神经科学:探索脑第四版_使您的手机游戏成功。 第四部分:建立社区


Meeting with a success on mobile is ultimately about your players, which means serving a community is of prime importance. Here three studios that use Unity share insights into building community, customer service and building a reputation for quality.

在移动设备上成功举办会议最终取决于您的玩家,这意味着为社区服务至关重要。 在这里,三个使用Unity的工作室分享了有关建立社区,客户服务和建立质量声誉的见解。

In our previous pieces looking at making your Unity mobile game a success, we’ve considered the basics of designing a quality free-to-play game, the increasing potential of premium, and getting your creations discovered by users.


In this installment, however, it’s time to look at a rather more human element of making your Unity project a success on mobile; namely your player community.

但是,在本期文章中,是时候探讨使Unity项目在移动设备上取得成功的更为人性化的元素了; 即您的玩家社区。

Whether harnessing the power of your player base to engender discoverability and virality, or embracing the longstanding art of customer service, the way you deal with your players will define the success of your game, perhaps as much as the most advanced user acquisition platform. And often, it’s something you can do with a minimal budget and nominal headcount.

无论是利用玩家群的力量来实现可发现性和病毒性,还是采用长期的客户服务艺术,与玩家打交道的方式都将决定游戏的成功,也许与最先进的用户获取平台一样。 通常,您可以用最少的预算和名义上的人数做到这一点。

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For many, especially as a new game by a small team first emerges in the public spotlight, managing community is essential in gaining the critical mass needed to secure a hit.


That was the case for Blendoku, a Unity-built puzzle game from two-man Los Angeles-based team that has to date enjoyed over 4.3 million downloads. By the studio’s own confession, the pair initially presumed the game wasn’t going to make an impact on launch, almost leaving it unattended. But after seeing some positive user reviews, the developer duo began to do all they could to build a community of players.

Blendoku就是这种情况,Blendoku是Unity的益智游戏,来自洛杉矶的两人团队,迄今为止已获得430万次下载。 通过工作室自己的表白,两人最初认为游戏不会对发布产生影响 ,几乎无人看管。 但是,在看到一些积极的用户评论之后,开发人员二人组开始竭尽所能建立玩家社区。

“Once things took off, we put out a plan to release updates every couple of months or so, we also came up with some seasonal content – [such as a] winter pack,” explains Lonely Few Developer and Co-founder Rod Green, on the subject of building momentum around the game.

“一旦一切顺利,我们就制定了每隔几个月左右发布更新的计划,我们还提出了一些季节性内容,例如冬季包,” Lonely Few开发人员和联合创始人Rod Green解释说,关于在游戏中建立动力的主题。

“We also took a very personal approach to our customer support,” he continues. “We answer every single support email personally. We don’t have canned responses; if you email us for support you’ll get an email back from either Yeong-Hao [Han] or myself within a few hours.”

他继续说:“我们在客户支持方面也采取了非常个性化的方法。” “我们亲自回复每封支持电子邮件。 我们没有罐头回应; 如果您给我们发送电子邮件以寻求支持,您将在数小时内收到Yeong-Hao [Han]或我本人的回信。”

That is no small task for a team of two with over 300,000 active users, but the time invested – without the need for expensive technology platforms – means positive word of mouth and a player community happy to share their experience of the game, which has lead to download spikes of 900,000 users in a single week.


“We often help people with issues that aren’t related to the game, but maybe issues with their device,” continues Green. “Our mindset is if someone goes to the effort to contact us then we’ll make the effort to make sure we resolve their issue. All this combined meant that people who play the game feel like the game is getting better, we’re listening and trying to make it the best experience we can.”

“我们通常会帮助人们解决与游戏无关的问题,但也许会解决设备问题,”格林继续说道。 “我们的心态是,如果有人愿意与我们联系,那么我们将尽力确保我们解决他们的问题。 所有这些加在一起,意味着玩游戏的人感觉游戏正在变得越来越好,我们正在倾听并努力使它成为最佳体验。”

And when time is the commodity that lets Lonely Few support its community, there needs to be efficiency in the studio. In that regard Unity has proved a powerful asset for Green and his sole colleague.

当时间成为让寂寞的人支持其社区的商品时,工作室就需要提高效率。 在这方面,Unity被证明是格林及其唯一同事的一项强大资产。

“The strength and customizability of the editor as an art and design tool meant we were able produce the content for our games without the usual bottlenecks in tool development,” explains Green. “Again, being a two-man team, if one of us is waiting on the other we’re running at 50 per cent efficiency. The Unity Editor has been built with the mindset of extensibility and for that I’m very thankful.”

