
Our longest running Ninja Camp wraps today. After the crunch of the Unity 4 release, our developers got  three weeks to jam on awesome new projects.

今天我们运行时间最长的忍者训练营结束了。 在Unity 4发行紧缩之后,我们的开发人员花了三周时间才能完成一些很棒的新项目。

“Ninja Camp recognizes that software development is fundamentally creative work,” says Unity’s CTO and co-founder Joachim Ante. “And creativity requires taking risks. At Ninja Camp it feels like it’s more OK to fail, and so people push their boundaries, take higher risks, and out of that we get greater projects.”

“ Ninja Camp意识到软件开发从根本上说是创造性的工作,” Unity的CTO和联合创始人Joachim Ante说。 “创造力需要冒险。 在忍者营地,感觉失败的可能性更大,因此人们不断突破极限,承担更高的风险,并因此获得了更多的项目。”

Keep reading to learn more about three cool Ninja Camp projects. All of these projects are still prototypes and at this time we can’t tell you when they will be developed into features and released.

继续阅读以了解有关三个很酷的Ninja Camp项目的更多信息。 所有这些项目仍是原型,目前我们无法告诉您何时将它们开发为功能部件并发布。

The Mecanim projects


2D blend nodes


2D blend nodes will let you set-up blend nodes that blend animations based on two parameters instead of one.


Blend trees in Unity 4.0 let you create visual hierarchies of animations that are blended together. For each node in the tree you can blend the animations based on a parameter, such as speed, or turning angle. For example, one node can blend walking, jogging and running animations according to a speed parameter.

Unity 4.0中的混合树使您可以创建混合在一起的动画的可视层次结构。 对于树中的每个节点,您可以基于诸如速度或转弯角度之类的参数来混合动画。 例如,一个节点可以根据速度参数混合行走,慢跑和跑步动画。

The new 2D blend nodes will let you blend animations according to two parameters in a single node. For example, you could blend based on speed and turning angle, or you could blend according to forward speed and sideways speed. 2D blend nodes can also be used for setting up aiming in different directions, or for any other collection of motions that can be ordered according to two parameters. This lets you create your blend trees using fewer nodes and in a more flexible and intuitive way. See the video:

新的2D混合节点将使您可以在单个节点中根据两个参数混合动画。 例如,您可以根据速度和转弯角度进行混合,也可以根据前进速度和横向速度进行混合。 2D混合节点也可以用于设置不同方向的瞄准,或者用于可以根据两个参数排序的任何其他运动集合。 这使您可以使用更少的节点并以更灵活和直观的方式创建混合树。 观看视频:




With a new Recording feature you will be able to set up time-based gameplay, seen in games such as Braid and Prince of Persia, for any object animated in Mecanim.


The technology developed during Ninja Camp will serve as a baseline for the team—and our community—to develop tools that will allow users to visualize and scrub the Mecanim system, including Animations,  States, Blend Trees and Parameters.

Ninja Camp期间开发的技术将作为团队和我们社区的基础,以开发工具,使用户可以可视化和清理Mecanim系统,包括动画,状态,混合树和参数。

“When implementing a feature like Recording, we always ask ourselves ‘How can we have an API as simple and intuitive as possible?’”, says Mecanim developer Pierre Paul Giroux. “I think we hit that target, since it’s now possible to have a ‘rewind time’ gameplay added to a Mecanim object with 2-3 lines of code!”

Mecanim开发人员Pierre Paul Giroux说:“在实现诸如Recording之类的功能时,我们总是问自己'我们如何拥有尽可能简单直观的API?”。 “我认为我们达到了这个目标,因为现在可以用2-3行代码将'倒带时间'游戏添加到Mecanim对象中!”

See the video:



Auto Ragdoll


Setting up a ragdoll can be difficult: going from animation to ragdoll, recovering from ragdoll back to animation or ragdoll on specific body parts are all problems you need to deal with in order to get a proper mix of ragdoll and animation. We aim to create an out-of-the-box solution for this in Mecanim.

设置布娃娃可能很困难:从动画到布娃娃,从布娃娃恢复回到动画或特定身体部位上的布娃娃,这些都是您要解决的问题,以便正确地混合布娃娃和动画。 我们旨在在Mecanim中为此提供一个开箱即用的解决方案。

The Mecanim humanoid biomechanical model will set up ragdoll colliders, constraints and masses automatically and precisely. The State Machine will help to define “ragdoll States” and transitions to blend in/out ragdoll simulation. The Avatar Mask on Animator Controller Layers will be useful for defining which body part should be simulated with ragdoll. Evaluating ragdoll speed from animation and blending ragdoll transform back to animation can be synchronized in the Unity evaluation loop.

