

Are you looking for the best domain registrars of 2020? Domain registrars are the companies responsible for registering and managing domain names for all websites around the world.

您是否正在寻找2020年最好的域名注册商? 域名注册商是负责为全球所有网站注册和管理域名的公司。

Choosing the right domain name registrar is very important because there are so many ways to get tricked. In this article, we will show you how to choose the best domain registrar by comparing their pros and cons.

选择正确的域名注册商非常重要,因为有很多方法可以被欺骗。 在本文中,我们将通过比较它们的优缺点,向您展示如何选择最佳的域名注册商。

Choosing the best domain registrar

Bonus Tip: If you want to register a domain name for free, then skip to the #2 provider in our list.

温馨提示:如果您想免费注册域名 ,请跳到我们列表中的第二名提供商。

Here is a quick overview of things you will learn in this guide.


什么是域名注册商 (What is a Domain Name Registrar)

A domain name registrar is a company that allows you to purchase and register domain names. All domain name registrars are accreditated by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), a non-profit organization responsible for managing domain names.

域名注册商是允许您购买和注册域名的公司 。 所有域名注册机构均经过ICANN(互联网名称与数字地址分配机构)的认可,ICANN是一个非盈利性组织,负责管理域名。

Domain names make the internet easy to use for everyone. Without domain names, you’ll have to enter long strings of numbers called IP addresses to visit websites.

域名使每个人都可以轻松使用互联网。 如果没有域名,则必须输入称为IP地址的长字符串才能访问网站。

Domain names solve this problem by allowing websites to choose addresses using easy to remember words, for example, wpbeginner.com or google.com.


How domain names work

To learn more, see our beginner’s guide on what is a domain name and how does it work.


To make domain names widely available, ICANN allows companies to apply for accreditation and become a domain registrar.


These companies then compete with each other to sell domain name licenses which allows you to get better service and tools when you purchase your domain name.


What Domain Registrars Really Do?


All domain name records are stored in a centralized database called registry. For a domain name to be recognized, it needs to be added into that database with all related information about it.

所有域名记录都存储在称为注册表的集中式数据库中。 为了能够识别域名,需要将其与所有与之相关的信息一起添加到该数据库中。

A domain name registrar is given permission by ICANN to make changes to your domain name’s information in the database on your behalf. A domain name registrar also provides easy to use tools to make those changes using your web browser.

互联网名称与数字地址分配机构(ICANN)授予域名注册商代表您更改数据库中您的域名信息的权限。 域名注册商还提供了易于使用的工具,可使用您的Web浏览器进行这些更改。

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily choose the best domain registrar for your website address.


如何选择合适的域名注册商 (How to Choose The Right Domain Registrar)

Not all domain registrars have the license to sell all domain name extensions. For example, some domain registrars can only sell domain names with country-specific extensions (like .io, .in, or .ly).

并非所有域名注册商都具有出售所有域名扩展名的许可。 例如,某些域名注册商只能出售带有特定国家/地区扩展名的域名(例如.io,.in或.ly)。

Each domain registrar may offer different services along with the domain name registration. Some registrar may offer cheap domains as their promotional offer while others may give free add-ons to attract customers.

每个域名注册商都可以与域名注册一起提供不同的服务。 一些注册商可能会提供便宜的域名作为促销产品,而其他注册商可能会提供免费的附加组件来吸引客户。

When choosing the best domain name registrar, we look at the following four criteria:


1. Pricing and Registration Period


The first thing you want to check is the domain name prices. For example, some domain registrars may offer lower prices for the first year registration, but their renewal prices can be different and significantly higher.

您要检查的第一件事是域名价格。 例如,某些域名注册商可能会为第一年注册提供较低的价格,但其续订价格可能会有所不同,并且会高得多。

You can register a domain name for a minimum period of 1 year. However, some companies may require a higher registration period like 2 years minimum. You can register a domain name for up to 10 years at a time.

