
There are days when we can hear the voices in our heads, whispering encouraging things like, “Oh go ahead – another cookie won’t hurt!” Or, “Wow, that’s an amazing formula you just built in that worksheet! You should take a break now.”

有时候,我们可以听到脑海中的声音,轻声地鼓励说:“哦,继续吧-另一个cookie不会受伤!” 或者,“哇,这是您刚刚在该工作表中建立的惊人公式! 您现在应该休息一下。”

The voices are right sometimes, and other times I just ignore them. But a few days ago, the voices started to come from Excel – and that was a bit alarming! I finally managed to turn off the voice in Excel, as you’ll see at the end of this article.

有时候声音是正确的,而有时我只是忽略它们。 但是几天前,声音开始来自Excel –有点令人震惊! 我终于设法关闭了Excel中的声音,如您在本文结尾处所看到的。

电子表格说话 (The Spreadsheet Speaks)

No, I hadn’t been drinking, and it’s almost winter, so heat stroke wasn’t a possibility. I had been working on an Excel file, and was putting line breaks in a long formula.

不,我没喝过酒,快到冬天了,所以中暑是不可能的。 我一直在处理Excel文件,并在长公式中添加了换行符。

Just like putting a break in a text entry, I was pressing Alt + Enter, to make each section of the formula start on a new line. It’s easier to read them that way, especially if you make the formula bar tall enough to see a few lines.

就像在文本输入中插入一个空格一样,我按下了Alt + Enter ,使公式的每个部分都从新行开始。 这样更容易阅读它们,尤其是当您使编辑栏足够高以查看几行时。


Suddenly, Excel began to speak, and sections of it were outlined with a blue border. Apparently I had angered it in some way!

突然,Excel开始讲话,并且它的各个部分都带有蓝色边框。 显然我已经以某种方式激怒了它!

尝试在Excel中关闭语音 (Trying to Turn Off the Voice in Excel)

The Esc key turns off lots of things in Excel, but it does not turn off mysterious voices. The voice just taunts you by saying “Escape.” Just for fun, I typed “I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that,” and clicked on that cell so the voice could read it, in its best HAL 9000 voice.

Esc键可关闭Excel中的许多功能,但不会关闭神秘声音。 声音只是说出“逃跑”而嘲笑您。 只是为了好玩,我输入了“对不起戴夫。 恐怕我做不到。”然后单击该单元格,使声音可以以最佳的HAL 9000声音读取。

I figured that this was a text to speech accessibility feature, and Google might know how to turn it off. I’m using Windows 8.1, and my search brought me to this page on the Microsoft site: Accessibility in Windows 8

我认为这是文本到语音的辅助功能,Google可能知道如何将其关闭。 我使用的是Windows 8.1,我的搜索将我带到了Microsoft网站上的此页面: Windows 8中的辅助功能

It seemed like a bad sign that an accessibility page had some of the smallest print that I’ve ever seen. But, a few rows down, the article mentioned Windows Narrator, and showed the shortcut for starting it (I had to squint to read it):

辅助功能页面上有我见过的最小的字体,这似乎是一个不好的信号。 但是,在接下来的几行中,该文章提到了Windows Narrator,并显示了启动它的快捷方式(我不得不着眼睛阅读):

  • On a keyboard, press the Windows logo key+Enter.

    在键盘上,按Windows徽标键+ Enter

So that explained how I turned it on – the Windows logo key is beside the Alt key. Instead of putting in a line break, I had turned on the Narrator.

这样就解释了我如何打开它-Windows徽标键位于Alt键旁边。 我没有打开换行符,而是打开了讲述人。

turn off the voice in Excel

在Excel中关闭语音 (Turning Off the Voice in Excel)

The Microsoft article didn’t mention any shortcuts for turning off the voice, so I pressed the Window key and Enter again, to see what would happen. Success! The voice, and all the blue borders disappeared, and things were back to normal, here at Contextures. Well, as normal as ever.

微软的文章没有提到任何关闭声音的捷径,因此我按下了Window键并再次按Enter,以查看会发生什么。 成功! 在Contextures,声音和所有蓝色边框消失了,一切恢复了正常。 好吧,和以往一样。

So, if you ever hear voices coming from Excel, press the Window key and tap the Enter key. That might make them go away.

因此,如果您听到来自Excel的声音,请按Window键,然后点按Enter键 。 那可能会使他们走开。

Excel中的其他声音 (Other Voices in Excel)

If that solution doesn't work, you might have turned on the "Speak Cells on Enter" command. It is one of the "Speak Cells" features in Excel -- commands that can be added to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).

如果该解决方案不起作用,则可能已打开“在输入时说出单元格”命令。 它是Excel中的“说出单元格”功能之一,这些命令可以添加到快速访问工具栏(QAT)中。

excel speak cell commands added to QAT
讲细胞 (Speak Cells)
  • If you click the Speak Cells command, it will read the selected cells, and will stop at the end of the selected range.

  • While the Speak Cells command is reading, click the Speak Cells - Stop Speaking Cells, to stop the reading immediately.

在输入时说出单元格 (Speak Cells on Enter)
  • If you turn on the Speak Cells on Enter command, it will automatically read the cell contents as soon as you press Enter.

  • NOTE: The Speak Cells on Enter command is not affected by the Speak Cells - Stop Speaking Cells command.


  • The Speak Cells on Enter command is a toggle -- if the command is activated, click it again, to turn off the voice in Excel. In the screen shot below, the command is activated -- it has a light green background, instead of dark green.

    输入时说出单元格命令是一个切换-如果该命令被激活, 请再次单击它以关闭Excel中的声音 。 在下面的屏幕截图中,该命令被激活-它具有浅绿色背景,而不是深绿色。

speak cells on enter is activated

视频:在Excel中关闭讲述人语音 (Video: Turn Off Narrator Voice in Excel)

To see the steps to turn off the voice in Excel, please watch this short video. It shows the Narrator shortcut that turns it on and off.

要查看在Excel中关闭语音的步骤,请观看此简短视频。 它显示了打开和关闭“讲述人”快捷方式。


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2013/12/10/excel-is-talking-to-me/





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