

While the rise of internet shopping has led to the slow decline of the high street, last year also saw a reduction in online sales. With trading conditions likely to remain challenging during 2019, eCommerce businesses will need to be at the top of their game if they are to make headway. Doing this means keeping abreast of the latest developments in eCommerce and taking advantage of those which are likely to bring the greatest benefits. In this post, we’ll look at the new trends set to have an impact this year.

虽然网上购物的兴起导致大街的缓慢下降,但去年网上销售额也有所下降。 由于2019年的交易条件可能仍然充满挑战,因此电子商务要想取得进展,就必须处于竞争的顶端。 这样做意味着紧跟电子商务的最新发展,并利用可能带来最大收益的优势。 在这篇文章中,我们将研究今年将产生影响的新趋势。

改善客户体验 (Improving the customer experience)

Social media and review sites give consumers enormous power to influence each other in their buying decisions and one of the things they are increasingly making judgements about is the experience they have when shopping with a business. This experience covers every aspect of their interactions with you, from their first encounter (e.g., seeing an advert) to after sales and beyond.

社交媒体和评论网站赋予消费者巨大的力量,可以相互影响他们的购买决定,而他们越来越在判断的事情之一就是他们在企业购物时的体验。 这段经历涵盖了他们与您互动的方方面面,从初次见面(例如,看到广告)到售后及以后。

What are they looking for? In short, quite a lot. They want brands whose values they can identify with; websites that load quickly, are easy to navigate and work on any device; and purchasing processes that are simple, secure and fast.

他们在找什么? 简而言之,很多。 他们想要可以识别其价值的品牌; 网站加载速度快,易于浏览并可以在任何设备上工作; 以及简单,安全和快速的购买流程。

In addition, customers prefer sites that provide personalised recommendations and offers based on their previous interactions and this means businesses will need to collect more data and do more analyses in order to make recommendations that actually appeal.


Following the purchase, they want a speedy delivery and an easy, no-quibble returns process. Ideally, they want standard delivery to be free and to have all this backed up by easy to contact, friendly, customer service.

购买后,他们希望能够快速交货,并进行简单,毫无疑问的退货流程。 理想情况下,他们希望免费提供标准交货,并通过易于联系,友好的客户服务来支持所有这些。

建立信任 (Developing trust)

The consumers’ concept of trust has developed over recent years and businesses need to take these changes on board. Yes, this still means they need to trust you with their banking details when making purchases – so things like SSL certificates remain essential. However, with so many data breaches taking place, they want guarantees that any personal data you hold on them is going to remain secure and not end up being sold on the dark net. Following on from the Cambridge Analytica scandal, trust also means not having their data sold or used by third parties – particularly for use by political analysts or by insurance companies.

消费者信任的概念已在最近几年发展,企业需要将这些变化纳入考虑范围。 是的,这仍然意味着他们在购买商品时需要信任您的银行信息,因此SSL证书之类的东西仍然必不可少。 但是,由于发生了如此多的数据泄露事件,他们希望保证您所持有的任何个人数据都将保持安全,并且最终不会在暗网上出售。 继Cambridge Analytica丑闻之后,信任还意味着不让第三方出售或使用其数据,尤其是供政治分析员或保险公司使用。

Trust is also increasingly linked to a company’s values and this means having moral integrity. The recent case of the clothing brand that sold fake fur coats which turned out to be made from real fur, is a prime example of something that can damage trust. The high-profile cases of people dying from allergic reactions because food retailers didn’t adequately label their foods is another example. Indeed, the online demonisation of those companies perceived to be at odds with today’s shifting values means, in order to gain the trust of the general public, all businesses need to do the right thing, whether it concerns LGBT rights, race and gender equality or supporting the more vulnerable members of society.        

