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原创 credit default swap (CDS) index

Mechanics of a CDS IndexA credit default swap (CDS) index is a measure of the performance of a pre-selected group of CDS quotes (or premiums). The index calculation generally follows the same guidel

2012-12-28 15:59:23 3698

原创 信用差价Definition of 'Credit Spread'

信用差价Definition of 'Credit Spread'1. The spread between Treasury securities and non-Treasury securities that are identical in all respects except for quality rating.2. An options strategy where a

2012-12-28 14:42:39 1949

原创 债券指数(Bond Index)

http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E5%80%BA%E5%88%B8%E6%8C%87%E6%95%B0债券指数(Bond Index) 目录[隐藏]1债券指数的概念2债券指数的发展2.1指数编制覆盖面的国际化趋势2.2客户化服务趋势2.3“指数家族”的系统化2.4流通规模不断提升趋势2.5指数

2012-12-28 14:29:25 1708

原创 灰色市场(Gray Market),简称灰市,也称半黑市

http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E7%81%B0%E8%89%B2%E5%B8%82%E5%9C%BA灰色市场(Gray Market),简称灰市,也称半黑市 目录[隐藏]1什么是灰色市场2灰色市场的分类3国际灰色市场的成因4国际灰色市场的影响4.1对品牌拥有者的影响4.2对渠道商的影响4.3

2012-12-28 14:23:54 4366

原创 当期收益率(Current Yield)

http://baike.baidu.com.cn/view/1319695.htm当期收益率(Current Yield)   当期收益率又称直接收益率,是指利息收入所产生的收益,通常每年支付两次,它占了公司债券所产生收益的大部分。  当期收益率是债券的年息除以债券当前的市场价格所计算出的收益率。它并没有考虑债券投资所获得的资本利得或是损失,只在衡量债券某一期间所获得的现

2012-12-28 14:07:37 9725

原创 证券回购市场repo market

证券回购市场出自 MBA智库百科(http://wiki.mbalib.com/)证券回购市场的概念   证券回购市场是指债券持有人在卖出一笔债券的同时,与买方签订协议,约定一定期限和价格买回同一笔债券的融资活动。证券回购市场是短期的金融商品交易市场,与同业拆借市场、票据市场一道构成货币市场的基本组成部分。国外的证券回购市场   证券回购又称回购协议,是证券市场

2012-12-27 18:04:17 6247

原创 基差交易(basis trading)

Definition of 'Basis Trading'An arbitrage trading strategy that aims to profit from perceived mispricing of similar securities. Basis trading relates to a trading strategy in which a trader believes

2012-12-27 17:56:21 5092

原创 证券/资产证券化

证券证券是多种经济权益凭证的统称,是证明证券持有人有权按其券面所载内容取得应有权益的书面证明。按其性质,不同证券分为证据证券,凭证证券、有价证券等等。有些证券是可以在市场上流通的,证券的存在活跃了金融、经济和投资。对证券的不恰当投机,例如无货沽空,可导致金融市场的动荡。无货沽空(卖空)(Naked Short Selling)投机者在交易中,在交易市场上出售或者声称出售自己并不持有的股票、

2012-12-27 11:03:57 2019

原创 Credit Engineering for Bankers - A Practical Guide for Bank Lending, 2 edition

http://floads.com/ebooks_free/10664-credit-engineering-for-bankers.html Credit Engineering for Bankers - A Practical Guide for Bank Lending, 2 edition2010 | 556 Pages | ISBN: 0123785855 | PDF |

2012-12-27 09:55:16 989

原创 maven rpm package fails with “ERROR!!!!SGSBASE value is not set.Hence exitting”

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13269604/maven-rpm-package-fails-with-errorsgsbase-value-is-not-set-hence-exitting  seems the issue is that the rpm-maven-plugin is a company specific interanl

2012-12-25 17:25:31 1183

转载 java: cannot execute binary file错误

http://everlook.iteye.com/blog/1568886tomcat报错: /data/cmsolr/tomcat-solr-bid/bin/catalina.sh: line 333: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_19/bin/java: cannot execute binary file问题的一般原因:操作系统位数和jdk版本的位数不对应

