
The contributions of Western civilization over the past 2000 years span a wide range of fields, from politics and economics to science and philosophy. Here’s an overview of notable contributions and key figures in each area:


Socrates - Early philosophy of ethics and governance.
Plato - The Republic, theory of forms, and political philosophy.
Aristotle - Politics and theories on statecraft.
Cicero - Roman orator and political theorist.
Augustine of Hippo - City of God, integrating Christian theology with politics.
Thomas Aquinas - Scholasticism and political philosophy.
Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince, political realism.
Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan, social contract theory.
John Locke - Two Treatises of Government, theories on democracy and rights.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Social Contract, political philosophy on freedom and equality.
Montesquieu - The Spirit of the Laws, separation of powers.
Edmund Burke - Reflections on the Revolution in France, conservative political thought.
Immanuel Kant - Perpetual Peace, political philosophy.
Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto, Marxism.
John Stuart Mill - On Liberty, liberal political theory.
Max Weber - The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, sociology of politics.
Hannah Arendt - The Human Condition, totalitarianism.
John Rawls - A Theory of Justice, principles of justice.
Robert Nozick - Anarchy, State, and Utopia, libertarianism.
Michel Foucault - Discipline and Punish, theories on power and governance.
Alexis de Tocqueville - Democracy in America, analysis of American democracy.
Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex, feminist political theory.
Friedrich Hayek - The Road to Serfdom, economic and political thought.
Milton Friedman - Capitalism and Freedom, free-market advocacy.
Leon Trotsky - Permanent revolution theory.
Antonio Gramsci - Cultural hegemony.
Vladimir Lenin - State and Revolution, revolutionary politics.
Winston Churchill - Leadership during WWII.
Franklin D. Roosevelt - New Deal policies.
Charles de Gaulle - Leadership during and after WWII.
Mahatma Gandhi - Nonviolent resistance and political philosophy.
Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil rights movement and political activism.
Nelson Mandela - Anti-apartheid activism and leadership.
Margaret Thatcher - Conservative political leadership.
Angela Merkel - Leadership in European politics.
Barack Obama - Leadership and policies in the 21st century.
Emmanuel Macron - Modern political leadership.
George Washington - Founding father and leadership.
Thomas Jefferson - Declaration of Independence and political thought.
Abraham Lincoln - Emancipation Proclamation and leadership.
Theodore Roosevelt - Progressive policies.
Woodrow Wilson - League of Nations and political thought.
Ronald Reagan - Cold War policies and economic reforms.
John F. Kennedy - Leadership during the Cold War.
Donald Trump - Contemporary political impact.
Joe Biden - Modern political leadership.
Elizabeth I - Leadership in the Renaissance.
Catherine the Great - Russian political reforms.
Julius Caesar - Roman political and military leadership.
Napoleon Bonaparte - Napoleonic Code and military leadership.


Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations, foundational economic theories.
David Ricardo - Comparative advantage theory.
John Maynard Keynes - Keynesian economics, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money.
Milton Friedman - Monetarism, A Monetary History of the United States.
Friedrich Hayek - The Road to Serfdom, economic liberalism.
Karl Marx - Das Kapital, critique of political economy.
Joseph Schumpeter - Theory of economic development and innovation.
Amartya Sen - Welfare economics, Development as Freedom.
Paul Samuelson - Foundations of economic analysis.
Robert Solow - Economic growth theory.
Gary Becker - Human capital theory.
Thomas Piketty - Capital in the Twenty-First Century, wealth inequality.
John Kenneth Galbraith - The Affluent Society, institutional economics.
James Tobin - Tobin tax and portfolio theory.
Elinor Ostrom - Governance of the commons.
Eugene Fama - Efficient market hypothesis.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb - Black Swan theory.
Richard Thaler - Behavioral economics, Nudge.
Hernando de Soto - Property rights and economic development.
Douglass North - Institutional economics and economic history.
George Akerlof - Information asymmetry.
Michael Spence - Market signaling.
Joseph Stiglitz - Information economics and global markets.
Oliver Williamson - Transaction cost economics.
Daniel Kahneman - Prospect theory, behavioral economics.
Kenneth Arrow - Social choice and general equilibrium theory.
Paul Krugman - New trade theory and economic geography.
Arthur Laffer - Laffer curve, supply-side economics.
Ben Bernanke - Great Depression and monetary policy.
Janet Yellen - Macroeconomics and monetary policy.
Larry Summers - Economic policy and secular stagnation.
Robert Lucas Jr. - Rational expectations theory.
Finn Kydland - Real business cycle theory.
Edward Prescott - Time to build and aggregate fluctuations.
Richard Posner - Law and economics.
Robert Barro - Economic growth and public debt.
Raghuram Rajan - Financial markets and global economics.
Esther Duflo - Development economics and randomized control trials.
Angus Deaton - Consumption, poverty, and welfare.
Daron Acemoglu - Political economy and institutional change.
Barry Eichengreen - Economic history and globalization.
Luigi Zingales - Corporate governance and financial regulation.
Thomas Sowell - Economic history and social policy.
Manuel Castells - Information society and network economy.
Hyman Minsky - Financial instability hypothesis.
Irving Fisher - Debt-deflation theory.
Ragnar Frisch - Econometrics and macroeconomic modeling.
Jan Tinbergen - Economic modeling and policy analysis.
William Nordhaus - Environmental economics and climate change.
Jean Tirole - Industrial organization and market regulation.


William Shakespeare - English literature and drama.
Homer - Ancient Greek epic poetry.
Virgil - Roman epic poetry.
Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy, Italian literature.
Geoffrey Chaucer - The Canterbury Tales, English literature.
Miguel de Cervantes - Don Quixote, Spanish literature.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - German literature, Faust.
Leo Tolstoy - Russian literature, War and Peace.
Fyodor Dostoevsky - Russian literature, Crime and Punishment.
Charles Dickens - English literature, social commentary.
Victor Hugo - French literature, Les Misérables.
Marcel Proust - French literature, In Search of Lost Time.
James Joyce - Irish literature, Ulysses.
Franz Kafka - German literature, The Metamorphosis.
Gabriel García Márquez - Latin American literature, One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Jorge Luis Borges - Latin American literature, magical realism.
Herman Melville - American literature, Moby-Dick.
Mark Twain - American literature, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Ernest Hemingway - American literature, The Old Man and the Sea.
F. Scott Fitzgerald - American literature, The Great Gatsby.
Virginia Woolf - English literature, modernism.
T.S. Eliot - English literature, The Waste Land.
Walt Whitman - American poetry, Leaves of Grass.
Emily Dickinson - American poetry.
Pablo Neruda - Latin American poetry.
Rainer Maria Rilke - German poetry.
Tennessee Williams - American drama, A Streetcar Named Desire.
Arthur Miller - American drama, Death of a Salesman.
Samuel Beckett - Absurdist drama, Waiting for Godot.
Albert Camus - Existentialist literature, The Stranger.
Jean-Paul Sartre - Existentialist literature, Nausea.
Simone de Beauvoir - Feminist literature, The Second Sex.
Michel Foucault - Cultural criticism, Discipline and Punish.
Roland Barthes - Semiotics and cultural theory.
Jacques Derrida - Deconstruction and post-structuralism.
Pierre Bourdieu - Sociology of culture.
Clifford Geertz - Anthropology and cultural interpretation.
Edward Said - Post-colonial criticism, Orientalism.
Frantz Fanon - Post-colonial literature, The Wretched of the Earth.
Chinua Achebe - African literature, Things Fall Apart.
Salman Rushdie - Indian literature, Midnight’s Children.
Toni Morrison - African American literature, Beloved.
Maya Angelou - African American literature, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
Zadie Smith - Contemporary literature, White Teeth.
Margaret Atwood - Canadian literature, The Handmaid’s Tale.
Haruki Murakami - Japanese literature, Kafka on the Shore.
Orhan Pamuk - Turkish literature, My Name is Red.
Kazuo Ishiguro - British literature, Never Let Me Go.
J.K. Rowling - Harry Potter series.
George R.R. Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire series.


