iphone优质app_如何使用iPhone的Health App测量比步骤更多的步骤



Many people use the iPhone’s Health app or their Apple Watch to measure their steps or the distance they’ve walked during the course of the day. You may not realize, however, that it can measure much more than that.

许多人使用iPhone的Health应用程序或Apple Watch来衡量自己的步伐或一天中行走的距离。 但是,您可能没有意识到,它的测量范围远不止于此。

With the Health app, a lot of people might have never discovered that by digging a little further, you can measure a tremendous amount of health data.


When you open up the Health app, it will display the dashboard, which will show steps taken, distance traveled (walking and running), as well as flights climbed. You can switch views on the dashboard between a day, week, month, or year.

当您打开“健康”应用程序时,它将显示仪表板,该仪表板将显示所采取的步骤,行进的距离(步行和跑步)以及爬升的航班。 您可以在一天,一周,一个月或一年之间在仪表板上切换视图。

This isn’t a whole lot of data to gauge your daily activity, though. What’s more, it doesn’t display anything beyond fitness-related items. There’s a whole lot more to it than this. If you tap on the “Health Data” tab, you will find a vast plethora of other data you can add to to the dashboard.

不过,这并不是用来衡量您的日常活动的大量数据。 而且,除了健身相关项目外,它什么也没有显示。 不仅限于此。 如果点击“健康数据”选项卡,您会发现大量其他数据可以添加到仪表板。

Tapping on the “All” category gives you everything you can track with the Health app. As you can see in the following screenshot, it’s quite a bit.

轻按“所有”类别将为您提供可以使用“健康”应用程序跟踪的所有内容。 正如您在以下屏幕截图中所看到的,它有很多。

Tapping on the Fitness category, we see there’s far more to your fitness activity than just steps, distance, and flights climbed, too.


Let’s use Nutrition as an example of how to set up tracking. This category has a lot of different data points we can track.

让我们以营养为例,说明如何设置跟踪。 这个类别有很多我们可以追踪的数据点。

For example, if we click on “Caffeine” (something a great many of us abuse), we can track our daily caffeine intake and add it to the dashboard.


Unlike steps, of course, your iPhone can’t automatically know how much caffeine we drink a day–but we can put it in manually.


And we don’t have to do it every day, either–if we forget to enter a day, we simply tap on “Date” and we can go back to whatever day we might have missed and log the amount of caffeine ingested.


Once added to the dashboard, we can now easily view our caffeine intake and tap on it any time we want to add a new data point. We can do this with any metric we want to track. Some examples of this could include fitness such as cycling and workouts, nutrition stuff like fiber, vitamins, and fat intake, as well as vitals such as blood pressure, heart rate, and more.

添加到仪表板后,我们现在可以轻松地查看咖啡因摄入量,并在需要添加新数据点时随时点击它。 我们可以使用任何我们想要跟踪的指标来做到这一点。 其中的一些例子可能包括健身(如骑自行车和锻炼),营养物质(如纤维,维生素和脂肪摄入)以及生命体质(如血压,心率等)。

The choices can seem a bit overwhelming so it might best to figure out what you want to measure ahead of time, and then dig in.


Some data can be entered automatically if you have a Healthkit-compatible device, like a fitness tracker, sleep monitor, or blood glucometer. Click on the “Sources” tab, to add other apps and devices that integrate with Healthkit. You can track all kinds of things, from body temperature to blood pressure to blood sugar, as long as you have a compatible app or device.

如果您拥有与Healthkit兼容的设备 ,则可以自动输入一些数据,例如健身追踪器,睡眠监视器或血糖仪。 单击“源”选项卡,以添加与Healthkit集成的其他应用和设备。 只要您拥有兼容的应用程序或设备,就可以跟踪从体温到血压再到血糖的各种事物。

There are also quite a few apps that work in conjunction with the Apple Health app. If you search for “health” in the app store, you can see them compiled in one area for your convenience. For example, you will find apps that track your runs, personal trainer apps, sleep trackers, weight loss programs, nutrition and diet apps, and much more.

还有很多与Apple Health应用程序一起使用的应用程序。 如果您在应用商店中搜索“健康”,为方便起见,您可以在一个区域中看到它们。 例如,您会找到跟踪跑步情况的应用程序,私人教练应用程序,睡眠跟踪器,减肥计划,营养和饮食应用程序等。

Finally, there is the Medical ID tab. If you have a condition, allergy, or something else that you might want emergency responders to know about, then you can add it here, and it will be placed on the lock screen. You can even add an emergency contact number so your phone doesn’t need to be unlocked to call them.

最后,还有“医疗ID”标签。 如果您有病情,过敏或其他您想让应急人员知道的事情,则可以在此处添加它,并将其放置在锁定屏幕上。 您甚至可以添加紧急联系电话,因此无需解锁手机即可拨打电话。

It can then be accessed by tapping “Emergency” on the lock screen, then tapping “Medical ID”.


As you can see, the Health app can be an invaluable assistant for tracking your life. Whether it’s nutrition, fitness, sleep, and other data points, using Health will let you track all this and much more, so you never have any doubts about whether you’re burning enough calories or eating enough broccoli.

如您所见,“健康”应用程序可以成为跟踪您生活的宝贵助手。 无论是营养,健身,睡眠和其他数据点,使用“健康”功能都可以让您跟踪所有这些信息以及更多信息,因此您永远不会怀疑自己燃烧的卡路里足够多还是吃了足够的西兰花。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/241371/how-to-measure-more-than-steps-using-the-iphones-health-app/


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