信任也越来越与公司的价值观联系在一起,这意味着拥有道德诚信。 服装品牌最近的一个案例是出售伪造的裘皮大衣,事实证明它们是用真毛皮制成的,这是破坏信任的典型例子。 另一个因人而异的案例是,由于食品零售商未充分贴上自己的食品标签而使他们死于过敏React。 的确,在线妖魔化那些被认为与当今价值观念不符的公司意味着,为了获得公众的信任,所有企业都必须做正确的事,无论涉及LGBT权利,种族和性别平等还是其他。支持更脆弱的社会成员。

使用AI (Using AI)

Live chat is a key tool for enhancing the customer experience, however, it can be an expensive service to offer. Having staff available 24 hours a day to deal with customer queries isn’t cheap and the more successful your business gets, the more agents you will need.

实时聊天是增强客户体验的关键工具,但是它可能是一项昂贵的服务。 全天候有24小时服务于客户查询的员工并不便宜,您的业务越成功,就需要越多的代理商。

Thankfully, there is now an alternative and cheaper solution that is expected to take eCommerce by storm over the next couple of years and that is the AI chatbot. AI chatbots are essentially computer programs that can understand a customer’s questions and provide human-like responses about your products and services. Unlike humans, they can deal with unlimited customer enquiries at once and operate at all hours of the day.   

值得庆幸的是,现在有一种替代且更便宜的解决方案,有望在未来几年内席卷电子商务,这就是AI聊天机器人。 AI聊天机器人实质上是一种计算机程序,可以理解客户的问题并提供有关您的产品和服务的类似于人的响应。 与人工不同,他们可以立即处理无限制的客户询问,并全天候运作。

The other advantage of a chatbot is that it can be used to generate sales. It can do this by sending automated prompts to get users chatting about a product they are interested in, it can offer them discounts or even make personalised recommendations based on their session data.

聊天机器人的另一个优点是可以用来产生销售。 它可以通过发送自动提示使用户与他们感兴趣的产品进行聊天来做到这一点,它可以为他们提供折扣,甚至可以根据他们的会话数据提出个性化的建议。

渐进式网络应用 (The progressive web app)

With 60% of internet surfing taking place on mobile phones, the key focus over the last few years has been to develop responsive websites. However, the majority of our mobile surfing time is spent on apps, not websites. Rather than developing their own apps, many businesses are using a new format to tempt app-loving mobile surfers – the progressive web app.

随着60%的互联网冲浪都发生在手机上,过去几年的重点是开发响应式网站。 但是,我们大部分的手机上网时间都花在应用而非网站上。 许多企业没有开发自己的应用程序,而是使用一种新格式来吸引喜欢应用程序的移动冲浪者-渐进式Web应用程序。

The progressive web app is a website that uses APIs to let it function and appear just like an app. It works on all types of devices but, unlike a website, doesn’t need to be downloaded on a phone as it is cached and stored on the home screen. It also gets rid of the issues that businesses with separate apps and websites have, such as when a customer puts an item in a basket on the app but finds its not there on the website.

渐进式Web应用程序是使用API​​使其运行并像应用程序一样显示的网站。 它可以在所有类型的设备上使用,但与网站不同,它可以缓存并存储在主屏幕上,因此无需在手机上下载。 它还消除了具有单独的应用程序和网站的企业所遇到的问题,例如,当客户将某件商品放在应用程序中的购物篮中却在网站上找不到该商品时。

The use of progressive web apps will enable businesses to provide a multipurpose web portal that better suits our preferences of surfing on mobiles and computers but which works seamlessly between the two.   


结论 (Conclusion)

Hopefully, this post will have given you an insight into the emerging trends set to develop eCommerce over the next year. With the trading challenges facing online business, adopting some of these trends can be a way to keep your company ahead of the competition and help you meet your targets for the coming year.

希望这篇文章能使您对明年发展电子商务的新兴趋势有深入的了解。 面对在线业务面临的交易挑战,采用这些趋势中的某些趋势可以使您的公司在竞争中保持领先地位,并帮助您实现来年的目标。

If you are looking for hosting to help your eCommerce site perform even better this year, check out our range of hosting solutions.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/4-emerging-trends-set-to-impact-ecommerce-this-year/






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