电商b2b_企业对企业– B2B | 第2部分


系统整合 (Systems Integration)

Most organizations run a multitude of incompatible systems and data communications standards. The organization must integrate its disparate systems to consolidate information and thus increase their power. The communication gap between systems disintegrated and isolates can not only lead to an increase in inventory and purchases, but also lead to a critical shortage of equipment and disruption of business processes.

大多数组织运行大量不兼容的系统和数据通信标准。 组织必须集成其不同的系统以整合信息,从而增强其功能。 分解和隔离的系统之间的通信鸿沟不仅会导致库存和购买量的增加,还会导致设备严重短缺和业务流程中断。

Integrating e-Market platforms and implement new protocols and new procedures require more difficult steps for developing a B2B program. This process is complex and difficult not only because there are many points of integration within the enterprise, but also because the technology continues to change and maintain new markets.

集成电子市场平台并实施新协议和新程序需要开发B2B程序的难度更大的步骤。 这个过程既复杂又困难,不仅因为企业内部有许多集成点,而且还因为技术不断变化并维护新市场。

Companies can follow a series of strategies to create an integrated organization. Three of these strategies are:

公司可以遵循一系列策略来创建一个集成的组织。 这些策略中的三种是:

  • Ad-hoc interconnection strategy: a strategy for rapid application. Connects internal systems with external systems”’B2B”’ required.

    临时互连策略:快速应用的策略。 将内部系统与所需的外部系统“ B2B”连接。

  • Integration hub: It is a strategy dedicated to the company’s internal applications and external B2B commerce. The integration hub is used in connection custom interfaces on key points of the company. This is a form of strategy more flexible and less costly. The company may maintain connections to B2B through a centralized hub, using direct connections with individual B2B integration hub or external third parties in a single interface.

    集成中心:这是专门用于公司内部应用程序和外部B2B商业的策略。 集成集线器用于公司关键点的自定义接口连接中。 这是一种更灵活,成本更低的策略。 该公司可能会通过与单个B2B集成中心或单个界面中的外部第三方的直接连接,通过集中式中心来维持与B2B的连接。

  • Hub common: To gain maximum benefit from the integration of the companies must carefully define the connectivity and the demands of each market and set priorities for integration between B2B efforts. The alternative to this approach is to implement common systems, systems such that the number of integration of this strategy should reduce the efforts on the common organization of the implemented systems. However, upgrading to common systems is expensive and time consuming.

    通用枢纽:要想从公司整合中获得最大利益,必须仔细定义每个市场的连通性和需求,并为B2B工作之间的整合设定优先级。 此方法的替代方法是实施通用系统,即该策略的集成次数应减少对所实施系统的通用组织的工作。 但是,升级到通用系统既昂贵又费时。

Before choosing any linkage strategy, the company must weigh the time and cost required to implement these strategies, as the advantages offered by different options.


Networking capabilities


Organizations should not only have networks applied within the four walls of the organization but should also extend to external entities. Companies should have a wide area network. Technology as a virtual private network (VPN) can help organizations meet this challenge.

组织不仅应在组织的四个墙壁内应用网络,而且还应扩展到外部实体。 公司应具有广域网。 作为虚拟专用网络(VPN)的技术可以帮助组织应对这一挑战。

Content management


The ability to maintain and provide reliable information in real time, is another challenge faced by companies in implementing B2B applications. The web content should be accurate and current. Companies that have good management of internal operations are not able to realize all the benefits of e-Business. Whether the company to sell or buy, it is necessary to establish effective operations in-house.

实时维护和提供可靠信息的能力是公司在实施B2B应用程序时面临的另一个挑战。 网络内容应准确且最新。 对内部运营进行良好管理的公司无法实现电子商务的所有优势。 无论公司出售还是购买,都必须在内部建立有效的运营。

For example, if the company is selling part of the e-Business needs to deliver personalized dynamic content, such as product information, pricing, availability of products and information. If the organization does not have systems in place will not be able to provide this information timely and accurate. Similarly, when buying organization can consolidate purchases of similar goods across divisions and thus achieve greater efficiency. However, if such management is not properly implemented, companies will not know what they are buying and why they are buying or if they are getting the best price. If this system is properly implemented and integrated ERP systems across the enterprise can play a positive role

例如,如果公司正在出售一部分电子商务,则需要交付个性化的动态内容,例如产品信息,价格,产品可用性和信息。 如果组织没有适当的系统,将无法及时准确地提供此信息。 同样,在购买时,组织可以合并跨部门的类似商品的购买,从而提高效率。 但是,如果未正确实施此类管理,则公司将不知道他们在购买什么,为什么购买或是否获得了最佳价格。 如果该系统正确实施,并且整个企业中的集成ERP系统可以发挥积极作用

Recovery backups


Organizations must be proactive in their approach. It should be set up adequate systems backup and disaster recovery to allow companies to return to activity with minimal loss of time and data in case of any eventuality.

组织必须主动采取措施。 应该设置适当的系统备份和灾难恢复,以使公司在发生任何事件的情况下以最少的时间和数据损失恢复活动。

Challenges in business


The main challenges in business are:


Change Management


Among the challenges facing businesses, the management of change is a big challenge, it is crucial to know whether an organization is implementing a new system or develop new ideas. Companies have spent a considerable amount of energy and resources to manage this change.

在企业面临的挑战中,变更管理是一个巨大的挑战,了解组织是在实施新系统还是在开发新想法至关重要。 公司已经花费了大量的精力和资源来管理此更改。

Resistance to change can come from within an organization or from external partners in a company. In the case of the supply chain can break the resistance on the part of buyers, sellers or (B2B e-Markets).

