tornado 框架创表_创世纪框架简介

tornado 框架创表

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been using WordPress for years, or if you’re just starting out. WordPress can be a complex content management system with a lot of options. These options include themes, plugins, products and services. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed with everything. That’s why it’s important to find the best products to make your life easy. One way to do this is to use a trusted theme framework. One of the most popular theme frameworks is called the Genesis Framework by StudioPress.

无论您已经使用WordPress多年,还是刚开始使用WordPress都没关系。 WordPress可以是具有许多选项的复杂内容管理系统。 这些选项包括主题,插件,产品和服务。 很容易被所有事情淹没。 这就是为什么找到最好的产品以使您的生活变得轻松很重要。 一种方法是使用受信任的主题框架。 StudioPress将最流行的主题框架之一称为Genesis Framework

StudioPress Genesis

什么是主题框架? (What is a Theme Framework?)

You may have heard of WordPress themes, but you might not know what a theme framework is. A theme framework is a WordPress theme structure that is put in place to be built upon. Think of a theme framework like the framework of a vehicle. The only difference is, you can build on top of this framework to build any type of theme that you’d like.

您可能听说过WordPress主题,但是您可能不知道主题框架是什么。 主题框架是可以构建的WordPress主题结构。 将主题框架想像为车辆的框架。 唯一的区别是,您可以在此框架的基础上构建所需的任何类型的主题。

Theme frameworks make it extremely easy to create the look and feel of any type of website you want.


为什么创世记? (Why Genesis?)

Genesis is among the most popular WordPress theme frameworks, let’s take a look at some of the main reasons why.

创世纪是最受欢迎的WordPress主题框架之一 ,下面让我们看一下其中的一些主要原因。

建造精良 (It’s Well Built)

Genesis is built with the priority of clean code. This means it implements the latest in HTML5 and CSS3 capabilities. The framework is coded well, making your site work like it’s expected to. Most of the Genesis themes will also look great on mobile devices and are responsive, making the entire theme selection a great choice for businesses everywhere.

Genesis是使用干净代码的优先级构建的。 这意味着它实现了HTML5和CSS3的最新功能。 该框架的代码编写正确,可以使您的网站按预期工作。 大多数Genesis主题在移动设备上看起来也很棒,并且响应Swift,使整个主题选择成为各地企业的绝佳选择。


This also makes your site look great to search engines, too. You don’t have to worry about search engines having trouble indexing your site. You can focus on creating killer content, without worrying about the technical SEO aspects.

这也使您的网站在搜索引擎中看起来也很棒。 您不必担心搜索引擎很难为您的网站编制索引。 您可以专注于创建杀手级内容,而不必担心技术性SEO方面。

轻巧 (It’s Lightweight)

If you’ve ever installed a theme that made your site crawl slower than a dying turtle, then you’ll understand why a lightweight theme is important. I’ve been there. I’ve installed a beautiful theme, only to find that it bogged down my server, created way too many requests, and was just too bulky overall. Even though Genesis is crammed with features, you won’t see any lag here.

如果您曾经安装过一个使网站爬网速度快于垂死的乌龟的主题,那么您将理解为什么轻量级主题很重要。 我去过那儿。 我安装了一个漂亮的主题,但发现它使服务器陷入瘫痪,创建了太多请求,并且整体上太笨重。 即使Genesis挤满了功能,您在这里也不会看到任何滞后。

很好的支持 (It’s Well Supported)

When you make a one time purchase of the Genesis Framework, you get lifetime updates and support. You can always contact their support with any issues you may be having, which is helpful. Having unlimited access to support means that your site will always be up and running how you want it to be. Too many times I’ve seen theme owners left holding the bag, when all they needed was just a little help.

一次性购买Genesis Framework时,您将获得终身更新和支持。 如果您遇到任何问题,可以随时与他们的支持联系,这很有帮助。 不受限制地获得支持意味着您的网站将始终处于正常运行状态,并且可以按您希望的方式运行。 我已经看到很多次主题所有者抛弃了袋子,而他们所需要的只是一点点帮助。

相对便宜 (It’s Relatively Inexpensive)

The Framework alone is only $60, and that’s a one time purchase. Then, child themes are only in the range of $20-$50, which is relatively inexpensive. You can also make a one-time purchase of all of their themes for a reasonable price. This is great if you’re an entrepreneur, and you just want to get up and running with very little investment. Also, if you own more than one business, you’ll have a library of themes available to choose from for life.