格林解释说:“编辑器作为一种艺术和设计工具的实力和可定制性意味着我们能够为我们的游戏制作内容,而不会出现工具开发中常见的瓶颈。” “作为一个两人团队,如果我们中的一个正在等待另一个,我们的效率将达到50%。 Unity Editor的构建基于可扩展性的思想,对此我非常感谢。”

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Half-way around the world another team finding success on mobile is Israeli studio Jelly Button, which is currently experiencing snowballing growth with its simple, socially driven free-to-play title Pirate Kings.

在全球范围内,另一个在移动领域取得成功的团队是以色列工作室Jelly Button,该工作室目前以其简单,社交驱动的免费游戏《海盗王》(Pirate Kings)而经历了飞速增长。

When a game is social, and its mechanics encourage and reward sharing, community support is more paramount to success than ever. It’s a fact the Jelly Button team well knows, and one it has put to incredible effect with a game downloaded by some 14 million people. Pirate Kings encourages users to attack the custom islands of their friends, and is conceived to create viral loops that have seen 90 million invites sent a day on social media. The numbers are staggering – especially when you consider the game is developed and maintained by a team of around 20 staff – and the phenomenon owes much to Jelly Button’s focus on community.

当游戏是社交游戏,并且其机制鼓励和分享奖励时,社区支持比以往任何时候都更重要。 Jelly Button团队非常了解这一事实,并且通过下载约1400万人下载的游戏,其效果令人难以置信。 海盗王鼓励用户攻击自己朋友的自定义岛屿,并构想出病毒循环,每天在社交媒体上发送了9000万条邀请。 这个数字是惊人的,特别是当您考虑到游戏是由大约20名员工组成的团队开发和维护时,这种现象很大程度上归因于Jelly Button对社区的关注。

“I think it’s all about connections between people,” offers Ron Rejwan, Jelly Button Co-founder and CTO, pondering why Pirate Kings has succeeded on mobile. “The game itself might seem very simple, but I believe the real fun of the game comes from an invisible social layer outside the game. People actually get really emotional about their friends attacking and stealing from them, and it’s quite amazing how great of an effect this can have on people.”

“我认为这完全是人与人之间的联系,” Jelly Button联合创始人兼CTO Ron Rejwan提出,思考为什么Pirate Kings在移动领域取得成功。 “游戏本身看似非常简单,但我相信游戏的真正乐趣来自游戏外部的隐形社会层。 人们实际上对朋友的攻击和偷窃感到非常激动,这对人们产生了多么大的影响,这真是令人惊讶。”

“Community is really important to us, and it helps make our game succeed,” adds MOR Shani, Jelly Button Co-founder and Co-CEO. “Even with a small team we think it is worth having staff in a customer support role, and we have a community manager coming onto the team. For us as a company, almost nothing is more important than community. It’s so important to our game, and the future of our game. We are only 20 people, and we have managed to build our community.

“社区对我们来说确实很重要,它有助于使我们的游戏取得成功,” Jelly Button联合创始人兼联合首席执行官MOR Shani补充道。 “即使只有一个很小的团队,我们也认为值得让员工担任客户支持角色,并且我们有一个社区经理加入团队。 对于我们公司而言,没有什么比社区更重要。 这对我们的游戏以及游戏的未来至关重要。 我们只有20个人,我们已经成功建立了我们的社区。

“You just have to do everything you can,” Shani advises. “We reach out to every user we can, we run giveaways, we welcome people to come and join our user groups. We are around 20 people, but we manage to do a lot to connect with our community, and that helps the community grow.”

“您只需要尽一切可能,” Shani建议。 “我们与所有可以接触到的用户保持联系,我们开展赠品活动,我们欢迎人们前来加入我们的用户群。 我们大约有20人,但是我们设法与社区建立联系,这有助于社区发展。”

Jelly Button has worked hard for its success, but the community-focused methods that form the spearhead of its drive for growth are simple models applicable to all studios.

杰利·巴顿(Jelly Button)为取得成功而努力奋斗,但以社区为中心的方法是其发展动力的先锋,是适用于所有工作室的简单模型。

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There is also an alternative perspective on serving the community to succeed in the mobile space; one of delivering a quality product that recognizes the distinct needs of a particular audience. It’s a strategy that has seen Swedish team Toca Boca meet with lasting success in a space where many get it wrong; namely kids’ and family apps. Toca Boca has built a commercially successful, well-respected studio that makes creatively exciting, positive children’s games that wow the critics as much as the parents of their players; most recently with Toca Nature, which uses Unity to dazzling effect.

