eUKhost推出了适用于Linux和Windows Server的eNlight iNtelligent资源预测器工具

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eUKhost Ltd. is pleased to introduce the “eNlight iNtelligent Resource Predictor Tool” that will help you estimate the costs that would be associated with your existing server or VM’s use if you switch to eNlight Cloud. The tool gathers actual resource consumption data from your server / VM generating an XML file, which is then evaluated by our system to determine what your eNlight Cloud costs will be, based on your server’s / VM’s resource usage patterns. A major concern raised by customers interested in eNlight Cloud was regarding the pay-per-consumption model of eNlight, as it doesn’t have any fixed plans and the charges are based on resource usage; much like utility billing. This concern is addressed by this new tool, developed by our R&D department; which is an easy and convenient solution for all those who want to understand the eNlight Cloud VM’s resource usage costs. We have developed separate applications for Linux- and Windows-based servers / VMs. You can download this tool now from our eNlight Cloud Hosting section of our website, install it on your server by following the user guides provided by us and execute on your server.

eUKhost Ltd.很高兴推出“ eNlight iNtelligent资源预测器工具”,如果您切换到eNlight Cloud,它将帮助您估算与现有服务器或VM使用相关的成本。 该工具从服务器/ VM收集实际资源消耗数据,生成XML文件,然后由我们的系统评估该XML文件,以根据服务器/ VM的资源使用模式确定eNlight Cloud的成本。 对eNlight Cloud感兴趣的客户提出的一个主要问题是关于eNlight的按次计费模型,因为它没有任何固定计划,并且收费基于资源使用情况。 很像公用事业帐单。 我们研发部门开发的这种新工具解决了这种担忧。 对于所有想了解eNlight Cloud VM的资源使用成本的人来说,这是一个简便的解决方案。 我们已经为基于Linux和Windows的服务器/ VM开发了单独的应用程序。 您现在可以从我们网站的eNlight Cloud Hosting部分下载此工具 ,按照我们提供的用户指南将其安装在您的服务器上,然后在您的服务器上执行。

The User Manual provides detailed instructions for downloading, installing and executing the application on your server (with separate manuals for Linux and Windows VMs). Once the application generates the XML file, simply upload the XML file to the eNlight Cloud Resource Predictor section of our website and the XML data will be parsed, generating a report about your server’s resource consumption pattern and the associated costs of the resources expected to be used by your eNlight VM.

用户手册提供了有关在服务器上下载,安装和执行应用程序的详细说明(以及针对Linux和Windows VM的单独手册)。 一旦应用程序生成了XML文件,只需将XML文件上传到我们网站的eNlight Cloud Resource Predictor部分,然后XML数据将被解析,从而生成有关服务器的资源消耗模式以及相关资源成本的报告。由您的eNlight VM使用。

If any of our customers require assistance with use of the application, please contact our sales department which will address any queries and also assist you with any other information that you may need.


如果在服务器上运行此工具,您是否收集任何个人信息或存储,收集或积累统计信息? (Do you collect any personal information or store, gather or accumulate statistical information if I run this tool on my server?)

Not at all. We respect your privacy. This tool aggregates resource usage information into an XML file (which is clearly visible to you; you upload this XML file on our website for our server-side application to parse the XML information). The application then returns information back regarding your server’s usage and the associated costs of that usage.

一点也不。 我们尊重您的隐私。 该工具将资源使用情况信息汇总到一个XML文件中(您可以清楚地看到;您将此XML文件上传到我们的网站上供我们的服务器端应用程序解析XML信息)。 然后,该应用程序返回有关服务器使用情况以及该使用情况的相关成本的信息。

为什么您的研发团队开发此应用程序? (Why did your R&D team develop this application?)

It became clear to us that transparency is extremely important when our eNlight Cloud customers are trusting us and our eNlight Cloud system to automatically deduct credit based on eNlight Cloud VM usage. This tool is primarily to be used by consumers that are interested in our eNlight Cloud platform but would like a much more accurate representation of their resource usage costs should they migrate their server or VM onto our eNlight Cloud platform.

我们很清楚,当我们的eNlight Cloud客户信任我们以及我们的eNlight Cloud系统根据eNlight Cloud VM的使用量自动扣除信用额度时,透明度至关重要。 该工具主要供对我们的eNlight Cloud平台感兴趣的消费者使用,但是如果他们将服务器或VM迁移到我们的eNlight Cloud平台上,希望更准确地表示其资源使用成本。

此功能和您在eNlight Cloud网站上已经拥有的预测器滑块工具有何不同? (What’s different with this and the predictor slider tool you already have on the eNlight Cloud website?)

The difference is the slider tool on the website is only as accurate as the values you provide using the slider controls – and even then, we cannot accommodate to other factors and variables that would applicate to the costs associated with your eNlight Cloud VM. The eNlight iNtelligent Resource Predictor Tool solves this problem by running on your existing server or VM and aggregating resource usage information into XML data that is then parsed by our system to provide a more accurate representation of your costs on eNlight Cloud.

所不同的是,网站上的滑块工具仅与您使用滑块控件提供的值一样准确–即便如此,我们也无法适应可能与eNlight Cloud VM相关的成本适用的其他因素和变量。 eNlight iNtelligent资源预测器工具通过在现有服务器或VM上运行并将资源使用信息汇总为XML数据来解决此问题,然后由我们的系统对其进行分析,以更准确地表示您在eNlight Cloud上的成本。

工具是否完全准确? (Is the tool completely accurate?)

We cannot guarantee that it is 100% accurate; however our R&D division has worked extremely vigilantly to ensure the tool provides the most accurate representation of your server’s resource usages and the associated costs of the same resource usage on an eNlight Cloud VM. It is more accurate than our predictor sliders for eNlight Cloud on our website.

我们不能保证它是100%准确的; 但是,我们的研发部门非常谨慎地工作,以确保该工具在eNlight Cloud VM上能够最准确地表示服务器的资源使用情况以及相同资源使用情况的相关成本。 它比我们网站上针对eNlight Cloud的预测滑块更准确。

eUKhost’s eNlight iNtelligent Resource Predictor Tools for New Customers – Web Hosting Forum

新客户使用eUKhost的eNlight iNtelligent资源预测器工具–虚拟主机论坛






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