


U2F is widely regarded as the best way to secure your important accounts since it relies on access to a physical key before the account will be unlocked. But what happens if you lose that key?

U2F被广泛认为是保护重要帐户的最佳方法,因为它依赖于对物理密钥的访问才能解锁帐户。 但是,如果您丢失了密钥,会发生什么?

什么是通用二因子(U2F)? (What is Universal Two-Factor (U2F)?)

First off, we should take a closer look at what U2F is. While we have a much more in-depth explanation of what U2F is, we’ll cover the quick and dirty version here.

首先,我们应该仔细看看什么是U2F。 虽然我们对U2F是什么有更深入的解释 ,但在这里我们将介绍快速而肮脏的版本。

In a nutshell, U2F is the standard for physical two-factor authentication tokens. Instead of using something like Authy, Google Authenticator, or SMS to receive a 2FA code, U2F uses a physical key to protect your accounts.

简而言之,U2F是物理两因素身份验证令牌的标准。 U2F使用物理密钥来保护您的帐户,而不是使用Authy,Google Authenticator或SMS之类的代码来接收2FA代码。

These keys can be USB, Bluetooth, NFC, or any combination of the three. A good example of one key that uses all three is Google’s Titan Key—or it will at some point, anyway (currently the NFC aspect of the Titan Key is disabled).

这些键可以是USB,蓝牙,NFC或这三者的任意组合。 使用这三个键的一个很好的例子是Google的Titan键-或在任何时候都可以使用(当前Titan键的NFC方面已禁用)。

You can take a look at our guide on setting up and using the Titan Keys for more information on how these U2F keys work.


很酷,那么U2F密钥上存储了什么? (Cool, So What is Stored on a U2F Key?)

The best thing about U2F is that nothing is physically stored on the key. No personal or account data is saved locally, which is precisely why you can use the same key for multiple accounts.

关于U2F的最好的事情是密钥上没有任何物理存储。 没有在本地保存任何个人或帐户数据,这就是为什么您可以对多个帐户使用同一密钥的原因。

That means if you misplace a U2F key (or it gets stolen) it doesn’t matter where it ends up—no one will be able to pull private information from the key to connect it your account, because that information is nowhere to be found. There is nothing to tie that key to you.

这意味着,如果您放错U2F密钥(或它被盗了),它的最终位置并不重要-没有人能够从密钥中提取私人信息来将其连接到您的帐户,因为找不到该信息了。 没有什么可以把那把钥匙和你联系起来的

So, replacing a lost key might cost a bit of money, but losing the key has no security implications. It’s just one more reason why U2F is the best form of protection for your important accounts.

因此,更换丢失的钥匙可能会花费一些钱,但是丢失钥匙不会带来安全隐患。 U2F是重要帐户的最佳保护形式的又一个原因。

That’s also the reason why the Google Titan Key bundle comes with a pair of keys: one to keep with you and one to keep in your desk drawer. You add both keys to your account, so you have a backup key if something happens to the primary one. Smart.

这也是Google Titan Key捆绑包附带一对钥匙的原因:一个可以随身携带,另一个可以放在办公桌抽屉中。 您将两个密钥都添加到您的帐户中,因此如果主密钥发生问题,您将拥有一个备用密钥。 聪明。

丢失钥匙怎么办? (What Should I Do if I Lose a Key?)

If you happen to lose your U2F key, the first (and really, only) thing you’ll need to do is remove that form of authentication from your accounts. You’ll need to jump onto a device that is already logged in to all of your accounts and remove that particular key as a form of authentication.

如果您碰巧丢失了U2F密钥,则您需要做的第一件事(也是唯一的)是从您的帐户中删除该身份验证形式。 您需要跳至已登录所有帐户的设备,并删除该特定密钥作为身份验证形式。

So, for example, if you need to remove a key from your Google account, head into My Account > Signing Into Google > 2 Step Verification. From there, click the little pencil icon next to the device name and remove it. Easy peasy.

因此,例如,如果您需要从Google帐户中删除密钥,请进入“我的帐户”>“登录Google”>“两步验证”。 从那里,单击设备名称旁边的小铅笔图标,然后将其删除。 十分简单。

Just do that for all the accounts where you’ve added your lost U2F key—make sure to do it before you need access to the account from a new device, lest you get locked out of that account.


That’s another reason it’s always good to have multiple forms of 2FA enabled on all accounts that support it, whether that be with backup codes or making sure all your account info is up to date.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/366188/what-to-do-if-you-lose-a-u2f-key/


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