

Statistics show that email is the most effective marketing channel that businesses can use. It’s an easy and efficient way to communicate with subscribers and to promote your products or services to them. It also has a better ROI than Pay Per Click, SEO, and content marketing. To help you make the most of your email marketing, we’ve put together five tips to make your strategy even more successful.

统计数据表明,电子邮件是企业可以使用的最有效的营销渠道。 与订户交流并向他们推广产品或服务是一种简单有效的方法。 与按点击付费,SEO和内容营销相比,它还具有更好的ROI。 为了帮助您充分利用电子邮件营销,我们整理了五个技巧,以使您的策略更加成功。


1.将您的电子邮件设为个人 (1. Make your emails personal)

When something’s got your name on it, you take more notice of it. Just think of how people handle their snail mail: if it’s addressed to ‘householder’ or ‘customer’, it often gets unceremoniously chucked into the recycling without the envelope being opened. That’s because we know important letters always have our names on them.

当某件事上带有您的名字时,您会更加注意它。 试想一下人们如何处理蜗牛邮件:如果将其发送给“房主”或“客户”,通常会在不打开信封的情况下毫不客气地将其丢弃。 那是因为我们知道重要的字母总是上面有我们的名字。

As we get far more emails than we do letters, we are even more judgemental when we work our way through these. So, if you want your emails to get opened, the first thing you should do is put the customer’s name on. The facility to do this is built into every email marketing or newsletter program: Dear [user_name].

由于我们收到的电子邮件比信件多得多,因此在处理这些电子邮件时,我们更具判断力。 因此,如果您希望打开电子邮件,则首先要做的就是放上客户的姓名。 每个电子邮件营销或新闻通讯程序都内置了执行此操作的功能: 尊敬的[user_name]

But that’s only the start.


Making something personal should go further. Today, businesses should be using the data they hold on customers to make sure that emails are focussed on their interests or needs. If you sell clothing, for example, it would make sense to send your new men’s collection to your male customers and new women’s collection to females. If someone has browsed or bought children’s clothes in the past, then they might be more likely to be interested in emails about children’s clothes.

个性化应该走得更远。 如今,企业应该使用其持有的客户数据来确保电子邮件专注于他们的兴趣或需求。 例如,如果您出售服装,则将新男装系列发送给男性顾客,将新女装系列发送给女性是有意义的。 如果过去曾经浏览或购买过童装,那么他们可能会对电子邮件中的童装感兴趣。

The use of personal data can have a big impact. Subscribers are more likely to open and read an email that contains content aimed at them and are subsequently more likely to make a purchase. It’s a no brainer.

个人数据的使用可能会产生重大影响。 订户更有可能打开并阅读包含针对他们的内容的电子邮件,随后更有可能进行购买。 没关系。

The key to success here is in obtaining that data. You can keep records of a visitor’s browsing and purchasing habits, you can give them the option to make wish lists, or you can ask them information when signing up, by getting them to complete a simple form: “To help ensure we send you relevant emails, please tick which of the things below you would like us to email you about.”

成功的关键在于获取数据。 您可以保留访客的浏览和购买习惯的记录,可以让他们选择填写愿望清单,也可以在注册时询问他们的信息,方法是让他们填写一个简单的表格:“为确保我们向您发送相关信息电子邮件,请勾选您希望我们通过以下哪些电子邮件给您发送电子邮件。”

2.使用细分 (2. Use segmentation )

Splitting your email subscribers into different sections is another effective way to improve the chances of conversion. Firstly, segmentation is another form of personalisation. If your clothing shop puts men and women on different email lists, it means that people aren’t going to unsubscribe when they keep getting irrelevant emails.

将您的电子邮件订阅者分成不同的部分是提高转换机会的另一种有效方法。 首先,细分是个性化的另一种形式。 如果您的服装店将男人和女人放在不同的电子邮件列表中,则意味着人们在不断收到不相关的电子邮件时不会退订。

The other way to segment subscribers is to divide them by the stage they are on in your sales funnel. When optimising your sales funnel, you should send targeted emails to those who are one each of the different stages: lead magnet, tripwire, core offer, profit maximiser and resale. This has been proven to radically increase conversion rates.

细分订阅者的另一种方法是按他们在销售渠道中所处的阶段对其进行划分。 在优化销售渠道时,您应该向以下各个阶段的目标对象发送电子邮件:铅磁铁,绊线,核心报价,利润最大化和转售。 事实证明,这可以从根本上提高转化率。

So, if a subscriber has been intrigued enough by one of your lead magnet mails to follow the call to action, you should remove them from the lead magnet list and add them to the tripwire list, and so forth.


3.创建适合移动设备的电子邮件 (3. Create mobile-friendly emails)

Mobile phones are now the dominant way we access the internet and this includes viewing our emails. Between 2012 and 2016, the percentage of marketing emails opened on mobiles doubled from 27% to 54%. Today, nearly two thirds of us check our phones for emails, news and Facebook before we even get out of bed.

