react vr_交互式VR广告比传统格式具有更高的情感React

react vr

Advertisers, at their core, are storytellers. And VR is the most powerful storytelling medium ever created. Users can be transported into an entire world imagined by the brand and, based on their actions, the story changes and evolves, creating an even deeper connection.

广告主是讲故事的人。 VR是有史以来最强大的叙事媒体。 可以将用户转移到品牌所想象的整个世界中,并且根据他们的行为,故事会发生变化和发展,从而建立更深层次的联系。

If only we already lived in a world where everyone owned a VR headset and consumed content in it a few hours a day… But we don’t. So today, knowing the reach is still limited, the question centers around that trade-off between quality and quantity. In other words, what’s the ROI on VR advertising?

如果我们已经生活在一个每个人都拥有一个VR耳机并每天消耗数小时内容的世界中……那么我们就没有。 因此,今天,由于知道范围仍然有限,问题围绕质量和数量之间的权衡取舍。 换句话说,VR广告的投资回报率是多少?

To answer that question, we set out to quantify the depth of the user’s reaction in VR through the first-ever, fully interactive ad for Lionsgate’s horror movie, Jigsaw.


The ad was scary, to say the least. It combined the fully interactive nature of a bespoke VR app, with the distribution of an ad – running in two Unity apps: the Samsung Internet for VR app and Spiraloid’s Nanite Fulcrum, which provided built in reach on Gear and Rift. We were able to compare the user’s response to this, fully immersive, ad format with the Jigsaw trailer as seen on a mobile phone.

至少可以说,广告很恐怖。 它结合了定制VR应用程序的完全交互性和广告的分发-在两个Unity应用程序中运行:Samsung Internet for VR应用程序和Spiraloid的Nanite Fulcrum,它们在Gear和Rift上提供内置的覆盖范围。 我们能够通过手机上的拼图预告片来比较用户对此完全沉浸式广告格式的响应。

In order to truly measure emotional reactions, we partnered with Isobar’s Marketing Intelligence Practice. Using their Mindsight Technology for understanding unconscious emotions, Isobar performed biometric measurement and an emotional response survey across people who experienced the movie trailer in VR and in mobile video.

为了真正衡量情感React,我们与Isobar的市场营销智能业务部门合作。 Isobar使用其Mindsight技术了解无意识的情绪,对经历过VR和移动视频电影预告片的人们进行了生物特征测量和情绪React调查。

The results were astounding. People who went through the VR experienced substantially greater emotional arousal/engagement as indicated by biometric evaluation – elevated heart rate (+24%), heightened galvanic skin response, or sweating, (+44% peaks/minute), and increased muscle activation (more than 3X) associated with smiling.

结果是惊人的。 通过生物识别评估表明,经历过VR的人们的情绪唤醒/参与度大大提高了–心跳加快(+ 24%),皮肤电React增强或出汗(+ 44%峰值/分钟)和肌肉激活增加(超过3倍)与微笑相关联。

Check out these graphs below – one from someone going through the VR experience and then that same user watching the mobile trailer.



When looking at reach and engagement as compared to traditional advertising, the results are also very impressive. We were able to achieve the following in just 2 weeks:

与传统广告相比,在覆盖面和参与度方面,效果也非常可观。 我们仅用了2周的时间就实现了以下目标:

    In short, VR works exponentially better than other types of ads. And to help alleviate the guesswork on ROI, Unity bundles all VR ads with mobile, AR, 360, and video ads – creating a holistic approach that achieves both reach and engagement KPIs.

    简而言之,VR的效果要比其他类型的广告好得多。 为了帮助减轻对投资回报率的猜测,Unity将所有VR广告与移动广告,AR广告,360广告和视频广告捆绑在一起,从而创建了一种全面的方法,既可以实现覆盖率,也可以实现参与度KPI。

    Yes, Jigsaw lent itself particularly well to such a strong reaction of fear, but VR is capable of making people feel everything from hunger to excitement to laugh-out-loud joy. While we have to always be responsible in creating these kinds of experiences and stay away from anything bordering on misrepresentation, this is also our chance to build lifelong relationships with our consumers.

    是的,拼图对这种强烈的恐惧React特别有帮助,但是虚拟现实能够使人们感受到从饥饿到激动到大声欢笑的一切。 尽管我们必须始终负责创造这种体验,并且避免与虚假陈述相抵触,但是这也是我们与消费者建立终生关系的机会。

    I think of VR ads kind of like going skydiving on a first date. There’s no guarantee of happily ever after, but at least you won’t be forgotten. And usually the intensity of the experience opens the other person up to learning more and digging deeper, instead of defaulting to our now shorter-than-a-goldfish, 8-second attention span. Even the cost can totally be worth 5 or 6 dead-end happy hour dates!

    我认为VR广告有点像初次跳伞。 永远不会有幸福的保证,但至少您不会被遗忘。 通常,这种体验的强度使其他人可以学习更多知识并进行更深入的研究,而不是默认使用我们现在比金鱼短的8秒注意力范围。 甚至这笔费用也完全值得5到6个欢乐时光!

    What will the next heart-pumping, palm-sweating, grin-inducing ad experience be?



    react vr





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