抵制变革可能来自组织内部或公司的外部合作伙伴。 在供应链的情况下,可以打破买方,卖方或(B2B电子市场)的阻力。

Resistance may be against the new process or procedures to follow, to new systems or even to increased responsibilities. For example, B2B will become so ubiquitous that it is necessary to acquire new operators / employees with new skills to meet the new needs of the company. Thus, they must respond to dynamic pricing, have an availability of 24 X 7 X 365, have a faster response to questions from customers. The implementation of new systems of information technology requires extra coordination between more than one function of processing and trade. The employees need to acquire new skills, such as risk management, to understand concepts such as control.

抵制可能是针对要遵循的新流程或程序,新系统甚至是更高的责任。 例如,B2B将会变得无处不在,以至于有必要聘请具有新技能的新运营商/员工来满足公司的新需求。 因此,他们必须响应动态定价,具有24 X 7 X 365的可用性,对客户问题的响应速度更快。 新信息技术系统的实施要求在处理和贸易的多个功能之间进行额外的协调。 员工需要掌握新技能,例如风险管理,以了解控制等概念。

These challenges can not undermine the importance of B2B. Training and education of the parties to the transaction (B2B e-market) can help organizations overcome the change. Although in some cases, the best to solve these problems is to hire new talent.

这些挑战不能破坏B2B的重要性。 交易双方(B2B电子市场)的培训和教育可以帮助组织克服这种变化。 尽管在某些情况下,解决这些问题的最佳方法是雇用新的人才。

Often companies fail to understand the potential of electronic commerce, with lack of determination and lack of enthusiasm in implementing such requests. This factor may play an important role in the overall success or failure of the entire company.

由于缺乏确定性和执行此类请求的热情,公司常常无法理解电子商务的潜力。 这个因素可能对整个公司的整体成败起重要作用。

Business Models


There are no successful business models to try and follow as an example to opt for this strategy. The lack of knowledge and understanding of the B2B environment increases the risk of such initiatives. However, as more and more companies take the initiative in seeking knowledge, this ceases to be a challenge. Many consultancies have developed a knowledge of these changes on business as a result of being part of such initiatives. When hiring consultants, these companies may indeed be a source of guidance.

没有成功的商业模式可以作为选择该策略的榜样。 缺乏对B2B环境的知识和了解会增加此类举措的风险。 但是,随着越来越多的公司主动寻求知识,这不再是挑战。 作为此类计划的一部分,许多咨询公司已经对业务的这些变化有了了解。 在聘请顾问时,这些公司可能确实是提供指导的来源。

Channels conflict


Organizations need to look at how the role of the traditional functions of sales is changing. They need to assess the role of all parties – customers, distributors, dealers, sales representatives and company involved in the sale. Traditional sales channel by itself is not a viable option and does not give a full value. Companies need to evaluate Web channels that run sales, perceptual as these can provide a valuation for the company. The roles of entities have to be evaluated and redesigned to make it adjust to this new paradigm.

组织需要研究传统销售职能的角色是如何变化的。 他们需要评估各方的角色-客户,分销商,经销商,销售代表和参与销售的公司。 传统的销售渠道本身并不是一个可行的选择,也无法提供全部价值。 公司需要评估可以进行销售的Web渠道,因为它们可以为公司提供价值。 必须评估并重新设计实体的角色,以使其适应此新范式。

Legal challenges and regulatory


There are many legal and regulatory issues involved: Copyright electronic-money policy, tariffs and privacy. Because e-business is a new phenomenon, there is still lack of consistent rules and procedures. There are issues related to taxes that must be carefully considered by companies.

涉及许多法律和法规问题:版权电子货币政策,关税和隐私权。 由于电子商务是一种新现象,因此仍然缺乏一致的规则和程序。 有些与税收有关的问题必须由公司认真考虑。

Companies that buy and sell on the Internet, often conduct business across national borders of a country. This gives rise to another important question about the role of government and the laws of other nations.

在Internet上进行买卖的公司通常会跨越一个国家的国界开展业务。 这引起了关于政府的作用和其他国家的法律的另一个重要问题。

Behavioral Challenges


Another barrier that can be difficult to overcome is related to consumer attitude. It is difficult for companies to encourage customers to change their habits and starting to shop online. Moreover, companies have an enormous task that is to win the trust and confidence of customers, providing assurance to trading partners and customers that their private information is secure and will not be compromised. Initiatives such as TRUSTe Electronic Frontier Foundation led by can contribute in helping companies overcome this challenge.

另一个难以克服的障碍与消费者的态度有关。 公司很难鼓励客户改变习惯并开始在线购物。 此外,公司还有一项艰巨的任务,就是赢得客户的信任和信心,向贸易伙伴和客户保证他们的私人信息是安全的,不会受到损害。 由领导的TRUSTe电子前沿基金会等计划可以帮助企业克服这一挑战。

Companies also must provide training to their employees and business partners to adapt to the new business model and become familiar with these new technologies. Employees may not always be willing to learn new changes and learn new ways of doing the same thing. Education and change management methods can be effective in combating this challenge.

公司还必须为其员工和业务合作伙伴提供培训,以适应新的业务模型并熟悉这些新技术。 员工可能并不总是愿意学习新的变化和学习做同一件事的新方法。 教育和变更管理方法可以有效应对这一挑战。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/business-to-business-b2b-part-2/






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