您可以注册域名的最短期限为1年。 但是,有些公司可能需要更长的注册期限,例如至少2年。 您一次最多可以注册一个域名10年。

If you are buying a new web address, then we recommend registering your domain name for 1 year. You can turn on automatic renewal, so your domain does not expire.

如果您要购买一个新的网址,那么我们建议您注册域名一年。 您可以启用自动续订,因此您的域不会过期。

You also need to check for any additional fees for domain transfers, renewal, and other charges.


2. Domain Transfers


Domain names can be moved from one domain registrar to another. Normally, you wouldn’t need to transfer your domain name right away, but if you’re unhappy with your domain registrar, then this option should be easily available.

域名可以从一个域名注册商移至另一域名注册商。 通常,您无需立即转移域名,但是如果您对域名注册商不满意,则可以轻松使用此选项。

The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you cannot transfer a domain name during the first 60 days of the registration. This initial period is decided by ICANN. After that, you are allowed to move it to any other registrar that you want.

首先要记住的是,您不能在注册的前60天内转让域名。 初始期限由ICANN决定。 之后,您可以将其移至所需的任何其他注册商。

Most domain registrars make it easy to transfer domain names without any extra fee. However, some may try to make it complicated or charge an extra fee.

大多数域名注册商都可以轻松地转移域名而无需任何额外费用。 但是,有些人可能会使其变得复杂或收取额外费用。

Make sure that you review the domain transfer policy before you buy a domain name from a registrar.


3. Domain Expiration Policies


Domain names are registered for a specific duration. You can renew your domain registration before its expiration date. However, if you forgot to renew your domain name, then it expires and anyone can register it.

域名注册了特定的时间。 您可以在域名注册到期之前续订。 但是,如果您忘记续订域名,则该域名将过期,任何人都可以注册。

For businesses, this means someone can take over their domain name. To make sure that this doesn’t happen, you can set up automatic renewals for your domain name.

对于企业而言,这意味着某人可以接管其域名。 为确保不会发生这种情况,您可以为域名设置自动续订。

Even if you use the automatic renewal feature, it is a good idea to check your domain registrars expiration policy. Some domain registrars offer a grace period even after the expiration. This grace period allows you to renew your expired domain name.

即使您使用自动续订功能,检查您的域名注册商的过期政策也是一个好主意。 一些域名注册商即使在到期后也提供宽限期。 此宽限期允许您续订过期的域名。

We have heard dozens of horror stories of business owners losing their domain name because their credit card expired, and their registrar did not have a grace period. This is one of the many reasons why it’s extremely important to choose the right domain name registrar.

我们听说过数十起恐怖故事,这些故事涉及企业主由于信用卡过期而失去域名,而其注册服务商没有宽限期。 这是选择正确的域名注册机构极为重要的众多原因之一。

4. Add-on Services


You may also want to review what other services are offered by your domain registrar. While you may not need these services right now, it is good to know that they have them.

您可能还需要查看您的域名注册商提供的其他服务。 尽管您现在可能不需要这些服务,但很高兴知道它们具有这些服务。

These add-on services may include domain privacy, domain parking, extended expiration protection, and more. Some domain registrars may even sell WordPress hosting service, email hosting service, website builders, email marketing services, and more.

这些附加服务可能包括域隐私,域停放,扩展的过期保护等。 一些域名注册商甚至可能出售WordPress托管服务, 电子邮件托管服务网站建设者电子邮件营销服务等等。

选择域名注册商时需要注意的三件事 (Top 3 Things to Watch Out for When Choosing a Domain Name Registrar)

Due to the competition in the domain registration business, you will come across companies with some very attractive offers. While these offers may look good, there may be some downsides that you may not notice right away.

由于域名注册业务的竞争,您会遇到一些提供非常诱人优惠的公司。 这些优惠看起来不错,但有些缺点您可能不会马上注意到。

Following are a few things to watch out for when choosing a domain name registrar.