Mecanim人形生物力学模型将自动且精确地设置布娃娃对撞机,约束和质量。 状态机将帮助定义“布娃娃状态”和过渡以混入/布出布娃娃模拟。 动画控制器层上的头像蒙版将有助于定义应使用布娃娃模拟的身体部位。 可以在Unity评估循环中同步从动画评估布娃娃速度以及将布娃娃转换回动画的过程。

“I always thought that physics simulation works well for bouncing balls or falling blocks, but when applied to human motion the results don’t look good.” says lead Mecanim developer Robert Lanciault. “This is caused mainly by not having the right tools. If we can offer an integrated solution that removes most of the complexity of mixing humanoid animation and physics, our users can concentrate on creating nice human/ragdoll simulation, instead of the tech.”

“我一直认为物理模拟对于弹跳球或掉落的块效果很好,但是当应用于人体运动时,效果看起来并不理想。” 首席Mecanim开发人员Robert Lanciault说。 “这主要是由于没有正确的工具。 如果我们能够提供一种集成解决方案,从而消除了混合人形动画和物理的大部分复杂性,那么我们的用户将可以专注于创建漂亮的人/布娃娃模拟,而不是技术。”

See the video:



The Ninjas:


Pierre-Paul Giroux, software developer, Mecanim Robert Lanciault, lead developer, Mecanim Rune Skovbo Johansen, Editor team developer + Guest Ninjas Damien Morello, and Yilmaz Kiymaz

Pierre-Paul Giroux,Mecanim软件开发人员Robert Lanciault,首席开发人员,Mecanim Rune Skovbo Johansen,编辑团队开发人员+ Guest Ninjas Damien Morello和Yilmaz Kiymaz

Why Ninja Camp rocks:


Rune: “We encounter very hard challenges with designing Unity so that it’s uniquely flexible, extremely powerful and yet super simple to use. This often requires some real innovative solutions that can be hard to foster when under a tight deadline to deliver the next release. Having Ninja Camps is one of the things we’re doing to make room for this innovation by allowing free and unrestrained experimentation. On a personal level this is also highly satisfying. We are passionate about our work, so finding awesome solutions to problems is one of the best things we can imagine doing.”

符文 :“在设计Unity时,我们面临着非常艰巨的挑战,因此它具有独特的灵活性,功能强大且使用起来非常简单。 这通常需要一些真正的创新解决方案,而在紧迫的期限内交付下一个版本时,这些解决方案就很难培养。 拥有忍者营地是我们通过允许免费且不受限制的实验为这种创新腾出空间的工作之一。 在个人层面上,这也是非常令人满意的。 我们对工作充满热情,因此,找到令人敬畏的解决方案是我们可以想象的最好的事情之一。”

Pierre Paul: “It’s fun to be semi-disconnected from the normal software engineering process and run with our fresh and crazy ideas. Certainly we get bad ideas, too! But the ratio of good ideas to bad is pretty good!”

Pierre Paul :“与正常的软件工程过程半脱节,并以我们新鲜而疯狂的想法运行,这很有趣。 当然,我们也有不好的主意! 但是好主意与坏主意的比率是相当不错的!”

The Profiling Projects


 The Memory profiler


The Memory Profiler will be a whole new tool within Unity’s suite of profiling solutions, and like our current Profiler, it will make it easy for developers to address performance issues. The Memory Profiler tells you where your non-managed memory is going, shows you what assets are currently loaded into memory and why.

Memory Profiler将成为Unity概要分析解决方案套件中的全新工具,并且像我们当前的Profiler一样,它将使开发人员能够轻松解决性能问题。 Memory Profiler会告诉您非托管内存的去向,并向您显示当前将哪些资产加载到内存中以及原因。

Memory overview of Angry Bots in the Editor 编辑器中的愤怒机器人的内存概述

A lot of our customers have been asking for the Memory profiler, but it will also be useful for Unity’s own developers. They can use it to pinpoint mistakes in memory usage and fix them, helping to strengthen the overall stability and performance of Unity’s game engine.

我们的许多客户一直在寻求Memory Profiler,但它对Unity自己的开发人员也很有用。 他们可以使用它来查明内存使用中的错误并加以纠正,从而有助于增强Unity游戏引擎的整体稳定性和性能。

The Thread profiler


The Thread Profiler displays events visually in a timeline (similar to other profiling tools you might know). The first screenshot shows one frame of a game scene that employs heavy Mecanim and Shuriken functionality. Time goes horizontally, and the display shows main and rendering threads, as well as “worker threads” that execute parts of engine code on as many CPU cores as available. You can see that the Mecanim part is heavily multi-threaded (yellow), followed by a similarly multi-threaded Shuriken part (blue). Then rendering of the frame starts (green), which begins doing actual work on the rendering thread.

