
The Unity game developer contest sponsored by Microsoft had you busy developing and porting games to Windows the past few months; we received over 600 entries which is more than double what we received last year. We were blown away at how polished and fun the games were, which made judging super tough but we also had a blast! After much deliberation, we have our top three winners and 20 honorable mentions to take a slice of the $100K pie.

微软赞助的Unity游戏开发者大赛让您在过去的几个月中忙于开发游戏并将其移植到Windows。 我们收到了600多份参赛作品,是去年的两倍多。 我们对游戏的精致和有趣感到震惊,这使得判断超级艰难,但同时我们也感到震惊! 经过深思熟虑,我们获得了前三名的优胜者和20个荣誉称号 ,以分享$ 100K蛋糕中的一部分。

We are so proud of our developer community for pulling out all the stops, and we weren’t the only ones impressed, Sonal Pardeshi, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft said,

微软高级产品营销经理Sonal Pardeshi表示,我们为开发人员社区付出了一切努力而感到自豪,并不是唯一留下深刻印象的人,

“We had some fantastic games submitted to the Unity contest! It was challenging for the Microsoft and Unity teams to narrow down the list to 50 finalists, and even more so to select the 23 winners! Every game was special. Kudos to the top 3 winners and 20 runner ups! The Bridge is an absolutely unique game with beautiful artwork. We loved the highly polished Mini Motor Racing, it plays great on both Windows and Windows Phone. The Veil is an impressive storytelling experience with an original setting that is available first on Windows. We thoroughly enjoyed playing these games and would like to thank all Unity developers who participated in this contest!”

“我们向Unity竞赛提交了一些精彩的游戏! 对于Microsoft和Unity团队来说,将名单缩小到50名决赛者是具有挑战性的,甚至更难选择23名获奖者! 每场比赛都很特别。 前3名优胜者和20名亚军获得荣誉! The Bridge是一款拥有精美艺术品的绝对独特的游戏。 我们喜欢抛光度极高的Mini Motor Racing,它在Windows和Windows Phone上都发挥出色。 Veil具有令人印象深刻的讲故事体验,其原始设置首先在Windows上可用。 我们非常喜欢玩这些游戏,并感谢所有参加此竞赛的Unity开发人员!”

So without further ado, in first place taking home $50,000 is The Bridge by The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild

因此,事不宜迟,首先获得$ 50,000奖金的是The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild的The Bridge


The Bridge is an absolutely stunning 2D puzzle game that will have you re-evaluating your perceptions of up, down and sideways as you rotate the world to solve puzzles. This is an all around fantastic game that we fell in love with.

The Bridge是一款绝对令人惊叹的2D益智游戏,当您旋转世界解决难题时,您将重新评估自己对上,下和侧面的感知。 这是我们爱上的一款奇幻游戏。

In second place winning $30,000 is Mini Motor Racing by NextGen Reality Pty Ltd t/a The Binary Mill

第二名奖金30,000美元的是NextGen Reality Pty Ltd t / a The Binary Mill的Mini Motor Racing

Mini Motor Racing Landing page 2 edited

The Windows Store edition of this game is elegant and super fun. It has awesome 4K remastered textures, multiple input on a Surface tablet as well as full Xbox 360 controller support and it also optimizes depending on your device specs. We were impressed with it’s look, gameplay and technical prowess.

此游戏的Windows应用商店版本优雅且超级有趣。 它具有出色的4K重制纹理,Surface平板电脑上的多个输入以及完整的Xbox 360控制器支持,并且还根据您的设备规格进行了优化。 外观,游戏玩法和技术实力给我们留下了深刻的印象。

And in third place is The Veil by Wayward Productions Ltd taking away $10,000.

排在第三位的是Wayward Productions Ltd的《 The Veil》,奖金为10,000美元。

The Veil_1920x550-3_edited

We really enjoy the ambience, art style and discovery within this game. The minimalist mechanics are perfect for being immersed in the story and world which makes for a really lovely experience.

我们非常喜欢这款游戏的氛围,艺术风格和发现。 极简主义的技巧非常适合沉浸在故事和世界中,这为您带来了非常可爱的体验。

This year we also have 20 honorable mentions for developers who went above and beyond by producing innovative, addictive fun games, these lucky developers receive a Unity Pro license:

今年,我们还为通过开发创新的,令人上瘾的趣味游戏超越并超越了这些开发人员的20个荣誉奖,这些幸运的开发人员获得了Unity Pro许可:

Slingshot Puzzle by Dream Dale


Splemy by Formerdroid Ltd

Splemy by Formerdroid Ltd

Shiny The Firefly by Headup Games GmbH & Co KG

Headup Games GmbH&Co KG制作的《萤火虫闪闪发光》

FreudBot by Slash Games

Slash Games的FreudBot

Lost Echo by KickBack


Trolls vs Vikings by Megapop

Megapop的Trolls vs Vikings

Tiki Monkeys by MilkCap Limited

MilkCap Limited的Tiki Monkeys



The Quest: Anniversary Edition by Guerilla Tea Games Ltd

游击队茶游戏有限公司的Quest:Anniversary Edition

Mini Dogfight by Echoboom S.L.

Echoboom SL的迷你混战

Shoggoth Rising by dreipol GmbH

Dreipol GmbH的Shoggoth Rising

Drive Me Bananas by Press Start Studios

按Start Studios开车给我香蕉

Snow Spin by Ezone PTY LTD

Ezone PTY LTD的《 Snow Spin》

Pirate Dawn by Kim Stockton


Simian.Interface by Bullseye Studios

Simian.Bullseye Studios的界面

CarX Drift Racing by CarX Technologies

CarX Technologies的CarX Drift Racing

Planet Zoom 3D by Info Tech Studio srl

由Info Tech Studio srl提供的Planet Zoom 3D

Medieval Apocalypse by Obumo Games/Zoltán Gubics

Obumo Games /ZoltánGubics撰写的中世纪启示录

Kings Can Fly by Firedroid


Beyond Gavity by Qwiboo Ltd

Qwiboo Ltd的《超越空洞》

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/08/21/and-the-winners-are/





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