500.png 文件,可以看到,生成器 G 已经可以生成不错的结果。


训练测试完,可以打开 TensorBoard 查看网络的 Graph,可以看到,由于没有细致采用 namespace 和 variable_scope ,画出来的 Graph 比较凌乱,只能依稀的看出来网络的一些结构。


至此,我们的 TensorFlow GAN 工作基本完成,细心的朋友会发现,我们的程序存在以下几个问题:

1)在写 eval() 函数的时候,对于生成函数 generator(),没有指定 train = False,也就是在 BN 层,没有体现出训练和测试的区别;

2)在我的这篇 http://www.cnblogs.com/Charles-Wan/p/6197019.html 博客中,提到了我采用了 tfrecords 进行 GAN 数据的输入处理,但是此程序并没有体现出来;

3)没有细致的采用 namespace 和 variable_scope ,画出来的 Graph 比较凌乱;



针对以上问题,我们在不加约束 GAN 上将进行改进。

GAN 这个领域发展太快,日新月异,各种 GAN 层出不穷,前几天看到一篇关于 Wasserstein GAN 的文章,讲的很好,在此把它分享出来一起学习:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25071913。相比 Wasserstein GAN ,我们的 DCGAN 好像低了一个档次,但是我们伟大的教育家鲁迅先生说过:“合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于累土;千里之行,始于足下”,(依稀记得那大概是我 7 - 8 岁的时候,鲁迅先生依偎在我身旁,带着和蔼可亲切的口吻对我说的这句话,他当时还加了一句话,小伙子你要记住,如果一句名言,你不知道是谁说的,那就是鲁迅说的)。所以我们的基础还是要打好的, DCGAN 是我们的基础,有了 DCGAN 的代码经验,相信写起 Wasserstein GAN 就顺手很多,所以,我们接下来继续来研究我们的无约束条件 DCGAN。

在上一篇文章中,我们用 MNIST 手写字符训练 GAN,生成网络 G 生成了相对比较好的手写字符,这一次,我们换个数据集,用 CelebA 人脸数据集来训练我们的 GAN,相比于手写字符,人脸数据集的分布更加复杂多样,长头发短头发,黄种人黑种人,戴眼镜不戴眼镜,男人女人等等,看看我们的生成网络 G 能否成功的检验出人脸数据集的分布。

首先准备数据:从官网分享的百度云盘连接 https://pan.baidu.com/s/1eSNpdRG#list/path=%2FCelebA%2FImg 下载 img_align_celeba.zip,在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/data 文件夹下解压,得到 img_align_celeba 文件夹,里面有 20600 张人脸图片,在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/data 文件夹下新建 img_align_celeba_tfrecords 文件夹,用来存放 tfrecords 文件,然后,在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/ 下新建 convert_data.py,编写如下的代码,把人脸图片转化成 tfrecords 形式:

import os
import time
from PIL import Image

import tensorflow as tf

# 将图片裁剪为 128 x 128
# 图片通道数,3 表示彩色

def _int64_feature(value):
    return tf.train.Feature(int64_list = tf.train.Int64List(value = [value]))
def _bytes_feature(value):
    return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list = tf.train.BytesList(value = [value]))

def convert_to(data_path, name):
    Converts s dataset to tfrecords
    rows = 64
    cols = 64
    depth = DEPTH
    # 循环 12 次,产生 12 个 .tfrecords 文件
    for ii in range(12):
        writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(name + str(ii) + '.tfrecords')
        # 每个 tfrecord 文件有 16384 个图片
        for img_name in os.listdir(data_path)[ii*16384 : (ii+1)*16384]:
            # 打开图片
            img_path = data_path + img_name
            img = Image.open(img_path)
            # 设置裁剪参数
            h, w = img.size[:2]
            j, k = (h - OUTPUT_SIZE) / 2, (w - OUTPUT_SIZE) / 2
            box = (j, k, j + OUTPUT_SIZE, k+ OUTPUT_SIZE)
            # 裁剪图片
            img = img.crop(box = box)
            # image resize
            img = img.resize((rows,cols))
            # 转化为字节
            img_raw = img.tobytes()
            # 写入到 Example 
            example = tf.train.Example(features = tf.train.Features(feature = {
                                        'height': _int64_feature(rows),
                                        'width': _int64_feature(cols),
                                        'depth': _int64_feature(depth),
                                        'image_raw': _bytes_feature(img_raw)}))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    current_dir = os.getcwd()    
    data_path = current_dir + '/data/img_align_celeba/'
    name = current_dir + '/data/img_align_celeba_tfrecords/train'
    start_time = time.time() 
    print('Convert start')   
    print('\n' * 2)
    convert_to(data_path, name)
    print('\n' * 2)
    print('Convert done, take %.2f seconds' % (time.time() - start_time))

