

Hello everyone!


So Unite 2012, Day 1 (if you don’t count the Training Day!) is coming to a close. It’s been fantastic time and it’s great to be able to catch up with all the developers I’ve met since the last Unite. We have 1,200 participants this year, 3 fantastic tracks with 25 sessions on the first day!

因此,Unite 2012第1天(如果您不算培训日的话!)即将结束。 这真是一段美好的时光,能够赶上上届Unite以来我遇到的所有开发人员,真是太好了。 今年我们有1200名参与者,第一天有25场讲座,共3首精彩曲目!

Today kicked off with the keynote in which a number of cool things were introduced and demoed. I’ll go over some of this now…

今天以主题演讲拉开序幕,其中介绍了很多很酷的东西并进行了演示。 我现在将讨论其中的一些……

First, David brought everyone up to date on all things Unity, opening with a really nice trip down memory  lane, showing the evolution of games created with the development tools and going all the way back to the game that started it all.


Secondly, Joachim demoed the Mecanim animation system in 4.0, showing how awesome it is to use motion capture data and spoke about the plans to include lots of Mocap data on the Asset Store: “We are letting people who never had access to mo-cap data to get access to mo-cap data, and really up the quality of your animations.” I’ve played around with some versions of Mecanim and having a background in animation I am really excited to see how this new epic feature is taken advantage of by the community.

其次,乔亚希姆(Joachim)在4.0中演示了Mecanim动画系统,展示了使用运动捕捉数据有多棒,并谈到了计划在Asset Store中包含大量Mocap数据的计划:“我们让从未使用过Mocap的人数据以访问Mo-cap数据,并真正提高动画质量。” 我玩过Mecanim的某些版本,并且拥有动画背景,我很高兴看到社区如何利用这一新的史诗功能。

Joachim also demoed DirectX 11 that was pioneered by the “Butterfly Effect” project, a short film created by production studio Passion Pictures, and then jumped into the editor to show how the movie was composed and highlighted various features. Unity 4.0 is really pushing the bar for what is achievable in terms of  graphical fidelity.

约阿希姆(Joachim)还演示了DirectX 11,该电影由制作工作室Passion Pictures制作的短片“蝴蝶效应”(Butterfly Effect)项目首创,然后跳入编辑器以演示影片的组成和突出各种功能。 Unity 4.0确实在图形保真度方面实现了突破。

After Joachim showed some more of the many new features in 4.0 including an impressive demo of the improvements to Shruiken it was time for Nicholas to take the stage. He demoed a new timeline function, whereby users can select and manipulate in-game objects, tie them to animations and sounds, and define their behavior in-game, all without a single line of code. “This is a start of an attempt from our side to make time and the world-state first-class citizens in our editor,” he said. He also announced nested prefab support which was very well received by all.

在Joachim显示了4.0中的许多新功能中的更多功能之后,包括对Shruiken的改进进行了令人印象深刻的演示之后,是时候让Nicholas登台了。 他演示了一个新的时间轴功能,用户可以选择和操纵游戏中的对象,将它们与动画和声音绑定,并定义其在游戏中的行为,而无需任何代码。 他说:“这是我们方面为在编辑中腾出时间和世界一流头等公民的尝试的开始。” 他还宣布了嵌套式预制件支持,这受到了所有人的好评。

Nicholas also demoed an alpha version of a GUI system for in-game menus. “This is something I’ve been working on for—it feels like even longer than I remember,” he said. It’s editable in real-time, and allows developers to create full 3D interfaces inside the game world.

尼古拉斯还演示了用于游戏内菜单的GUI系统的Alpha版本。 他说:“这是我一直在努力的事情-感觉时间甚至比我记得的还要长。” 它是实时可编辑的,并允许开发人员在游戏世界中创建完整的3D界面。

Adobe’s Director of Gaming, Emmy Huang, took the stage at the Unite 2012 keynote presentation to talk about Adobe Flash Player gaming. The collaboration between Unity and Adobe wil make the Adobe Flash Player deployment tool add-on for Unity an excellent option for bringing Unity-authored games to the incredibly wide audience of the Flash Player.

Adobe的游戏总监Emmy Huang在Unite 2012主题演讲中上演了有关Adobe Flash Player游戏的演讲。 Unity与Adobe之间的合作将使Adobe的Adobe Flash Player部署工具附加组件成为将Unity创作的游戏带给Flash Player广大观众的绝佳选择。

Finally from the founder-trio we had some awesome new announcements on new platforms we are supporting. We’ve made a deal with Intel that will see games we’ve published through Union released for smartphones and tablets powered by the Atom processor. A range of Unity-developed Android titles will be published on Google Play and other Android markets, through Union.The current catalog of Union games stands at 120 titles. Air Attack, Samurai, and Frisbee Forever have been selected for the Atom deal, with many more to be added later. In addition to that Unity games are now set to support Microsoft’s Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 with Unity 4.0.

最终,在创始人三人组中,我们在我们支持的新平台上发布了一些很棒的新公告。 我们已经与Intel达成协议,将看到我们通过Union发布的游戏发布了,该游戏适用于采用Atom处理器的智能手机和平板电脑。 Unity将通过Union在Google Play和其他Android市场上发布一系列Unity开发的Android游戏。Union游戏的当前目录为120个游戏。 空中攻击,武士和永久飞盘已被选择用于原子交易,以后还会添加更多。 除此以外,现在将Unity游戏设置为支持Microsoft的Windows 8和带有Unity 4.0的Windows Phone 8。

After the Trio we had the pleasure of hearing from our guest keynote speaker, Peter Molyneux who showed off for the first time his fledgling studio 22 Cans’ first title, the Unity-developed Curiosity. Molyneux’s new project is the first of 22 experimental games from his new studio, all designed to allow participation from millions of simultaneous users. The knowledge gathered from development of Curiosity will then be used in a bigger title a bit further out on the horizon. This future game, the former Lionhead boss and Bullfrog legend’s studio are also developing with Unity.

三重奏之后,我们很高兴听到我们的嘉宾演讲嘉宾Peter Molyneux首次展示了他刚起步的工作室22 Cans的第一个标题,即Unity开发的Curiosity。 Molyneux的新项目是他新工作室推出的22个实验游戏中的第一个,所有这些实验旨在允许数百万同时用户参与。 从好奇心的发展中获得的知识将被用在更大的头衔上,而这个头衔将在不久的将来出现。 在未来的游戏中,前Lionhead的老板和Bullfrog传奇的工作室也将与Unity一起开发。

Oh!  …  Just one last thing.

哦! ……只是最后一件事。

We have the keynote video recording uvw unwrapping done!. So see the full keynote video here. :)

我们已经完成了uvw解包录制的主题视频!。 因此,请在此处查看完整的主题演讲视频 。 :)

And if you would like a full resolution image of the picture above, let me know in the comments and I’ll throw one together!




@Joe_Robins #Unity3d #Unite12








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