Archimedes - Classical mathematics and engineering.
Euclid - Father of geometry.
Ptolemy - Ancient astronomy and geography.
Galen - Ancient medicine.
Roger Bacon - Medieval science and philosophy.
Nicolaus Copernicus - Heliocentric theory.
Galileo Galilei - Experimental science and astronomy.
Johannes Kepler - Laws of planetary motion.
Isaac Newton - Laws of motion and universal gravitation.
Robert Boyle - Father of modern chemistry.
Antoine Lavoisier - Father of modern chemistry.
Michael Faraday - Electromagnetism and electrochemistry.
James Clerk Maxwell - Electromagnetic theory.
Charles Darwin - Theory of evolution.
Gregor Mendel - Father of genetics.
Dmitri Mendeleev - Periodic table of elements.
Louis Pasteur - Germ theory of disease.
Joseph Lister - Antiseptic surgery.
Marie Curie - Radioactivity.
Albert Einstein - Theory of relativity.
Niels Bohr - Quantum theory.
Werner Heisenberg - Quantum mechanics.
Erwin Schrödinger - Wave mechanics.
Enrico Fermi - Nuclear physics.
Richard Feynman - Quantum electrodynamics.
James Watson - DNA structure discovery.
Francis Crick - DNA structure discovery.
Rosalind Franklin - DNA structure discovery.
Barbara McClintock - Genetic transposition.
Linus Pauling - Chemical bonding.
Carl Sagan - Astrophysics and popular science.
Stephen Hawking - Theoretical physics and cosmology.
Jane Goodall - Primatology.
Richard Dawkins - Evolutionary biology.
Edward O. Wilson - Sociobiology.
Tim Berners-Lee - World Wide Web.
Alan Turing - Computer science.
John von Neumann - Mathematics and computer science.
Claude Shannon - Information theory.
Norbert Wiener - Cybernetics.
Grace Hopper - Computer programming.
Robert Noyce - Integrated circuit.
Bill Gates - Personal computing.
Steve Jobs - Personal computing and consumer electronics.
Elon Musk - Space exploration and electric vehicles.
Ada Lovelace - Early computer programming.
George Boole - Boolean algebra.
Henri Poincaré - Mathematics and theoretical physics.
Alexander Fleming - Penicillin.
Rachel Carson - Environmental science.


Euclid - Elements, foundational geometry.
Archimedes - Calculus and mathematical physics.
Pythagoras - Pythagorean theorem.
René Descartes - Cartesian coordinate system.
Pierre-Simon Laplace - Mathematical astronomy.
Leonhard Euler - Analysis, graph theory, and number theory.
Carl Friedrich Gauss - Number theory and statistics.
Henri Poincaré - Topology and dynamical systems.
Georg Cantor - Set theory.
David Hilbert - Foundations of mathematics.
Kurt Gödel - Incompleteness theorems.
Alan Turing - Computability theory.
John von Neumann - Game theory and functional analysis.
Niels Henrik Abel - Algebra and group theory.
Évariste Galois - Group theory and algebra.
Joseph Fourier - Fourier analysis.
Augustin-Louis Cauchy - Analysis and complex functions.
Srinivasa Ramanujan - Number theory and infinite series.
Paul Erdős - Discrete mathematics and number theory.
John Nash - Game theory.
Andrew Wiles - Fermat’s Last Theorem.
Grigori Perelman - Poincaré conjecture.
Emmy Noether - Abstract algebra and theoretical physics.
Bernhard Riemann - Riemann hypothesis and differential geometry.
Niels Bohr - Quantum mechanics and atomic structure.
Werner Heisenberg - Uncertainty principle.
Richard Feynman - Quantum electrodynamics and path integrals.
George Pólya - Problem-solving and combinatorics.
John Horton Conway - Game of Life and combinatorial game theory.
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi - Elliptic functions and matrix theory.
Jean-Pierre Serre - Algebraic geometry and topology.
Alexander Grothendieck - Algebraic geometry.
Stephen Smale - Differential topology and dynamical systems.
Michael Atiyah - Topology and K-theory.
Paul Cohen - Set theory and continuum hypothesis.
Harish-Chandra - Representation theory.
Klaus Roth - Diophantine approximation.
John Milnor - Differential topology.
Raoul Bott - Topology and differential geometry.
Jean Bourgain - Harmonic analysis and Banach space theory.
Mary Cartwright - Chaos theory.
Ronald Graham - Ramsey theory and combinatorics.
Sophie Germain - Number theory and elasticity theory.
Joseph-Louis Lagrange - Analytical mechanics.
Niels Henrik Abel - Algebra and analysis.
Évariste Galois - Group theory and polynomial equations.
John von Neumann - Functional analysis and quantum mechanics.
Norbert Wiener - Cybernetics and stochastic processes.
André Weil - Number theory and algebraic geometry.
Terence Tao - Analysis and combinatorics.


