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原创 深入RPG游戏制作—图形篇

文章作者:竺强    不知大家有没有注意到这一点:喜欢电脑的大都喜欢游戏。为什么呢?因为不管对男女老少来说,游戏都具有一种特殊的魅力,休闲的魅力、回味的魅力,或是竞争的魅力。但有时我也常常这样想,比如由于内存或者硬件的什么原因,游戏玩不起来,请来朋友帮忙调整,问题解决了,兴高采烈地继续玩,那么你什么也没学到。若是据此深入,刨根问底,从头到尾搞明白了,相信不久你就会成为电脑高手。何谓高手也都是平常磨

2004-09-06 15:03:00 2444

原创 关于飞机射击类游戏的设计原理

作者:尹龙水平有限,请别见怪:)    众所周知,飞机射击类游戏几乎是我们接触到的第一类计算机游戏,不论是在街机中还是在计算机中,这一类游戏都是非常容易上手和招人喜爱的。就算是在这个即时战略游戏、3D第一视角游戏等盛行的年代,闲暇是玩玩打飞机的游戏也是很惬意的。    在这几天里学完了有关 DirectX 方面的知识后,就上手编了一下飞机射击的游戏。看起来好象很复杂,其实只不过是些数据结构的集合而

2004-09-06 14:45:00 1657

原创 电脑游戏中的人工智能制作

 电脑游戏随着硬件执行效率与显示解析度等大幅提升,以往很多不可能或非常难以实现的电脑游戏如此都得以顺利完成。虽然电脑游戏的呈现是那么地多样化,然而却与我们今日所要探讨的主题,人工智能几乎都有着密不可分的关系。  在角色扮演游戏中,程序员与企划人员需要精确地在电脑上将一个个所谓的“怪物”在战门过程中栩栩如生地制作出来;所以半兽人受了重伤懂得逃跑,法师懂得施展攻性法术。  目前能让人立刻想到与人工智能

2004-09-06 14:44:00 1335

原创 谁来引领移动数据增值业务的成功?

罗兰贝格国际管理咨询公司 高级项目经理Hartmut Schnabel 高级咨询顾问 陈涛 2003/11/14  随着手机短信近年来在中国“雪崩式”的快速发展,移动数据增值业务的发展成为了通信业界关注的焦点,人们希望在移动通信市场中再次发掘出新的宝藏。从中国移动2002年公布的数据业务用户接近6千万、短信使用量扩大4.6倍和新业务收入增长143%这些数字之中,人们憧憬着一个新兴的巨大市场与商机。

2004-09-06 11:39:00 2546


One look at the App Store will show you just how hot iPhone games have become. Games make up over 25 percent of all apps, and over 70 percent of the apps in the App Store's Most Popular category. Surprised? Of course not! We've all filled our iPhones with games, and many of us hope to develop the next best seller. This book is a collection of must-know information from master independent iPhone game developers. In it, you'll discover how some of the most innovative and creative game developers have made it to the pinnacle of game design and profitability. This book is loaded with practical tips for efficient development, and for creating compelling, addictive gaming experiences. And it's not all talk! It's supported with code examples that you can download and use to realize your own great ideas. This book's authors are responsible for some of the all-time most popular and talked-about games: * Brian Greenstone developed Enigmo and Cro-Mag Rally. * Aaron Fothergill developed Flick Fishing. * Mike Lee developed Tap Tap Revolution, the most downloaded game in App Store history. * Mike Kasprzak's Smiles was a finalist in the IGF 2009 Best Mobile Game competition. * PJ Cabrera, Richard Zito, and Matthew Aitken (Quick Draw, Pole2Pole); Joachim Bondo (Deep Green); and Olivier Hennessy and Clayton Kane (Apache Lander) have received glowing reviews and accolades for their games. Pair iPhone Games Projects with Apress's best-selling Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK, and you'll have everything you need to create the next game to top the sales charts. What you'll learn * How to optimize games using iPhone SDK tools such as Instruments and Shark, and how to optimize your graphics and sound files for the best performance * Insight into the art and craft of game design * How to implement social networking in your game with RESTful web services * Tips on rapid game development with C on iPhone * How to increase your market by developing games that run on iPhone, Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows * How to create multiplayer iPhone games Who is this book for? All iPhone game developers, and anyone with an iPhone who wants to learn how games are made



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