运行之后,在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/data/img_align_celeba_tfrecords/ 下会产生 12 个 .tfrecords 文件,这就是我们要的数据格式。


数据准备好之后,根据前面的经验,我们来写无约束条件的 DCGAN 代码,在 /home/your_name/TensorFlow/DCGAN/ 新建 none_cond_DCGAN.py 文件敲写代码,为了简便起见,代码中没有加注释并且把所有的代码总结到一个代码中,从代码中可以看到,我们自己写了一个 batch_norm 层,解决了 evaluation 函数中 is_train = False 的问题,并且可以断点续训练(只需要将开头的 LOAD_MODEL 设置为 True);此外该程序在开头采用很多的宏定义,可以方便的改为 tf.app.flags 定义的命令行参数,进而在命令行终端进行训练,还可以进行类的拓展,例如:

class DCGAN(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.BATCH_SIZE = 64
    def bias(self):



在 none_cond_DCGAN.py 文件中敲写如下代码:

import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.misc
import tensorflow as tf

GF = 64             # Dimension of G filters in first conv layer. default [64]
DF = 64             # Dimension of D filters in first conv layer. default [64]
Z_DIM = 100
LR = 0.0002         # Learning rate
LOAD_MODEL = False  # Whether or not continue train from saved model。
TRAIN = True
CURRENT_DIR = os.getcwd()

def bias(name, shape, bias_start = 0.0, trainable = True):
    dtype = tf.float32
    var = tf.get_variable(name, shape, tf.float32, trainable = trainable, 
                          initializer = tf.constant_initializer(
                                                  bias_start, dtype = dtype))
    return var

def weight(name, shape, stddev = 0.02, trainable = True):
    dtype = tf.float32
    var = tf.get_variable(name, shape, tf.float32, trainable = trainable, 
                          initializer = tf.random_normal_initializer(
                                              stddev = stddev, dtype = dtype))
    return var

def fully_connected(value, output_shape, name = 'fully_connected', with_w = False):
    shape = value.get_shape().as_list()
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        weights = weight('weights', [shape[1], output_shape], 0.02)
        biases = bias('biases', [output_shape], 0.0)
    if with_w:
        return tf.matmul(value, weights) + biases, weights, biases
        return tf.matmul(value, weights) + biases

def lrelu(x, leak=0.2, name = 'lrelu'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        return tf.maximum(x, leak*x, name = name)
def relu(value, name = 'relu'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        return tf.nn.relu(value)
def deconv2d(value, output_shape, k_h = 5, k_w = 5, strides =[1, 2, 2, 1], 
             name = 'deconv2d', with_w = False):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        weights = weight('weights', 
                         [k_h, k_w, output_shape[-1], value.get_shape()[-1]])
        deconv = tf.nn.conv2d_transpose(value, weights, 
                                        output_shape, strides = strides)
        biases = bias('biases', [output_shape[-1]])
        deconv = tf.reshape(tf.nn.bias_add(deconv, biases), deconv.get_shape())
        if with_w:
            return deconv, weights, biases
            return deconv
def conv2d(value, output_dim, k_h = 5, k_w = 5, 
            strides =[1, 2, 2, 1], name = 'conv2d'):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        weights = weight('weights', 
                         [k_h, k_w, value.get_shape()[-1], output_dim])
        conv = tf.nn.conv2d(value, weights, strides = strides, padding = 'SAME')
        biases = bias('biases', [output_dim])
        conv = tf.reshape(tf.nn.bias_add(conv, biases), conv.get_shape())
        return conv

def conv_cond_concat(value, cond, name = 'concat'):
    Concatenate conditioning vector on feature map axis.
    value_shapes = value.get_shape().as_list()
    cond_shapes = cond.get_shape().as_list()
    with tf.variable_scope(name):        
        return tf.concat(3,
                 [value, cond * tf.ones(value_shapes[0:3] + cond_shapes[3:])])
def batch_norm(value, is_train = True, name = 'batch_norm', 
               epsilon = 1e-5, momentum = 0.9):
    with tf.variable_scope(name):
        ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay = momentum)
        shape = value.get_shape().as_list()[-1]
        beta = bias('beta', [shape], bias_start = 0.0)
        gamma = bias('gamma', [shape], bias_start = 1.0)
        if is_train:

            batch_mean, batch_variance = tf.nn.moments(
                value, [0, 1, 2], name = 'moments')

            moving_mean = bias('moving_mean', [shape], 0.0, False)
            moving_variance = bias('moving_variance', [shape], 1.0, False)
            ema_apply_op = ema.apply([batch_mean, batch_variance])
            assign_mean = moving_mean.assign(ema.average(batch_mean))
            assign_variance = \
            with tf.control_dependencies([ema_apply_op]):
                mean, variance = \
                    tf.identity(batch_mean), tf.identity(batch_variance)
            with tf.control_dependencies([assign_mean, assign_variance]):
                return tf.nn.batch_normalization(
                    value, mean, variance, beta, gamma, 1e-5)
            mean = bias('moving_mean', [shape], 0.0, False)
            variance = bias('moving_variance', [shape], 1.0, False)

            return tf.nn.batch_normalization(
                value, mean, variance, beta, gamma, epsilon)

def generator(z, is_train = True, name = 'generator'):
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        s2, s4, s8, s16 = \
        h1 = tf.reshape(fully_connected(z, GF*8*s16*s16, 'g_fc1'), 
                        [-1, s16, s16, GF*8], name = 'reshap')
        h1 = relu(batch_norm(h1, name = 'g_bn1', is_train = is_train))
        h2 = deconv2d(h1, [BATCH_SIZE, s8, s8, GF*4], name = 'g_deconv2d1')
        h2 = relu(batch_norm(h2, name = 'g_bn2', is_train = is_train))
        h3 = deconv2d(h2, [BATCH_SIZE, s4, s4, GF*2], name = 'g_deconv2d2')
        h3 = relu(batch_norm(h3, name = 'g_bn3', is_train = is_train))
        h4 = deconv2d(h3, [BATCH_SIZE, s2, s2, GF*1], name = 'g_deconv2d3')
        h4 = relu(batch_norm(h4, name = 'g_bn4', is_train = is_train))
        h5 = deconv2d(h4, [BATCH_SIZE, OUTPUT_SIZE, OUTPUT_SIZE, 3], 
                      name = 'g_deconv2d4')    
        return tf.nn.tanh(h5)
def discriminator(image, reuse = False, name = 'discriminator'):
    with tf.name_scope(name):    
        if reuse:
        h0 = lrelu(conv2d(image, DF, name='d_h0_conv'), name = 'd_h0_lrelu')
        h1 = lrelu(batch_norm(conv2d(h0, DF*2, name='d_h1_conv'),
                              name = 'd_h1_bn'), name = 'd_h1_lrelu')
        h2 = lrelu(batch_norm(conv2d(h1, DF*4, name='d_h2_conv'),
                              name = 'd_h2_bn'), name = 'd_h2_lrelu')
        h3 = lrelu(batch_norm(conv2d(h2, DF*8, name='d_h3_conv'),
                              name = 'd_h3_bn'), name = 'd_h3_lrelu')
        h4 = fully_connected(tf.reshape(h3, [BATCH_SIZE, -1]), 1, 'd_h4_fc')
        return tf.nn.sigmoid(h4), h4
def sampler(z, is_train = False, name = 'sampler'):
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        return generator(z, is_train = is_train)
def read_and_decode(filename_queue):
    read and decode tfrecords
    reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
    _, serialized_example = reader.read(filename_queue)
    features = tf.parse_single_example(serialized_example,features = {
                        'image_raw':tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string)})
    image = tf.decode_raw(features['image_raw'], tf.uint8)
    image = tf.reshape(image, [OUTPUT_SIZE, OUTPUT_SIZE, 3])
    image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32)
    image = image / 255.0
    return image

def inputs(data_dir, batch_size, name = 'input'):
    Reads input data num_epochs times.
    with tf.name_scope(name):
        filenames = [
            os.path.join(data_dir,'train%d.tfrecords' % ii) for ii in range(12)]
        filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(filenames)
        image = read_and_decode(filename_queue)
        images = tf.train.shuffle_batch([image], batch_size = batch_size, 
                                        num_threads = 4, 
                                        capacity = 20000 + 3 * batch_size, 
                                        min_after_dequeue = 20000)
        return images

def save_images(images, size, path):
    Save the samples images
    The best size number is
            int(max(sqrt(image.shape[1]),sqrt(image.shape[1]))) + 1
    img = (images + 1.0) / 2.0
    h, w = img.shape[1], img.shape[2]
    merge_img = np.zeros((h * size[0], w * size[1], 3))
    for idx, image in enumerate(images):
        i = idx % size[1]
        j = idx // size[1]
        merge_img[j*h:j*h+h, i*w:i*w+w, :] = image
    return scipy.misc.imsave(path, merge_img)    

def train():
    global_step = tf.Variable(0, name = 'global_step', trainable = False)

    train_dir = CURRENT_DIR + '/logs_without_condition/'
    data_dir = CURRENT_DIR + '/data/img_align_celeba_tfrecords/'

    images = inputs(data_dir, BATCH_SIZE)

    z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, Z_DIM], name='z')

