Universal Fighting Engine:在资产商店上建立业务

Daniel Esteves is an Asset Store publisher who is all in. His assets are not a byproduct of his game development process. He actually enjoys building tools more than building games, just as we do. And he’s got some advice for people who are itching to make it their living as well.

丹尼尔·埃斯特维斯(Daniel Esteves)是一家资产商店的发行商,全心投入。他的资产并不是他的游戏开发过程的副产品。 与我们一样,他实际上更喜欢构建工具而不是构建游戏。 他也为那些渴望使自己的生活变得渴望的人提供一些建议。

He used to create Flash games and built an independent game studio that had some success with an MMO card game on Kongregate. After a few years of updates, however, the revenue dried up.

他曾经创建Flash游戏,并建立了一个独立的游戏工作室,该工作室在Kongregate上的MMO纸牌游戏上取得了一些成功。 但是,经过几年的更新,收入枯竭了。

When searching for a new camera system for yet another update on the game, Daniel came across Unity and the Asset Store. He immediately fell for the possibilities of rapid prototyping: “Suddenly, I could see how to do so many small things really, really fast. I was like a kid in a candy store. I just thought “This is sooooo cool!” And I bought all these assets.”

在寻找新的摄影机系统以进行游戏更新时,丹尼尔遇到了Unity和Asset Store。 他立刻就想到了快速原型制作的可能性:“突然之间,我可以看到如何真正,非常快地完成许多小事情。 我就像一个糖果店里的孩子。 我只是以为“这太酷了!” 我买了所有这些资产。”

Then it hit him. If there are other enthusiasts like him around, it must be possible to make a living out of this. Around the same time, he sold his share of the game studio, so he could afford to spend some time developing an asset idea. “Since I already had a passion for fighting games and there was nothing like it available in the paid market, I decided to invest my next 8 months working on a 2.5D fighting game toolkit called Universal Fighting Engine (UFE).”

然后打了他。 如果周围有其他像他这样的爱好者,那么一定有可能以此为生。 大约在同一时间,他出售了自己在游戏工作室中的股份,因此他有能力花一些时间来开发资产创意。 “由于我已经对格斗游戏充满热情,并且在付费市场上找不到像它这样的产品,所以我决定在接下来的8个月中投资于2.5D格斗游戏工具包Universal Fighting Engine(UFE) 。”


UFE launched on the Asset Store in December 2013, but Daniel started pitching the idea to potential customers a long time before that. And he’s advising others to do the same: “Before going too deep into development, pitch the idea in the Asset Store forum as a WIP (Work In Progress) thread. Introduce yourself and your qualifications before introducing an idea. As you progress in development, post news, screenshots and videos.” This is a way to get some true fans, people who will provide feedback, open your eyes to new ideas and spread the word about your asset.

UFE于2013年12月在Asset Store上推出,但Daniel在此之前很长一段时间就开始向潜在客户介绍这个想法。 他还建议其他人也这样做:“在深入开发之前,请在Asset Store论坛中将其作为 WIP (正在进行的工作)主题进行介绍。 在介绍想法之前,先介绍一下自己和您的资格。 随着开发的进展,发布新闻,屏幕截图和视频。” 这是一种吸引真正粉丝的方法,这些粉丝将提供反馈,睁开眼睛接受新想法并宣传您的资产。

Since the release, Daniel has been working on updates and customer support, eventually hiring two freelancers to help him with development. He’s still getting lots of support queries, but it helps that he makes sure the documentation is up to date.

自发布以来,Daniel一直致力于更新和客户支持,最终聘请了两名自由职业者来帮助他进行开发。 他仍然收到很多支持查询,但是这可以确保他确保文档是最新的。

“If you are a coder, document EVERYTHING. It will save you countless hours of support. Of course, you will always have the occasional “TL;DR” customer, but trust me, you are mostly dealing with highly intelligent, adult people. If you have it well written somewhere, most customers won’t bother you. If you are a modeler, organize your files the best way you can. And of course, always give them something to look at (a video or a web demo).”

“如果您是编码员,请记录一切。 这将为您节省无数小时的支持。 当然,您总是会有偶尔的“ TL; DR”客户,但请相信我,您主要是在与高度机智的成年人打交道。 如果您在某处写得很好,大多数客户都不会打扰您。 如果您是建模者,请以最佳方式整理文件。 当然,总是给他们看些东西(视频或网络演示)。”

That said, he knows that customer support pays off. Daniel uses the Asset Store section of the forum as a public QA and a website, which saves him a lot of the hassle of answering similar questions multiple times through email. And he knows that people reporting bugs and asking for specific functionalities have helped to mold his product into something better.

也就是说,他知道客户支持会有所回报。 Daniel将论坛的“资产商店”部分用作公共质量检查和网站,这使他免除了多次通过电子邮件多次回答类似问题的麻烦。 他知道,人们报告错误并要求特定的功能有助于将他的产品塑造成更好的产品。

One of his most prominent customers is the guy behind Kings of Kung Fu. With a very small budget, professional 3D modeller and animator Jay Lee was been able to put together an alpha build of his dream game, recreating Kung Fu scenes from classic movies.

他最杰出的客户之一是“功夫之王”背后的家伙。 专业的3D建模者和动画师 Jay Lee 用很少的预算 就可以将自己梦dream以求的游戏构建为alpha版本,从而可以从经典电影中再现功夫场景。

What does the future hold for UFE? Daniel plans to release a separate engine for purely 2D games and dreams of creating a comprehensive Beat ‘em up engine. So far, it’s been possible for him to make a living doing what he loves. His assets have grossed over twenty thousand dollars since the beginning of June. The future of his projects depends on the Unity community’s love for the genre though, so he hopes that fighting games continue to be in vogue.

UFE的未来将如何发展? Daniel计划为纯2D游戏发布一个单独的引擎,并梦想创建一个全面的Beat'em up引擎。 到目前为止,他有可能以自己喜欢的方式谋生。 自六月初以来,他的资产总值超过两万美元。 尽管他的项目的未来取决于Unity社区对这一类型的热爱,所以他希望格斗游戏继续盛行。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/10/09/ufe/





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