

Over the years at Unity, I’ve gathered quite a few tips and tricks. I recently shared some of my favorites in a Develop article and soon enough, #unitytips became kind of a thing on Twitter. Now we want to make it official!

在Unity的这些年里,我收集了很多技巧和窍门。 我最近在 Develop 文章中 分享了一些我的最爱 ,很快#unitytips 成为Twitter上的一件事 现在我们要使其正式!

The basic idea is simple: just like Fridays are for #madewithunity tweets and #screenshotsaturday is for, well, screenshots, Tuesdays shall be the #unitytips days. Whether you’ve just discovered a neat editor workflow trick or have some performance optimisation rules you’ve been using for years, go ahead and share.

基本想法很简单:就像星期五是#madewithunity tweet的星期五,而#screenshotsaturday是截图的,星期二就是#unitytips的日子。 无论您是刚刚发现一个简洁的编辑器工作流程技巧,还是已经使用了多年的性能优化规则,请继续分享。

They don’t have to be original or extra advanced, as long as it’s something you’ve found useful.


To kick this off, here are my top ten #unitytips:


1) When first starting out with Unity, some forget that they are in Playmode. Go to ‘Preferences’, then ‘Colours’, then ‘Playmode Tint’ to make it a more memorable colour. (See below)

1)刚开始使用Unity时,有些人忘记了他们处于播放模式。 进入“首选项”,然后进入“颜色”,再进入“播放模式色调”,使其更具记忆力。 (见下文)

2) To simply and easily position a camera, find the angle you want by navigating in the scene view, select the main camera and select “Align With View”. Or use the shortcut: Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+F. 2)要简单,轻松地放置摄像机,请通过在场景视图中导航找到所需的角度,选择主摄像机并选择“与视图对齐”。 或使用快捷方式:Ctrl / Cmd + Shift + F。
Screen Shot 2015-05-05 at 13.17.49
3) Don’t have quite the asset you are looking for in the project view? Type your search terms in the project view, then change the search from “Assets” to “Asset Store”. This will allow you to preview assets on the store without even having to open it. 3)在项目视图中没有所需的资产吗? 在项目视图中键入搜索词,然后将搜索从“资产”更改为“资产存储”。 这将使您无需打开商店就可以预览商店中的资产。  (See right) (见右图)

4) When rotating an object, hold down Ctrl/Cmd to snap the rotation. This same method also applies to moving an object. The default snap values can be altered in the Edit menu under Snap Settings.

4)旋转对象时,按住Ctrl / Cmd可以捕捉旋转。 同样的方法也适用于移动对象。 可以在“快照设置”下的“编辑”菜单中更改默认快照值。

5) Here’s another Snapping trick: by holding down the V key, you can select and place objects using vertex snapping. This can be especially helpful when constructing levels out of modular geometry.

5)这是另一个捕捉技巧:按住V键,可以使用顶点捕捉来选择和放置对象。 当根据模块化几何构造层时,这尤其有用。

6) Clicking the blue ‘?’ book on a component in the inspector takes you directly to the local documentation on that component. (See below)


6)点击蓝色的“?” 在检查器中查看有关组件的书,直接将您带到该组件的本地文档。 (见下文)

7) Found your perfect values while testing and playing in Playmode? Click the small cog-shaped icon in the top right of your component in the inspector and then click “Copy Component”. You can then paste these values directly back in when you exit Playmode.

7)在Play模式下测试和播放时找到了理想的价值吗? 单击检查器中组件右上方的小齿轮状图标,然后单击“复制组件”。 然后,您可以在退出播放模式时将这些值直接粘贴回去。

8) Use the “Layers” button to show and hide layers. For example, you could create a custom layer for gameplay objects like spawn points and use the layers drop down to hide them.

8)使用“图层”按钮显示和隐藏图层。 例如,您可以为游戏对象(如生成点)创建自定义图层,然后使用下拉的图层将其隐藏。

9) In the profiler, the coloured squares next to the things you profile – Drawcalls, Scripts, Rendering, VSync and so on – are buttons you can toggle on and off to reduce clutter. (See below)
9)在事件探查器中,您要探查的事物旁边的彩色方框–绘图调用,脚本,渲染,垂直同步等–是可以打开和关闭以减少混乱的按钮。 (见下文)

10) Are you unhappy with the default layout of your views? Feel free to pick a different layout or entirely customise your own version and save the layout so it’s easy to come back to later.

10)您是否对视图的默认布局不满意? 随意选择其他布局或完全自定义您自己的版本并保存布局,以便以后轻松返回。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/05/05/tuesdays-are-for-unitytips/






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