2012-12-25 16:10:29 3115

原创 Finacial professional

特许金融分析师(CFA-Chartered Financial Analyst)CFA是由美国投资管理与研究协会(AIMR)于1963年开始设立的特许金融分析师资格证书考试。考试每年举办一次,是世界上规模最大的职业考试之一,是当今世界证券投资与管理界普遍认可的一种职业称号。 CFA 的课程以投资行业的实务为基础。要成为一名CFA,必须经过美国投资管理与研究协会命题、组织的全球统一考试。分初、中

2012-12-25 14:15:21 1361


http://database.ctocio.com.cn/38/12238038.shtmlEXECUTE IMMEDIATE代替了以前Oracle中DBMS_SQL package包. 下面就为您介绍Oracle中EXECUTE IMMEDIATE的使用技巧,供您参考……  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE代替了以前Oracle中DBMS_SQL package包. 下面就为您介

2012-12-25 12:58:23 10261

转载 总帐与明细帐

http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E6%80%BB%E5%B8%90%E4%B8%8E%E6%98%8E%E7%BB%86%E5%B8%90%E5%B9%B3%E8%A1%8C%E7%99%BB%E8%AE%B0总帐与明细帐平行登记开放分类: 会计核算原理名词 目录 1 要点 2 关系 3 相关资料 图片 讨论 知识魔块

2012-12-24 17:57:55 2302

转载 美国次级贷款来龙去脉


2012-12-24 17:45:43 1625

原创 Swap legs

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swap_(finance)Swap (finance)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchThis article needs attention from an expert in

2012-12-24 17:13:46 2304

原创 远期合约(Forwards/Forward Contract )

http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E8%BF%9C%E6%9C%9F%E5%90%88%E7%BA%A6远期合约概述   远期合约是20世纪80年代初兴起的一种保值工具,它是一种交易双方约定在未来的某一确定时间,以确定的价格买卖一定数量的某种金融资产的合约。合约中要规定交易的标的物、有效期和交割时的执行价格等项内容。  远期合约指合约双方同意在未来日期按照固

2012-12-24 16:44:50 4449

原创 Option leg

Definition of 'Leg'1. Term describing an order entry technique used by brokers. A leg occurs when a broker executes contingent orders in separate phases, thus increasing the risk for price swings th

2012-12-24 16:36:24 1224

转载 或有资产(contingent asset)

http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E6%88%96%E6%9C%89%E8%B5%84%E4%BA%A7或有资产(contingent asset) 目录[隐藏]1什么是或有资产?2或有资产的特征3对或有资产的披露4或有资产分析什么是或有资产?  或有资产指过去的交易或事项形成的潜在资产,其存在须通过未

2012-12-24 15:27:08 1940

原创 Cost Of Carry

Definition of 'Cost Of Carry'Costs incurred as a result of an investment position. These costs can include financial costs, such as the interest costs on bonds, interest expenses on margin accounts

2012-12-21 15:52:05 733

原创 CUSIP(Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures)

http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/04/040704.asp#axzz2FObjSxdk CUSIP stands for Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures. Formed in 1962, this committee developed a system (i

2012-12-21 15:02:44 1545

原创 Tranches

Definition of 'Tranches'A piece, portion or slice of a deal or structured financing. This portion is one of several related securities that are offered at the same time but have different risks, rew

2012-12-21 14:42:58 720

原创 贷款承诺(Loan Commitment)

贷款承诺(Loan Commitment) 目录?1 贷款承诺的定义?2 贷款承诺的种类?3 贷款承诺的风险?4 贷款承诺与贷款意向的区别?5 贷款承诺申办条件?6 贷款承诺的期限 贷款承诺的定义   贷款承诺是指商业银行等金融机构作出的在一定期间内以确定条款和条件向承诺持有者(潜在借款人)提供贷款的承诺。1993年12月,美国联邦储备系统理事会发布修订后的

2012-12-21 13:57:42 4957

原创 Hedge对冲

Definition of 'Hedge'Making an investment to reduce the risk of adverse price movements in an asset. Normally, a hedge consists of taking an offsetting position in a related security, such as a futu

2012-12-21 10:27:53 1302

原创 Illiquid asset

Definition of 'Illiquid'The state of a security or other asset that cannot easily be sold or exchanged for cash without a substantial loss in value. Illiquid assets also cannot be sold quickly becau

