从汇编角度看c++20 协程

从汇编角度看c++20 协程


在学习c++20 协程的时候,总对协程里边的局部成员存储,以及协程栈恢复有很多疑问,本次从过年arm64角度来分析下,具体情况,本例子也是从腾讯开源库libco 找到一些灵感,期望对初学者理解协程有所帮助


c++ 代码

#include <experimental/coroutine>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <memory>
struct Generator {
  class ExhaustedException: std::exception { };
  struct promise_type {
    int value;
    bool is_ready = false;
      int result;
    std::experimental::suspend_never initial_suspend() { return {}; };
    std::experimental::suspend_always final_suspend() noexcept { return {}; }
    std::experimental::suspend_always await_transform(int value) {
      this->value = value;
      is_ready = true;
      return {};
    void unhandled_exception() {
    Generator get_return_object() {
      return Generator{ std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*this) };
    //void return_void() { }
      void return_value(int res) {
          result = res;
  std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type> handle;
  bool has_next() {
    if (handle.done()) {
      return false;
      std::cout<<"has_next start"<<std::endl;
    if (!handle.promise().is_ready) {
      std::cout<<"has_next end"<<std::endl;
    if (handle.done()) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;
  int next() {
    if (has_next()) {
      handle.promise().is_ready = false;
      return handle.promise().value;
    throw ExhaustedException();
  int getResult()
      return handle.promise().result;
  explicit Generator(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<promise_type> handle) noexcept
      : handle(handle) {}
  Generator(Generator &&generator) noexcept
      : handle(std::exchange(generator.handle, {})) {}
  Generator(Generator &) = delete;
  Generator &operator=(Generator &) = delete;
  ~Generator() {
    if (handle) handle.destroy();
Generator sequence() {
  int i = 2;
    int b = 0x55;
    int c = 0x66;
    int d = 0x77;
  while (i < 5) {
    co_await i++;
    co_return 5;
 Generator returns_generator() {
  auto g = sequence();
  if (g.has_next()) {
    std::cout << g.next() << std::endl;
  return g;
int main() {
  auto generator = returns_generator();
  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    if (generator.has_next()) {
      std::cout << generator.next() << " result = "<< generator.getResult()<<std::endl;
    } else {
  return 0;

代码相对来说比较简单,一个序列生成器,协程比较经典的一个应用场景,大概我们来看下什么意思 sequence() 返回一个协程,这个协程刚开始initial_suspend() 返回的是never,不挂起协程,协程就会执行到sequence()方法里边, 然后执行到了 co_await i++; 代码走到了await_transform,返回了suspend_always 挂起,这时候代码会走到主程序中进行值的打印,接下来我们就分析下汇编代码

首先我们先看下i , a, b,c 存储在什么地方


    0x100001670 <+484>:  mov    w8, #0x2
    0x100001674 <+488>:  str    w8, [x9, #0x1c]
    0x100001678 <+492>:  mov    w8, #0x55
->  0x10000167c <+496>:  str    w8, [x9, #0x20]
    0x100001680 <+500>:  mov    w8, #0x66
    0x100001684 <+504>:  str    w8, [x9, #0x24]
    0x100001688 <+508>:  mov    w8, #0x77
    0x10000168c <+512>:  str    w8, [x9, #0x28]


Lldb:register read

        x9 = 0x0000600000c081b0
        sp = 0x000000016fdff200


F4 2E 00 00 01 00 00 00 F0 32 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
02 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 66 00 00 00 77 00 00