1. Add-on Pricing


Some domain name registrars can automatically pre-check add-on services when you purchase a domain name. If you don’t uncheck those options, then this would increase your bill significantly. Typically a .com domain name should not cost you more than $14.99 / year. If it does, then it should raise a red flag.

购买域名时,某些域名注册商可以自动预检查附加服务。 如果您不取消选中这些选项,那么这将大大增加您的账单。 通常,.com域名每年的费用不应超过$ 14.99。 如果是这样,那么它应该发出一个红旗。

You must pay attention to the checkout page and uncheck any add-on services that you don’t need. On top of that, it’s always a good idea to double-check the total amount you are charged in your credit card statements.

您必须注意结帐页面,并取消选中不需要的任何附加服务。 最重要的是,仔细检查信用卡对帐单中的总金额始终是一个好主意。

2. Bad User Experience


Most domain registrars try to make their website easy to use, so they can keep you as a customer. However, some domain registrars do the exact opposite.

大多数域名注册商都试图使他们的网站易于使用,以便让您成为客户。 但是,某些域名注册商却完全相反。

This would make it difficult for you to change your domain name settings. You will need to do that if you wanted to transfer domain to a new host, or a new domain registrar.

这将使您难以更改域名设置。 如果要将域转移到新的主机或新的域注册商,则需要这样做。

The easiest way to look for this is by searching for domain registrar’s online reviews. Keep in mind, that very few happy customers leave online reviews, so it’s important to read the reviews thoroughly.

查找此内容的最简单方法是搜索域名注册商的在线评论。 请记住,很少有满意的客户留下在线评论,因此彻底阅读评论很重要。

3. Hidden Fees


You may also need to look for the hidden costs and fees when choosing a domain registrar.


Some domain registrars may have special offers for cheaper domains for first-time registrations. Most beginners don’t realize it, but the renewal cost of the domain are often quite different and even higher.

一些域名注册商可能会为便宜的域名提供特别优惠,以进行首次注册。 大多数初学者都没有意识到这一点,但是域名的更新成本往往相差甚远,甚至更高。

All good domain registrars make it easy to transfer your domain name to a different company. However, some will put an additional fee.

所有好的域名注册商都可以轻松地将您的域名转移到另一家公司。 但是,有些会收取额外费用。

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best domain name registrars, and how they compare against each other.


最好的域名注册商购买域名 (Best Domain Registrars to Buy a Domain Name)

Choosing the right domain registrar saves you from possible future problems. It not only helps you protect your brand name but also makes it easy to move your website to a new host or service provider.

选择合适的域名注册商可以使您避免将来可能遇到的问题。 它不仅可以帮助您保护品牌名称,还可以轻松地将您的网站移至新的主机或服务提供商。

Based on the criteria we discussed earlier, these are the top domain registrars to buy your domain name from.


1. Domain.com (1. Domain.com)


Started in 2000, Domain.com is one of the most popular domain name registrar on the planet. They allow you to register all top level domain name extensions (TLDs) and even dozens of country code top level domains (ccTLDs).

Domain.com成立于2000年,是全球最受欢迎的域名注册商之一。 它们使您可以注册所有顶级域名扩展(TLD)甚至数十个国家或地区代码顶级域名(ccTLD)。

Domain.com has a quick domain search tool that you can use for your domain name research. Their search also shows you premium domains as well.

Domain.com具有可用于域名研究的快速域名搜索工具。 他们的搜索还向您显示了高级域名。

You get access to all domain management tools that you would expect from a top domain registrar including private registration, whois privacy protection, free whois, bulk registration, easy transfers, easy DNS management, email account, and other additional services. You can even purchase web hosting from them if you like.

