

To get started with selection of a domain name it needs to determine the destination of your future site first. It is best to choose a domain name for a site that will characterize its internal content. Also, when you select a domain name you should find an easier to remember and euphonious domain name for your business.

要开始选择域名,首先需要确定您将来站点的目的地。 最好为网站选择一个域名,以描述其内部内容。 此外,当您选择域名时,您应该会为您的企业找到一个易于记忆和回味的域名。

When choosing a domain name in such areas as Com, Org or Net information will be addressed to the English-speaking users. When choosing a domain name in the co.uk, all information contained on this site will be geared for residents of the United Kingdom only. In order to register a domain you want to contact the registrar.

在Com,Org或Net等区域选择域名时,信息将发送给说英语的用户。 在co.uk中选择域名时,本网站上包含的所有信息仅适用于英国居民。 为了注册域名,您想联系注册商。

现在,您一定想知道,谁是注册商? (Now, you must be wondering, who is a registrar ?)

There is an authority, which has a common base domain, which contains information on registered domain names. This database is managed by a coordinator. And there are many such providers who has got the right to host the domain registration.

有一个具有公共基本域的授权,其中包含有关注册域名的信息。 该数据库由协调员管理。 并且有许多这样的提供者有权托管域名注册。

When you register a domain name, you need to gather some documents and enter into a contract with the registrar (ie. Domain Registration Service). But, most of the cheap web hosting companies that have a contract with the registrar. Many times, people chooses a web hosting provider that allows domain registration through their service and offers a domain name free for lifetime to lure the customers if the customer chooses their hosting service.

注册域名时,您需要收集一些文件并与注册商签定合同(即域名注册服务)。 但是,大多数便宜的网络托管公司都与注册商签有合同。 很多时候,人们会选择一个网络托管提供商,该提供商允许通过其服务进行域名注册,并提供终身免费的域名以吸引客户(如果客户选择其托管服务)。

It is likely that the desired domain name you wish to register might have got registered already. But, some people may resell the domain name with higher cost. It is very much possible to find out the information about the owner of the domain name simply using the “Whois” service. However, many domain name owners, hide all the information about themselves. In such case, its difficult the information about the owner of the domain name.

您希望注册的所需域名可能已被注册。 但是,有些人可能会以更高的价格转售域名。 只需使用“ Whois”服务就可以找到有关域名所有者的信息。 但是,许多域名所有者隐藏了有关自己的所有信息。 在这种情况下,很难获得有关域名所有者的信息。

As I said, there are many hosting providers in uk having contract with registrars, that offers a Free lifetime domain name with their hosting services. In this case, the hosting provider takes all the responsibilities for domain name registration. The customer has to pay only for the hosting service. However, there is a drawback of Free Domain Name, that if you decide to change the hosting service, you will have to say goodbye to the Free domain name. Since, the domain name is not registered to you, but the hosting company you will need to pay for the domain name to keep it active. Therefore, before using such gifts, you should find a hosting provider who holds its own domain registry and can offer you a premium domain name with a reliable domain web hosting solution, where you can host unlimited websites.

就像我说的那样,英国有许多托管服务提供商与注册服务商签有合同,它们通过其托管服务提供免费的终身域名。 在这种情况下,托管提供商将承担域名注册的所有责任。 客户只需要为托管服务付费。 但是,免费域名存在一个缺点,即如果您决定更改托管服务,则必须对免费域名说再见。 因为,该域名未注册给您,但托管公司需要您为该域名付费,以使其保持活动状态。 因此,在使用此类礼物之前,您应该找到一个托管提供商,该提供商拥有自己的域名注册中心,并可以通过可靠的域名网络托管解决方案为您提供高级域名,您可以在其中托管无限的网站。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/choosing-a-domain-name-and-registration-services/






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