

In this week's roundup, Excel history, Office 2016 reviews, add-ins to reduce Excel errors, and much more.

在本周的综述中,Excel历史记录,Office 2016评论,用于减少Excel错误的加载项等等。

Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/
1. Excel 30周年-重新计算或死亡 (1. Excel 30th Anniversary – Recalc or Die)

This Wednesday, Sept 30th, is Excel's 30th anniversary. Check out GeekWire's interview with 4 original members of Microsoft's Excel team -- Mike Koss, Jabe Blumenthal, Doug Klunder and Jon DeVaan. Learn what they almost called it, and find out why Excel's motto is "Recalc or Die". Read the comments too!

9月30日这个星期三是Excel 30周年。 查看GeekWire对Microsoft Excel团队的4位原始成员的采访 -Mike Koss,Jabe Blumenthal,Doug Klunder和Jon DeVaan。 了解他们几乎称呼它为啥,并找出为什么Excel的座右铭是“重新计算或死亡”。 也阅读评论!

If you'd like to share your earliest memories of Excel, please email me your story today, so I can include it in an anniversary blog post here, on Wednesday. Also, let me know what name/nickname and URL link you'd like to use.

如果您想分享您对Excel的最早记忆, 请立即通过电子邮件将您的故事发送给我 ,以便在星期三在这里发布周年纪念博客。 另外,请告诉我您要使用的名称/昵称和URL链接。

2. Excel加载项以减少错误 (2. Excel Add-ins to Reduce Errors)

During his doctoral research as a University of Eastern Finland PhD candidate, Bennett Kankuzi developed two Excel add-ins, to help reduce errors in spreadsheets. You can read about them (in English) on the university's website, and there is a link to download the add-ins and test them. You can read more about the DomainTermsViz add-in, and how it works, on Bennett's blog.

Bennett Kankuzi在作为东欧芬兰大学的博士研究生进行博士研究期间,开发了两个Excel加载项,以帮助减少电子表格中的错误。 您可以在大学的网站上用英语阅读有关它们的信息 ,并且有一个链接来下载加载项并进行测试。 您可以在Bennett的博客上了解有关DomainTermsViz加载项的更多信息 ,以及其工作方式。

3. Excel和图表提示 (3. Excel and Chart Tips)

Mike Wong shares 5 Excel tips "that you'll actually use". Note - The FORMULATEXT tip will only work in Excel 2013 and later versions. And I hope that date grouping in pivot tables isn't really a "little known" feature.

Mike Wong分享了5条Excel技巧“您将实际使用” 。 注意-FORMULATEXT提示仅适用于Excel 2013和更高版本。 我希望数据透视表中的日期分组不是真正的“鲜为人知”的功能。

If you're building charts, there's good advice in Scott McLeod's article on 10 Design Tips for Excel Charts.

如果要构建图表,Scott McLeod的文章“ Excel图表的10个设计技巧”中有很好的建议。

4. Charting Utility版本3.0 (4. Charting Utility Version 3.0)

Don't miss the discount! Jon Peltier has released Version 3.0 of his Excel Charting Utility. There is a $10 discount if you buy before this Wednesday -- September 30th. You'll get additional discounts if you upgrade from a previous version. If you build Excel charts more than occasionally, you need this time-saving add-in!

不要错过折扣! Jon Peltier已发布了他的Excel Charting Utility的3.0版 。 如果您在本星期三-9月30日之前购买可享受10美元的折扣。 如果从以前的版本升级,您将获得更多折扣。 如果您偶尔创建Excel图表,则需要此省时的加载项!

5. Office 2016审查 (5. Office 2016 Review)

Office 2016 was released on Sept. 22nd, and Ed Bott took a look at the new features. It looks a little different from Excel 2013, and apparently the Help is better, with a little light bulb to click on the Ribbon. (Do you remember the old "Tip of the Day" that had a light bulb too?) There are many other small improvements, and you can read about them in Ed's blog post.

Office 2016于9月22日发布,Ed Bott考察了这些新功能。 它看起来与Excel 2013略有不同,并且显然,“帮助”更好,只需单击功能区上的一个小灯泡即可。 (您还记得带有灯泡的旧的“每日提示”吗?)还有许多其他小的改进,您可以在Ed的博客文章中阅读它们

The Verge also reviewed Office 2016, and reports that "Excel only has one notable change: six new chart types."

边缘还审查了Office 2016 ,并报告“ Excel仅有一项显着变化:六种新的图表类型。”

6.组合文字和数字 (6. Combine Text and Numbers)

Ben Kusmin shows how to use the TEXT function to combine text and formatted numbers, in a specific pattern. In his example for a law firm, Ben combines a client name with raw numbers, to create a list of properly-formatted Bates numbers, such as BigBank_007550.

Ben Kusmin显示了如何使用TEXT函数以特定模式组合文本和带格式的数字 。 在他的律师事务所示例中,Ben将客户名称与原始编号结合起来,以创建格式正确的贝茨编号列表,例如BigBank_007550。

7.数据文化日–伦敦 (7. Data Culture Day – London)

If you're in the London area, you can register for the free The Data Culture Day London – Power BI Edition.

如果您在伦敦地区,则可以免费注册伦敦数据文化日-Power BI Edition。

  • Date: Saturday Nov. 28, 2015

  • Time: 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM

    时间:9.00 AM至5.30 PM
  • Where: Microsoft UK Ltd, Cardinal Place, Victoria Street, Victoria, LONDON SW1E 5JD

    地点:Microsoft UK Ltd,维多利亚州维多利亚街,Cardinal Place,伦敦,SW1E 5JD
  • Cost: FREE

  • Registration and details:  Data Culture Day London – Power BI Edition

    注册和详细信息: 伦敦数据文化日– Power BI版

8. Excel幽默 (8. Excel Humour)

Finally, for a bit of spreadsheet humour, you can see what people are saying about Excel, in my weekly collection of tweets. Here's one of my favourite tweets from this week's collection. Can you work faster than Excel?

最后,对于电子表格的一些幽默,您可以在我的每周推文集中看到人们对Excel 的评价 。 这是本周收藏中我最喜欢的推文之一。 您可以比Excel更快地工作吗?

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/09/28/excel-roundup-20150928/






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