社交媒体 的营销策略_如何制定可行的社交媒体策略

社交媒体 的营销策略

When it comes to making a purchase, 75% of consumers will opt for a company they have previously liked on social media. With statistics like this, it is impossible to ignore the potential that social media has to transform your business. However, you can’t just post things willy-nilly and hope for the best; instead, you need to have a social media marketing strategy. In this post, we’ll take you through the process of creating one.

在进行购买时,有75%的消费者会选择以前在社交媒体上喜欢的公司。 有了这样的统计数据,就不可能忽略社交媒体改变您的业务的潜力。 但是,您不能随便张贴一些事情,并希望取得最好的成绩。 相反,您需要制定社交媒体营销策略。 在这篇文章中,我们将引导您完成一个创建过程。

1. 定义您想要实现的结果 (1. Define the outcomes you want to achieve )

Your social media strategy needs to be linked to your company’s goals for it to have practical value for your business. For example, you may wish to expand awareness of your brand, improve online sales, increase ROI, get more customers visiting your bricks and mortar store or develop an audience of loyal followers.

您的社交媒体策略需要与公司的目标联系起来,才能为您的业务带来实际价值。 例如,您可能希望提高品牌知名度,改善在线销售,增加投资回报率,吸引更多客户访问您的实体店或吸引忠实的追随者。

When creating your social media strategy, you’ll need to decide what your objectives for it are and then set short-term goals that you know are achievable and affordable.


2. 了解你的听众 (2. Know your audience)

Understanding your audience is the key to a successful social media marketing strategy. Luckily, your research can be made easier by using some of the many analytics tools. These can give you detailed insights into the audience demographics of the various social media platforms, showing you the best platforms to use and the types of content you should post.

了解您的受众是成功的社交媒体营销策略的关键。 幸运的是,通过使用许多分析工具中的一些,可以简化您的研究。 这些可以让您详细了解各种社交媒体平台的受众人口统计特点,从而向您展示最佳使用平台和应发布的内容类型。

Once established on a platform, you can drill down and analyse the demographic data of those who follow you. This can give you a much sharper understanding of those who actually see your content and how they interact with it. 

在平台上建立后,您可以深入并分析关注您的人的人口统计数据。 这可以使您对真正看到您的内容的人以及他们与之交互的方式有更深刻的了解。

3. 专注于重要的指标 (3. Focus on metrics that count)

To work effectively, a social media marketing strategy should make effective use of the data it has available. However, some data is more valuable than others and you need to be selective about which metrics are going to benefit your company the most. Rather than focusing on likes and shares, it may be more useful to track the volume of users who see a post, the number of clicks-throughs your content gets, the rate of engagement (the ratio of interactions to impressions) and the sentiment of those interactions (emoji data). Overall, the metrics you choose to focus on should be able to help you understand how effectively you are achieving your outcomes.

为了有效地工作,社交媒体营销策略应有效利用现有数据。 但是,某些数据比其他数据更有价值,您需要选择哪些指标最能使您的公司受益。 与其关注点赞和分享,不如追踪看到帖子的用户数量,内容获得的点击次数,互动率(互动次数与展示次数的比率)以及这些互动(表情符号数据)。 总体而言,您选择关注的指标应该能够帮助您了解实现结果的效率。

4. 查看比赛 (4. Check out the competition )

Discovering what works for your competitors is a useful way to help you shape your own social media strategy. You can do this simply by following them and viewing their content or by using one of the many competitor analysis tools that are now available.

发现对您的竞争对手有效的方法是帮助您制定自己的社交媒体策略的有用方法。 您可以通过关注他们并查看其内容,或使用现在可用的众多竞争对手分析工具之一来简单地做到这一点。

What you shouldn’t do is simply imitate what your competitors are doing. Instead, look at the most interacted with types of content which your competitors post, whether that’s video, images, text, or even user-generated content, and use these to inform the creation of your own, unique content.

您不应该做的就是简单地模仿竞争对手的行为。 相反,请查看与竞争对手发布的内容类型互动最频繁的内容,无论是视频,图像,文本,甚至是用户生成的内容,然后使用这些信息来创建自己的独特内容。

5. 开始处理自己的内容 (5. Start working on your own content)

Only once you’ve set your goals, chosen your platforms, identified your key metrics and checked out how others do things well, are you ready to start creating the content to publish yourself.


There are several considerations you need to take into account here. Firstly, you’ll need to make decisions about what to publish. This will depend on the platform you have chosen, the preferences of your audience and your budget.