现在,移动电话已成为我们访问互联网的主要方式,其中包括查看电子邮件。 在2012年至2016年期间,在手机上打开的营销电子邮件的比例从27%增至54%,翻了一番。 今天,我们中近三分之二的人甚至在起床之前都在检查手机中的电子邮件,新闻和Facebook。

With this shift towards mobile internet use, it makes sense to have your emails optimised for mobile viewing. In other words, you need a responsive email design. Unfortunately, over 50% of companies don’t do this. Their emails are much less likely to be opened or read.

随着向移动互联网使用的转变,优化电子邮件以进行移动查看变得很有意义。 换句话说,您需要一个响应式的电子邮件设计。 不幸的是,超过50%的公司没有这样做。 他们的电子邮件被打开或阅读的可能性要小得多。

To make mobile emails have a better chance of being successful, make sure both the subject line and the snippet are succinct and put keywords at the beginning. Also, try to make your call to action a prominent feature that is easy to click on.

为了使移动电子邮件更有可能获得成功,请确保主题行和代码段均简洁,并在开头放置关键字。 另外,请尝试将号召性用语作为易于点击的突出功能。

4.使用自动电子邮件活动 (4. Use automated email campaigns )

Automated emails make marketing so much easier. For newsletters and email subscribers, it’s reassuring when emails always arrive on the same day and at the same time. Not only does this help them see your company as reliable, it also gives them something to look forward to. Your regular Friday email might be what they read over breakfast or on the commute to work. Emails with erratic arrival times can slip through the net and lead to customer disappointment.

自动化的电子邮件使营销变得非常容易。 对于时事通讯和电子邮件订阅者,当电子邮件总是在同一天和同一时间到达时,可以放心。 这不仅帮助他们将您的公司视为一家可靠的公司,而且还给了他们一些期待的东西。 您星期五的常规电子邮件可能是他们在早餐时或通勤时阅读的内容。 到达时间不稳定的电子邮件可能会漏网,导致客户失望。

You can also use automated emails to respond to customer actions. Not only are they useful for confirming orders and other transactional communication, they are the perfect channel for seizing short lived opportunities. If someone has just bought a product from you, an email offering 10% off a related product is a clever way to maximise profits. “Congratulations on the purchase of your new golf clubs. As a thank you for buying them from us, we’d like to offer you a 10% discount off our new range of golf bags.”

您还可以使用自动电子邮件来响应客户的操作。 它们不仅对确认订单和其他交易沟通有用,而且是抓住短暂机会的理想渠道。 如果某人刚刚从您那里购买了产品,那么提供相关产品10%折扣的电子邮件是最大化利润的明智方法。 “恭喜您购买了新的高尔夫球杆。 感谢您从我们这里购买它们,我们想为您提供我们新系列高尔夫球袋的10%折扣。”

These latter types of emails, known as trigger emails, are opened twice as often as standard emails and have twice the click through rates. It’s definitely something you should consider including in your marketing strategy.

后一种类型的电子邮件(称为触发电子邮件)的打开频率是标准电子邮件的两倍,点击率是其两倍。 这绝对是您应该考虑的策略之一。

5.提高信任度:使您的电子邮件安全 (5. Improve trust: make your emails secure)

One of the problems with email is that scammers use it to defraud customers. There are some very clever criminals out there that can make emails look realistic enough to fool recipients that they are from legitimate companies. This is why many people don’t open emails if they are not 100% sure about their authenticity.

电子邮件的问题之一是诈骗者使用电子邮件欺骗客户。 那里有一些非常聪明的罪犯,可以使电子邮件看起来逼真得足以欺骗来自合法公司的收件人。 这就是为什么许多人如果不能100%确定其真实性就不会打开电子邮件的原因。

The best way to stop this happening to you, is to make sure that your emails are authenticated and that the information in them is encrypted. You can do this very cheaply by using services such as PersonalSign. This way, when you send an email, your customers will know that it definitely comes from you and that its content has not been tampered with.

阻止这种情况发生的最好方法是,确保您的电子邮件经过身份验证,并且其中的信息已加密。 您可以通过使用PersonalSign等服务来非常便宜地完成此操作。 这样,当您发送电子邮件时,您的客户将知道该电子邮件肯定来自您,并且其内容未被篡改。

结论 (Conclusion)

Email marketing remains the most successful way to market your company but the techniques businesses use to increase its effectiveness continue to develop and improve. Hopefully, this post will have shown you five ways to make your email marketing strategy even more effective.

电子邮件营销仍然是营销公司最成功的方法,但是企业用来提高其有效性的技术也在不断发展和改进。 希望这篇文章将向您展示使您的电子邮件营销策略更加有效的五种方法。

If you are looking for secure and effective email hosting for your business, check out our affordable email hosting solutions.




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