Isaac Newton - Classical mechanics and gravity.
Albert Einstein - Theory of relativity.
James Clerk Maxwell - Electromagnetic theory.
Niels Bohr - Quantum theory.
Werner Heisenberg - Quantum mechanics.
Erwin Schrödinger - Wave mechanics.
Richard Feynman - Quantum electrodynamics.
Enrico Fermi - Nuclear physics.
Stephen Hawking - Black holes and cosmology.
Marie Curie - Radioactivity.
Galileo Galilei - Experimental physics.
Johannes Kepler - Planetary motion.
Michael Faraday - Electromagnetism.
Paul Dirac - Quantum mechanics.
Wolfgang Pauli - Exclusion principle.
Max Planck - Quantum theory.
Hendrik Lorentz - Lorentz transformations.
Ludwig Boltzmann - Statistical mechanics.
John Wheeler - Quantum gravity.
Ernest Rutherford - Nuclear physics.
Robert Oppenheimer - Atomic bomb development.
Murray Gell-Mann - Quark theory.
Freeman Dyson - Quantum electrodynamics.
Lev Landau - Theoretical physics.
Hermann Weyl - Group theory and quantum mechanics.
David Bohm - Quantum theory.
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar - Stellar dynamics.
Leon Lederman - Particle physics.
Frank Wilczek - Quantum chromodynamics.
Carlo Rubbia - Weak force and particle physics.
Sheldon Glashow - Electroweak theory.
Steven Weinberg - Electroweak theory.
Abdus Salam - Electroweak theory.
Peter Higgs - Higgs boson.
Gerard 't Hooft - Quantum field theory.
Kip Thorne - Gravitational waves.
David Gross - Quantum chromodynamics.
Tsung-Dao Lee - Weak interactions.
Chen-Ning Yang - Parity violation.
Hans Bethe - Nuclear reactions.
Andrei Sakharov - Thermonuclear weapons.
Ilya Prigogine - Thermodynamics of irreversible processes.
Max Born - Quantum mechanics.
Eugene Wigner - Symmetry in physics.
Hans Geiger - Geiger counter.
Luis Walter Alvarez - Particle physics.
Melvin Schwartz - Neutrino beam method.
Martinus Veltman - Electroweak theory.
Simon van der Meer - Particle accelerator.
Alan Guth - Inflationary universe theory.