您需要在此处考虑几个注意事项。 首先,您需要决定发布什么。 这将取决于您选择的平台,受众的偏好和预算。

Video is one of the most liked and shared mediums on all social platforms, however, creating it professionally can be very costly. User-generated content, which can be created using a brand hashtag, is not only very popular, it’s often unique and saves you having to create so much content of your own – and because it’s user-generated, it can be forgiven for not being so professional. Visually stunning images have always been popular on social media and these are also useful for getting customers to click through to other content, such as blog posts or promotions on your website. Aside from the format, you must also consider what messages to post. If you over-focus on selling products, users can lose interest – almost half of users are likely to unfollow a brand whose content is consistently trying to sell them things. Instead, post on a wider range of engaging, relevant topics that promote your company without the hard sell. 

视频是所有社交平台上最受欢迎和共享的媒体之一,但是,专业制作视频可能会非常昂贵。 可以使用品牌标签创建的用户生成的内容不仅非常受欢迎,而且通常很独特,并且省去了您创建自己大量内容的麻烦–由于它是用户生成的,因此可以原谅如此专业。 视觉上令人惊叹的图像在社交媒体上一直很流行,对于使客户点击进入其他内容(例如博客文章或您网站上的促销活动)也很有用。 除了格式外,您还必须考虑要发布的消息。 如果您过度专注于销售产品,则用户可能会失去兴趣-几乎有一半的用户可能会放弃关注其内容一直试图向他们出售产品的品牌。 相反,您可以发布范围广泛的引人入胜的相关主题,这些主题可以促进您的公司发展而无需强行出售。

6. 把握好时机 (6. Get the timings right)

Timing is crucial to the success of your social media marketing strategy – and in a number of ways. First of all, followers will expect to see you post regularly and consistently. Not just on Tuesdays, but every Tuesday. It’s like in the old days when we used to get our favourite magazine delivered on a certain day – we looked forward to it arriving and were disappointed if it didn’t. Lack of consistency can make you lose followers.

时机对于您的社交媒体营销策略的成功至关重要,而且在许多方面都至关重要。 首先,关注者希望看到您定期且一致地发帖。 不仅在星期二,而且每个星期二。 就像过去我们曾经在某一天交付最喜欢的杂志一样,我们很期待它的到来,如果没有,我们会感到失望。 缺乏一致性会使您失去追随者。

Users will also expect you to respond to their comments or questions quickly, which is important if you want to develop meaningful relationships and networks, and essential if you are using social media for customer service. The speed of your response speaks volumes about your commitment to your audience and quick replies are a big plus for social media brand building.

用户还希望您能够快速回应他们的评论或问题,这对于您想要建立有意义的关系和网络非常重要,对于将社交媒体用于客户服务则至关重要。 您的回应速度足以说明您对观众的承诺,而快速回覆对于建立社交媒体品牌是一大优势。

Another important consideration is the time you actually post a message. Post it at the wrong time and many of your audience might be offline. By the time they are online again, it could have disappeared into the abyss of their feed, never to be seen. Luckily, you can use tools that will allow you to schedule when your posts are published so that they can be sent out at the most effective times of the day.

另一个重要的考虑因素是您实际发布消息的时间。 在错误的时间发布它,您的许多观众可能处于离线状态。 当他们再次在线时,它可能已经消失在他们的提要的深渊中,再也看不到了。 幸运的是,您可以使用一些工具来安排帖子的发布时间,以便可以在一天中最有效的时间将其发送出去。

7. 返回并检查指标 (7. Go back and check the metrics )

Finally, you should always keep an eye on your social media strategy data to see which things worked well and which things didn’t. This will stop you wasting time, effort and money on ineffective ideas and inform you which of your creatives are getting the most traction with your users. The more data you have, the better informed you will be.

最后,您应该始终关注自己的社交媒体策略数据,以查看哪些事情效果很好,哪些效果不好。 这样可以避免您将时间,精力和金钱浪费在无效的想法上,并告知您哪些广告素材最受用户青睐。 您拥有的数据越多,您将获得的信息就越好。

结论 (Conclusion  )

As you can see, the process of setting up a social media marketing strategy requires forward planning and research. You’ll need to set goals, research the different platforms and their audiences, figure out the most important metrics to focus on and research your competitors before you start. Only then will you be in a position to create the right content, work out the best times to post and how quickly to respond. And remember to track the progress of your strategy throughout your campaign.

如您所见,建立社交媒体营销策略的过程需要进行前瞻性计划和研究。 您需要在开始之前设定目标,研究不同的平台及其受众,找出最重要的指标来关注和研究竞争对手。 只有这样,您才可以创建正确的内容,确定发布的最佳时间以及响应速度。 并记住在整个广告系列中跟踪策略的进度。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-create-a-social-media-strategy-that-works/

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