
A number of incredibly talented architects and engineers use the Unity engine to bring their blueprints to life and let their clients adjust the designs as they wish. How does Unity fit their needs? And how are they changing their industry?

许多非常有才华的建筑师和工程师使用Unity引擎来实现他们的蓝图,并让他们的客户根据需要调整设计。 Unity如何满足他们的需求? 他们如何改变自己的行业?

Interactive applications allow you to walk around something that hasn’t been built yet or has been lying in ruins for centuries. Even though most Computer Aided-Design (CAD) tools can create 3D visuals, it’s hard for clients to really understand what their architect has in mind.

交互式应用程序使您可以走走一些尚未建造的东西,或者已经废墟数百年的东西。 尽管大多数计算机辅助设计(CAD)工具都可以创建3D视觉效果,但客户很难真正了解其架构师的想法。

“They still don’t give the user an experience of the space as if they were really there. Interactive 3D allows us to create completely immersive environments. It is now possible for someone to step within their future home years before it will be built, and know exactly how the sun is going to shine through their windows in the morning,” says Adam Simonar, lead designer at NVYVE, a studio that makes photo-realistic renders, animations and interactive applications.

“他们仍然没有给用户那种真正的空间体验。 交互式3D使我们能够创建完全身临其境的环境。 它现在是可能有人自己未来的家年内步骤之前将建成,并确切地知道如何阳光透过窗户,早上去油光,”亚当Simonar,在首席设计师说NVYVE ,一个工作室,使逼真的渲染,动画和交互式应用程序。

Gallery Pictures Interior NVYVE

Stefan Boeykens, university lecturer on CAD and author of “Unity for Architectural Visualization”, points out that using game engines is useful at the design stage as well. It helps architects see their ideas from the perspective of the visitor to their upcoming building.

CAD的大学讲师,《 Unity for Architecture Visualization 》的作者Stefan Boeykens指出,在设计阶段使用游戏引擎也是有用的。 它可以帮助建筑师从访客的角度来看他们即将建造的建筑的想法。

Fun with importing


“I do believe that working in 3D and experiencing your own design interactively helps to assess spatiality and how it performs for a user of the building,” he says. A true veteran of 3D modelling, he has tried to work with other engines before Unity came along, but found the workflow between design applications and the virtual model too painful.

他说:“我确实相信,以3D方式工作并以交互方式体验您自己的设计有助于评估空间性及其对建筑物用户的性能,” 他是3D建模的真正老手,曾尝试在Unity出现之前与其他引擎一起工作,但发现设计应用程序和虚拟模型之间的工作流程太痛苦了。

It is much easier to import from Graphisoft ArchiCAD, Autodesk Revit or Sketchup Pro to Unity with good results. “The authoring is very familiar when you come from a 3D modelling background. It’s also important that the models are updatable,” says Stefan, while mentioning a few issues like Pivot points not being in the ideal place or doors coming in as monolithic sets of meshes.

从Graphisoft ArchiCAD,Autodesk Revit或Sketchup Pro导入Unity更加容易,并且效果很好。 “当您来自3D建模背景时,创作非常熟悉。 模型的可更新性也很重要。”斯特凡说,同时提到了一些问题,例如枢轴点不在理想的位置或门作为整体网格集进入。


The biggest problem is performance, because most architectural models have too many details. “When students introduce trees, cars and people in a CAD/BIM engine, they overwhelm the polygon count. Just three trees usually equal the whole building,” points out Stefan.

最大的问题是性能,因为大多数架构模型都有太多的细节。 “当学生在CAD / BIM引擎中介绍树木,汽车和人时,他们不堪重负。 通常只有三棵树等于整个建筑。”斯特凡指出。

“The great thing about Unity is that it is extremely flexible and extensible. Almost every time that we came across an issue, we were able to implement our own solutions, or find a ready-built extension on the Asset Store,” says Adam Simonar of NVYVE.

“ Unity的伟大之处在于它非常灵活且可扩展。 NVYVE的Adam Simonar表示,几乎每次遇到问题时,我们都能够实施自己的解决方案,或者在Asset Store上找到现成的扩展。

Design it yourself


Zahner is a consultancy and engineering shop that’s known for its innovative facades. It rose to prominence over the past decades as the fabricator behind a number of globally renowned architects, from Frank Gehry to Rem Koolhaas.  “A few years ago, we started hiring coders. We realized that if we could create an interface to use all of the technology that we’ve built, we could let architects and their clients directly design and build in a much more transparent way,” says Tex Jernigan, creative designer at Zahner.