   0x1000016bc <+560>:  bl     0x100001ac4               ; Generator::promise_type::await_transform at main.cpp:136
    0x1000016c0 <+564>:  b      0x1000016c4               ; <+568> at main.cpp
    0x1000016c4 <+568>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x60]
    0x1000016c8 <+572>:  bl     0x100001b20               ; std::experimental::coroutines_v1::suspend_always::await_ready at coroutine:311
    0x1000016cc <+576>:  tbnz   w0, #0x0, 0x10000175c     ; <+720> at main.cpp
->  0x1000016d0 <+580>:  b      0x1000016d4               ; <+584> at main.cpp
0x1000016c0 <+564>:  b      0x1000016c4               ; <+568> at main.cpp
    0x1000016c4 <+568>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x60]
    0x1000016c8 <+572>:  bl     0x100001b20               ; std::experimental::coroutines_v1::suspend_always::await_ready at coroutine:311
    0x1000016cc <+576>:  tbnz   w0, #0x0, 0x10000175c     ; <+720> at main.cpp
    0x1000016d0 <+580>:  b      0x1000016d4               ; <+584> at main.cpp
    0x1000016d4 <+584>:  ldr    x9, [sp, #0x78]
    0x1000016d8 <+588>:  mov    w8, #0x1
    0x1000016dc <+592>:  and    w8, w8, #0x3
    0x1000016e0 <+596>:  strb   w8, [x9, #0x2c]
    0x1000016e4 <+600>:  b      0x1000016e8               ; <+604> at main.cpp
    0x1000016e8 <+604>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x78]
    0x1000016ec <+608>:  bl     0x100001a84               ; std::experimental::coroutines_v1::coroutine_handle<Generator::promise_type>::from_address at coroutine:220
    0x1000016f0 <+612>:  mov    x8, x0
    0x1000016f4 <+616>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x60]
    0x1000016f8 <+620>:  stur   x8, [x29, #-0x70]
    0x1000016fc <+624>:  ldur   x8, [x29, #-0x70]
    0x100001700 <+628>:  stur   x8, [x29, #-0x68]
    0x100001704 <+632>:  ldur   x1, [x29, #-0x68]
    0x100001708 <+636>:  bl     0x100001b38               ; std::experimental::coroutines_v1::suspend_always::await_suspend at coroutine:313
    0x10000170c <+640>:  b      0x100001710               ; <+644> at main.cpp:207:5
    0x100001710 <+644>:  b      0x100001714               ; <+648> at main.cpp:207:5
    0x100001714 <+648>:  b      0x100001718               ; <+652> at main.cpp
    0x100001718 <+652>:  mov    w8, #0xff
    0x10000171c <+656>:  cbz    w8, 0x10000175c           ; <+720> at main.cpp
    0x100001720 <+660>:  b      0x100001724               ; <+664> at main.cpp
    0x100001724 <+664>:  mov    w8, #0xff
    0x100001728 <+668>:  subs   w8, w8, #0x1
    0x10000172c <+672>:  b.ne   0x100001944               ; <+1208> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001730 <+676>:  b      0x100001734               ; <+680> at main.cpp
    0x100001734 <+680>:  mov    w8, #0x2
    0x100001738 <+684>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x3c]
    0x10000173c <+688>:  b      0x100001740               ; <+692> at main.cpp
    0x100001740 <+692>:  ldr    w8, [sp, #0x3c]
    0x100001744 <+696>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x38]
    0x100001748 <+700>:  b      0x100001784               ; <+760> at main.cpp
    0x10000174c <+704>:  mov    x8, x1
    0x100001750 <+708>:  stur   x0, [x29, #-0x30]
    0x100001754 <+712>:  stur   w8, [x29, #-0x34]
    0x100001758 <+716>:  b      0x1000017f0               ; <+868> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x10000175c <+720>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x60]
    0x100001760 <+724>:  mov    w8, #0x0
    0x100001764 <+728>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x30]
    0x100001768 <+732>:  bl     0x100001b4c               ; std::experimental::coroutines_v1::suspend_always::await_resume at coroutine:315
    0x10000176c <+736>:  ldr    w8, [sp, #0x30]
    0x100001770 <+740>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x34]
    0x100001774 <+744>:  b      0x100001778               ; <+748> at main.cpp
    0x100001778 <+748>:  ldr    w8, [sp, #0x34]
    0x10000177c <+752>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x38]
    0x100001780 <+756>:  b      0x100001784               ; <+760> at main.cpp
    0x100001784 <+760>:  ldr    w8, [sp, #0x38]
    0x100001788 <+764>:  mov    x9, x8
    0x10000178c <+768>:  str    w9, [sp, #0x2c]
    0x100001790 <+772>:  cbz    w8, 0x1000017a4           ; <+792> at main.cpp:206:3
    0x100001794 <+776>:  b      0x100001798               ; <+780> at main.cpp
    0x100001798 <+780>:  ldr    w8, [sp, #0x2c]
    0x10000179c <+784>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x28]
    0x1000017a0 <+788>:  b      0x1000017d0               ; <+836> at main.cpp
    0x1000017a4 <+792>:  b      0x100001694               ; <+520> at main.cpp
    0x1000017a8 <+796>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x70]
    0x1000017ac <+800>:  mov    w1, #0x5
    0x1000017b0 <+804>:  bl     0x100001b5c               ; Generator::promise_type::return_value at main.cpp:152
    0x1000017b4 <+808>:  b      0x1000017b8               ; <+812> at main.cpp
    0x1000017b8 <+812>:  mov    w8, #0x3