Antoine Lavoisier - Father of modern chemistry.
Dmitri Mendeleev - Periodic table.
Marie Curie - Radioactivity.
Linus Pauling - Chemical bonding.
Robert Boyle - Boyle’s law.
Gilbert N. Lewis - Chemical bonding.
Irving Langmuir - Surface chemistry.
Rosalind Franklin - DNA structure.
James Watson - DNA structure.
Francis Crick - DNA structure.
Friedrich Wöhler - Organic synthesis.
Svante Arrhenius - Acid-base theory.
J.J. Thomson - Discovery of the electron.
Ernest Rutherford - Nuclear chemistry.
Niels Bohr - Atomic structure.
Robert Oppenheimer - Manhattan Project.
Enrico Fermi - Nuclear reactions.
Glenn T. Seaborg - Transuranium elements.
Harold Urey - Isotope separation.
Willard Libby - Radiocarbon dating.
Ahmed Zewail - Femtochemistry.
Richard Feynman - Quantum chemistry.
Kurt Alder - Organic synthesis.
Robert B. Woodward - Organic synthesis.
Herbert C. Brown - Hydroboration.
George Pimentel - Infrared spectroscopy.
Michael Faraday - Electrochemistry.
Gilbert Lewis - Electron-pair theory.
Peter Debye - Dipole moments.
Paul Dirac - Quantum mechanics.
Henry Eyring - Transition state theory.
Ilya Prigogine - Thermodynamics.
Rudolf Mössbauer - Mössbauer effect.
Roger Kornberg - RNA polymerase.
Jean-Marie Lehn - Supramolecular chemistry.
John B. Goodenough - Lithium-ion batteries.
Akira Yoshino - Lithium-ion batteries.
Ahmed Zewail - Laser chemistry.
George Whitesides - Nanotechnology.
Harry Kroto - Fullerenes.
Richard Smalley - Nanotechnology.
Sumio Iijima - Carbon nanotubes.
Robert H. Grubbs - Metathesis.
Yves Chauvin - Metathesis.
Benjamin List - Asymmetric organocatalysis.
David W.C. MacMillan - Asymmetric organocatalysis.
Frances H. Arnold - Directed evolution.
Emmanuelle Charpentier - CRISPR-Cas9.
Jennifer Doudna - CRISPR-Cas9.
Carolyn Bertozzi - Bioorthogonal chemistry.


Aristotle - Early biological classification.
Galen - Early medicine.
William Harvey - Circulation of blood.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - Microscopy.
Carolus Linnaeus - Taxonomy.
Charles Darwin - Theory of evolution.
Gregor Mendel - Genetics.
Louis Pasteur - Germ theory.
Robert Koch - Bacteriology.
Thomas Hunt Morgan - Chromosomal theory of inheritance.
Barbara McClintock - Genetic transposition.
James Watson - DNA structure.
Francis Crick - DNA structure.
Rosalind Franklin - DNA structure.
Linus Pauling - Molecular biology.
Rachel Carson - Environmental science.
Jane Goodall - Primatology.
Richard Dawkins - Evolutionary biology.
Edward O. Wilson - Sociobiology.
Stephen Jay Gould - Paleontology.
David Attenborough - Natural history.
George Washington Carver - Agricultural science.
Norman Borlaug - Green Revolution.
Barbara McClintock - Genetics.
Craig Venter - Human genome.
Elizabeth Blackburn - Telomeres.
Jennifer Doudna - CRISPR.
Emmanuelle Charpentier - CRISPR.
Richard Lewontin - Population genetics.
Theodosius Dobzhansky - Evolutionary genetics.
Ernst Mayr - Evolutionary biology.
Jacques Monod - Molecular biology.
François Jacob - Molecular biology.
Sydney Brenner - Genetic code.
Fred Sanger - DNA sequencing.
Alec Jeffreys - Genetic fingerprinting.
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard - Developmental biology.
Eric Kandel - Neuroscience.
James Lovelock - Gaia hypothesis.
Paul Nurse - Cell cycle.
Tim Hunt - Cell cycle.
Sydney Brenner - Genetic code.
Craig Mello - RNA interference.
Andrew Fire - RNA interference.
Gertrude Elion - Pharmacology.
Barbara McClintock - Genetic transposition.
Hans Krebs - Biochemical cycles.
Albert Szent-Györgyi - Vitamin C.
Christian de Duve - Lysosomes.
Lynn Margulis - Endosymbiotic theory.


