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With multi-year drought an all-too familiar weather pattern in places like Texas, the Southwest, and California, the need to conserve water has never been more important than it is today. But how do you police something that people use in your house almost as much as the electricity that keeps the lights on?

在得克萨斯州,西南部和加利福尼亚州,由于多年干旱,人们对天气的认识已经非常熟悉,因此,节水的需求从未像现在这样重要。 但是,您如何管理人们在家中所使用的东西几乎等于保持照明的电力?

“Smart” faucets are a new gadget that are slowly making their way into our homes, equipped with temperature gauges and efficiency sensors that make it easy for every member of your home to carefully control how much water they use in the kitchen or the bathroom.


But what do they actually do, how much do they cost, and how can you get one installed in your home? Read on to learn more about this new and innovative water-saving technology.

但是,它们实际上是做什么的,它们要花费多少,以及如何在家中安装一个呢? 请继续阅读以了解有关此创新水节约技术的更多信息。

什么是“智能”水龙头? (What’s a “Smart” Faucet?)

To start, it helps to know what we’re talking about when we bring up the term “smart” faucet.


As of now, there are three different classifications of smart faucet: hands-free, digital, and combo. The first is the most-recognizable of the bunch, having been a part of public bathrooms for several decades now. These are at-home faucets that contain small IR sensors which will turn on the flow of water when it detects movement in the sink, and turn off once your hands have been removed. These are convenient if you find yourself constantly scrubbing soap gunk off your sink’s hot/cold handles, or just want a way to keep both your family and your hands cleaner than they would if you had to adjust the water temperature manually every time you went to wash up.

到目前为止,智能水龙头有三种不同的分类:免提,数字和组合。 第一个是一堆中最知名的,几十年来一直是公共浴室的一部分。 这些是家用水龙头,其中装有小型IR传感器,当水龙头检测到水槽中的运动时,它们就会打开水流,而一旦您的手移开,它们就会关闭。 如果您发现自己经常从水槽的热/冷手柄上擦洗肥皂水,或者想要一种让家人和手都保持清洁的方法,则比起每次您必须手动调节水温的方法而言,这些方法很方便。洗脸刷牙。

Our favorite aftermarket model in this department is the EZ Faucet II, from iTouchless. At just under $60 it’s a cheap, simple add on that works much like an add-on water filter in that the only thing you need to do to install it is simply unscrew any cap that’s protecting the faucet, and attach the EZ Faucet II instead.

在该部门中我们最喜欢的售后模型是iTouchless的EZ Faucet II 。 价格不到60美元,它是一种便宜,简单的附件,其功能类似于附加水过滤器,安装唯一需要做的就是拧开保护水龙头的任何盖子,并连接EZ Faucet II。 。


Next, there’s digital faucets. These are fairly new to the field, and use digital displays to show you the exact temperature the water is currently set at and adjust accordingly depending on your personal preference. You can get faucets like these as either full units, or you can buy add-ons that attach to almost any sink or faucet throughout your house. The upcoming Grohe-F Digital is the perfect example of a unit that can be sold separately, and will universally attach to almost any make or model of sink faucet, bathtub faucet, or shower head.

接下来,有数字水龙头。 这些是该领域的新手,并使用数字显示屏向您显示当前水的确切温度,并根据您的个人喜好进行相应调整。 您可以将这些水龙头作为完整的水龙头,也可以购买附加组件,该附件可以连接到房屋中几乎所有的水槽或水龙头。 即将面世的Grohe-F Digital是可以单独出售的装置的完美典范,它将普遍适用于几乎任何品牌或型号的水槽水龙头,浴缸水龙头或淋浴头。

Last, there’s combo faucets. These models are understandably the most expensive of the bunch, but what they lack in affordability they more than make up for in features and add-ons. By fusing the ease of use in hands-free models with the efficiency meters of digital, these faucets are able to save more water than both features independently might be able to, all while keeping a close eye on how much each faucet is putting out around the house. A good buy in this department is the Nomos kitchen faucet, by Fima.