服务社区以在移动领域取得成功还有另一种观点。 一种提供可识别特定受众独特需求的优质产品的公司。 这一策略使瑞典团队Toca Boca在很多人都错了的地方取得了持久的成功。 即儿童和家庭应用。 托卡·博卡(Toca Boca)建立了一个商业上成功的,备受推崇的工作室,该工作室制作富有创造力的,积极的儿童游戏,这些评论家和他们的玩家的父母都赞不绝口; 最近与Toca Nature合作,后者使用Unity带来令人眼花effect乱的效果。

Put simply, Toca Boca cares about the players it serves, and has thus built a reputation among parents, educators and press as a leading brand for children’s games, which in turn has made a success of the studio and its releases.

简而言之,托卡·博卡(Toca Boca)关心所服务的玩家,因此在父母,教育者和媒体中赢得了儿童游戏的领先品牌的声誉,这反过来又使工作室及其发行版获得了成功。

“We want to create a trustworthy and durable family brand and as such we put a lot of passion into making our products both fun and safe,” states Mårten Brüggemann, Play Designer at Toca Boca. “Part of that is making every kid feel at home with our product. Our motto is that ‘no kid – or parent – should feel that a Toca Boca app is not for them because of gendered signals in marketing, packaging or the overall feeling of the app’.”

“我们希望创建一个值得信赖和持久的家庭品牌,因此,我们投入了极大的热情来使我们的产品既有趣又安全”,Toca Boca游戏设计师MårtenBrüggemann说。 “其中的一部分是使每个孩子都对我们的产品有家的感觉。 我们的座右铭是“由于市场营销,包装或应用的整体感觉中存在性别信号,因此任何孩子(或父母)都不会觉得Toca Boca应用不适合他们”。

Toca Boca, then, is an ethics-lead studio, which has helped it form a reputation with parents that in turn has seen the studio prosper. “One important part of our promise to families is that we don’t expose kids to in-app purchases or external advertising,” says Lucas Kampmann Duroj, Lead Programmer at Toca Boca. “We could earn a lot of money by having a freemium model with loads of in-app purchases, but we know from experience we are as successful with our current model because it gives us a durable relationship with parents and their kids.”

当时,托卡·博卡(Toca Boca)是一家道德领导工作室,它帮助它在父母中树立了声誉,从而使工作室繁荣了起来。 “对家庭的承诺的一个重要部分是,我们不会让孩子接触应用程序内购买或外部广告,” Toca Boca首席程序员Lucas Kampmann Duroj说。 “通过拥有大量应用内购买的免费增值模式,我们可以赚很多钱,但我们从经验中知道我们在当前模式下的成功是因为它使我们与父母和他们的孩子之间建立了持久的关系。”

And for Toca Boca, Unity is core to giving that audience the quality they demand. “Unity is a perfect match for Toca Boca games,” says Duroj. “It lets us both do 2D and 3D projects and anything in between. It supports all of our target platforms and more. Unity provides the tools for most of the technology we need yet still is easy enough to expand upon when we need to. Unity also provides a common development platform for all of our app teams, making it easier for us to share knowledge both in house and outside the studio.”

对于Toca Boca而言,Unity是为该受众群体提供他们所需要的质量的核心。 “团结是Toca Boca游戏的绝配,” Duroj说。 “它使我们都可以执行2D和3D项目以及介于两者之间的任何操作。 它支持我们所有的目标平台以及更多。 Unity为我们所需的大多数技术提供了工具,但仍然足够容易,可以在需要时进行扩展。 Unity还为我们所有的应用程序团队提供了一个通用的开发平台,这使我们更容易在室内和工作室外共享知识。”

Toca Boca’s broad approach to its games brings us back to that core tenant that defines mobile success across the Unity-using teams, whether targeting freemium or premium, and whether serving a community or attracting users; make a good game that suits your audience. It might be naïve to think that’s all there is to it, but with Unity as a foundation, you’re on the right track to finding your own mobile success story.

Toca Boca广泛的游戏方式使我们回到了核心租户,该租户定义了使用Unity的团队在移动游戏方面的成功,无论是针对免费增值还是高端用户,还是为社区服务还是吸引用户。 制作适合您的受众群体的好游戏。 也许就这么简单,但以Unity为基础,您在寻找自己的移动成功故事的正确道路上就走了。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/05/27/making-your-mobile-game-a-success-part-four-building-community/






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