Hippocrates - Father of medicine.
Galen - Early medical science.
Avicenna - Canon of Medicine.
Andreas Vesalius - Human anatomy.
William Harvey - Circulation of blood.
Edward Jenner - Smallpox vaccine.
Louis Pasteur - Germ theory.
Joseph Lister - Antiseptic surgery.
Robert Koch - Bacteriology.
Paul Ehrlich - Chemotherapy.
Alexander Fleming - Penicillin.
Marie Curie - Radiotherapy.
Sigmund Freud - Psychoanalysis.
Carl Jung - Analytical psychology.
Florence Nightingale - Modern nursing.
Gregor Mendel - Genetics.
Thomas Hunt Morgan - Chromosomes.
Barbara McClintock - Genetic transposition.
James Watson - DNA structure.
Francis Crick - DNA structure.
Rosalind Franklin - DNA structure.
Jonas Salk - Polio vaccine.
Albert Sabin - Polio vaccine.
Christiaan Barnard - Heart transplantation.
Paul Lauterbur - MRI.
Raymond Damadian - MRI.
Robert Edwards - IVF.
Patrick Steptoe - IVF.
Elizabeth Blackburn - Telomeres.
Carol Greider - Telomeres.
Jennifer Doudna - CRISPR.
Emmanuelle Charpentier - CRISPR.
Harvey Cushing - Neurosurgery.
Walter Reed - Yellow fever.
William Osler - Modern medicine.
Harold Varmus - Oncology.
David Baltimore - Molecular biology.
Barry Marshall - Helicobacter pylori.
Robin Warren - Helicobacter pylori.
Luc Montagnier - HIV.
Robert Gallo - HIV.
Frederick Banting - Insulin.
Charles Best - Insulin.
Earl Sutherland - Cyclic AMP.
Rosalyn Yalow - Radioimmunoassay.
Gertrude Elion - Pharmacology.
George Hitchings - Pharmacology.
Bernard Lown - Defibrillator.
Thomas Starzl - Organ transplantation.
Joseph Murray - Organ transplantation.


Leonardo da Vinci - Renaissance engineering.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel - Civil engineering.
Thomas Telford - Civil engineering.
James Watt - Steam engine.
George Stephenson - Railways.
Nikola Tesla - Electrical engineering.
Thomas Edison - Electrical engineering.
Alexander Graham Bell - Telecommunication.
Guglielmo Marconi - Radio.
John Logie Baird - Television.
Charles Babbage - Computing.
Ada Lovelace - Computing.
Alan Turing - Computing.
Tim Berners-Lee - World Wide Web.
Robert Noyce - Microchips.
Jack Kilby - Microchips.
Steve Jobs - Personal computing.
Bill Gates - Personal computing.
Elon Musk - SpaceX and Tesla.
Henry Ford - Automotive engineering.
Karl Benz - Automotive engineering.
Wright brothers - Aviation.
Amelia Earhart - Aviation.
Howard Hughes - Aviation.
Burt Rutan - Aviation.
Norman Borlaug - Agricultural engineering.
George Washington Carver - Agricultural science.
John Deere - Agricultural machinery.
Fritz Haber - Chemical engineering.
Carl Bosch - Chemical engineering.
Archimedes - Ancient engineering.
Heron of Alexandria - Ancient engineering.
Gustave Eiffel - Structural engineering.
Fazlur Rahman Khan - Structural engineering.
John A. Roebling - Bridge engineering.
Santiago Calatrava - Structural engineering.
Frank Lloyd Wright - Architecture.
Le Corbusier - Architecture.
Zaha Hadid - Architecture.
Norman Foster - Architecture.
Renzo Piano - Architecture.
Richard Rogers - Architecture.
Buckminster Fuller - Geodesic domes.
Eero Saarinen - Architecture.
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe - Architecture.
Philip Johnson - Architecture.
I. M. Pei - Architecture.
Frank Gehry - Architecture.
Daniel Libeskind - Architecture.
Moshe Safdie - Architecture.


