虚拟化 半虚拟化 全虚拟化_虚拟化可以使您的业务受益的7种方法

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Virtualisation is one of the most exciting technologies being used by businesses today. It has revolutionised the IT world, bringing a range of benefits to both service providers and their customers. In this post, we’ll look at how virtualisation can help your company.

虚拟化是当今企业使用的最令人兴奋的技术之一。 它彻底改变了IT世界,为服务提供商及其客户带来了一系列好处。 在本文中,我们将探讨虚拟化如何为您的公司提供帮助。

1。 酷环保的IT解决方案 (1 . A cool and eco-friendly IT solution )

A server can generate a lot of heat and when it is not properly cooled it has the potential to overheat. This can lead to power outages, hardware failure and a resulting loss of data – all critical events that businesses strive to avoid. When you have banks of servers sitting in the same datacentre, the potential for disaster is even greater. One way to reduce the amount of heat generated is to reduce the number of physical servers being used and this can be done effectively by creating multiple virtual servers on each physical machine.

服务器会产生大量热量,如果未适当冷却,则可能会导致过热。 这可能导致断电,硬件故障并导致数据丢失,这是企业努力避免的所有关键事件。 当您有位于同一数据中心中的服务器组时,发生灾难的可能性更大。 减少产生的热量的一种方法是减少正在使用的物理服务器的数量,这可以通过在每个物理机上创建多个虚拟服务器来有效地完成。

Not only is this a cooler solution; it’s also an eco-friendly one. Businesses are not only lowering the energy consumption needed to run so many physical machines; they are also reducing the energy required to power air-conditioning. As a result, virtualisation can help your drive to become carbon neutral while bringing about less expensive energy bills at the same time.  

这不仅是一个更凉爽的解决方案; 这也是一种环保的产品。 企业不仅在降低运行如此多的物理机所需的能源消耗,还降低了能耗。 它们还减少了驱动空调所需的能源。 因此,虚拟化可以帮助您的驱动器实现碳中和,同时降低成本。

2. 部署和维护成本更低 (2. Less expensive to deploy and maintain )

The capital expenditure required to create an in-house datacentre can be very expensive when you add up the cost of the hardware. Servers are not cheap. With virtualisation, the number of physical servers needed is fewer, thus lowering the overall investment needed. Similarly, virtual servers require much less maintenance than their hardware counterparts and this lowers costs even more.

当您增加硬件成本时,创建内部数据中心所需的资本支出可能非常昂贵。 服务器并不便宜。 通过虚拟化,所需的物理服务器数量更少,从而降低了所需的总体投资。 同样,虚拟服务器所需的维护要比硬件同类维护少得多,这甚至可以进一步降低成本。

Those who opt to use virtual machines hosted by a service provider will also notice a significant difference in the price.


3. 快速部署 (3. Blisteringly fast to deploy )

Deploying a new virtual server is a swift and simple process that enables companies to get on with necessary tasks without disruption. This attribute is also excellent for preventing downtime. If a physical server crashed and there wasn’t a redundant backup available, getting back online could be a time-consuming process with a costly outcome. Using virtualisation, a new server could be online in the time it takes to boot up.

部署新的虚拟服务器是一个快速而简单的过程,可让公司无需中断即可继续执行必要的任务。 此属性对于防止停机也非常有用。 如果物理服务器崩溃,并且没有冗余备份可用,那么重新联机可能是一个耗时的过程,并且成本很高。 使用虚拟化,新服务器可以在启动时在线。

4. 更快的最新备份 (4. Faster up-to-date backups)

Today’s virtual backup tools, like Veaam, enable not just the data stored on virtual machines but the entire virtual server to be backed up swiftly, securely and at automated schedules, ensuring that what you store is always up to date. As it is possible to migrate these virtual servers between physical machines, any necessary redeployment can be undertaken very quickly.

如今的虚拟备份工具,例如Veaam,不仅使存储在虚拟机上的数据成为可能,而且还使整个虚拟服务器得以快速,安全和自动地进行备份,以确保存储的内容始终是最新的。 由于可以在物理机之间迁移这些虚拟服务器,因此可以非常Swift地进行任何必要的重新部署。

5. 灾难恢复变得简单快捷 (5. Disaster Recovery made simple and quick)

Being unable to recover quickly from a disaster situation can have a catastrophic impact on a company, potentially putting them out of business. Despite this, a 2019 survey discovered that 82% of businesses were not fully prepared for a DR incident, with only 27% confident they could ensure continuous availability and only half of them confident of restoring all their data. The majority believed it would take over 8 hours to fully restore services.

无法从灾难中快速恢复可能会对公司造成灾难性的影响,有可能使他们破产。 尽管如此,2019年的一项调查发现,有82%的企业没有为灾难恢复事件做好充分的准备,只有27%的企业有信心确保持续可用性,只有一半的企业有信心恢复所有数据。 大多数人认为完全恢复服务将花费8个小时以上。

In a virtual environment, however, the DR process is both simplified and quicker. Regular backups ensure your virtual server and data are up to date and these can be migrated to another location to be restored within minutes of going offline.

但是,在虚拟环境中,灾难恢复过程既简单又快速。 定期备份可确保您的虚拟服务器和数据是最新的,并且可以将它们迁移到另一个位置,以在脱机后几分钟内恢复。

6. 更轻松,更安全的DevOps和测试 (6. Easier and safer DevOps and testing)

For those developing new applications or testing new environments, there’s always the risk that if something goes wrong you would have to restart the testing process from the beginning. The ability to create backup clones of virtual machines at any point during testing means that if the worst happens, you can restore the last working stage of your project almost instantly. As a result, testing is less arduous and can proceed at a quicker pace.

对于那些开发新应用程序或测试新环境的人来说,始终存在以下风险:如果出现问题,则必须从头开始重新启动测试过程。 在测试期间的任何时候都可以创建虚拟机的备份克隆,这意味着如果发生最坏的情况,您几乎可以立即恢复项目的最后一个工作阶段。 结果,测试的难度降低了,并且可以更快地进行。

7. 避免供应商锁定 (7. Avoid vendor lock-in)

Reliance on the hardware configuration provided by your vendor can tie you to their services and prevent you from seeking better provision elsewhere. Virtual machines, however, work independently from physical servers so there is no reliance on any specific server type or platform. As a result, many of the complications that arise during migration to a new vendor are removed, meaning you can be free from vendor lock-in.

依靠供应商提供的硬件配置可以将您与他们的服务联系在一起,并阻止您在其他地方寻求更好的配置。 但是,虚拟机独立于物理服务器运行,因此不依赖任何特定的服务器类型或平台。 结果,消除了在迁移到新供应商期间出现的许多复杂情况,这意味着您可以摆脱供应商锁定的麻烦。

结论 ( Conclusion )

As you can see, virtualisation brings many benefits to businesses. It safer, greener, requires less energy and needs less capital expenditure and maintenance. Additionally, it offers swift backups, quick deployment, it simplifies and speeds up disaster recovery and makes testing easier. It even removes the potential for vendor lock-in.

如您所见,虚拟化为企业带来了很多好处。 它更安全,更环保,所需能源更少,所需资本支出和维护更少。 此外,它提供了快速备份,快速部署,简化并加速了灾难恢复的功能,并使测试更加容易。 它甚至消除了供应商锁定的可能性。

If you are looking to benefit from virtualisation, take a look at our VPS and Cloud Hosting solutions.  

如果您希望从虚拟化中受益,请查看我们的VPSCloud Hosting解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-ways-virtualisation-can-benefit-your-business/

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