

A long held dream in the development world has been the idea of “author once, deploy anywhere”. To explain what is meant by that is simple, it’s the notion of being able to author your content one time, then through the simple click of a button deploy your content on any platform you like, whether that’s on the desktop, the web, gaming consoles or mobile devices. Nobody is quite there yet and there is more work to be done, but with that in mind Unity Technologies is making tremendous progress in making this dream a reality, and Unity is already used by thousands to distribute content across a variety of platforms. While the benefits of this author once deploy anywhere notion might seem clear at first blush, there are a few points worth discussing in particular, so let’s look at those in a bit more detail.

在开发领域中一个长期的梦想是“一次编写,在任何地方部署”。 为了解释简单的含义,这是指能够一次创作您的内容,然后只需单击一个按钮即可将您的内容部署到您喜欢的任何平台上,无论是在台式机,网络,游戏上控制台或移动设备。 尚无人在此工作,还有更多工作要做,但考虑到这一点,Unity Technologies在实现这一梦想方面取得了巨大的进步,并且成千上万的人已经使用Unity在各种平台上分发内容。 尽管该作者一旦将其部署到任何地方的好处乍一看似乎并不明显,但有几点需要特别讨论,因此让我们更详细地介绍一下。

Take Advantage of Diverse Opportunities First and foremost, the ability to have flexible publishing options allows developers to take full advantage of the opportunities that are available. What I mean by “opportunities” is that the number of viable publishing channels is on the rise, not only can developers host their own web content but they can leverage existing game portal websites, social media sites like Facebook, MySpace and many others, and of course they can look towards the booming mobile gaming market as well. The ability to easily target any or all of those channels gives developers an advantage and will allow them to make the most of each channel’s strengths in order to drive success of their titles and increase their revenue across the board.

充分利用多样化的机会首先,拥有灵活的发布选项的能力使开发人员能够充分利用可用的机会。 我所说的“机会”是,可行的发布渠道数量正在增加,开发人员不仅可以托管自己的Web内容,而且可以利用现有的游戏门户网站,Facebook,MySpace等社交媒体网站以及许多其他网站,以及当然,他们也可以考虑蓬勃发展的移动游戏市场。 轻松定位任何或所有这些渠道的能力为开发人员提供了优势,并将使他们能够充分利用每个渠道的优势,以推动其作品的成功并全面增加其收入。

Reach Your Users Everywhere Following along with the above is the fact that the gaming market is shifting quite a bit, and it’s doing so in a way that makes it even more important to have games available to users through as many different channels as possible. The days of users playing games on dedicated platforms like gaming consoles or strictly desktop based aren’t gone, but there is an increasing focus and interest in games that offer portability and many points of access. At our Unite 2009 developer conference, Richard Hilleman from Electronic Arts helped drive the point home that as game developers you’re looking at having to fight for small slices of people’s time on the go more than ever, so offering them easy access to content is paramount. What that means is that your games shouldn’t be web-based or mobile-based, they should be available in as many ways as possible so users can dip in and dip out and enjoy your games wherever and whenever they like. Having easy publishing access to multiple platforms will allow you to meet the changing needs of game players and keep you ahead of the competition.

遍及您的用户不仅如此,游戏市场正在发生很大的变化,并且这样做的方式使得通过尽可能多的不同渠道为用户提供游戏变得更加重要。 用户在专用平台(例如游戏机或严格基于台式机)上玩游戏的日子并没有消失,但是人们对提供可移植性和许多访问点的游戏越来越关注和关注。 在我们的Unite 2009开发者大会上,Electronic Arts的Richard Hilleman帮助指出了这一点:作为游戏开发者,您正在寻求比以往任何时候都为一小部分人的时间而战,因此为他们提供轻松访问内容的途径就是最重要的。 这意味着您的游戏不应该基于网络或基于移动设备,应该以尽可能多的方式提供,以便用户可以随时随地畅玩游戏。 轻松发布到多个平台的访问权限将使您能够满足游戏玩家不断变化的需求,并使您在竞争中处于领先地位。

Just imagine having someone play your game online at work, then again on their smart phone on the train ride home and then yet again on their desktop later that night. Through it all you’re offering a single combined experience through multiple points of entry, letting your users access it when and where they want!

试想一下,有人在上班时在网上玩您的游戏,然后又在乘火车回家的智能手机上,然后在当晚晚些时候又在桌面上玩了。 通过这一切,您可以通过多个入口点提供单一的组合体验,让您的用户可以在所需的时间和地点进行访问!

Use a Stable and Consistent Platform The third important item of note is that it’s key to not only find a tool that allows you to reach a variety of platforms, but to find one that lets you do so efficiently and effectively, while still being able to deliver premiere content that game players will be attracted to. This is where Unity shines above all others, it provides developers with a solid technology base that allows for rapid development on top of providing fantastic performance and high-quality results. The lesson here is that you, the developer, can leverage your design and development expertise to the fullest extent as we will focus on the engine while you focus on your games!