您可以从顶级域名注册商那里获得所有域管理工具的访问权限,包括私人注册,whois隐私保护,免费whois,批量注册,轻松转让,轻松DNS管理,电子邮件帐户和其他其他服务。 如果愿意,您甚至可以从他们那里购买虚拟主机。

If you have any questions, then you can contact their helpful support via live chat or email.


Domain.com is offering WPBeginner readers 25% off discount on domain products. All you have to do is either click on the link from our website, or use our domain.com coupon code: nameboy

Domain.com为WPBeginner读者提供域名产品折扣25%的折扣。 您所要做的就是或者点击我们网站上的链接,或者使用我们的domain.com优惠券代码 :nameboy

If you only need to register a domain name without web hosting, then we highly recommend Domain.com. However, if you’re looking to start a blog or website, then option #2 might be better for you because you can get a free domain name.

如果您只需要注册一个无需网络托管的域名,那么我们强烈建议您使用Domain.com。 但是,如果您想建立一个博客或网站,则选项#2可能更适合您,因为您可以获得免费的域名。

2. Bluehost (2. Bluehost)


Bluehost is one of the largest hosting companies in the world, and they are an official WordPress hosting partner. As part of their web hosting service, they also offer domain name registration.

Bluehost是世界上最大的托管公司之一,它们是WordPress的官方托管合作伙伴。 作为其网络托管服务的一部分,他们还提供域名注册。

Bluehost is offering WPBeginner users a free domain name, SSL certificate, and a discount on web hosting which is a perfect deal for anyone looking to make a website.


Basically, you can get started for $2.75 per month, and get a free domain name.


→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


3. HostGator (3. HostGator)


HostGator is another popular company offering website owners a one-stop shop for domain names and shared website hosting. They offer a nice selection of extensions, domain privacy, and easy to use DNS management tools.

HostGator是另一家受欢迎的公司,为网站所有者提供一站式域名和共享网站托管服务。 他们提供了很好的扩展名,域隐私和易于使用的DNS管理工具供您选择。

They have an easy to use domain search tool that helps you quickly find a suitable domain name for your business. Their domain management area is beginner friendly and well documented which makes it easy to transfer domains if you need to.

他们有一个易于使用的域名搜索工具,可以帮助您快速找到适合您企业的域名。 他们的域管理领域对新手友好,并且文档齐全,可以根据需要轻松地转移域。

Aside from domain name and hosting, they have also introduced a brand new drag & drop website builder called Gator. They’re offering free domain name and hosting with all of their website builder plans.

除了域名和托管服务,他们还引入了一个名为Gator的全新拖放式网站构建器 。 他们提供免费域名并托管所有网站建设者计划。

4. GoDaddy (4. GoDaddy)


GoDaddy is one of the oldest and most popular domain registration company. They manage more than 77 million domain names for over 18 million customers.

GoDaddy是最古老和最受欢迎的域名注册公司之一。 他们为超过1800万客户管理着超过7700万个域名。

They offer a wide variety of popular domain name extensions to choose from. Their prices are highly competitive, and you may even get a significant discount on the first year of your domain’s registration.

他们提供了多种流行的域名扩展名供您选择。 它们的价格极具竞争力,甚至在您域名注册的第一年甚至可以享受大幅折扣。

GoDaddy has a powerful easy to use domain management interface which allows you to transfer your domain name or change its settings.


Related: See 7 best GoDaddy alternatives that are cheaper and more reliable.

相关:查看7种最好的GoDaddy替代品 ,这些替代品更便宜,更可靠。

5. Namecheap (5. Namecheap)


Namecheap is another top domain registrar on the market. They have a powerful domain search tool that helps you find the right domain name and makes suggestions when your preferred domain name is not available.

Namecheap是市场上另一个顶级域名注册商。 他们具有功能强大的域名搜索工具,可帮助您找到正确的域名,并在您的首选域名不可用时提供建议。

They also offer domain add-on services like domain privacy and premium DNS. Their domain management area is clean, but it’s not as user-friendly as GoDaddy’s new interface.