Leonardo da Vinci - Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa.
Michelangelo - Renaissance sculpture and painting, David.
Raphael - Renaissance painting, School of Athens.
Donatello - Renaissance sculpture, Saint Mark.
Sandro Botticelli - Renaissance painting, The Birth of Venus.
Jan van Eyck - Northern Renaissance painting, Arnolfini Portrait.
Albrecht Dürer - Northern Renaissance printmaking and painting.
Titian - Venetian Renaissance painting.
Caravaggio - Baroque painting, The Calling of Saint Matthew.
Peter Paul Rubens - Baroque painting.
Rembrandt - Dutch Golden Age painting, The Night Watch.
Johannes Vermeer - Dutch Golden Age painting, Girl with a Pearl Earring.
Diego Velázquez - Spanish Baroque painting, Las Meninas.
El Greco - Spanish Renaissance and Mannerism.
Francisco Goya - Spanish Romanticism, The Third of May 1808.
Eugène Delacroix - French Romanticism, Liberty Leading the People.
J.M.W. Turner - British Romanticism, The Fighting Temeraire.
Gustave Courbet - Realism, The Stone Breakers.
Édouard Manet - Impressionism, Olympia.
Claude Monet - Impressionism, Water Lilies.
Edgar Degas - Impressionism, The Ballet Class.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Impressionism, Luncheon of the Boating Party.
Paul Cézanne - Post-Impressionism, The Card Players.
Vincent van Gogh - Post-Impressionism, Starry Night.
Georges Seurat - Pointillism, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.
Paul Gauguin - Post-Impressionism, Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
Henri Matisse - Fauvism, The Dance.
Pablo Picasso - Cubism, Guernica.
Georges Braque - Cubism.
Wassily Kandinsky - Abstract art.
Piet Mondrian - De Stijl, Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Salvador Dalí - Surrealism, The Persistence of Memory.
René Magritte - Surrealism, The Son of Man.
Joan Miró - Surrealism.
Marc Chagall - Modernism.
Jackson Pollock - Abstract Expressionism, No. 5, 1948.
Mark Rothko - Abstract Expressionism.
Andy Warhol - Pop Art, Campbell’s Soup Cans.
Roy Lichtenstein - Pop Art.
Frida Kahlo - Surrealism, The Two Fridas.
Georgia O’Keeffe - American Modernism.
Henri Rousseau - Naïve art.
Jean-Michel Basquiat - Neo-expressionism.
Yayoi Kusama - Contemporary art.
Ai Weiwei - Contemporary art.
Damien Hirst - Contemporary art.
Banksy - Street art.
Ansel Adams - Photography.
Dorothea Lange - Photography, Migrant Mother.
Cindy Sherman - Photography.