2012-12-21 10:09:55 639

原创 Definition of 'Cash Settlement( versus physical delivery of the reference obligation)

Definition of 'Cash Settlement(versus physical delivery of the reference obligation)A settlement method used in certain future and option contracts whereby, upon expiry or exercise, the seller of th

2012-12-21 09:27:47 713

原创 投资级别(Investment Grade)

投资级别(Investment Grade)Definition of 'Investment Grade'A rating that indicates that a municipal or corporate bond has a relatively low risk of default. Bond rating firms, such as Standard & Poor's,

2012-12-20 17:12:51 2171

原创 Reference Obligation

Definition of 'Reference Obligation'The specific underlying debt upon which a credit derivative is based. A reference obligation is issued by the reference entity. It does not represent all the form

2012-12-20 16:59:49 1017

原创 償債基金(Sinking fund)

償債基金(Sinking fund) Definition of 'Sinking Fund'A means of repaying funds that were borrowed through a bond issue. The issuer makes periodic payments to a trustee who retires part of the issue by

2012-12-20 14:45:59 1652

原创 SWIFT(Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial SWIFT Telecommunications---环球同业银行金融电讯协会)


2012-12-20 14:04:09 6995

原创 操纵市场(Market Manipulation) 内幕交易(Insider Trading)

Definition of 'Manipulation'The act of artificially inflating or deflating the price of a security. In most cases, manipulation is illegal. It is much easier to manipulate the share price of smaller

2012-12-20 13:46:44 3340

原创 认购权证Call Warrant

Definition of 'Call Warrant'A financial instrument that gives the holder the right to buy the underlying share at a specific price, on or before a specified date. Call warrants are often included in

2012-12-20 11:42:07 893

原创 公司行为(Corporate Actions)

公司行为(Corporate Actions)Definition of 'Corporate Action'Any event that brings material change to a company and affects its stakeholders. This includes shareholders, both common and preferred, as we

2012-12-20 11:33:46 1791

原创 Repurchase Agreement - Repo债券回购

Definition of 'Repurchase Agreement - Repo'A form of short-term borrowing for dealers in government securities. The dealer sells the government securities to investors, usually on an overnight basis

2012-12-20 11:08:02 4333

原创 Buy-in/Sell-Out

http://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/buyin.asp#axzz2FObjSxdkDefinition of 'Buy-In'When an investor is forced to repurchase shares because the seller did not deliver the securities in a timely fashi

2012-12-20 10:48:46 830

原创 Clearing Corporation

http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/clearingcorporation.asp#axzz2FObjSxdkDefinition of 'Clearing Corporation'An organization associated with an exchange to handle the confirmation, settlement and

2012-12-19 14:13:58 955

原创 纯券过户(free of payment)

http://baike.baidu.com/view/4039265.htm定义  纯券过户简称FOP(Free of Payment),是指债券交割不以资金支付为条件的结算方式,  即结算双方只要求中央结算公司办理债券的交割,款项支付自行办理。  这是一种交易双方建立在互相了解和信任基础上的一种结算方式,也是国外发达市场常用的一种结算方式。 概述  国际证券

2012-12-18 17:54:28 3245

原创 机构经纪

http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/primebrokerage.asp#axzz2FID9sqge Definition of 'Prime Brokerage'A special group of services that many brokerages give to special clients. The services provide

2012-12-17 17:31:24 602

原创 Quote Driven Market

http://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quotedriven.asp#axzz2FID9sqge Quote Driven MarketDefinition of 'Quote Driven Market'An electronic stock exchange system in which prices are determined from

2012-12-17 16:59:29 1249

原创 金边债券

http://baike.baidu.com/view/10757.htm早在17世纪,英国政府经议会批准,开始发行了以税收保证支付本息的政府公债,该公债信誉度很高。当时发行的英国政府公债带有金黄边,因此被称为 “金边债券”。在美国,经权威性资信评级机构评定为最高资信等级(AAA级)的债券,也称“金边债券”。后来,“金边债券”一词泛指所有中央政府发行的债券,即“国债”。

2012-12-17 16:00:58 682


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