


One of the biggest question we see about Chromebooks is “can they run Photoshop?” The answer to that is no—at least not the full version you’ll find on other platforms. But that doesn’t mean they can’t do photo editing.

关于Chromebook的最大问题之一是“它们可以运行Photoshop吗?” 答案是否定的 -至少不是您在其他平台上会找到的完整版本。 但这并不意味着他们不能进行照片编辑。

And that’s really the key here: knowing when you need Photoshop versus when you just need something to edit photos. There are some powerful tools available for Chromebooks—perhaps not quite as powerful as Photoshop, but they can get pretty dang close for most uses.

这才是真正的关键:知道何时需要Photoshop和何时仅需要编辑照片。 有可用的一些功能强大的工具的Chromebook,也许不是强大如Photoshop,但他们可以得到大多数用途相当密切党。

最佳选择:Pixlr编辑器(Web,Free / Pro) (The Best Option: Pixlr Editor (Web, Free/Pro))

The nice thing about photo editing is that it doesn’t require an insane amount of horsepower on the computer side—it’s pretty easy to run in a web browser and let the server handle most of the heavy lifting. As a result, the best photo editor for your Chromebook is a web tool: Pixlr Editor.

关于照片编辑的好处在于,它不需要在计算机端花费大量的精力—在Web浏览器中运行它很容易,并且可以让服务器处理大部分繁重的工作。 因此,最适合您的Chromebook的照片编辑器是一种网络工具: Pixlr编辑器

This is about as close to a full Photoshop replacement as you’ll find on the majority of Chromebooks out there, with Pixlr covering most of what the bulk of people will do in Photoshop anyway. The free version of Pixlr can handle things like layers, simple color tweaks, and more, while the Pro version—which will set you back $5 a month—can open PSD (Photoshop) files, removes ads, and a lot more.

正如您在大多数Chromebook上所能找到的那样,这几乎与完整的Photoshop替代品差不多,无论如何,Pixlr涵盖了大多数人将在Photoshop中完成的大部分工作。 免费版的Pixlr可以处理图层,简单的颜色调整等操作,而专业版(每月将使您花费5美元)可以打开PSD(Photoshop)文件,删除广告等等。

If you just need to occasionally edit photos, the free version will probably get you through just fine. But if you find yourself spending more time in Pixlr than not, the Pro version is probably the way to go.

如果您只需要偶尔编辑照片,则免费版本可能会让您顺利通过。 但是,如果您发现自己在Pixlr上花费的时间多于不花费的时间,则Pro版本可能是正确的选择。

There’s only one caveat here: Pixlr requires Flash, which can be…buggy. You may never have any issues, but it’s still something to keep in mind. Pixlr is also available for Android, though it’s really only similar in name. The mobile app is quite different than what you get in the browser.

这里只有一个警告:Pixlr需要Flash,这可能是…笨拙的。 您可能永远不会有任何问题,但是仍然要记住这一点。 Pixlr也可用于Android ,尽管其名称实际上仅相似。 该移动应用程序与您在浏览器中获得的功能完全不同。

最佳修饰和过滤器:Polarr(网络,免费/专业版) (The Best for Retouching and Filters: Polarr (Web, Free/Pro))

If you’re more into retouching photos, cool filters, and the like, then Pixlr will probably leave you wanting. But that’s where Polarr comes in—it’s great at these kinds of tweaks. The interface is different than what you may have come to expect from a photo editor, which is one of the things that makes it really good—it’s very intuitive and easy to use.

如果您更喜欢润饰照片,漂亮的滤镜等,那么Pixlr可能会让您想要。 但这就是Polarr的用处 -在这些调整中很棒。 该界面与您希望从照片编辑器获得的界面有所不同,这是使其真正出色的原因之一-它非常直观且易于使用。

You can use Polarr for free, but there’s also a Pro version that adds a variety of tools to the editor—like better masking tools, more powerful retouching, text, and premium filters. While once upon a time, Polarr offered the Pro version for a one-time flat fee, it now costs $23.99 a year or $2.49 a month. Still, it’s an exceptionally well made app, so it’s worth it.

您可以免费使用Polarr,但是还有Pro版本,可以向编辑器添加各种工具,例如更好的遮罩工具,更强大的修饰,文本和高级滤镜。 曾经,Polarr一次性提供Pro版本的固定费用,但现在每年的费用为$ 23.99或每月$ 2.49。 尽管如此,它还是一个制作精良的应用程序,因此值得。

It’s also available for Windows, iOS, and Android, making it a very versatile solution, too.

它还适用于WindowsiOSAndroid ,也使它成为一种非常通用的解决方案。

最佳Linux应用:Gimp(免费) (The Best Linux App: Gimp (Free))

If you’re lucky enough to have a Chromebook with support for Linux apps (which is a short list right now but might change by the end of 2018), then you have a whole different world available to you. If you’re looking for the closest thing you’ll find to a full Photoshop replacement without paying a dime for it, Gimp is where it’s at.

如果您有幸拥有支持Linux应用程序的Chromebook(目前只是一小部分,但可能会在2018年底更改),那么您将拥有一个全新的世界。 如果您正在寻找最接近完整的Photoshop替代品的产品,而无需为此花一毛钱,那么Gimp就是您的理想之选。

Gimp is about as full featured as a photo editor can be, all in a nice, tidy, open source package. It’s exceptionally powerful, especially compared to pretty much anything you’ll find on Chrome OS. If your Chromebook has support for Linux apps and you’d like to give Gimp a whirl, fire up the terminal and type sudo apt-get install gimp . That’s all there is to it.

Gimp具有与照片编辑器一样完整的功能,全部都包含在一个漂亮,整洁的开源软件包中。 它功能强大,尤其是与您在Chrome操作系统上找到的几乎所有东西相比。 如果您的Chromebook支持Linux应用,并且您想让Gimp旋转一下,请启动终端并输入sudo apt-get install gimp 。 这里的所有都是它的。

最佳Android应用:Photoshop Express和Snapseed(免费) (The Best Android Apps: Photoshop Express and Snapseed (Free))

Just because they’re not the most powerful options on the market doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for simple editing tools on your Chromebook, and if you’re into hitting up the Play Store for your photo editing needs, Photoshop Express and Snapseed should fit the bill nicely.

仅仅因为它们不是市场上功能最强大的选项,并不意味着Chromebook上就没有简单的编辑工具了,如果您想满足Play商店的照片编辑需求,可以使用Photoshop Express Snapseed应该很合适。

Both apps are incredibly easy to use, touch friendly, and best of all, free. They’re both quite powerful, given the fact that they’re Android apps that are really designed around mobile use—there isn’t much you can’t do with them, especially on the lighter side of edits. And since they’re mobile apps, they’re both very lightweight and run fast.

这两个应用程序都非常易于使用,触摸友好,而且最重要的是,它是免费的。 考虑到它们都是真正针对移动应用设计的Android应用程序,它们都非常强大-您无法使用它们做很多事情,尤其是在编辑较轻的一侧。 而且由于它们是移动应用程序,因此它们既轻巧又运行Swift。

You can get Photoshop Express here, and Snapseed here.

您可以在此处获取Photoshop Express,并在此处获取Snapseed。







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