怎么看在手机上看hbo_HBO Max上播放的最佳吉卜力工作室电影(2020年7月)



Four Studio Ghibli films available on HBO Max.

Studio Ghibli has created some of the best animated movies, and now, they’re finally available on HBO Max. The studio’s adorable films transport you to unique worlds. These are 10 of its best you can stream on the service right now.

吉卜力工作室(Studio Ghibli )制作了一些最好的动画电影,现在,它们终于可以在HBO Max观看了 。 该工作室的可爱电影将您带到独特的世界。 这些是您现在可以在服务上流式传输的10项最佳功能。

龙猫 (My Neighbor Totoro)

The description of "My Neighbor Totoro" on HBO Max.

My Neighbor Totoro follows Satsuki and Mei after they move in with their father, who lives in the country. Little do they know that tucked away in the nearby woods is a place full of strange, yet wonderful, creatures. The kids go on a series of adventures with their new friend Totoro and explore places they never knew existed.

龙猫跟随小月和梅与父亲(居住在该国)一起移居之后。 他们几乎不知道,藏在附近树林中的地方是一个充满奇特但奇妙生物的地方。 孩子们与他们的新朋友龙猫一起进行了一系列冒险活动,探索了他们不知道存在的地方。

千与千寻 (Spirited Away)

The description of "Spirited Away" on HBO Max.

Chihiro and her family are moving to a new home, when they stop and explore an abandoned village. Spirited Away reveals a world of spirits and strange beings ruled by a sorceress named Yubaba. Chihiro has to use her mind to survive and free her parents from this odd place.

当千寻和她的家人停下来探索一个废弃的村庄时,他们正搬到新家。 《千与千寻》展现了一个名为Yubaba的女巫统治下的精神世界和奇异生物。 千寻必须用自己的思想生存,并将父母从这个奇怪的地方解救出来。

琪琪的送货服务 (Kiki’s Delivery Service)

The description of "Kiki's Delivery Service" on HBO Max.

In Kiki’s Delivery Service, we follow the journey of Kiki, a young witch, and her black cat, Jiji. She uses her skills to make a living as she also hones her powers. While trying to become the best witch she can, she takes a small seaside village by storm.

Kiki的送货服务中 ,我们跟随年轻的女巫Kiki和她的黑猫Jiji的旅程。 她还运用自己的技能谋生,同时还磨练自己的力量。 在努力成为最好的女巫时,她席卷了一个海滨小村庄。

哈尔的移动城堡 (Howl’s Moving Castle)

The description of "Howl's Moving Castle" on HBO Max.

Sophie was living a quiet life before Howl came in and took her under his wing. An evil witch becomes jealous of their relationship and casts a spell on Sophie to break them up. Throughout Howl’s Moving Castle, Sophie has to do everything in her power to stop the war of sorcery from destroying the entire world.

索菲(Sophie)过着安静的生活,直到霍尔(霍尔)进来把她带到他的翅膀下。 一个邪恶的女巫嫉妒他们的关系,并向苏菲施了咒语以使他们分手。 在整个霍尔的动人城堡中 ,索菲必须尽其所能阻止制法战争摧毁整个世界。

心的耳语 (Whisper of the Heart)

The description of "Whisper of the Heart" on HBO Max.

Whisper of the Heart follows Shizuku’s encounters with a strange and magical cat as they help a boy follow his dreams. She must follow her heart to make the right decisions throughout her journey. This quiet schoolgirl takes this dream-like world by storm when she combines her talents.

Shi语跟随Shizuku与一只奇异而神奇的猫的相遇,他们帮助男孩追随他的梦想。 在整个旅程中,她必须全心全意地做出正确的决定。 这位安静的女生在结合自己的才华时,席卷了这个梦幻般的世界。

猫归来 (The Cat Returns)

The description of "The Cat Returns" on HBO Max.

This sequel to Whisper of the Heart brings Haru into the mystical feline world she didn’t know existed. The Cat Returns brings our feline friend back as Haru realizes the cat she saved isn’t who he seems to be. She has to find her way back home before she is permanently turned into one of her cat friends.

这部《心语悄悄话》的续集将Haru带入了她所不知道的神秘猫世界。 “猫归来”带回了我们的猫科动物朋友,因为Haru意识到她救下的猫似乎不是他的模样。 在永久性地成为猫友之一之前,她必须找到回家的路。

天空之城 (Castle in the Sky)

The description of "Castle in the Sky" on HBO Max.

Castle in the Sky brings together a young girl named Sheeta and an engineer named Pazu to find the castle in the sky. Laputa is their destination, and they must use Sheeta’s glowing pendant to find this mysterious floating building. Along the way, they meet with pirates, military, and secret agents who want to use Sheeta’s powers for evil.

天空中的城堡召集了一个名为Sheeta的年轻女孩和一个名为Pazu的工程师来寻找天空中的城堡。 Laputa是他们的目的地,他们必须使用Sheeta的发光吊坠找到这座神秘的漂浮建筑。 一路走来,他们遇到了海盗,军事人员和特工,他们希望利用Sheeta的力量作恶。

罗斯科猪肉 (Porco Rosso)

The description of "Porco Rosso" on HBO Max.

Set during the middle of a war in Italy, Porco Rosso follows the journey of bounty hunter, Marco. He’s had a mysterious curse placed on him: he now has the head of a pig. He meets a young man named Fio and goes on an airplane adventure with him. They have to do everything they can to survive, as they fight off the Italian army, an American flying ace, and even pirates!

Porco Rosso设定在意大利战争中,跟随赏金猎人Marco的旅程。 他身上有一个神秘的诅咒:他现在有头猪。 他遇到了一个叫Fio的年轻人,并与他一起进行飞机冒险。 他们必须竭尽所能生存,因为他们要与意大利军队,美国飞行王牌甚至海盗作战!

小马 (Ponyo)

The description of "Ponyo" on HBO Max.

An unseen friendship begins between young Sosuke and Ponyo—a goldfish. In this imaginative world, the two must figure out how to make Ponyo human so they can always be together. Even though Sosuke’s dad is a sorcerer and her mother is a sea goddess, the task proves to be more challenging than it first appears.

年轻的Sosuke和Ponyo(一条金鱼)之间开始了看不见的友谊。 在这个富有想象力的世界中,两个人必须弄清楚如何使Ponyo成为人类,以便他们永远在一起。 尽管Sosuke的父亲是一个巫师,而她的母亲是一个海上女神,但事实证明,这项任务比最初看来更具挑战性。

幽灵公主 (Princess Mononoke)

The description of "Princess Mononoke" on HBO Max.

Ashitaka is headed west to find a cure for a deadly curse that’s been cast upon him when he runs into a conflict between two factions. Princess Mononoke is trying to stop the people of Iron Town from destroying her home and the spirits who live there. Ashitaka has to help her stop Lady Eboshi from taking the only home she’s ever known.

Ashitaka前往西方,寻找一种治愈致命诅咒的方法,当他陷入两个派系之间的冲突时,这个诅咒已被他诅咒。 Mononoke公主正试图阻止Iron Town的人们摧毁她的房屋和居住在那里的精神。 Ashitaka必须帮助她阻止Eboshi女士带走她唯一知道的家。

All of these fantastic films from Studio Ghibli offer an escape to beautifully imaginative worlds. You’ll fall in love with every character and adventure Hayao Miyazaki and his team have created.

吉卜力工作室提供的所有这些奇幻电影都提供了通往美丽而富有想象力的世界的机会。 您会爱上每个角色的,宫崎骏和他的团队创造的冒险经历。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/676939/best-studio-ghibli-movies-to-stream-on-hbo-max/






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