
We’re delighted to announce a change to the way we will release builds. Previously all bug fixes have been rolled into publicly released updates of the editor, shipped and published by the R&D developer team. As the complexity of the product and the organization grows, it gets increasingly difficult to maintain all these in one place.  This has meant that bug fixes have taken longer and longer to get into the hands of our customers.  We don’t like that.

我们很高兴宣布将发布版本的方式进行更改。 以前,所有错误修复都已汇总到编辑器的公开发布的更新中,并由R&D开发人员团队发布和发布。 随着产品和组织的复杂性增长,将所有这些都维护在一个地方变得越来越困难。 这意味着错误修复需要花费越来越长的时间才能进入客户的手中。 我们不喜欢那样。

In January we merged the QA and Support teams into one organization with me (QA Director) heading them. The main purpose of this merge was to enable us to do sustained engineering on our growing number of versions, such that we can better handle the issues our customers face in current released versions. By “sustained engineering” we mean working hard to improve the reliability of a currently shipped version of Unity, and not making fixes in future versions which can take time to complete, pass through alpha and beta cycles, QA fully, and ship. Effectively it is an expansion of the responsibility of the support team to also be able to fix bugs, backport bugs and release them directly to customers as patches.

一月份,我们将质量检查和支持团队合并为一个组织,我(质量检查总监)领导这些团队。 合并的主要目的是使我们能够对越来越多的版本进行持续的工程设计,以便我们可以更好地处理客户在当前发行版本中面临的问题。 “持续工程”是指努力提高Unity当前发行版本的可靠性,而不是在将来的版本中进行修复,这可能需要一些时间才能完成,通过alpha和beta周期,全面进行质量检查并交付。 有效地扩展了支持团队的职责,使其能够修复错误,向后移植错误并将其作为补丁直接发布给客户。

Since the support team is not of endless size and the risk of making code changes on a released version is high, we are going to be very careful about which bugs we will fix. Pieces of the puzzle include the severity of the issue for the customers, the amount of customers affected, how long it will take to fix and a slew of other factors. The bottom line is that we will not be able to, or even want to, fix everything everyone asks us, but we will be able to do more than we do today and do that more often.  Customers affected by annoying bugs should see these problems resolved much more quickly.

由于支持团队的规模不尽人意,并且在发行版本上进行代码更改的风险很高,因此我们将非常小心要修复哪些错误。 难题包括:对客户而言问题的严重性,受影响的客户数量,修复所需的时间以及许多其他因素。 最重要的是,我们将无法甚至不想解决每个人都要求我们解决的所有问题,但是我们将能够比今天做更多的事情,而且做得更多。 受烦人的错误影响的客户应该可以更快地解决这些问题。

To be able to handle this, we have recently hired a release manager, Jawa, to handle the release train for these patches. He will handle the communication internally between all the teams in Unity and also handle the release procedure for each of the patches and update the forums on releases.

为了解决这个问题,我们最近雇用了一个发行经理Jawa来处理这些补丁的发行培训。 他将内部处理Unity中所有团队之间的沟通,并处理每个补丁的发行过程,并更新发行论坛。

When we say patches, it is actually a full release of the entire editor, with all runtimes. The complexity of Unity forces us to do that. However, if you are hit by the issues we fix, it will be available on our forums for you to download, just like any other version of Unity you use. The main difference is that we will distribute the patches through the forums and we will NOT enable the editor update check on them. A patch will have a version number ending in “..pX”, so for example, a patch for Unity 4.3.8f1 will be called 4.3.8p1. This patch will have a small number of bugs fixed. These bugs will be listed in the release notes for that version. Then a new patch will be generated, which will include these fixes, and newly fix bugs. This will be 4.3.8p2, and so on. Once we have a set of patches ready, we will roll them up to a new “..fX” (f for Final) release, eg. 4.3.9f1, and that will undergo full regression tests and be enabled through the editor update checks for everyone. Note that we expect only customers affected by reported fixed bugs will want to migrate to patched versions of Unity.

当我们说补丁时,它实际上是整个编辑器的完整版本,包括所有运行时。 Unity的复杂性迫使我们必须这样做。 但是,如果您遇到我们已解决的问题,则可以在我们的论坛上将其下载,就像您使用的任何其他Unity版本一样。 主要区别在于我们将通过论坛分发补丁程序,并且不会启用对它们的编辑器更新检查。 补丁程序的版本号以“ ..pX”结尾,因此,例如,Unity 4.3.8f1的补丁程序将称为4.3.8p1。 此修补程序将修复一些错误。 这些错误将在该版本的发行说明中列出。 然后将生成一个新的补丁,其中包括这些修复程序和新修复的错误。 这将是4.3.8p2,依此类推。 一旦我们准备好一套补丁,我们会将它们汇总到新的“ ..fX”(最终版为f)发行版中。 4.3.9f1,它将进行全面的回归测试,并通过每个人的编辑器更新检查启用。 请注意,我们希望只有受到报告的已修复错误影响的客户才希望迁移到Unity的修补版本。

To really kickstart this journey, we have gathered support engineers, field engineers, QA, build engineers, infrastructure engineers and release managers in Brighton this week. A total of 28 people have joined in a week of learning the processes, doing the actual fixes and shipping them. I will have to caveat that the focus here is on learning a very hard process of getting the code done right, it is NOT about having large quantity of fixes, so the first few patches will be very limited.

为了真正开启这一旅程,本周我们在布莱顿聚集了支持工程师,现场工程师,质量保证,建筑工程师,基础架构工程师和发布经理。 一周之内,共有28人参加了对该过程的学习,他们进行了实际的修复并将其交付。 我将需要警告的是,这里的重点是学习一个非常困难的过程来正确完成代码,这与获得大量的修补程序无关,因此前几个补丁将非常有限。

It has been fantastic to see everyone working on a common goal for a week and it is fantastic to be able to present you with the very first results. Join us on the next journey and check the first patch here: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/246198-Unity-Patch-Releases

看到每个人都在为一个共同的目标而努力一周,这真是太棒了,能够为您展示最初的结果真是太棒了。 加入我们的下一个旅程,并在此处检查第一个补丁: http : //forum.unity3d.com/threads/246198-Unity-Patch-Releases

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/05/15/sustained-engineering-patch-builds/





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