    G = generator(z)
    D, D_logits  = discriminator(images)
    samples = sampler(z)
    D_, D_logits_ = discriminator(G, reuse = True)
    d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(D_logits, tf.ones_like(D)))
    d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(D_logits_, tf.zeros_like(D_)))
    d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake
    g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(D_logits_, tf.ones_like(D_)))
    z_sum = tf.histogram_summary('z', z)
    d_sum = tf.histogram_summary('d', D)
    d__sum = tf.histogram_summary('d_', D_)
    G_sum = tf.image_summary('G', G)

    d_loss_real_sum = tf.scalar_summary('d_loss_real', d_loss_real)
    d_loss_fake_sum = tf.scalar_summary('d_loss_fake', d_loss_fake)
    d_loss_sum = tf.scalar_summary('d_loss', d_loss)                                                
    g_loss_sum = tf.scalar_summary('g_loss', g_loss)
    g_sum = tf.merge_summary([z_sum, d__sum, G_sum, d_loss_fake_sum, g_loss_sum])
    d_sum = tf.merge_summary([z_sum, d_sum, d_loss_real_sum, d_loss_sum])

    t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
    d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in var.name]
    g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in var.name]

    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    d_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LR, beta1 = 0.5) \
                .minimize(d_loss, var_list = d_vars, global_step = global_step)
    g_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LR, beta1 = 0.5) \
                .minimize(g_loss, var_list = g_vars, global_step = global_step)
    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(0)
    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.2
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=config)
    writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(train_dir, sess.graph)    
    sample_z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size = (BATCH_SIZE, Z_DIM))
    coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
    threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess = sess, coord = coord)
    init = tf.initialize_all_variables()  

    start = 0
    if LOAD_MODEL:        
        print(" [*] Reading checkpoints...")
        ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(train_dir)        

        if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
            ckpt_name = os.path.basename(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
            saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(train_dir, ckpt_name))
            global_step = ckpt.model_checkpoint_path.split('/')[-1]\
            print('Loading success, global_step is %s' % global_step)
        start = int(global_step)
    for epoch in range(EPOCH):
        batch_idxs = 3072
        if epoch:
            start = 0
        for idx in range(start, batch_idxs):

            batch_z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size = (BATCH_SIZE, Z_DIM))
            _, summary_str = sess.run([d_optim, d_sum], feed_dict = {z: batch_z})
            writer.add_summary(summary_str, idx+1)

            # Update G network
            _, summary_str = sess.run([g_optim, g_sum], feed_dict = {z: batch_z})
            writer.add_summary(summary_str, idx+1)

            # Run g_optim twice to make sure that d_loss does not go to zero
            _, summary_str = sess.run([g_optim, g_sum], feed_dict = {z: batch_z})
            writer.add_summary(summary_str, idx+1)
            errD_fake = d_loss_fake.eval({z: batch_z})
            errD_real = d_loss_real.eval()
            errG = g_loss.eval({z: batch_z})
            if idx % 20 == 0:
                print("[%4d/%4d] d_loss: %.8f, g_loss: %.8f" \
                            % (idx, batch_idxs, errD_fake+errD_real, errG))
            if idx % 100 == 0:
                sample = sess.run(samples, feed_dict = {z: sample_z})
                samples_path = CURRENT_DIR + '/samples_without_condition/'
                save_images(sample, [8, 8], 
                            samples_path + \
                            'sample_%d_epoch_%d.png' % (epoch, idx))

                print '\n'*2
                print('===========    %d_epoch_%d.png save down    ===========' 
                                                                %(epoch, idx))
                print '\n'*2
            if (idx % 512 == 0) or (idx + 1 == batch_idxs):
                checkpoint_path = os.path.join(train_dir, 
                saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step = idx+1)
                print '*********    model saved    *********'