使用稳定一致的平台注意的第三点是,关键不仅在于找到一种工具,使您可以使用各种平台,而且要找到一种可以使您高效而有效地使用,同时仍然能够提供吸引游戏玩家的首映内容。 这是Unity超越一切的亮点,它为开发人员提供了坚实的技术基础,可以在提供出色性能和高质量结果的基础上进行快速开发。 这里的教训是,您(开发人员)可以最大程度地利用您的设计和开发专业知识,因为我们将专注于引擎,而您专注于游戏!

Examples Of course all of this might seem like a dose of marketing hot air without some specific examples, so allow me to point to a few Unity-authored games that are already spanning multiple platforms to help prove the point.


Downhill Bowling Downhill Bowling is a game from the folks at Game Resort and it’s a title that’s available online as well as on the iPhone and iPod touch via the App Store. The game’s initial launch was done on the web via both and, but when we released our iPhone support in the fall of 2008 it didn’t take long for the game to make it’s way on to the AppStore.

下坡保龄球下坡保龄球是Game Resort居民的一款游戏,它的名称可以在网上以及通过App Store在iPhone和iPod touch上获得。 这款游戏的首次发布是通过瘾君子游戏网站(和shockwave.com在网上完成的,但是当我们在2008年秋季发布iPhone支持时,这款游戏很快就可以进入AppStore了。

Max & the Magic Marker This game is a bit different in that it doesn’t explicitly target two platforms for commercial distribution, rather it uses one, WiiWare,for commercial distribution and another, the web, for pre-release and preview plays. The game was created by Press Play and will release as a WiiWare title in Europe today (Friday, January 22, 2009) and in other markets soon. But at the same time there is a web playable demo available on the game’s destination site.

Max&Magic Marker此游戏有点不同,它没有明确针对两个平台进行商业发行,而是使用一个WiiWare进行商业发行,使用另一个Web进行预发行和预览。 该游戏是由Press Play制作的 ,将于今天(2009年1月22日,星期五)在欧洲和其他市场以WiiWare的形式发行。 但与此同时,游戏的目标站点上提供了一个可在网络上播放的演示。

Tumbledrop The third example I’d like to cite is Tumbledrop, a great little game produced by a single developer that was at first part of the Unity Awards 2008 as a web game, then rebranded for Cartoon Network for posting on line and now most recently it’s come out on the iPhone.

Tumbledrop我要举的第三个示例是Tumbledrop,这是一款由单个开发人员制作的出色小游戏,最初是在Unity Unity Awards 2008上作为网络游戏发布的,然后更名为Cartoon Network,可以在线发布,现在最新发布它出现在iPhone上。

In all three of the examples above the authoring effort was largely done once and then the Unity engine’s portability was used to easily reach out to secondary platforms. Of course it wasn’t truly an “author once” experience as each of the platforms does need some special handling, notably in terms of input types (keyboard/mouse, multi-touch/accelerometer, WiiMote/Nunchuck) and tweaking of artwork, but the core game logic in each case was able to be reused with relative ease.

在以上所有三个示例中,编写工作基本上都完成了一次,然后使用Unity引擎的可移植性轻松地访问辅助平台。 当然,这并不是一次真正的“一次作者”体验,因为每个平台都需要一些特殊处理,尤其是在输入类型(键盘/鼠标,多点触摸/加速度计,WiiMote / Nunchuck)和艺术品调整方面,但是每种情况下的核心游戏逻辑都可以相对轻松地重用。

In Summary… Of course there are other examples out there that could have been cited, it’s just that the three above are particularly noteworthy and so I mentioned them here. So it’s not just hype, Unity truly does allow you to quickly, easily and effectively reach out and target multiple platforms thus ensuring a greater chance of success regardless of the type of content you make. Of course our job as a tool vendor is never truly done and so we’ll keep working our way forward until we can in fact offer a 100% “author once, deploy anywhere” experience. The only question is whether you’ll be along for the ride or not, and I of course think you should do yourself a favor and get on board now!

总结……当然,还有其他例子可以引用,只是上面的三个特别值得注意,因此我在这里提到了它们。 因此,不仅仅是炒作,Unity确实确实可以让您快速,轻松,有效地接触并瞄准多个平台,从而无论您制作的内容类型如何,都能确保获得更大的成功机会。 当然,我们作为工具供应商的工作从来没有真正完成过,因此我们将继续前进,直到我们可以提供100%的“一次编写,随处部署”经验。 唯一的问题是您是否愿意继续旅行,我当然认为您应该帮自己一个忙,现在就加入!

If you’re a developer that is already using Unity to create content that spans multiple platforms then let me know as I’d love to hear from you. You can do that by adding a comment in response to this post, or by contacting me directly by email ( Otherwise if you’re not already doing that then I encourage you to consider starting to do so as soon as possible.

如果您是已经使用Unity来创建跨越多个平台的内容的开发人员,请告诉我,我很乐意听到您的来信。 您可以通过添加对此评论的评论或通过电子邮件直接与我联系(来做到这一点。 否则,如果您还没有这样做,那么我建议您考虑尽快开始这样做。



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