    0x1000017bc <+816>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x24]
    0x1000017c0 <+820>:  b      0x1000017c4               ; <+824> at main.cpp
    0x1000017c4 <+824>:  ldr    w8, [sp, #0x24]
    0x1000017c8 <+828>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x28]
    0x1000017cc <+832>:  b      0x1000017d0               ; <+836> at main.cpp
    0x1000017d0 <+836>:  ldr    w8, [sp, #0x28]
    0x1000017d4 <+840>:  subs   w9, w8, #0x3
    0x1000017d8 <+844>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x20]
    0x1000017dc <+848>:  b.eq   0x100001818               ; <+908> at main.cpp
    0x1000017e0 <+852>:  b      0x1000017e4               ; <+856> at main.cpp
    0x1000017e4 <+856>:  ldr    w8, [sp, #0x20]
    0x1000017e8 <+860>:  str    w8, [sp, #0x40]
    0x1000017ec <+864>:  b      0x100001910               ; <+1156> at main.cpp
    0x1000017f0 <+868>:  b      0x1000017f4               ; <+872> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x1000017f4 <+872>:  ldur   x0, [x29, #-0x30]
    0x1000017f8 <+876>:  bl     0x100003c54               ; symbol stub for: __cxa_begin_catch
    0x1000017fc <+880>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x70]
    0x100001800 <+884>:  bl     0x100001b7c               ; Generator::promise_type::unhandled_exception at main.cpp:143
    0x100001804 <+888>:  b      0x100001808               ; <+892> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001808 <+892>:  bl     0x100003c60               ; symbol stub for: __cxa_end_catch
    0x10000180c <+896>:  b      0x100001810               ; <+900> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001810 <+900>:  b      0x100001814               ; <+904> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001814 <+904>:  b      0x100001818               ; <+908> at main.cpp
    0x100001818 <+908>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x70]
    0x10000181c <+912>:  bl     0x100001b98               ; Generator::promise_type::final_suspend at main.cpp:134
    0x100001820 <+916>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x68]
    0x100001824 <+920>:  bl     0x100001b20               ; std::experimental::coroutines_v1::suspend_always::await_ready at coroutine:311
    0x100001828 <+924>:  tbnz   w0, #0x0, 0x1000018b0     ; <+1060> at main.cpp
    0x10000182c <+928>:  b      0x100001830               ; <+932> at main.cpp
    0x100001830 <+932>:  ldr    x8, [sp, #0x78]
    0x100001834 <+936>:  str    xzr, [x8]
    0x100001838 <+940>:  b      0x10000183c               ; <+944> at main.cpp
    0x10000183c <+944>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x78]
    0x100001840 <+948>:  bl     0x100001a84               ; std::experimental::coroutines_v1::coroutine_handle<Generator::promise_type>::from_address at coroutine:220
    0x100001844 <+952>:  mov    x8, x0
    0x100001848 <+956>:  ldr    x0, [sp, #0x68]
    0x10000184c <+960>:  stur   x8, [x29, #-0x88]
    0x100001850 <+964>:  ldur   x8, [x29, #-0x88]
    0x100001854 <+968>:  stur   x8, [x29, #-0x80]
    0x100001858 <+972>:  ldur   x1, [x29, #-0x80]
    0x10000185c <+976>:  bl     0x100001b38               ; std::experimental::coroutines_v1::suspend_always::await_suspend at coroutine:313
    0x100001860 <+980>:  b      0x100001864               ; <+984> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001864 <+984>:  b      0x100001868               ; <+988> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001868 <+988>:  b      0x10000186c               ; <+992> at main.cpp
    0x10000186c <+992>:  mov    w8, #0xff
    0x100001870 <+996>:  cbz    w8, 0x1000018b0           ; <+1060> at main.cpp
    0x100001874 <+1000>: b      0x100001878               ; <+1004> at main.cpp
    0x100001878 <+1004>: mov    w8, #0xff
    0x10000187c <+1008>: subs   w8, w8, #0x1
    0x100001880 <+1012>: b.ne   0x100001944               ; <+1208> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001884 <+1016>: b      0x100001888               ; <+1020> at main.cpp
    0x100001888 <+1020>: mov    w8, #0x2
    0x10000188c <+1024>: str    w8, [sp, #0x1c]
    0x100001890 <+1028>: b      0x100001894               ; <+1032> at main.cpp
    0x100001894 <+1032>: ldr    w8, [sp, #0x1c]
    0x100001898 <+1036>: str    w8, [sp, #0x18]
    0x10000189c <+1040>: b      0x1000018d8               ; <+1100> at main.cpp
    0x1000018a0 <+1044>: mov    x8, x1
    0x1000018a4 <+1048>: stur   x0, [x29, #-0x30]
    0x1000018a8 <+1052>: stur   w8, [x29, #-0x34]
    0x1000018ac <+1056>: b      0x100001968               ; <+1244> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x1000018b0 <+1060>: ldr    x0, [sp, #0x68]
    0x1000018b4 <+1064>: mov    w8, #0x0
    0x1000018b8 <+1068>: str    w8, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1000018bc <+1072>: bl     0x100001b4c               ; std::experimental::coroutines_v1::suspend_always::await_resume at coroutine:315
    0x1000018c0 <+1076>: ldr    w8, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1000018c4 <+1080>: str    w8, [sp, #0x14]
