

Note: If you are familiar with WordPress and have a blog then you may not read further.


For people who wish to start their own blog and establish an online presence but do not have any idea about it please read on.


Starting your own blog is not a big deal anymore and anyone with little knowledge of computers can do so easily.


All you need to do it follow the simple guidelines below and you would have your own WordPress blog within an hour.


查找域 (Find a domain)

This is your first and very important step.


If you have thought of a domain name for your blog then it’s great. If not then we will think of one by doing some brainstorming. You need to think on the lines of the kind of blog you wish to have and what audience it would target. If it is for your business then you could use your brand name along with it.

如果您想到了博客的域名,那就太好了。 如果没有,那么我们将通过一些头脑风暴来思考。 您需要考虑希望拥有的博客类型以及目标受众。 如果是您的公司,则可以同时使用品牌名称。

Do not go for a generic keyword and instead choose something unique and easy to remember. If it is your company name it would be better.

不要选择通用关键字,而要选择独特且易于记忆的内容。 如果这是您的公司名称,那会更好。

Register your domain name with the relevant domain extension with a good company.


托管 (Get hosted)

Now that you have your domain you can easily get hosting for your blog so your blog can come online and is ready to be accessed by others.


选择什么主机? (What hosting to choose?)

You might be wondering what hosting to choose and how much to pay for? Depending upon your website and the amount of data you can choose the amount of resources for your server. Usually for new websites shared hosting is the best choice which you can get for not more than 5 pounds.

您可能想知道选择什么主机以及要付多少钱? 根据您的网站和数据量,您可以选择服务器的资源量。 通常对于新网站, 共享主机托管是您不超过5磅的最佳选择。

You can choose a suitable shared hosting package and get your website online.


在您的网站上安装WordPress (Install WordPress on your website)

为什么只问WordPress? (Why only WordPress you may ask?)

Well, WordPress is quite easy to use and is the ideal choice for beginners as well as professionals. It can be setup easily with lots of customizations and themes you can make it the way you want.

好吧,WordPress非常易于使用,是初学者和专业人士的理想选择。 它可以通过许多自定义设置和主题轻松设置,您可以按照自己的方式进行设置。

WordPress is used by more than 73 million websites and is by far the most used Content Management System in the World. That is reason enough for you to consider building your website using WordPress.

WordPress已被超过7300万个网站使用,并且是迄今为止世界上使用最广泛的内容管理系统。 这就是您考虑使用WordPress构建网站的足够理由。

Now you could ask your web hosting provider to install WordPress on your website or if you are proficient enough then you could get a free copy of WordPress from WordPress.org


WordPress Login

After you have installed WordPress you can login to your WordPress dashboard here: “Replacewith yourdomain/wp-admin.php” using the details provided by your host.

安装WordPress之后,您可以使用主机提供的详细信息在此处登录WordPress仪表板:“用yourdomain / wp-admin.php替换”。

On login you would see an interface like this. Don’t worry as you would get comfortable using it very soon.

登录时,您会看到类似这样的界面。 不用担心,因为您很快就会习惯使用它。

WP Dashboard

Go to the ‘Settings Tab’ on the left and click on ‘General Settings’. Here you can fill out the Title of your blog and a Tagline if you wish to.

转到左侧的“设置标签”,然后单击“常规设置”。 如果愿意,您可以在此处填写博客标题标语

Now your website has an identity and you need to work on its appearance. For this you can install any good theme and you are done.

现在,您的网站已具有标识,您需要处理其外观。 为此,您可以安装任何好的主题,然后就可以完成。

Go to the ‘Appearance Tab’ and select ‘Themes’. Then click on install themes and select the colors which you want in your theme and click search. You would see various themes which you can preview and install if you like.

转到“外观标签”,然后选择“主题”。 然后单击安装主题,然后在主题中选择所需的颜色,然后单击搜索。 您将看到各种主题,可以根据需要预览和安装。

Your blog is now setup and is ready to post content.


For adding articles and content to your blog you need to go to the ‘Posts Tab’ and click on ‘Add new’.


Now you have a layout where you can add your article. Simple fill the title and paste the content or type away if you wish to. When you are done simply add the categories which you expect the article to be in and hit publish.

现在您有了一个布局,可以在其中添加文章。 只需填写标题,然后粘贴内容即可,也可以根据需要键入。 完成后,只需添加您希望文章在其中的类别,然后单击“发布”即可。

Congratulations! Your first post in now live on your blog.

恭喜你! 您的第一篇文章现在发布在您的博客上。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/start-wordpress-blog-hour-three-easy-diy-steps/


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