最后,有组合式水龙头。 可以理解,这些模型是一堆中最昂贵的模型,但是它们缺乏价格承受能力,因此在功能和附加组件上无法弥补。 通过将免提型号的易用性与数字效率计相融合,这些水龙头比两个功能各自都能够节省更多的水,同时还能密切关注每个水龙头的摆放量。房子。 在这个部门中,Fima的Nomos厨房水龙头是一个不错的选择。

我为什么要一个? (Why Would I Want One?)

The next time you go to wash your hands a sink, in the bathroom or kitchen, think about how you use it. First, you turn on the warm water, then once that’s running you turn on the cold. You adjust both handles ever so slightly until you hit the perfect temperature that won’t scald your skin off or make you start to shiver, and only after all that’s done do you finally start the process of getting your hands clean.

下次去洗手池时,请在浴室或厨房中思考如何使用它。 首先,您打开温水,然后在运行时打开冷水。 您要稍微调节两个手柄,直到达到不会剥落皮肤或使您发抖的最佳温度为止,只有完成所有这些操作之后,您才最终开始清洁双手。

Although not a ton of water gets wasted doing this once (maybe a few glasses full), how many times do you do that a day? Then multiply that by the number of people in your house, and you begin to see how much that adds up over days, weeks, and months. Smart faucets route around this problem by preheating (or cooling) the water to your exact specifications before the faucet even turns on, drastically reducing the amount that gets wasted and increasing efficiency across the board.

尽管一次这样做(可能是几杯水)不会浪费掉一吨水,但是您一天要这样做几次? 然后将其乘以您房屋中的人数,您就会开始看到在几天,几周和几个月内加起来的费用。 智能水龙头通过在水龙头打开之前将水预热(或冷却)到您的确切规格来解决此问题,从而大大减少了浪费的水量并提高了整体效率。


This can be a hugely valuable tool in the long run, and owners of smart faucets say they pay for themselves in only one-to-two months of general usage. Not only that, but the less time you spend fiddling with the handles while your hands are still dirty, the less germs you spread throughout your home. According to a recent study of how germs are spread throughout the average home, it was found that kitchen sinks can often carry twice the amount of bacteria as a keyboard or even your toilet seat, as bugs thrive in moist environments that often come into contact with human skin. With hand-sensors and customized temperature control, you can be sure that the only thing you touch with your germ-ridden fingers the next time you go to wash up is the towel you use to dry off once you’re done.

从长远来看,这可能是一个非常有价值的工具,智能水龙头的拥有者表示,它们仅需花费一到两个月的一般使用时间即可收回成本。 不仅如此,在双手还很脏的时候花在摆弄手柄上的时间越少,细菌在家庭中的传播就越少。 根据一项有关细菌如何在整个普通家庭中传播的最新研究,发现厨房水槽通常携带的细菌数量是键盘甚至马桶座圈的两倍,因为臭虫会在潮湿的环境中繁殖,而潮湿的环境经常与细菌接触人类的皮肤。 借助手感应器和自定义的温度控制,您可以确保下次下次洗手时,用细菌缠住的手指触摸的唯一东西就是完成后用来擦干的毛巾。

Less germs means less people getting sick, which means less time spent wasted on the couch trying to recover from the latest flu that’s spread through your kid’s school.


If you can’t afford the deluxe all-in-one smart faucet, there are still plenty of options out there that will allow you to tack digital readers and temperature controllers onto your regular sink without dropping half a month’s pay for the privilege.


Smart faucets may not take off the same way that other smart home devices have, but they’re still a unique, money saving addition to anyone’s home that can help you reduce your impact on the environment while making sure your water bill doesn’t hit as hard at the end of each month.


Image Credits: Nomos, Grohe, Pixabay

图像学分: NomosGrohepng

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/233473/what-is-a-smart-faucet-and-do-i-need-one/






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