Beach painting by Patsy Ramsey adds another layer of mystery

A young boy is shown sitting with his arm around a smaller girl. The two face the calm turquoise water in what appears to be a Women's Tony Scheffler Jersey moment of peaceful, innocent reflection.

The painting was among several of Ramsey's artworks featured in a show in Charlevoix, Mich., just days after she died. It was reproduced in The Denver Post on July 2, and sparked yet another controversy in the life of this bewildering figure who has appeared alternately tragic and cynical depending on the moment for nearly 10 years.

Once again, Patsy has left us with cause for suspicion and evidence to be analyzed endlessly, but curiously, no conceivable motive.

When the image of Ramsey's artwork appeared in The Post, a reader recognized it as strikingly similar to one called "Pals" from the collection of artist Betty Morris Hamilton of Guntersville, Ala.

Side by side, the resemblance is unmistakable. Ramsey's colors, though more intense, are much the same as those in Hamilton's original. The position of the arms, the streaks in the hair, the shades on the sand all look like Hamilton's work.

I called the artist in Alabama, expecting indignation. Instead I got tenderness.

Hamilton looked at the image of Ramsey's painting. She paused. Then in her sweet Southern drawl she suggested that maybe Ramsey had used her artwork "as a guide."

"In this particular instance, it was not offensive to me," said the softspoken woman who has supported herself for more than 15 years through the sale of her art. s are available online and "Pals" is one of her most popular works.

Like most Americans, Hamilton was familiar with the story of JonBen Ramsey, whose murder in December Lions Tony Scheffler Jersey 1996 became the subject of relentless tabloid speculation.

Hamilton had read the stories about Patsy Ramsey's recent death from ovarian cancer and saw comments from Patsy's friends who said that she had Tony Scheffler Jersey White started painting and enjoyed it.

"She was a beginner painter," she said. "When you're learning, you usually find pictures you like and practice painting them to learn the technique."

While Hamilton has worked hard to build her reputation, her approach to her art is more metaphysical than materialistic. "I've always wanted my paintings to bless people," she said. "I consider my artistic ability a gift from God. It doesn't belong to me. If this painting blessed her in any way, it accomplished what I intended.

"How can I feel bad about that?"

In addition to Hamilton's generous spirit, Ramsey was blessed by the rules governing artists who exhibit at the Summer Solstice Art Show in Charlevoix.

There are no references to plagiarism in the applications, only requirements that items to be sold be "handmade."

Even in shows such as the Cherry Creek Arts Festival where it is explicitly prohibited, plagiarism is tough to prove.

Most of the time artists are expected to police themselves and each other. Because proceeds from the sale of prints of Ramsey's work were slated to benefit ovarian cancer research, Hamilton said she has no interest in challenging her imitation of "Pals."

She views it not so much as a mercenary ripoff as a transcendental experience: Through the medium of "Pals," Hamilton said, maybe Ramsey found joy in the midst of grief.

"People usually project their own feelings onto the children," she said. "They see the people they love in them and want to be reminded about relationships and love and special memories. Maybe it was a healing for her."

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