他们还提供域附加服务,例如域隐私和高级DNS。 他们的域管理区域很干净,但是不像GoDaddy的新界面那样对用户友好。

One nice thing about NameCheap is that they offer free domain privacy with all their domain names.


We used to use NameCheap but ended up transferring our main domains to other providers because we simply had too many issues logging into their domain management panel.


6. DreamHost (6. DreamHost)


DreamHost is another popular domain name registrar and web hosting service provider. They are offering our readers a free domain name with domain privacy included for anyone signing up for their Shared Unlimited hosting plan.

DreamHost是另一个受欢迎的域名注册商和网络托管服务提供商。 他们为我们的读者提供了一个免费的域名,其中包含域隐私权,供任何注册其共享无限托管计划的人使用。

You can also register a domain name without buying hosting through them for $8.99 / year which also includes free private registration.


DreamHost offers 400+ TLDs and comes with all domain management tools that you can expect from a large domain provider like DreamHost.


7. Shopify (7. Shopify)


Shopify is a popular eCommerce platform which allows anyone to easily start an eCommerce store without any technical skills. They are also a popular domain name registrar and allow you to quickly set up a store using your custom domain name.

Shopify是一个流行的电子商务平台,它使任何人无需任何技术技能就可以轻松地开设电子商务商店。 它们还是受欢迎的域名注册商,可让您使用自定义域名快速设置商店。

Shopify also comes with a powerful business name generator which helps you pick up an available domain name for your business. You can move your domain name away to any other service if you want.

Shopify还带有功能强大的企业名称生成器,可帮助您为企业选择可用的域名。 您可以根据需要将域名移至其他任何服务。

One downside is that they don’t offer email addresses for domain names. Instead, you can use email forwarders or use a third-party email service like G Suite or Office365.

缺点之一是他们不提供域名的电子邮件地址。 相反,您可以使用电子邮件转发器,也可以使用第三方电子邮件服务(例如G SuiteOffice365)

奖励高级域名注册 (Bonus Premium Domain Registration)
8. BuyDomains (8. BuyDomains)


BuyDomains allow you to search for premium domain names matching your search terms. Premium domain names are domain names that are already registered but are available for sale from third-party. These domains are often more memorable, shorter, and brandable which is why they are more expensive.

BuyDomains允许您搜索与您的搜索词匹配的高级域名。 高级域名是已经注册但可以从第三方出售的域名。 这些域名通常更容易记忆,更简短和可烙印,这就是为什么它们更昂贵的原因。

If you cannot find a suitable domain name, and you have the budget, then you can use BuyDomains to search for a premium domain name.


最终想法–最佳域名注册商 (Final Thoughts – Best Domain Registrar)

There are literally hundreds of other domain registrars and resellers in the market that we have not included in the list including Hover, Google Domains, Tucows, 1&1 Ionos, Network Solutions, etc.

从字面上看,市场上还有数百个其他我们未列入清单的域名注册商和经销商,包括悬停,Google域名,Tucows,1&1 Ionos, 网络解决方案等。

The reason is because they all primarily offer the same services, and we want to make it easy for our users to pick the best and most secure domain registrar without causing choice paralysis.


In our opinion, Domain.com is the best domain registrar in the market for small businesses as well as large companies. They offer the most reasonable pricing and has all the features.

我们认为,对于小型企业和大型公司, Domain.com都是市场上最好的域名注册商。 它们提供最合理的价格并具有所有功能。

If you’re looking to build a website, then you can get a free domain name from both Bluehost and HostGator when you signup for their web hosting.


We hope this article helped you learn how to choose the best domain registrar for your business. You may also want to see our guide on how to get a free business email address for your website.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何为您的企业选择最佳的域名注册商。 您可能还希望查看我们的指南,了解如何为您的网站获取免费的企业电子邮件地址

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-choose-the-best-domain-registrar/






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