    0x1000018c8 <+1084>: b      0x1000018cc               ; <+1088> at main.cpp
    0x1000018cc <+1088>: ldr    w8, [sp, #0x14]
    0x1000018d0 <+1092>: str    w8, [sp, #0x18]
    0x1000018d4 <+1096>: b      0x1000018d8               ; <+1100> at main.cpp
    0x1000018d8 <+1100>: ldr    w8, [sp, #0x18]
    0x1000018dc <+1104>: mov    x9, x8
    0x1000018e0 <+1108>: str    w9, [sp, #0xc]
    0x1000018e4 <+1112>: cbz    w8, 0x1000018f8           ; <+1132> at main.cpp
    0x1000018e8 <+1116>: b      0x1000018ec               ; <+1120> at main.cpp
    0x1000018ec <+1120>: ldr    w8, [sp, #0xc]
    0x1000018f0 <+1124>: str    w8, [sp, #0x40]
    0x1000018f4 <+1128>: b      0x100001910               ; <+1156> at main.cpp
    0x1000018f8 <+1132>: mov    w8, #0x0
    0x1000018fc <+1136>: str    w8, [sp, #0x8]
    0x100001900 <+1140>: b      0x100001904               ; <+1144> at main.cpp
    0x100001904 <+1144>: ldr    w8, [sp, #0x8]
    0x100001908 <+1148>: str    w8, [sp, #0x40]
    0x10000190c <+1152>: b      0x100001910               ; <+1156> at main.cpp
    0x100001910 <+1156>: ldr    x8, [sp, #0x78]
    0x100001914 <+1160>: ldr    w9, [sp, #0x40]
    0x100001918 <+1164>: str    w9, [sp, #0x4]
    0x10000191c <+1168>: cbz    x8, 0x100001930           ; <+1188> at main.cpp
    0x100001920 <+1172>: b      0x100001924               ; <+1176> at main.cpp
    0x100001924 <+1176>: ldr    x0, [sp, #0x78]
    0x100001928 <+1180>: bl     0x100003c30               ; symbol stub for: operator delete(void*)
    0x10000192c <+1184>: b      0x100001930               ; <+1188> at main.cpp
    0x100001930 <+1188>: ldr    w8, [sp, #0x4]
    0x100001934 <+1192>: cbz    w8, 0x100001940           ; <+1204> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001938 <+1196>: b      0x10000193c               ; <+1200> at main.cpp
    0x10000193c <+1200>: b      0x100001944               ; <+1208> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001940 <+1204>: b      0x100001944               ; <+1208> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001944 <+1208>: b      0x100001948               ; <+1212> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001948 <+1212>: b      0x10000194c               ; <+1216> at main.cpp
    0x10000194c <+1216>: mov    w8, #0x1
    0x100001950 <+1220>: and    w8, w8, #0x1
    0x100001954 <+1224>: and    w8, w8, #0x1
    0x100001958 <+1228>: sturb  w8, [x29, #-0x1a]
    0x10000195c <+1232>: ldurb  w8, [x29, #-0x19]
    0x100001960 <+1236>: tbnz   w8, #0x0, 0x100001998     ; <+1292> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x100001964 <+1240>: b      0x1000019b4               ; <+1320> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x100001968 <+1244>: b      0x10000196c               ; <+1248> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x10000196c <+1248>: b      0x100001970               ; <+1252> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x100001970 <+1252>: b      0x100001974               ; <+1256> at main.cpp
    0x100001974 <+1256>: ldr    x8, [sp, #0x78]
    0x100001978 <+1260>: cbz    x8, 0x10000198c           ; <+1280> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x10000197c <+1264>: b      0x100001980               ; <+1268> at main.cpp
    0x100001980 <+1268>: ldr    x0, [sp, #0x78]
    0x100001984 <+1272>: bl     0x100003c30               ; symbol stub for: operator delete(void*)
    0x100001988 <+1276>: b      0x10000198c               ; <+1280> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x10000198c <+1280>: ldurb  w8, [x29, #-0x19]
    0x100001990 <+1284>: tbnz   w8, #0x0, 0x1000019c4     ; <+1336> at main.cpp
    0x100001994 <+1288>: b      0x1000019d0               ; <+1348> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x100001998 <+1292>: ldurb  w8, [x29, #-0x1a]
    0x10000199c <+1296>: tbnz   w8, #0x0, 0x1000019b0     ; <+1316> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x1000019a0 <+1300>: b      0x1000019a4               ; <+1304> at main.cpp
    0x1000019a4 <+1304>: ldr    x0, [sp, #0x90]
    0x1000019a8 <+1308>: bl     0x100001ba8               ; Generator::~Generator at main.cpp:196
    0x1000019ac <+1312>: b      0x1000019b0               ; <+1316> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x1000019b0 <+1316>: b      0x1000019b4               ; <+1320> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x1000019b4 <+1320>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x130]
    0x1000019b8 <+1324>: ldp    x28, x27, [sp, #0x120]
    0x1000019bc <+1328>: add    sp, sp, #0x140
    0x1000019c0 <+1332>: ret   
    0x1000019c4 <+1336>: ldr    x0, [sp, #0x90]
    0x1000019c8 <+1340>: bl     0x100001ba8               ; Generator::~Generator at main.cpp:196
    0x1000019cc <+1344>: b      0x1000019d0               ; <+1348> at main.cpp:210:1
    0x1000019d0 <+1348>: b      0x1000019d4               ; <+1352> at main.cpp:201:11
    0x1000019d4 <+1352>: ldur   x0, [x29, #-0x30]
    0x1000019d8 <+1356>: bl     0x100003b58               ; symbol stub for: _Unwind_Resume