Zahner是一家咨询和工程商店,以其创新的外墙而闻名。 在过去几十年中,随着弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)到雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)等全球享誉全球的建筑师的身手,制造商的地位日益突出。 “几年前,我们开始雇用编码人员。 我们意识到,如果我们可以创建一个接口来使用我们已经构建的所有技术,那么我们可以让建筑师及其客户以更加透明的方式直接进行设计和构建。” Zahner的创意设计师Tex Jernigan说。


Zahner used Unity to build ShopFloor, where users can create unique designs for their facades and see how much it would cost to engineer, fabricate, and ship the assemblies. The first app, CloudWall, is based on the curvy metal facade of Zahner`s headquarters. When users change its size, colour and material finish, the cost updates in real time. “We wanted to give people direct control. Our generation is not used to the quoting process, we like transparent pricing,” explained Tex.

ZAHNER使用统一建车间 ,在这里用户可以为他们创造正面独特的设计,看看它会花费多少到工程师,制造和船舶组件。 第一个应用程序CloudWall基于Zahner总部弯曲的金属外墙。 当用户更改尺寸,颜色和材料表面处理时,成本会实时更新。 “我们想让人们直接控制。 我们这一代人并不习惯于报价过程,我们喜欢透明的定价。” Tex解释说。

Zahner's headquarters

Using Unity allowed Zahner to speed up the development, while keeping the app secure and flexible.  “I know that one of the big reasons we went with Unity was because of security. Another is that we can someday deploy to mobile and other platforms — Unity means flexibility,” says Tex Jernigan. Currently, Zahner has more than a 1000 sign ups for the ShopFloor open beta, mostly architects, but also fabricators and customers.

使用Unity使Zahner可以加快开发速度,同时保持应用程序的安全性和灵活性。 “我知道我们选择Unity的主要原因之一就是安全性。 另一个是我们有一天可以部署到移动平台和其他平台上,Unity意味着灵活性。” Tex Jernigan说。 目前,Zahner已经有1000多个ShopFloor公开测试版的注册用户,主要是建筑师,还有制造商和客户。

The platform was a side project of the engineering and web teams, who learned Unity during development and fell in love with the workflow, rapid prototyping and collaboration possibilities it offered.


In the future Zahner hopes that the designs will empower many to consider original high quality designs that had previously been attainable for only a handful of mostly corporate clients. Tex Jernigan can see its potential from an end user perspective: “I’m not an architect, or an engineer, but with ShopFloor I can create something unique, and install it in or on my own home — that’s what’s exciting to me.”

Zahner希望将来的设计能够使许多人考虑以前只有少数几个公司客户才能达到的原始高质量设计。 Tex Jernigan从最终用户的角度可以看到它的潜力:“我既不是建筑师,也不是工程师,但是通过ShopFloor,我可以创建独特的东西,然后将其安装在自己的家中或自己的家中,这对我来说很令人兴奋。”

Nuovo - Interactive Visualisation by NVYVE

Bright future for interactive 3D content


ShopFloor is one of the many new architectural visualization projects that emphasize interactivity, immersion and end user empowerment. For NVYVE, this is only a step in a larger information revolution.

ShopFloor是许多新的体系结构可视化项目之一,这些项目强调交互性,沉浸感和最终用户的能力。 对于NVYVE而言 ,这只是更大的信息革命中的一步。

 “The industry is definitely moving towards a fully interactive, 3D experience. We see a huge potential in pushing the boundaries with Oculus Rift and other emerging technologies. We believe there will be a point at which real-time 3D content is so powerful and accessible, that it becomes the dominant medium with which people experience not only architecture, but products, information, and more,” says Adam Simonar.

“业界肯定会朝着完全互动的3D体验迈进。 我们看到了突破Oculus Rift和其他新兴技术的巨大潜力。 我们认为,实时3D内容将在某种程度上如此强大和易于访问,以至于它成为人们不仅可以体验建筑,而且可以体验产品,信息等等的主要媒介。” Adam Simonar说。

Check out more architectural visualization projects made with Unity in our gallery.

在我们的画廊中查看更多使用Unity 进行的建筑可视化项目。


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2014/03/06/unity-and-architecture/

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