SitePoint播客即将来到WordCamp Raleigh进行特别现场表演

We’re pleased to announce that the SitePoint Podcast is coming to WordCamp Raleigh for its first ever in person, live show, with special guests and over $1,500 in prizes for WordCamp Raleigh attendees.

我们很高兴地宣布,SitePoint Podcast即将迎来WordCamp Raleigh的首次现场直播现场表演,将有特别嘉宾参加,并为WordCamp Raleigh与会者提供超过1,500美元的奖品。

细节 (The Details)

Held in Raleigh, North Carolina on May 22 and 23, WordCamp Raleigh is a conference focusing on WordPress, the popular publishing platform that powers SitePoint Blogs. This includes everything from customization and styling to writing content and growing your audience.

WordCamp Raleigh于5月22日至23日在北卡罗莱纳州的罗利举行,是一个主题为WordPress的会议, WordPress是为SitePoint Blogs提供动力的流行发布平台。 这包括从定制和样式到编写内容和扩大受众的一切。

With Brad Williams (@williamsba) and myself (@ifroggy) speaking and Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves) attending, WordCamp Raleigh will mark the first time that three of the four podcast hosts – unfortunately Kevin Yank (@sentience) will not be able to make it – have been in the same place at the same time. Because of this, we’ve decided to do something special.

与布拉德·威廉姆斯( @williamsba )和我( @ifroggy )说和Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves )参加,WordCamp罗利将迎来第一次四分之三的播客主机-不幸的是凯文·扬克( @sentience )将无法做到–曾经在同一时间在同一地点。 因此,我们决定做一些特别的事情。

At the conference, we’ll be hosting the first ever live, in person episode of the SitePoint Podcast and we want to invite you to join us as part of our live audience, asking questions of us and our guests and participating in quizzes and other contests.


Those that attend in person will have a good chance of walking away with a prize as we’ll be giving away over $1,500 worth of books and premium plugin and theme licenses, care of SitePoint, Wiley, AMACOM, iThemes, Headway Themes, StudioPress and Semper Fi Web Design.

那些亲自参加的人们将有机会获得奖金,因为我们将赠送价值超过1,500美元的书籍,高级插件和主题许可,SitePoint, WileyAMACOMiThemesHeadway ThemesStudioPressSemper Fi网站设计

Confirmed guests for the show include Cory Miller, CEO of iThemes, Brian Gardner, CEO of StudioPress, Grant Griffiths, co-founder of Headway Themes, Brandon Eley, Interactive Director at Kelsey Advertising & Design, owner of 2BigFeet and co-author of “Online Marketing Inside Out,” Jeff Chandler, host of WordPress Weekly and owner of WordPress Tavern, Gregory Ng, VP, Creative Director at Brooks Bell Interactive and The Frozen Food Master at Freezer Burns, Lisa Sabin-Wilson, author of “WordPress for Dummies” and “BuddyPress for Dummies,” Aaron Brazell, author of “WordPress Bible,” Steve Mortiboy, co-organizer of WordCamp Raleigh and Project Manager at Semper Fi Web Design and Michael Torbert, co-organizer of WordCamp Raleigh and Senior WordPress Developer at Semper Fi Web Design.

确认参加此次演出的嘉宾包括iThemes首席执行官Cory Miller ,StudioPress首席执行官Brian Gardner ,Headway Themes联合创始人Grant Griffiths, Brandon EleyKelsey Advertising&Design互动总监, 2BigFeet的所有者和《线上 周刊 ,” WordPress周刊主持人和WordPress Tavern所有者Jeff Chandler布鲁克斯·贝尔互动公司副总裁,创意总监, Freezer Burns冷冻食品大师, Gregory NgLisa Sabin-Wilson《傻瓜WordPress》的作者“ BuddyPress for Dummies”“ WordPress圣经”的作者Aaron Brazell ,WordCamp Raleigh的联合组织者兼Semper Fi Web Design的项目经理Steve Mortiboy ,以及WordCamp Raleigh的联合组织者和WordPress的高级WordPress开发人员Michael Torbert Semper Fi网站设计。

在线或亲自加入我们 (Join Us Online or In Person)

The show will be broadcast online, so if you can’t make it in person, we encourage you to join us live here on the podcast homepage. The interviews will be released as pre-recorded podcasts at a later date. But, we hope to have you there with us for the fun, whether for the whole show or just a part of it.

该节目将在线播放,因此如果您不能亲自观看,我们建议您在播客首页上加入我们的直播。 采访将在以后的日期作为预先录制的播客发布。 但是,无论是整个演出还是其中的一部分,我们都希望您能与我们一起玩乐。

To that end, we have a special 15% off coupon code for SitePoint Podcast listeners that you can use when registering. It’s SITEPOINT15 and it’ll knock the already low $35 registration fee down to $29.75 (plus a small fee).

为此,我们为SitePoint Podcast侦听器提供了15%的特殊优惠券代码,您可以在注册时使用。 它是SITEPOINT15,它将本来已经很低的$ 35注册费降低到$ 29.75(加上少量费用)。

If you think you’ll be able to make it, please let us know in the comments. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you there.

如果您认为自己可以做到,请在评论中告知我们。 感谢您的阅读,我们希望在那里见到您。






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