        print '******* start with %d *******' % start
def evaluate():
    eval_dir = CURRENT_DIR + '/eval/'
    checkpoint_dir = CURRENT_DIR + '/logs_without_condition/'
    z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, Z_DIM], name='z')
    G = generator(z, is_train = False)
    sample_z1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(BATCH_SIZE, Z_DIM))
    sample_z2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(BATCH_SIZE, Z_DIM))
    sample_z3 = (sample_z1 + sample_z2) / 2
    sample_z4 = (sample_z1 + sample_z3) / 2
    sample_z5 = (sample_z2 + sample_z3) / 2    
    print("Reading checkpoints...")
    ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir)
    saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.all_variables())
    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = str(0)
    config = tf.ConfigProto()
    config.gpu_options.per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = 0.2
    sess = tf.InteractiveSession(config=config)
    if ckpt and ckpt.model_checkpoint_path:
        ckpt_name = os.path.basename(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)
        global_step = ckpt.model_checkpoint_path.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1]        
        saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(checkpoint_dir, ckpt_name))
        print('Loading success, global_step is %s' % global_step)
    eval_sess1 = sess.run(G, feed_dict = {z: sample_z1})
    eval_sess2 = sess.run(G, feed_dict = {z: sample_z4})
    eval_sess3 = sess.run(G, feed_dict = {z: sample_z3})
    eval_sess4 = sess.run(G, feed_dict = {z: sample_z5})
    eval_sess5 = sess.run(G, feed_dict = {z: sample_z2})
    save_images(eval_sess1, [8, 8], eval_dir + 'eval_%d.png' % 1)
    save_images(eval_sess2, [8, 8], eval_dir + 'eval_%d.png' % 2)
    save_images(eval_sess3, [8, 8], eval_dir + 'eval_%d.png' % 3)
    save_images(eval_sess4, [8, 8], eval_dir + 'eval_%d.png' % 4)
    save_images(eval_sess5, [8, 8], eval_dir + 'eval_%d.png' % 5)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if TRAIN:


完成后,运行代码,网络开始训练,大致需要 1~2 个小时,训练就可以完成,在训练的过程中,可以看出 sampler 采样的生成结果越来越好,最后得到了一个如下图所示的结果,由于人脸的数据分布比手写数据分布复杂多样,所以生成器不能完全抓住人脸的特征,下图所示的第 6 行第 7 列就是一个很糟糕的生成图像。


训练完成后,我们用 tensorboard 打开网络的 graph,看看经过我们的精心设计,网络结构变成了什么样子:





①固定生成器 G,优化判别器 D, 则上式可以写成如下形式: 



我们编写的代码中,d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = D_logits, labels = tf.ones_like(D))),由于我们判别器最后一层是 sigmoid ,所以可以看出来 d_loss_real 是上式中的第一项(舍去常数概率 1/2),d_loss_fake 为上式中的第二项。

②固定判别器 D,优化生成器 G,舍去前面的常数,相当于最小化:


我们的代码中,g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = D_logits_, labels = tf.ones_like(D))),完美对应上式。



接下来开始我们的 WGAN 之旅,正如 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25071913 所介绍的,我们要构建一个判别器 D,使得 D 的参数不超过某个固定的常数,最后一层是非线性层,并且使式子:

达到最大,那么 L 就可以作为我们的 Wasserstein 距离,生成器的目标是最小化这个距离,去掉第一项与生成器无关的项,得到我们生成器的损失函数。我们可以把上式加个负号,作为 D 的损失函数,其中加负号后的第一项,是 d_loss_real,加负号后的第二项,是 d_loss_fake。


为了方便,我们直接在上一节我们的 none_cond_DCGAN.py 文件中修改相应的代码:


CLIP = [-0.01, 0.01]


注释掉原来 discriminator 的 return,重新输入一个 return 如下:

在 train 函数里面,修改如下地方:

在循环里面,要改如下地方,这里稍微做一下说明,idx < 25 时 D 循环更新 25 次才会更新 G,用来保证 D 的网络大致满足 Wasserstein 距离,这是一个小小的 trick。


改完之后点击运行进行训练,WGAN 收敛速度很快,大约一千多次迭代的时候,生成网络生成的图像已经很像了,最后生成的图像如下,可以看到,图像还是有些噪点和坏点的。


最后的最后,贴一张网络的 Graph:







1. https://github.com/carpedm20/DCGAN-tensorflow

2. https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/b826b79718e3e93148c3545e7aa3f90891744cc0/tensorflow/contrib/layers/python/layers/layers.py#L100

3. https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/examples/how_tos/reading_data/convert_to_records.py

4. https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25071913



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