
Wouldn’t it be great if, once your WordPress website went live, you could just leave it to do its job? Unfortunately, you can’t. As of yet, no-one has developed a self-managed website, so it’s up to you to keep yours in good shape and running optimally. To make sure your site is on top of its game, here are some of the most important WordPress management tasks that you need to carry out on a regular basis.

如果您的WordPress网站上线后,您可以让它去做自己的工作,那不是很好吗? 不幸的是,你不能。 到目前为止,还没有人开发过一个自我管理的网站,因此,要保持自己的身体状况和最佳运行状态取决于您。 为了确保您的网站处于领先地位,这是您需要定期执行的一些最重要的WordPress管理任务。

  1. Ensure WordPress, themes and plugins are kept up to date


Older versions of software are an open door to cybercriminals who use bots to hunt for websites with vulnerable WordPress, theme and plugin files. This is why developers are always updating their software so that those security holes are closed. Failure to keep these files updated means you are at much greater risk of being hacked or infected.

较旧版本的软件为网络犯罪分子敞开了大门,他们使用机器人程序来搜索具有漏洞的WordPress,主题和插件文件的网站。 这就是为什么开发人员总是更新他们的软件,以消除那些安全漏洞的原因。 无法更新这些文件意味着您面临被黑客入侵或感染的更大风险。

WordPress has a built-in ability to update the WordPress core, theme and plugin files, though with themes and plugins, this is often limited to those which are available from the WordPress repository. If you’ve installed third-party themes and plugins, these may need to be updated manually. If you use a security plugin, such as Wordfence, you will be notified if any update is required on your site.

WordPress具有内置功能来更新WordPress核心,主题和插件文件,尽管具有主题和插件,但通常仅限于WordPress存储库中可用的主题和插件。 如果您已经安装了第三方主题和插件,则可能需要手动更新它们。 如果您使用Wordfence之类的安全插件,则将通知您网站上是否需要任何更新。

You should always update your software regularly and as soon as possible after an update.


  1. Backup your website


An essential management task for any webmaster is ensuring that your website is backed up. This includes your WordPress installation, themes, plugins, content and database. If your site goes down you need a backup to enable your disaster recovery to happen as quickly as possible. If you don’t have a backup, you’ll need to rebuild your website from scratch.

任何网站管理员的一项基本管理任务是确保备份您的网站。 这包括您的WordPress安装,主题,插件,内容和数据库。 如果您的站点出现故障,则需要备份以使灾难恢复尽快发生。 如果没有备份,则需要从头开始重建网站。

There are many things which can cause a disaster, for example, server failure, database corruption, hacking, malware (including ransomware) and accidental deletion. As you never know when these might happen, a backup is your only safeguard against loss of data and the resulting loss of business.

有许多可能导致灾难的事情,例如服务器故障,数据库损坏,黑客,恶意软件(包括勒索软件)和意外删除。 您永远都不知道何时会发生备份,因此,备份是防止数据丢失以及由此造成的业务损失的唯一保障。

Managing backups isn’t difficult. You can automate the process using one of the backup plugins from WordPress or through your web host’s backup service. As part of your management, you’ll need to configure how frequently you need to back up your site. This will depend on the nature of your business; e-commerce sites which make sales throughout the day, for example, might need continuous backups so that no orders are lost if the site goes down.

管理备份并不困难。 您可以使用WordPress备份插件之一或通过Web主机的备份服务来自动化该过程。 作为管理的一部分,您需要配置备份站点的频率。 这将取决于您的业务性质; 例如,全天进行销售的电子商务站点可能需要连续备份,以便在站点关闭时不会丢失任何订单。

  1. Optimise your database

    优化 数据库

Your database is a vital part of your WordPress website, it’s the place where all the important data is stored, such as your settings, user info, content and comments. However, as you work on your website, it begins to get full of unnecessary clutter: pages you have trashed, post drafts, spam comments, pingbacks and lots of other unnecessary old content. And, just like your PC’s hard drive, the database needs defragmenting so that bits of data aren’t scattered all over the place.

数据库是WordPress网站的重要组成部分,是存储所有重要数据(例如设置,用户信息,内容和注释)的地方。 但是,当您在网站上工作时,它开始充满不必要的混乱:您已丢弃的页面,草稿,垃圾邮件评论,pingback和许多其他不必要的旧内容。 而且,就像您的PC硬盘驱动器一样,数据库需要进行碎片整理,以使数据的一部分不会散布到各处。

A cluttered database makes for poorer performance and increases the space you need to store a backup. You can manage database optimisation quickly and easily using a plugin such as WP-Optimize. Just remember to back up your database before doing this.

数据库混乱会导致性能下降,并增加存储备份所需的空间。 您可以使用WP-Optimize之类的插件快速轻松地管理数据库优化。 只需记住在执行此操作之前备份数据库即可。

  1. Regularly update your passwords


Passwords are the keys to your website and it’s vital that no-one gets hold of them. If they do, they can cause all kinds of havoc. For that reason, you should make sure all your passwords are strong. You should also use different passwords for different logins: admin panel, email accounts, FTP, database, etc. If you need advice on how to create really strong passwords, see our post How to choose a secure password.

密码是您网站的密钥,没有人掌握它至关重要。 如果这样做,则可能导致各种破坏。 因此,您应该确保所有密码都是安全的。 您还应该对不同的登录使用不同的密码:管理面板,电子邮件帐户,FTP,数据库等。如果您需要有关如何创建真正的强密码的建议,请参阅我们的文章“ 如何选择安全密码”

One of the problems with passwords, however, is that hackers can use sophisticated software to find out what they are. To protect yourself even more, you should follow the example of many businesses and change passwords on a regular basis.

但是,密码存在的问题之一是,黑客可以使用复杂的软件来查明密码是什么。 为了进一步保护自己,您应该以许多企业为例,并定期更改密码。

  1. Sort out any 404 errors


A 404 error is what visitors see when they search for a page which does not exist on your website. Sometimes, these errors occur because you have deleted a page from your site or changed its URL. If you do this, it is possible that these deleted pages may still be indexed by search engines or have links to them on other websites. Thus, if a user searches for that content on Google or clicks on one of those external links, they’ll get the 404 ‘Page Not Found’ message.

访问者在搜索您网站上不存在的页面时会看到404错误。 有时,会发生这些错误,因为您已经从站点中删除了页面或更改了其URL。 如果执行此操作,则这些删除的页面仍可能被搜索引擎索引或在其他网站上具有指向它们的链接。 因此,如果用户在Google上搜索该内容或单击这些外部链接之一,他们将收到404“找不到页面”消息。

As 404 errors give users a poor experience, search engines frown upon them and they can affect the ranking of your website. They can also lose you valuable business if someone cannot find what they are looking for.

由于404错误会给用户带来糟糕的体验,因此搜索引擎不满意他们,他们可能会影响您网站的排名。 如果有人找不到他们想要的东西,他们也会使您失去宝贵的业务。

You can manage 404 errors in a number of ways. If you have removed a page, you can redirect users to a different page, such as your homepage or one with similar or updated content. The best way to do this is to use a plugin, such as Redirection. Alternatively, you can create a specially designed 404 page that is more user-friendly. The aptly named 404page plugin will do this for you.

您可以通过多种方式管理404错误。 如果删除了页面,则可以将用户重定向到其他页面,例如您的主页或内容相似或更新的页面。 最好的方法是使用插件,例如Redirection 。 另外,您可以创建一个特别设计的404页面,该页面更加用户友好。 恰当命名的404page插件将为您完成此任务。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-essential-wordpress-site-management-tasks/

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