


Over the years, we’ve written about loads of ways to disable features, tweak things that don’t work the way you want, and remove other things entirely. Here’s the list of the 50 best ways to do just that.

多年以来,我们已经撰写了许多有关禁用功能,调整无法按您期望的方式工作以及完全删除其他内容的方法。 以下是实现此目的的50种最佳方法的列表。

Just in case you missed some of our recent roundup articles, here’s a couple of roundups of our very best articles for you to check out:


If you’ve already been through those, keep reading for how to disable loads of Windows features you might not want.


禁用上下文菜单项 (Disable Context Menu Items)


After you start installing a bunch of software, you’ll notice your context menu starts filling up with more and more items, becoming bloated, slow, and even more annoying—it starts taking up the whole screen. Here’s how to get rid of some of those items and trim it back down to size.

在开始安装一堆软件之后,您会发现上下文菜单开始填充越来越多的项目,变得肿,缓慢,甚至更烦人-它开始占用整个屏幕。 这是摆脱某些物品并将其修剪回原尺寸的方法。

You’ll probably notice that the first article is an in-depth guide to help you get rid of just about any item, whereas the rest are more specific for some of the more annoying items.


如何在Windows 7或Vista中禁用Caps Lock键 (How to Disable Caps Lock Key in Windows 7 or Vista)

The caps lock key is one of those remnants of another age of computers, back when people used to shout at each other more often. Unless you’re in the accounting department, it’s probably not very useful, so today we’ll learn how to disable it.

大写锁定键是另一个时代的计算机的残存物之一,当人们过去经常互相大喊大叫时。 除非您在会计部门,否则它可能不是很有用,所以今天我们将学习如何禁用它。

How to Disable Caps Lock Key in Windows 7 or Vista

如何在Windows 7或Vista中禁用Caps Lock键

禁用烦人的对话框和弹出窗口 (Disabling Irritating Dialogs and Popups)


There’s nothing more annoying than being in the middle of working on something when the Windows Update dialog pops up and tells you to reboot right that instant, but thankfully you can disable that, and many other dialogs and popups in Windows.

没有什么比在Windows Update对话框弹出并告诉您立即重新启动时正在处理某事的过程更令人讨厌的了,但值得庆幸的是,您可以禁用它以及Windows中的许多其他对话框和弹出窗口。

You’ll probably not want to take the drastic step of disabling all notification balloons, but it’s an option.


禁用您可能不想要的图标 (Disabling Icons You Might Not Want)


Here’s a quick list of all the icon-related articles we have that cover how to disable this or that in regards to icons. You might know how to get rid of the Recycle Bin icon, but we’ve got other things covered too—like hiding drives from your computer, or hiding desktop icon text entirely.

这是我们所拥有的所有与图标有关的文章的快速列表,涵盖了如何禁用或禁用图标。 您可能知道如何摆脱回收站图标,但是我们还涵盖了其他方面的内容,例如从计算机中隐藏驱动器或完全隐藏桌面图标文本。

Yes, we included how to disable the system tray, which is probably not something you should do. Learning is fun.

是的,我们介绍了如何禁用系统托盘,您可能不应该这样做。 学习很有趣。

禁用Windows Aero等 (Disabling Windows Aero and Such)

Windows 7 Mouse Drag Arrange

If you’re not a fan of all the beautiful new Aero features in Windows 7, you can get rid of them, or maybe you want to get rid of the built-in shortcut keys, or just tweak the Aero Peek delay. Here’s how to do it.

如果您不喜欢Windows 7中所有漂亮的Aero新功能,则可以删除它们,或者您希望摆脱内置的快捷键,或者只是调整Aero Peek延迟。 这是操作方法。

Does anybody really use Mobility Center?

有人真的使用Mobility Center吗?

禁用内置服务和功能 (Disabling Built-In Services and Features)


Want to get rid of User Account Control dialogs? What about Libraries, Homegroups, or Windows Defender? Here’s how to disable or delete many of the built-in services, should you want to do so.

是否想摆脱“用户帐户控制”对话框? 库,家庭组或Windows Defender呢? 如果需要的话,这是禁用或删除许多内置服务的方法。

You should read the disclaimers carefully before you start disabling built-in services, and you definitely shouldn’t delete power plans or services unless you’re really sure what you’re doing.


您可以调整以禁用行为的设置 (Settings You Can Tweak to Disable Behavior)


Sometimes you don’t want to disable something entirely, you just want to disable the way it behaves, like Windows Update hijacking the Sleep button when you don’t want it to. Here’s how to change some of the way things work by default.

有时,您不想完全禁用某些内容,而只是想禁用其行为方式,例如Windows Update在不需要时劫持了“睡眠”按钮。 以下是更改默认情况下某些工作方式的方法。

Those Windows Explorer click sound are really annoying.


禁用整个计算机(并删除所有数据) (Disable Your Entire Computer (and Delete All Data))


You’re probably asking yourself why we included this one in the roundup. Why? Because this is the ultimate way to disable something you don’t want—if you’re going to be selling your PC or giving it away, you probably don’t want anybody getting to your data. Here’s how to wipe your drive entirely.

您可能会问自己,为什么我们将这一内容纳入综述。 为什么? 因为这是禁用不需要的东西的最终方法-如果您要出售您的PC或将其赠与,您可能不希望任何人获取您的数据。 这是彻底擦除驱动器的方法。

Wipe, Delete, and Securely Destroy Your Hard Drive’s Data the Easy Way


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40559/the-50-best-ways-to-disable-built-in-windows-features-you-dont-want/






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