Johann Sebastian Bach - Baroque, Brandenburg Concertos.
George Frideric Handel - Baroque, Messiah.
Antonio Vivaldi - Baroque, The Four Seasons.
Johann Pachelbel - Baroque, Canon in D.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Classical, The Magic Flute.
Ludwig van Beethoven - Classical/Romantic, Symphony No. 9.
Franz Joseph Haydn - Classical, Symphony No. 94.
Franz Schubert - Classical/Romantic, Ave Maria.
Felix Mendelssohn - Romantic, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Frédéric Chopin - Romantic, Nocturnes.
Robert Schumann - Romantic, Carnaval.
Johannes Brahms - Romantic, Symphony No. 1.
Franz Liszt - Romantic, Hungarian Rhapsodies.
Richard Wagner - Romantic, The Ring Cycle.
Giuseppe Verdi - Romantic, La Traviata.
Giacomo Puccini - Romantic, La Bohème.
Johann Strauss II - Romantic, The Blue Danube.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Romantic, The Nutcracker.
Antonín Dvořák - Romantic, Symphony No. 9.
Edvard Grieg - Romantic, Peer Gynt.
Claude Debussy - Impressionism, Clair de Lune.
Maurice Ravel - Impressionism, Boléro.
Igor Stravinsky - Modernism, The Rite of Spring.
Arnold Schoenberg - Atonal music, Pierrot Lunaire.
Sergei Rachmaninoff - Romantic, Piano Concerto No. 2.
Sergei Prokofiev - Modernism, Peter and the Wolf.
Dmitri Shostakovich - Modernism, Symphony No. 5.
Béla Bartók - Modernism, Concerto for Orchestra.
Aaron Copland - American classical, Appalachian Spring.
George Gershwin - American classical, Rhapsody in Blue.
Leonard Bernstein - American classical, West Side Story.
Philip Glass - Minimalism, Einstein on the Beach.
Steve Reich - Minimalism, Music for 18 Musicians.
John Cage - Avant-garde, 4’33".
Pierre Boulez - Serialism.
Karlheinz Stockhausen - Electronic music.
Arvo Pärt - Sacred minimalism.
György Ligeti - Avant-garde.
John Williams - Film music, Star Wars.
Ennio Morricone - Film music, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Hans Zimmer - Film music, Inception.
Ludovico Einaudi - Contemporary classical.
Andrew Lloyd Webber - Musical theatre, The Phantom of the Opera.
Stephen Sondheim - Musical theatre, Sweeney Todd.
Duke Ellington - Jazz.
Louis Armstrong - Jazz.
Miles Davis - Jazz.
John Coltrane - Jazz.
Billie Holiday - Jazz.
Ella Fitzgerald - Jazz.

Computer Science / Information Technology

Alan Turing - Father of computer science.
John von Neumann - Architecture of modern computers.
Claude Shannon - Information theory.
Donald Knuth - Algorithms and computer programming.
Edsger Dijkstra - Algorithms and programming.
Tim Berners-Lee - World Wide Web.
Vint Cerf - Internet protocol.
Bob Kahn - Internet protocol.
John McCarthy - Artificial intelligence.
Marvin Minsky - Artificial intelligence.
Grace Hopper - Computer programming.
Ada Lovelace - Early programming concepts.
George Boole - Boolean logic.
Herbert A. Simon - Artificial intelligence.
Richard Stallman - Free software movement.
Linus Torvalds - Linux operating system.
Ken Thompson - UNIX operating system.
Dennis Ritchie - C programming language.
Brian Kernighan - C programming language.
Douglas Engelbart - Computer mouse.
Steve Jobs - Personal computing.
Bill Gates - Personal computing.
Paul Allen - Microsoft co-founder.
Mark Zuckerberg - Facebook.
Larry Page - Google co-founder.
Sergey Brin - Google co-founder.
Jeff Bezos - Amazon.
Elon Musk - Tesla and SpaceX.
Jack Dorsey - Twitter.
Reed Hastings - Netflix.
Sheryl Sandberg - Facebook.
Susan Wojcicki - YouTube.
Satya Nadella - Microsoft CEO.
Sundar Pichai - Google CEO.
Tim Cook - Apple CEO.
Jony Ive - Apple design. - Apple design
Michael Dell - Dell Inc.
Gordon Moore - Moore’s law.
Andrew Ng - Machine learning and AI.
Geoffrey Hinton - Deep learning.
Yoshua Bengio - Deep learning.
Yann LeCun - Deep learning.
Eliezer Yudkowsky - AI safety.
Nick Bostrom - AI and existential risk.
Tim Berners-Lee - World Wide Web.
Guido van Rossum - Python programming language.
Brendan Eich - JavaScript programming language.
Bjarne Stroustrup - C++ programming language.
James Gosling - Java programming language.
Grace Hopper - COBOL programming language.

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