仅Framework一项仅需60美元,而且是一次性购买。 然后,儿童主题仅在$ 20- $ 50的范围内,这相对便宜。 您还可以以合理的价格一次性购买所有主题。 如果您是一名企业家,那太好了,而您只想以很少的投资就可以开始运营。 另外,如果您拥有多个公司,那么您将拥有一个终身可供选择的主题库。

安全且定期更新 (It’s Secure and Regularly Updated)

StudioPress rolls out regular updates to improve on their codebase. This is important for keeping your site secure. They strive to keep sites running as fast and secure as possible. The problem with regular updates is the fear that it will break your site. This isn’t the case, which we’ll discuss in my next point.

StudioPress会定期发布更新,以改进其代码库。 这对于确保您的网站安全很重要。 他们努力使站点尽可能快和安全地运行。 定期更新的问题是担心它会破坏您的网站。 情况并非如此,我们将在下一点中讨论。

灵活并利用儿童主题 (It’s Flexible and Utilizes Child Themes)

The Genesis Framework uses child themes for design. This is extremely important, because it keeps your site’s design safe and secure. You can update to the latest version of the framework, and your site will stay in tact. The way it works is that you install Genesis, and then you install the child theme. Genesis is still there, but the child theme gives it extra functionality and style. You can alter the child theme, free from worry of breaking your site, or messing something up.

Genesis Framework使用子主题进行设计。 这非常重要,因为它可以确保您网站的设计安全。 您可以更新到该框架的最新版本,并且您的站点将保持不变。 它的工作方式是先安装Genesis,然后再安装子主题。 创世纪仍然存在,但子主题为它提供了额外的功能和样式。 您可以更改子主题,而不必担心会破坏您的网站或弄乱某些东西。

Genesis Child Themes

This takes the worry out of keeping your site secure and updated. This completely eradicates the juggling game that WordPress users face between having a beautiful design and maintaining a secure, updated WordPress site.

这使您不必担心维护网站的安全和更新。 这完全消除了WordPress用户在设计美观和维护安全,更新的WordPress网站之间面临的麻烦游戏。

有大量的设计选项 (There are Tons of Design Options)

When you pick up the ‘All-Theme’ package, it includes all 42 Genesis child themes by StudioPress. This is a great collection of child themes for all different types of business. This means that you’ll have a variety of choices to choose from for website. Whether you’re a photographer, a writer, or a designer, your site will look great.

当您选择“全主题”包时,它包含StudioPress的所有42个Genesis子主题。 这是针对所有不同类型业务的大量儿童主题的集合。 这意味着您将有多种选择可用于网站。 无论您是摄影师,作家还是设计师,您的网站都将看起来很棒。

You aren’t just stuck with those 42 child themes either. You’ll also be able to find other child themes available in premium marketplaces. There are also independent developers who offer gorgeous free Genesis child themes. Some of them even work with WooCommerce, enabling you to build your own SEO optimized online store with WordPress.

您也不仅限于这42个子主题。 您还可以找到高级市场中可用的其他子主题。 也有独立开发商提供华丽的免费创世纪儿童主题。 其中一些甚至可以与WooCommerce合作,使您可以使用WordPress建立自己的SEO优化在线商店。

内置SEO (It’s Built with SEO in Mind)

The Genesis framework is created to get the most out of SEO, straight out of the box. The way it is built, along with the way it structures posts and categories, ensures that your content will be easy to find and understand. This is true for both people and search engines.

创建Genesis框架是为了充分利用SEO,即开即用。 构建方式以及构建帖子和类别的方式可确保您的内容易于查找和理解。 对于人员和搜索引擎而言都是如此。

It also utilizes microdata, which is important for making your site even more relevant and enticing to search engines and users. Microdata gives search engines more information about your site, your articles and pages, and the content within. With Microdata, search engines like Google will display more of your data in search results. You may still have only one result, but it will be a more richer result with more detailed information.

它还利用微数据,这对于使您的网站更加相关并吸引搜索引擎和用户非常重要。 微数据为搜索引擎提供了有关您的网站,文章和页面以及其中内容的更多信息。 借助Microdata,像Google这样的搜索引擎将在搜索结果中显示更多数据。 您可能仍然只有一个结果,但是使用更详细的信息将获得更丰富的结果。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you want a quality WordPress theme framework, the Genesis framework is one of the best, and most widely supported frameworks available. It is packed with advantages that are essential for any business to get their web presence up and running in no time. Also, it takes the worry out of maintenance issues that are common with some WordPress sites. If you want a well-structured framework that takes the hassle out of web design and SEO, the Genesis Framework is an excellent choice.

如果您想要一个优质的WordPress主题框架,Genesis框架是最好的,使用最广泛的框架之一。 它具有许多优势,这些优势对于任何企业都可以立即启动并运行其网络至关重要。 而且,它消除了某些WordPress网站常见的维护问题。 如果您想要一个结构合理的框架,可以消除Web设计和SEO的麻烦,那么Genesis Framework是一个不错的选择。

You can learn much more about Genesis at



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