这个摘录上边代码一段汇编,看下协程挂起的过程中到底发生了什么事情 ,bl     0x100001b20  跳转到std::experimental::coroutines_v1::suspend_always::await_ready,判断ready 状态, 接着,tbnz   w0, #0x0, 0x10000175c  来看下tbnz 意思是判断#0x0位,跟0进行比较,如果非0 则跳转到0x10000175c,否则不调转,因为我们await_ready 是false所以这里tbnz判断失败,不跳转,则直接到了

 0x1000016d0    这里就是final_suspend 接着下来 就是要挂起了




    0x1000022ac <+0>:  sub    sp, sp, #0x20
    0x1000022b0 <+4>:  stp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1000022b4 <+8>:  add    x29, sp, #0x10
    0x1000022b8 <+12>: str    x0, [sp, #0x8]
    0x1000022bc <+16>: ldr    x8, [sp, #0x8]
    0x1000022c0 <+20>: ldr    x0, [x8]
    0x1000022c4 <+24>: ldr    x8, [x0]
    0x1000022c8 <+28>: blr    x8
->  0x1000022cc <+32>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1000022d0 <+36>: add    sp, sp, #0x20
    0x1000022d4 <+40>: ret   


x0 = 0x0000600000c08000
x8 = 0x0000000100002ef4  test`sequence() at main.cpp:201

从上边绿色两行汇编可以看出来,x0存放的协程资源的堆地址,而x8则是存放协程代码的函数地址,接着blr x8 会跳转到协程,ret保存着 0x1000022cc这个地址,等协程挂起的时候会回到这个0x1000022cc地址上去,


从上边分析可以看出,c++协程实现还是比较复杂的,采用无栈协程,这个腾讯开源的libco的协程实现不太一样,协程资源存在栈资源, 切换与恢复协程通过跳转的功能实现的

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