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As the Unity community grows larger and attracts a wider range of developer types I’m excited to see a growing number of 3rd party offerings for the developer community at large to use. Some of these are free for all while others come at a price, but in the end they all offer the opportunity to tap into new capabilities not available out of the box (yet). Some of these items solve problems already identified on our road-map, others carve out new areas altogether, but regardless of all that, they’re valuable offerings that everyone using Unity ought to check out. I’ll cite a few here as they’re the latest examples but know that there are many more. Drop by and join the Unity Community Forums and you’ll about ’em all!

随着Unity社区的发展壮大并吸引了更多类型的开发人员,我很高兴看到为开发人员社区使用的越来越多的第三方产品可供使用。 其中一些是对所有人免费的,而另一些则要付出一定的代价,但是最终,它们都提供了利用现成的尚不可用的新功能的机会。 这些项目中的一些解决了我们路线图上已经确定的问题,另一些则开辟了新的领域,但是不管所有这些,它们都是使用Unity的每个人都应该检查的有价值的产品。 我在这里引用一些例子,因为它们是最新的示例,但知道还有更多示例。 赶快加入Unity社区论坛 ,您将了解所有内容!

UnityDevelop The guys at Flashbang Studios are at it again, but this time it’s not content, it’s a modified version of FlashDevelop tweaked for use with JavaScript inside of Unity. With UnityDevelop, those using JavaScript inside Unity can now have a script editor that features auto-completion, and one that will be familiar if like them, you happen to use FlashDevelop already (for Flash-related work). Check it out:

UnityDevelop Flashbang Studios的家伙又来了,但是这次不满足了,它是FlashDevelop的修改版本,已调整为与Unity内部JavaScript一起使用。 有了UnityDevelop,那些在Unity内部使用JavaScript的人现在可以拥有一个具有自动补全功能的脚本编辑器,如果像他们一样,您已经使用FlashDevelop (用于与Flash相关的工作),就会很熟悉。 看看这个:



GUIX Another long-time member of the community, Ennanzus Interactive, has created GUIX, a visual GUI development tool for use inside of Unity. The new GUI system introduced in Unity 2.0 (UnityGUI) is entirely script based, and while that works well enough for many there are some that would prefer to have visual tools instead. GUIX is that set of visual tools! This is a paid-for item, but at only $100 the value is easily seen as you save time in everything you do related to in-game user interface work. Have a look:

GUIX社区的另一个长期成员Ennanzus Interactive创建了GUIX,这是一种可视化GUI开发工具,可在Unity内部使用。 Unity 2.0中引入的新GUI系统(UnityGUI)完全基于脚本,尽管对于许多人来说运行良好,但是有些人更愿意使用可视化工具。 GUIX是那种视觉工具! 这是一项付费项目,但只需花费$ 100,您就可以节省时间,这可以节省您在游戏中与用户界面相关的所有工作。 看一看:



AngryAnt: Path & Behave These aren’t really one project offering, but two, both being offered up by Emil Johansen, aka “AngryAnt” on the forums. Path, as you’d imagine, is a project that seeks to make pathfinding (based off of A* algorithms) easy to implement in your own Unity projects. Behave on the other hand is a project in which Emil is hoping to provide tools for developers to use that will allow them to implement behavior trees and develop “smart” non-player characters. Both projects are on-going and in development but worthy of a look anyway:

AngryAnt:Path&Behave这些并不是真正的一个项目,而是两个,两者都是由论坛上的Emil Johansen(又名“ AngryAnt”)提供的。 正如您所想象的,Path是一个旨在使寻路(基于A *算法)易于在自己的Unity项目中实现的项目。 另一方面,行为是Emil希望提供给开发人员使用的工具的项目,这将使他们能够实施行为树并开发“智能”非玩家角色。 这两个项目都在进行和开发中,但无论如何都值得一看:

Unity iPhone Enhancement Pack Last and certainly not least is the Unity iPhone Enhancement pack from Rob Terrel, aka “bliprob” on the forums. This enhancement pack allows developers to tap into features not yet implemented in the Unity iPhone feature set out of the bost, things like taking and using a picture with the camera, selecting a photo from those on the device and more. As with GUIX above, the Unity iPhone Enhancement pack isn’t free, it costs $100, but for those itchin’ to use such features right now it’s likely a small price to pay. Go here for more information:

团结iPhone增强包最后肯定不是最不重要的是来自Rob特雷尔,对又名“bliprob”团结iPhone增强包的论坛 。 此增强功能包使开发人员可以充分利用Unity iPhone中尚未实现的功能,例如使用相机拍摄和使用照片,从设备上的照片中选择照片等。 与上面的GUIX一样,Unity iPhone增强包不是免费的,它的价格为100美元,但是对于那些想要立即使用此类功能的itchin'来说,这可能是一个很小的代价。 点击这里了解更多信息:

Unity iPhone Enhancement Pack

Unity iPhone增强包

The four examples above aren’t the sum total of all 3rd party offerings, but they are some of the more prominent or long-standing. All are worth a look in the short-term even if the features they implement may eventually get rolled into the core product. The tools being offered are well worth the costs (if any) in my book. I can’t wait to see more of these sorts of offerings from the community as we here at Unity Technologies do everything at once, and through these efforts the community can help bootstrap itself up when needed!

上面的四个示例并非所有第三方提供的总和,但它们是一些较为突出或长期存在的示例。 尽管它们实现的功能最终可能会融入核心产品,但所有这些都值得在短期内查看。 提供的工具非常值得我花这本书的成本(如果有的话)。 我迫不及待地想从社区中看到更多此类产品,因为我们在Unity Technologies处可以立即完成所有工作,通过这些努力,社区可以在需要时帮助自己进行自我启动!


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