ggj ff.j_为什么要参加GGJ

ggj ff.j

Ask any seasoned developer about game jams and their eyes will light up with sheer joy and their consciousness will drift off into the fondest of memories from their participation in these awesome events. So with the globaliest of game jams occurring January 29 – 31 in the form of Global Game Jam, we encourage anyone with any form of interest to take part!

向任何经验丰富的开发人员询问游戏阻塞,他们的眼睛将闪耀着纯粹的喜悦,而他们的意识将因参与这些令人敬畏的事件而变成最美好的回忆。 因此,在1月29日至31日以全球游戏果酱的形式出现的全球游戏阻塞事件中, 全球性的游戏阻塞事件,我们鼓励任何有兴趣的人参加!

A game jam is a gathering of game developers in person or online that creates a game in a short amount of time, usually between 1 and 3 days. You can participate as an individual but it’s much more fun in a team consisting of different game development disciplines such as programmers, artists, designers and audio engineers.

游戏卡纸是指亲自或在线进行游戏开发的人的聚会,这些游戏开发人员可以在很短的时间内(通常为1至3天)创建游戏。 您可以作为个人参加,但是在由不同的游戏开发学科组成的团队(如程序员,艺术家,设计师和音频工程师)中,乐趣会更大。

Game Jams teach you the full development process of a game (planning, designing, developing, testing) in a stupidly short amount of time. The term “trial by fire” comes to mind. You receive the theme (a rough guideline you interpret for your game) at the beginning of the jam and work from there.

Game Jams可以在短短的时间内教会您游戏的完整开发过程(计划,设计,开发,测试)。 我想到了“以火审判”一词。 在卡纸开始时,您会收到主题(为游戏解释的粗略准则),然后从那里开始工作。

那我为什么要去呢? (So why should I go?)

To Learn – Your first game jam you are going to learn about Scope, cutting features, dirty hacks that saves hours of “doing it properly”. Everything will take 4 times longer than you planned which makes getting the bare minimum the key task done in the allocated time.

要学习 –您的第一个游戏果酱将要学习范围,切割功能,肮脏的hack,从而节省了“正确执行”的时间。 一切将比您计划的时间长4倍,这使得在分配的时间内完成最低限度的关键任务成为可能。

Learning a new language or technology could be a big motive for you, the very first time I used Unity was for GGJ 2012 and I’ve never looked back ;).

学习一种新的语言或技术可能对您来说是一个很大的动机,我第一次使用Unity是为了GGJ 2012,而我再也没有回过头来;)。

You might be a programmer wanting to art or an artist wanting to try your hand at a dab of programming, now is the time to learn. It doesn’t matter what level you consider yourself, everyone will learn something new during the jam.

您可能是想要美术的程序员,或者是想要尝试一点编程的艺术家,现在是时候学习了。 无论您考虑自己的水平如何,在卡纸期间每个人都会学到一些新东西。

To meet new people – The best game jams for me are the ones people participate in person, not online. It forces you to interact with people, create a team of strangers, share creative ideas and make crucial group decisions to complete the game on time. You might meet members of your next development team over this period.

结识新朋友 –对我而言,最好的游戏是人们亲自参与而不是在线参与。 它迫使您与人互动,组建一个陌生人团队,分享创意并做出重要的小组决策以按时完成游戏。 在此期间,您可能会遇到下一个开发团队的成员。

Experimentation – Try weird and wonderful things, crazy ideas you’ve had for a long time, custom controllers, anything that you’ve not got round to prototyping, now is the time! You’re going to think of lots of ideas and end up scraping 90% of everything, but remember to write those down for inspiration later on other projects.

实验 –尝试怪异和奇妙的事情,您已经有很长一段时间的疯狂想法,自定义控制器,以及所有您无法进行原型制作的东西,现在是时候了! 您将想到很多想法,最终将90%的内容都花掉了,但是请记住在以后的其他项目中写下来以启发灵感。

Opportunity – some of the most successful indie titles stemmed from Game Jam prototypes, one of the most notable is Surgeon Simulator by Bossa Studios back in 2013. Many commercial games were conceived at game jams, maybe yours will be the next hit! How often are you going to have so many game developers in the same place ready to play your game and give constructive feedback where you can take it next?

机会 -一些最成功的独立游戏是由Game Jam原型产生的,最著名的游戏之一是Bossa Studios于2013年推出的Surgeon Simulator。许多商业游戏都是在游戏果酱中构思的,也许您会成为下一弹! 您将有多少频率在同一个地方准备好这么多游戏开发人员来玩游戏,并提供建设性的反馈意见,供您下一步使用?

Have Fun! – Remember to have fun, what other form of entertainment can consumers interact with so much? Being a game developer is awesome and seeing how it can all come together in such a short amount of time is rewarding as hell. It’s not a contest with each other, you’re making the best game you can possibly make against the time.

玩得开心! –记住要玩得开心,消费者还能与之互动的其他娱乐方式是什么? 身为游戏开发者真是太棒了,看到这么短的时间内如何将它们融合在一起,真是令人难忘。 这不是彼此之间的竞赛,而是您在与时俱进地制作最好的游戏。

2016年全球游戏果酱 (Global Game Jam 2016)

So we at Unity are gearing up for Global Game Jam and being a global sponsor. We have various employees across the world taking part.

因此,我们Unity团队正为全球游戏大战做准备,并成为全球赞助商。 我们有遍布全球的各种员工参加。

I’ll be visiting Asset Jesus aka Kenney Wings at Kenney Land in Kerkrade, my alter ego (no one has ever seen us in the same room) Andy Touch will be at the Hamar Games Collective in Norway and many other Unity people will be in various other destinations around the world.

我将 在Kerkrade的Kenney Land 参观Asset Jesus又名Kenney Wings ,我的另一个自我(没有人在同一房间见过我们)Andy Touch将 在挪威Hamar Games Collective参加比赛 ,许多其他Unity人将参加世界各地的其他目的地。

Our EMEA team will be in the UK (Brighton, York, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Hatfield, Oxford), Norway (Hamar), Netherlands (Kerkrade), Denmark (Copenhagen) and Lithuania (Vilnius).


Our America’s team will be in N.America (New York, Seattle), Canada (Montreal, Vancouver), Mexico (Guadalajara) and Brazil (Curitiba).


And our Asia teams will be in Japan (Shibuya), Australia (Melbourne) and Taiwan (Taipei).


All and all, we have about 40 Unity staff helping at #GGJ16 around the world!


其他游戏卡纸 (Other Game Jams)

The Global Game Jam is not the only game jam worth taking part in. Our evangelist team visit and take part in many game-jams each year. here’s a few notable ones.

全球游戏果酱并不是唯一值得参加的游戏果酱。我们的传播者团队每年访问并参加许多游戏果酱。 这是一些值得注意的。

  • Nordic Game Jam


So if you’re thinking about ever doing a game jam in person or online, do it!



Check out our Learn site for our game jam menu template to save some development time.

请访问我们的学习站点以获取我们的 游戏果酱菜单模板, 以节省一些开发时间。

Josh is one of our EMEA evangelists who spends the majority of his time connecting with our community online and in person.


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Nordic Game Jam 2015


Global Game Jame 2015

全球游戏Jame 2015

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Global game Jam 2014

全球游戏Jam 2014


ggj ff.j

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