To discourage the attendance

But Joseph II., Mbt notwithstanding all that was done by him for the benefit of the common schools, had but little sympathy with many of the plans of gymnasial reform. The idea of Iless, that the gymnasiums should be madeVibram institutions for laying the ground-work of a general education, seemed a dream that was impossible to be realized. Their proper aim appeared to him rather to be the education of capable civil officers, tho inculcation of "morality,"* and the imparting of such instruction as was most immediately and practically useful. Tho legislation of his reign was chiefly confined to general instructions to directors and teachers in rela­tion to text-books, and a single ordinance upon the Mbt shoes subject of instruction and discipline. Tho practical acquisition of the Latin language was made tho principal object, the secondary branches being left in a great measure to tho pleasure of the individual teachers. The courso and amount of instruction were carefully regulated and none but tho prescribed text­books were permitted, to the exclusion of tho many manuscript. works inDiscount mbt shoes

[1] The term "morality," as often used in this connection, does not convoy at once to the American mind its true, prominent idea, implying, as it does, a habit of obcdicnce to constituted authority, and compliance with lair, which makes its inculcation a matter of supreme political Importance. Mbt discount

which teachers had, too often to the detriment of their pupils, shown off their learning or self-conceit Corporal punishment was prohibited ar.d a system of rewards and punishments substituted, by means of records of merit demerit, seats of honor and disgrace, and various similar methods of appeal to the sensitiveness of the scholars. Private meetings and societies of students, of a religious character, were forbidden, and regular attendance upon public worship, daily mass, catechetical instruc­tion, &c., was made obligatory. The philosophical classes were also re­organized, Mbt shoes sale the only essential reform. being the substitution of the German language for the Latin, till this time exclusively used in instruction. Upon the whole, tho character and efficiency of this higher department, under the influences bearing upon it, had deteriorated. In addition to these regulations, Greek was afterwards made so far obligatory upon the uni­versity classes that even the lowest grade for certificate could not be obtained without satisfactory progress in it. Hitherto, Mbts instruction in the gymnasiums had been gratuitous, and aided by the religious orders many had attended who afterwards found it difficult to sustain themselves through a course of university study

But Joseph II., Mbt notwithstanding all that was done by him for the benefit of the common schools, had but little sympathy with many of the plans of gymnasial reform. The idea of Iless, that the gymnasiums should be madeVibram institutions for laying the ground-work of a general education, seemed a dream that was impossible to be realized. Their proper aim appeared to him rather to be the education of capable civil officers, tho inculcation of "morality,"* and the imparting of such instruction as was most immediately and practically useful. Tho legislation of his reign was chiefly confined to general instructions to directors and teachers in rela­tion to text-books, and a single ordinance upon the Mbt shoes subject of instruction and discipline. Tho practical acquisition of the Latin language was made tho principal object, the secondary branches being left in a great measure to tho pleasure of the individual teachers. The courso and amount of instruction were carefully regulated and none but tho prescribed text­books were permitted, to the exclusion of tho many manuscript. works inDiscount mbt shoes

[1] The term "morality," as often used in this connection, does not convoy at once to the American mind its true, prominent idea, implying, as it does, a habit of obcdicnce to constituted authority, and compliance with lair, which makes its inculcation a matter of supreme political Importance. Mbt discount

which teachers had, too often to the detriment of their pupils, shown off their learning or self-conceit Corporal punishment was prohibited ar.d a system of rewards and punishments substituted, by means of records of merit demerit, seats of honor and disgrace, and various similar methods of appeal to the sensitiveness of the scholars. Private meetings and societies of students, of a religious character, were forbidden, and regular attendance upon public worship, daily mass, catechetical instruc­tion, &c., was made obligatory. The philosophical classes were also re­organized, Mbt shoes sale the only essential reform. being the substitution of the German language for the Latin, till this time exclusively used in instruction. Upon the whole, tho character and efficiency of this higher department, under the influences bearing upon it, had deteriorated. In addition to these regulations, Greek was afterwards made so far obligatory upon the uni­versity classes that even the lowest grade for certificate could not be obtained without satisfactory progress in it. Hitherto, Mbts instruction in the gymnasiums had been gratuitous, and aided by the religious orders many had attended who afterwards found it difficult to sustain themselves through a course of university study. To discourage the attendance of such students, and also to increase the number of stipends, tuition fees were now exacted, varying from twelve to eighteen florins in the different Mbt Shoes UK

gymnasial and philosophical classes, and the amount thus raised was added to the fund from which stipends were granted to students designed for the university. At the samo time, the "seminaries" and boarding schools (eomicte) were abolished, and their property added to the same fund. The establishment Vibram Five Fingers of private institutions was discouraged and valid certificates could be granted only by the gymnasiums, on which account their semi-annual examinations were open to private pupils. It soon, however, bccame evident, even to the government, that these schools were not fulfilling their object, and the more that no means were provided for the training of theirVibram Fivefingers teachers. Simply to pass the semi-annual exam­inations bccamc the sole purpose for which the pupils studied, and disci­pline disappeared as its religious foundation was swept away by the rationalistic tendencies of the times. The party that had opposed the Emperor's reforms, especially in religious matter, called attention to these evils, and memorialized the throne for their reform. The Emperor him­self acknowledged the force of the attendance of such students, and also to increase the number of stipends, tuition fees were now exacted, varying from twelve to eighteen florins in the different Mbt Shoes UK

gymnasial and philosophical classes, and the amount thus raised was added to the fund from which stipends were granted to students designed for the university. At the samo time, the "seminaries" and boarding schools (eomicte) were abolished, and their property added to the same fund. The establishment Vibram Five Fingers of private institutions was discouraged and valid certificates could be granted only by the gymnasiums, on which account their semi-annual examinations were open to private pupils. It soon, however, bccame evident, even to the government, that these schools were not fulfilling their object, and the more that no means were provided for the training of their Vibram Fivefingers teachers. Simply to pass the semi-annual exam­inations bccamc the sole purpose for which the pupils studied, and disci­pline disappeared as its religious foundation was swept away by the rationalistic tendencies of the times. The party that had opposed the Emperor's reforms, especially in religious matter, called attention to these evils, and memorialized the throne for their reform. The Emperor him­self acknowledged the force of

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