Thread Profiler在时间轴上直观地显示事件(类似于您可能知道的其他分析工具)。 第一个屏幕截图显示了采用重型Mecanim和Shuriken功能的游戏场景的一帧。 时间在水平方向移动,显示屏显示主线程和渲染线程,以及“工作线程”,这些线程在可用的多个CPU内核上执行部分引擎代码。 您可以看到Mecanim部件具有大量多线程(黄色),随后是类似的多线程Shuriken部件(蓝色)。 然后开始渲染框架(绿色),这开始在渲染线程上进行实际工作。

Profiler Timeline 探查器时间轴

Within each thread, events are stacked hierarchically, and you can zoom in on any of them, revealing more detail:


Profiler Timeline in Zoom mode 缩放模式下的探查器时间轴

The Thread Profiler will display information more visually than our current Profiler UI, as well as displaying events on the non-main thread as well.


The Ninjas: Aras Pranckevičius, graphics troublemaker Kim Steen Riber, senior software developer Leonardo Carneiro, Asset Store developer, Shawn White, Editor team developer

忍者: ArasPranckevičius,图形麻烦制造者Kim Steen Riber,高级软件开发人员Leonardo Carneiro,Asset Store开发人员,Shawn White,编辑团队开发人员

Why Ninja Camp rocks:


Shawn: “To be able to sit with some of my colleagues from other offices for a week and just jam is really productive. It gets our creative juices flowing, which is very useful for the whole development team. The vibe is really cooperative: I was jumping around to different projects, just helping out where I could.”

肖恩(Shawn) :“能够与其他办公室的一些同事一起坐一个星期,而果酱则真的很有成效。 它使我们的创意源源不断,这对整个开发团队非常有用。 氛围真的很合作:我跳到不同的项目,只是尽我所能。

Kim: “We stop our usual development so that we can think and work creatively and get ideas on the product road map that we otherwise would not have time to consider. And what happens is that some ideas become these awesome projects and you see that it’s possible for them down the road to become actual features.”

Kim :“我们停止通常的发展,以便我们能够进行创造性的思考和工作,并在产品路线图上获得我们本来没有时间考虑的想法。 发生的事情是,一些想法变成了这些很棒的项目,您会发现它们有可能成为现实。

The Shader Graph project


A visual-based tool for writing shaders would make life easier for artists who don’t have extensive coding experience. “We’re aiming to make a simple building block system to create shaders, with no programming involved,” says Editor team developer Tim Cooper.

基于视觉的着色器编写工具将使没有丰富编码经验的艺术家的工作变得更轻松。 “我们的目标是创建一个简单的构建基块系统来创建着色器,而不涉及任何编程,”编辑团队开发人员Tim Cooper说。

The team built a prototype of a shader graph that is based on connecting nodes together to form a graph. Users can build new shaders step by step by connecting the nodes.They can see the results of their work immediately, such as when textures and colors are added.

该团队构建了一个着色器图的原型,该着色器图基于将节点连接在一起以形成图。 用户可以通过连接节点逐步构建新的着色器,他们可以立即看到工作结果,例如添加纹理和颜色时。

“It’s hard to visualize the end result of something you have to code,” says Mono developer Andreia Gaita. “First you have to apply the code, then catch the mistakes, and then go back and modify. Our shader graph will be a huge help for artists, letting them instantly see the effects.”

“很难可视化您必须编写代码的最终结果,” Mono开发人员Andreia Gaita说。 “首先,您必须应用代码,然后发现错误,然后返回并进行修改。 我们的着色器图将为艺术家提供巨大帮助,让他们立即看到效果。”

Shader Graph prototype


The Ninjas: Jan Marguc, audio programmer Renaldas Zioma, tech lead Andreia Gaita, Mono developer Tim Cooper, Editor team developer

忍者 :Jan Marguc,音频程序员Renaldas Zioma,技术主管Andreia Gaita,单声道开发人员Tim Cooper,编辑团队开发人员

Why Ninja Camp rocks:


Tim: “I don’t have to worry about all the little tasks that sidetrack me in my normal work – it’s three weeks of just hacking and coding!”

蒂姆 :“我不必担心在我的日常工作中会困扰我的所有小任务–仅三个星期的黑客和编码工作!”

Andreia: “I work remotely, so I love that I can meet up with my colleagues in Copenhagen, and work with new people and new areas of the product.”

Andreia :“我在远程工作,所以我很高兴能够与哥本哈根的同事见面,并与新朋友和产品的新领域一起工作。”

Jan: “Everyone’s on the same wave length in a Ninja Camp. We’re experimenting, having fun trying out our ideas—we communicate a lot better with each other.”

:“每个人在忍者营中的波长都相同。 我们正在试验,很有趣地尝试了我们的想法-我们彼此之间的交流要好得多。”

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/12/07/three-ninja-camp-vii-projects-at-a-glimpse/

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