unity3d mod_.mod在Unity中

unity3d mod


As of Unity 3.0, we are proud to give our users the possibility to use Module files for music and sound in their productions just as any other audio asset.

从Unity 3.0开始,我们很荣幸为用户提供与其他音频资产一样在其作品中使用Module文件播放音乐和声音的可能性。

When I started testing Unity’s new audio features I had very little idea about what Module files are and what they could do. I asked our audio programmer, Søren, what it was and what I should look for, he replied that it is this tiny file format that allows for cool sound quality – “Just try it out”. And I must say, comparing the file size to the audio quality, I was amazed, thinking that this will impact online and mobile gaming experiences in a good way.

当我开始测试Unity的新音频功能时,我几乎不知道什么是模块文件以及它们可以做什么。 我问我们的音频程序员Sø​​ren,它是什么,我应该寻找什么,他回答说,正是这种很小的文件格式可以带来超酷的音质–“试一试”。 我必须说,将文件大小与音频质量进行比较,我很惊讶,认为这将以良好的方式影响在线和移动游戏体验。

Tracker Modules are best known from the demo scene’s composers and the good old Amiga games’ sound tracks and I must admit that it brought memories from late nights playing my brother’s Amiga. The format can be described as being somewhere in between the well known, but declining, MIDI format and the concurrent PCM formats (including .aiff, .wav, .ogg, and .mp3).

跟踪器模块在演示场景的作曲家和Amiga游戏机的出色老版本中最为人所知,我必须承认,它为深夜玩我哥哥的Amiga带来了回忆。 该格式可以描述为介于MIDI格式但下降的MIDI格式和并发PCM格式(包括.aiff,.wav,.ogg和.mp3)之间的某个位置。

The power of the Module files lies in the fact that they consist of high quality PCM samples that ensure a similar experience on all hardware. The files then contain additional info about when to play the sound, at what pitch, volume, effect, etc. This is where MIDI’s shortcomings are evident: MIDI sounds are normally dependent on the sound bank that are in the hardware that outputs the sound. Unity supports four major Module file formats: Impulse Tracker (.it), Scream Tracker (.s3m), Extended Module File Format (.xm), and the original Module File Format (.mod).

模块文件的强大之处在于它们由高质量的PCM样本组成,可确保在所有硬件上获得类似的体验。 然后,文件包含有关何时播放声音,以何种音高,音量,效果等播放声音的附加信息。这就是MIDI的缺点显而易见的地方:MIDI声音通常取决于输出声音的硬件中的声音库。 Unity支持四种主要的模块文件格式:脉冲跟踪器(.it),尖叫跟踪器(.s3m),扩展模块文件格式(.xm)和原始模块文件格式(.mod)。

Why not use compressed PCM audio, you say. You can always do that if size and bandwidth are plenty, but if you want a fair sound quality you will still end up using around 1 mb of disk space per minute. Using a mod file you can use and reuse the same samples embedded in the file over and over again. A skilled tracker artist can create hours of high quality audio for 1 mb worth of samples, provided using the right tricks.

您说为什么不使用压缩的PCM音频。 如果大小和带宽足够大,您总是可以这样做,但是如果您想要公平的音质,那么最终仍然会每分钟使用大约1 mb的磁盘空间。 使用mod文件,您可以反复使用和重复使用文件中嵌入的相同示例。 熟练的跟踪器艺术家可以使用正确的技巧为1 mb的样本创建数小时的高质量音频。

There is a substantial amount of artists creating music using Trackers. As mentioned, the majority have been making soundtracks on the demo scene for the past 20+ years. Many of these artists publish their music through net labels such as Monotonic, SLSK Records, and Bump Foot. It is also worth mentioning that these labels and artists often release under Creative Commons licenses, which mostly means that it can be used, remixed, and redistributed as long as the artist gets credits. A great way to get assets for indie developers – just remember to pay them if you earn money on their work ;-). Kudos to the artists for democratising their expressions this way.

有大量的艺术家使用Trackers创作音乐。 如前所述,过去20多年来,大多数人都在演示现场制作配乐。 这些艺术家中的许多人都是通过网络标签发布音乐的,例如MonotonicSLSK RecordsBump Foot 。 还值得一提的是,这些唱片公司和艺术家通常会在知识共享许可下发布,这主要意味着只要艺术家获得了认可,就可以使用,重新混合和重新分配它们。 为独立开发人员获取资产的好方法-如果您在其工作上赚钱,请记住要付钱;-)。 感谢艺术家以这种方式使他们的表达民主化。

Module files can be created using tracker software. Conceptually trackers work slightly different from conventional software sequencers such as Prologic, GarageBand, Cubase, etc. I encourage you to take a look at some trackers if you are making music. There are many free and open source trackers. Among these I can recommend the cross-platform MilkyTracker or OpenMPT if you sit on Windows.

可以使用跟踪器软件创建模块文件。 从概念上讲,跟踪器的工作方式与常规软件音序器(例如Prologic,GarageBand,Cubase等)略有不同。如果您正在制作音乐,我鼓励您看看一些跟踪器。 有许多免费和开源的跟踪器。 在这些工具中,如果您使用Windows,我可以推荐跨平台的MilkyTrackerOpenMPT

Happy tracking! I am looking forward to see how you’ll use this feature.

追踪愉快! 我期待着您将如何使用此功能。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/06/29/mod-in-unity/

unity3d mod





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