WordCamp Raleigh 2010(概述)

This past weekend, three of the team from WPBeginner (Syed, Muhammad, and Amanda) took a trip to our fifth WordCamp attended by the WPBeginner team. The trip, sponsored by the great people at BuySellAds, took the three of us on a ten hour drive to Raleigh, North Carolina. The first night Muhammad and Syed attended the unofficial meet-up in downtown North Carolina, where they got a preview of the awesome attendees from near and far.

在过去的这个周末,来自WPBeginner的三个团队(Syed,Muhammad和Amanda)参加了我们的第五届WordCamp之旅,WPBeginner团队参加了该活动。 这次旅行是由BuySellAds的杰出人士赞助的,我们三个人去了北卡罗来纳州罗利市只有十个小时的车程。 穆罕默德(Muhammad)和赛义德(Syed)第一个晚上参加了在北卡罗来纳州市区举行的非正式聚会,在那里他们预览了来自远方的杰出参与者。

Bright and early Saturday, we arrived at the conference hotel for check in and met the organizers of the event, Craig Tuller (@craigtuller), Michael Torbert (@michaeltorbert), and Steve Mortiboy (@wpsmort). We split up to attend sessions and met great North Carolina natives like Wayne Sutton (@waynesutton), and Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy). We sat in on the first live SitePoint Podcast with Stephen Segraves (@ssegraves), Brad Williams (@williamsba), and Patrick O’Keefe and won some great prizes from SitePoint, BuddyPress from Dummies, and other commercial plugins/themes. After SitePoint’s broadcast, Syed gave a speech on integrating WordPress and Facebook. Shortly after it was time for dinner and the afterparty.

明亮而周六早,我们到达会议酒店办理入住手续,并与活动的组织者Craig Tuller(@craigtuller),Michael Torbert(@michaeltorbert)和Steve Mortiboy(@wpsmort)见面。 我们分开参加会议,并结识了北卡罗来纳州的很棒的本地人,如Wayne Sutton(@waynesutton)和Patrick O'Keefe(@ifroggy)。 我们与Stephen Segraves(@ssegraves),Brad Williams(@williamsba)和Patrick O'Keefe一起参加了第一个现场SitePoint播客,并获得了SitePoint,Dummies的BuddyPress和其他商业插件/主题的大奖。 在SitePoint广播之后,Syed发表了有关集成WordPress和Facebook的演讲。 晚餐和聚会后不久。

赛义德的演讲 (Syed’s Presentation)

At dinner the three of us sat down with Jane Wells (@janeforshort), Automattic’s self proclaimed cat herder, and Dave Moyer (@davemoyer) of BitWire Media. As the night progressed, we met up with some great WordCampers. We ducked out just as the band began to play and experienced firsthand the North Carolina rains.

晚餐时,我们三个人与Automattic自称为猫牧者的Jane Wells(@janeforshort)和BitWire Media的Dave Moyer(@davemoyer)坐了下来。 随着夜晚的发展,我们遇到了一些很棒的WordCampers。 乐队开始演奏时,我们退缩了,亲身经历了北卡罗莱纳州的降雨。

The next morning we were treated to the yummy cloud cookies from the folks at Rack Space Cloud while we watched Syed participate in the first session of the day, a developer’s Q&A panel with Dave Moyer, Brad Williams, and Nathan Rice (@nathanrice). Shortly after we were treated to a panel on the sustainability of open source platforms, moderated by Lisa Sabin-Wilson (@LisaSabinWilson). Finally, the lovely Jane Wells delivered a Q&A style State of the Word. Jane discussed the future of WordCamps, including potential GPL speaker requirements and WordPress learning tools sponsored by the WordPress Foundation. There are some exciting advancements coming to the WordPress world.

第二天早上,当我们看到Syed参加当天的第一场会议时,我们受到了Rack Space Cloud员工的美味云饼干的欢迎,这是由Dave Moyer,Brad Williams和Nathan Rice(@nathanrice)开发的问答小组。 不久之后,我们参加了由Lisa Sabin-Wilson(@LisaSabinWilson)主持的开源平台可持续性小组讨论。 最后,可爱的简·威尔斯(Jane Wells)发表了Q&A风格的《世界话语》。 简讨论了WordCamps的未来,包括潜在的GPL演讲者要求和WordPress基金会赞助的WordPress学习工具。 WordPress世界有一些激动人心的进步。

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Now that we are back in Florida, we are looking forward to our next WordCamp. We would like to thank the organizers, the sponsors, and the town of Raleigh for treating us to a fantastic Wordcamp!

现在我们回到了佛罗里达州,我们期待着下一个WordCamp。 我们要感谢组织者,赞助商和罗利镇,感谢他们将我们带入了梦幻般的Wordcamp!

有关我们旅行赞助商的更多信息: (More about our Trip’s Sponsors:)

Buy Sell Ads



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翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/events/wordcamp-raleigh-2010-overview/

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